Play alpha

>Play alpha
>most people have mics on and are communicating
>people are talking shit between rounds and having fun banter
>playing with a friend we're able to relax with some people and fuck around on the mic
>tell some middle schoolers to do their homework and chores
I felt weirdly at home.
It's not going to last is it?

Attached: Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-1168896.jpg (590x350, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't want to pay some unironical pro-obama/clinton propaganda defending the white helmets in sirya when they are well known and documented ISIS fighters acting for the news to make everyone think Assad and the Russians are the big baddies.
Why can't videogames be about video games anymore..

Attached: IMG-20190826-WA0045.jpg (1055x756, 47K)

Battlefield is the same, campaign is pure political propaganda. Probably (((US))) funded.

It's fucking Call of Duty. Stop being a dramatic faggot you frogposting autismo.

shut the fuck up jesus christ

this is bait isn't it. the joke is supposed to be that modern warfare campaign has always been political as fuck but you forgot that jokes are supposed to be funny and pretending to be retarded isn't funny

have you even played a call of duty game before?

the Mk2 is a nice gun

Struck a nerve, uh. Or is it real and tangible paid shilling?

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>Playing with a friend that likes trash talking
>Other team starts doing it too
>Game ends and other guy says GG and how much he missed talking shit in COD

>It's not going to last is it?
Nope. For one, they for sure are going to botch the cross-platform play. Initially they were going to make it purely input based, but apparently now console players have to opt into being matched with PC players, even if they're using controllers. So that pretty much kills any incentive to get the game on PC, since CoD since 4 has been dead on arrival on PC. Second, they're going to rape the shit out of the game with MTX up the ass; since there's no season pass and maps are going to be free, you can pretty much guarantee there'll be P2W guns and probably perks too.

>someone makes a thread about their multiplayer experience
>random retarded post about ISIS and Clinton
>"did I strike a nerve or are you a shill?"
I can literally smell your autism.

not giving a shit about whatever paranoid pro-assad fantasies you have is not shilling. fuck off, post 2016 fagbook boomer.

2 v 2 was getting stale by the time the alpha ended but I do kind of miss it. When I went back to playing Remastered online I was doing way better after the weekend because my aiming skills had dramatically shot up. I went from going negative most matches with the occasional 20/10 to consistently getting 25+ kills in a match, just because my shooting was so on point. I don't play shooters much, just started playing cod a month or two ago.

>they're going to rape the shit out of the game with MTX up the ass
They'll probably go with the same thing Battle Royale games do and just make skins and shit that cost money with a storefront that changes every 24 hours. It'd be retarded to make a CoD game pay-to-win.

For console plebs to play with PC players they need to be using kb&m AND opt in before the game. If they play with a controller they can't play against PC players.

Honestly unless they nerf the damage of all the standard launch day guns to literally airsoft levels of damage (not likely because the backlash would be severe), I don't see how they can make a gun that dramatically does more damage than the usual guns, the TTK is just too fast.
Don't forget different melee animations, and different watches, and apparently you can choose tattoos or something?

>tfw friend and I got our asses kicked by a girl
>reconnect with her in a new match twice
>6-0 both times with our combined autism talking as much shit as we could
Is this why I'm single with only one friend?

I used to play Battlefield 3 or 4 on PC with a controller and I did just fine

The animation team have really outdone themselves. This is the best animated Call of Duty ever, all the guns recoil and reload are so satisfying to watch, and the ragdolls aren't so pre-canned like in previous games. The Desert Eagle in particular is really fun to watch in the slomo killcams.

Attached: COD_MWAlpha_DesertEagle.jpg (1920x1080, 407K)

>finally back to classic CoD multiplayer with no weird bullshit
>cool 2v2 mode
>battelfield type mode as well, with more players than battlefield

FUCK i havent bought a call of duty since MW2, this might be it for me bros

Even if it turns out to be decent, the microtransactions will be jewish to the max and I don't want to pay money for it

My dude, are you from the Philippines? If not, you must be a freak from nature

It has SOUL

your bait sucks lmao you even replied to yourself right after you posted it because nobody was biting

Cod always had really fast ttk

2v2 is perfect for fucking around on comms.
>team up with friend
>connect to lobby
>start with light banter
>ask a random question like 'do you like pineapple on pizza?'
>friend says no
>I tell him to go fuck himself and get defensive asking the other team just before game starts
>play game normally while enemy can't hear us during rounds
>go back to arguing and escalate while the enemy can hear us between rounds until game ends
>As the match progresses go from "what the fuck man, pineapple on pizza is awesome" to "THIS IS WHY YOUR FATHER NEVER LET YOU VISIT HIM AFTER LEAVING YOUR FUCKING MOTHER."
>enemy team laughing their asses off
>friend and I barely able to contain ourselves

Attached: 1559390688438.png (547x412, 10K)

Whats the best platform to get this on? PC or Console? Community base wise since I'm just a casual faggot anyways.

lmao I just googled that shit and (((they))) really are forcing the new CoD to be their propaganda

>Cod always had really fast ttk
Black Ops 4 Blackout doesn't.
PS4 will last longest

Since there's crossplay you probably don't have to worry much about the game dying, but I think console players can only crossplay when they have KB+M connected so keep that in mind. I'd say probably stick to console if you're just looking for community, but the beta will probably give a better impression honestly.

It's COD, it will die anyway on PC

>but I think console players can only crossplay when they have KB+M connected
can only crossplay to PC, to be specific.

I wish I thought you were being sarcastic.
Sometimes a game is just a game, and not trying to push some political agenda.

Impressive work.

it's obviously bait retard

and you just fell for my bait

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>merely pretending
you fell for MY bait now bitch

1887 wasn't a DLC gun, and it most of the guns in MW2 were retardedly overpowered in some way or another anyways

You’re lucky OP, everybody I ran into with a mic was either a 12-14 year old kid, a slighty older guy who would blame everything he possibly could for his death, or a black guy who talked as if he were playing NBA 2K (this was the majority).

As for the gameplay, the guns feel great, but the headglitching made the alpha unplayable towards the end when everybody figured out the spots. It’s always been bad in Call of Duty, but in this you can be shot by somebody’s scalp. There was a staircase on one of the maps where you could clearly see the entire enemy’s body, but they could only see your nametag. They should really just have bullets coming out of the barrel instead of the head and have an icon if something is blocking it, like RS2

>As for the gameplay, the guns feel great, but the headglitching made the alpha unplayable towards the end when everybody figured out the spots. It’s always been bad in Call of Duty, but in this you can be shot by somebody’s scalp. There was a staircase on one of the maps where you could clearly see the entire enemy’s body, but they could only see your nametag.
IW has already confirmed they are aware of the headglitching and are working on fixing it. I doubt they'll make the bullets come from the barrel at this stage of development, but they will definitely tweak the point of impact.

The Deagle is one of the most satisfying guns I've ever used in a videogame. I'm looking forward to spending more time in Gunsmith than actually playing the game


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>Start every match saying "Okay boys, let's keep this clean, we're all friends here, I want you guys to not get mad and hug things out, kiss one another, give handshakes and handjobs to the winner"
>Give the enemy team a good job kiss on the mic whenever I lose or they make a good play
>Get called a faggot several times and make most people uncomfortable
Does nobody understand the cardinal unspoken rule of no-homo in sportsmanship?

Attached: patrick.jpg (480x360, 21K)

Gunsmith is pretty cool. The attention to detail with guns in general is really nice, from the compensators and muzzle brakes actually having correct muzzle flash and gas ejection to the selector switches and magazine releases being actually animated.

Open mics are the worst thing on the planet. Listening to some dumb fuck's breathing, their dogs barking, and their inane comments is beyond hell.

just mute them then

Attached: 49YRMj0.png (206x206, 90K)

Dunno what else you were expecting when playing a game with random people.

man fuck you in the original modern warfare beta i got an entire lobby to sing sweat dreams are made of these with me

And then there's faggots like this.

I can hear your fat labored breaths from here.

Pretty sure you're the fatty considering you apparently can't handle even 10 seconds of talking to people over a microphone between rounds or the press of the 'mute all' button.

>It'd be retarded to make a CoD game pay-to-win
It's not out of the realm of possibility, especially with no season pass or DLC maps this time around.
>If they play with a controller they can't play against PC players.
They can if the PC player is using a controller, but again they need to opt in first. Presumably because of the other advantages of being on PC (wider FOV, no locked frame rate). It honestly sounds like a clusterfuck, and I'm half considering getting the game on PS4 just to be able to play with my consolecuck friends without any hassles.
Idk, I didn't play Black Ops 4 but didn't they have some retardedly good DLC guns? Also it's not just about TTK, it can be zero recoil guns or an LMG with SMG mobility, shit like that. And perks, let's not forget paid perks.

>bantz with the other team in between rounds
>actual tactics with me and my random
>the kill voicechat is back, so it's funny to hear "whaaaat the fuuuck?" from enemy comms when you kill someone
>met all around just chill dudes on both sides
Reminded me of the 2007-2011 COD days.

>defending the white helmets in sirya when they are well known and documented ISIS fighters
t. Russian bot

I don't have a headset with a mic, but I managed to get some good teamplay by just wiggling my player character left/right or up/down to communicate with randoms. It was fun.

who gives a fuck if the 1887 was dlc or not autismo, the pre-nerf 1887 was clearly head and shoulders above anything else in mw2
>I don't see how they can make a gun that dramatically does more damage than the usual guns
the point is they can very easily make p2w guns

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>I don't have a headset with a mic
Playing the alpha actually taught me If you're playing on PS4 earbuds or a USB mic can do you fine.
Pretty sure Xbox needs proprietary headsets though which is annoying as fuck

when you and your random teammate both look at each other at the start of a match and spam crouch you know you can deal

sounds embarrassing desu

I cant wait for you to kill yourself please livestream it you deranged schizo

If you don't have an actual physical disability why in the fuck would you play with a controller on PC? Oh, wait, I know, because of a mental disability

>every fighter in Syria is government or ISIS
Blows my mind that this mind numbingly stupid propaganda works on the average incel here

Everyone was just having a good time, and I doubt the enemy team thought we were actually fighting. It's like being on an Anonymous site, you're only sharing the space for like 5-10 minutes and after the match you'll probably forget one-another. I may not be able to do shit like that in real life I can't even speak someone in the eye IRL but on game comms it's a free-for-all.

>If you don't have an actual physical disability why in the fuck would you play with a controller on PC?
So they can play with buddies who only have a console?

yeah, pretty sure the female "freedom fighter" character in the SP is based off of female YPG fighters.

>If you don't have an actual physical disability why in the fuck would you play with a controller on PC?
Because they just prefer it? There's some people that just dislike KB+M or find it a little uncomfortable.

Fuck off.

Here we were having a good time and then someone comes in and just has to be rude.

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Don't they have non retarded friends?

I always forget about retards. Thank you for reminding me

Im actually impressed how well some people play using controller. especially the madman who turns off aim assist and still banging out people with 360 noscopes

Do you really get this upset by people that prefer a different input?

It has to be the "retarded strength" skill version or smth

Found the controller fag

There's crossplay with all platforms, so no much difference.
Play on KB+M, on PC or consoles, and you'll play against KB+M from all platforms, since it actually supports KB+M on consoles.
Play on pad, on PC or consoles, and you'll play against pads from all platforms

Found the case of "everyone's wrong but me".
Here's my attempt at playing MWR on PC with pad, despite not being used to playing shooters with pad.

Attached: 20180320223056_1.jpg (1920x1080, 567K)

>you'll play against pads from all platforms
proof? I knew about console to PC but has crossplay between consoles been confirmed?

>After Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's reveal last week, Activision confirmed the shooter will feature cross-play between PS4, Xbox One, and PC players.
If it wasn't available on one of the platforms, it would be golden faced for a month or two now.

Why didn't you take a screenshot from the game yourself instead of getting it from IMFDB?

Seethe harder russia nigger, it's funny that you people suck muslim cock more than the internationalist open borders lefty faggots. Go shill for your shitty third world dictator somewhere else. Fuck Assad and fuck Iran, God bless Israel too faggot. I hope they assassinate Assad just so I can see you fags throw the biggest temper tantrum of all time .

Attached: basedassad.jpg (716x644, 130K)

That is my screenshot.

Attached: Call of Duty®_ Modern Warfare® - 2v2 Alpha_20190822213646.jpg (1920x1080, 341K)

Incredibly fucking based.

Attached: IAF destroys syrian AD battery.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

Did they say anything whether it'll have pay 2 win weapons locked behind loot boxes?
Black Ops 4 is such a clusterfuck.

To play with friends on console. Literally the only reason. I'd rather play on kbm but I'm not autistic enough to write off using a controller if it means I can play with my friends from the convenience of my PC.

They know they'll get some real bad PR if they unveil anykind of lootbox faggotry right now, when they're still riding on a ton of goodwill. They're going to wait until a few weeks or a month after launch to roll out the jewery.

From what I've heard, console players have to "opt in" if they want to play with PC players, whether on controller or kbm. I think that will greatly diminish the amount of players who enable crossplay since it will be off by default & as a result will leave the PC community high and dry... once again.

mustards are nothing but cheaters anyways, thats a good thing

A competent anticheat would do wonders. Also CoD pretty much needs all the playerbase it can get since it's been dying a slow death since 2012.

>From what I've heard, console players have to "opt in" if they want to play with PC players, whether on controller or kbm.
I think it was more about controller and KBM split, not entire platform.
Ironically MW2 is less playable on consoles than on PC due to cheaters.

anticheat will never outpace autism

PC can only play with consoles if they use a controller or if console players are using kbm

Yes that's true. But console players have to enable crossplay first to even play with PC, regardless of the input method. And since it's going to be off by default, I think the huge, ever lasting playerbase we were all expecting won't be as big as we thought.

Fun fact, the guy in charge of new Modern Warfare engine was one of people responsible for Decima Engine

The only way i'm going to play it if they reintroduce that you can hear other people talking in the lobby so i can hear the raging screams from people i owned with shotguns.
I only play shotguns so people rage

They say nothing about opting in or out.

Attached: tww.jpg (1241x1333, 147K)

It is a nice looking game, and on base PS4 the framerate isn't too bad.

You're in luck, tripfag. Sadly 99% of people talk in party chat though so it diminishes the effect.

That tweet is almost a month old, I'm pretty sure since then they said it's an option console players would have to enable first.

Yeah thats the problem i have. I'm way too old to have anybody left to play this kiddie trash with me. And everybody just goes into party.
I remember the Black Ops2 and MW2-3 days where even if you were in a party you could still shittalk with other people.
This "feature" was cancelled with Advanced Warfare if i remember correctly?

The only things I see is that controller players can opt in to play against KBM players, not just entire platform
>We’re going to be matchmaking by peripheral, so if you’re a keyboard player you’re going to play with other keyboard players. But, if you’re a console player and you’re playing on a gamepad you can actually opt in. We also don’t let you change your controller or peripheral mid match, so once you’ve chosen it, it’s locked in.

I thought the crossplay just werks if you have a controller plugged in on PC but if you have a keyboard and mouse you get put into a separate pool of players that controller and console users have to opt into? I can't find any new articles that contradict what they said already.

i really hope they resist the temptation to meme up the art direction of the game with the glowy pink faggotry from black ops to appeal to the fortnite crowd.

Attached: MW-2v2-ALPHA-01.jpg (1920x1080, 464K)

>CoD is now kino fun shooter
Fucking bizzaro year it is

>it's so cool to be able to learn about how Russians are killing civilians in Syria! We should invade! Fuck drumpf! Orange Man Bad!

Why shouldn't I kill Russians and their camelfucking muslim pets?
What are they good for?

Attached: [CUTE].png (280x284, 132K)

Well BF has become trash and there's nothing left if you want a AAA shooter. Plus they've done a good job on this one

the falling player numbers must've woken up the activision suits to the fact that even the dumbasses who buy calladoody every year were getting tired of all the gay bullshit from the b and d-team of treyarch and sledgehammer.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-26 Announcement Call of Duty® Modern Warfare® PlayStation® 4 2v2 Alpha Rolls o (2850x1195, 571K)

Sauda Arabia is USA's number one partner. And USA is owned by Russia

The USA is owned by everyone.
If its not the jews, its the chinese, or the russians, or the japanese.
Also, you haven't answered my question. Why is killing Russians and sandniggers in my ZOGbot shooting game bad?

Attached: that 30 year old lesbian rapist.png (300x300, 122K)

Nope, micro transactions will be implemented, progression will feel pointless, no forced game chat so everyone will be in party chat, and then you'll regret buying it just like every other year you fall for this shit. The never ending cycle of this shit series.


They gotta fill those supply drops with something user

No, Russians literally own your "president"
Videogames are fantasy so it doesn't matter. Enjoy the 28th installment of CoD of Duty.

If they're gonna fill up supply drops with something, it should at least be tasteful like the MWR uniform camos.

>/pol/ppet shitposter post gets deleted.
If only this could be the standard and not the exception.

At least the jannies got to him somewhat early instead of leaving it up until 300 posts later.

I'm not sure, i did not buy WW2 cause it looked terrible, and bought BO4 at gamestop just to check how bad it is and oh boy it's bad.

>progression will feel pointless
There'll be tons of attachments to tacticool each gun in Gunsmith, so it should keep the grinding autists happy.

How come americans like military propaganda that much?

>forced to say the pledge of allegiance every single day for 12 years
>Forced to sing how free they are at every footsyball, hoopball and circlerace, and get angry if someone doesnt do the state sanctioned salute.
It's in their lead filled blood.

i'm not american but i still enjoy american military propoganda. its cool.

Attached: US_Navy_051010-N-5088T-001_A_specially_painted_F-14D_Tomcat,_assigned_to_the_Blacklions_of_Fighter_S (1920x1339, 342K)

You're serious about the Russian thing? lmao. The same Russian probe that's been going on for four years and still has nothing? Christ, if I told you fucking your mother would make you invincible you'd probably believe it and try it out.

NSA, FBI, CIA, DHS, and every allied intelligence agency all believe it.

Are you confusing Russian interference with the US election to Trump conspiring with the Russians?


The all believe it yet can't find any evidence nor are willing to stop it. If that's not the direct strike against other nation sovereignty and safety: a puppet president, then I don't know what is. But it's not. You don't see any Russian puppet president. CAUSE IT'S NOT THERE.

Attached: comrade-dyatlov-water-not-great-not-terrible-when-you-play-58573555.png (500x824, 193K)

>can't find any evidence
I literally linked you a report.

You're an idiot. Waste of time conversing with someone like you really. I guess you should be running the Russia probe, I guess you know more than the FBI.


The report is on Russian interference with the elections, not Trump being a Russian shill. Fucking hell, do YOU even read what you post? How did you miss Mueller report providing absolutely no tangible results?

It's CoDshit, and like all CoD shit it will be dumped within a year and people will move on to the next 60$ reskin Activision shits out.

Mueller: No Russia exoneration for Trump

Again, that wasn't point of the Mueller report. Everyone knows Russia interfered, although the extend is unclear and most likely isn't that big. Stop moving the goalposts: there's a big difference between ruskies making Facebook pages and targeting ads with immeasurable reach and actual impact and Trump being on Russian "payroll", which is your original argument. Cause he isn't.

How does a Russian teenager getting paid to make Hillary Clinton memes equate to Trump being a "Russian puppet"?

I love how you quote payroll when you are the only person who said it.
I already provided substantial evidence of my claims. The wiki link has dozens of links of Russian money.
I wish we could find and kill you, so all i can say is kill yourself. Trumpscum are science denying brainwashed pieces of trash that bow down to North Korea, Russian, Saudi, and Israeli pieces of shit.
Still no wall, but you managed to kill and rape some mexican kids.

You literally can't be excited for new COD if you are over 28 years old or over 95 IQ.
Prove me wrong shills.

>gets made out to look stupid


>presses enter needlessly because he is too used to reddit
I really do wish I could "Kill you and your families" as Trump said.

Rent free. The king of Israel is your president

>bow down to North Korea
Member when Trump was supposed to start nuclear war with NK?
Because I member.
>the fake news
>the propaganda
>the fearmongers
>even the fucking South Park episode
But now when relations are warmer, Trump is their puppet.

Like I said, brainwashed. You immediately went to your preprogrammed line.
NK is launching more missiles constantly while Trump pretends nothing has happened, cucked by kim.

>Modern Warfare 1, 2, 3, Remaster, Reboot
>Advanced Warfare
>Infinite Warfare
>Black Ops 2, 3, 4
Why are there so many COD game with modern or futuristic setting? What's the appeal? It's boring generic shit.

The list of games with a historical setting is much shorter:
>COD3 (a console exclusive, therefore completely forgotten)
>Black Ops (the one and only historical COD not set during WW2)
>COD WWII (it's shit)

Give me another good COD set in XX century, dammit! And with a good campaign, too.

>Give me another good COD set in XX century
I think that COD1+UO, COD2 and WaW have pretty much everything you want from WW2. There is literally nothing left to cover in that setting.
COD:WW2 just danced on the grave of WW2.

Even Battlefield V is basically scraping the bottom of the barrel. The only thing BFV can do different is they can create actual large battles instead of a scripted sequence and they managed to fuck it up.

>Black Nazi's
>Scared to show a swastika


I never said that it should be WW2 again. Make something different. A whole COD game dedicated to the Vietnam war would be nice.
Didn't they cancel a game like this some time ago?

Playing COD2 campaign right now, btw.
I used to hate it for the gameplay changes that were obviously made for the X360, but now I appreciate it more. It's still not COD1, but it's pretty good.