Is he right?

Is he right?

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How come this guy doesn't get shit on here as much as the quarterpoundering

The (((Elite)))

No, people who push the "Everything is politics in videogames" are all try hard pseudo intellectual hacks and journalists trying to make their jobs seem more important than they actually are.

He did but he quickly grew out of relevancy. You must have missed the whole "I'm neither straight nor gay and I'm happy to let me obese wife fuck other men cos I cant get any"

Everything is/has to be political only to people obsessed with politics.

Imagine playing a game like Dark Souls, a series that's known for being one of the most depressing and miserable fictional worlds to ever exist, a series that takes inspiration from the Buddhist philosophy about the cycles of life and death, and coming away thinking "DURPRPPTPTHPTH CAPITALISM BAD!"

Holy mother of actual fuck, I don't know why this makes me so angry. I just can't stand these leftie fucks who insist that everything needs to conform to their politics. These people really do want to live in an echo chamber.

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>These people really do want to live in an echo chamber.
I really hope the irony of you saying this on Yea Forums is not lost on you.


What the fuck kind of vacuous post is this?

The whole game is about how the world was fucked over by privileged god kings and you as a lowly undead piece of shit over throw them and have the option of creating a new status quo afterword, I can see it.

i think my problem is that its not necessarily a political bend but the whole "bad people in power overthrown by an underdog" is literally the oldest concept ever and trying to shove it into the context of modern day politics is really fucking annoying

That is such a tiny and insignificant fraction of Dark Souls' story though. This is literally like saying that Hotline Miami is about prostitution because there's a prostitute character.

Not everything is politics, but most things have some sort of underlying motives, and sometimes it's political.

I fail to see the point or the need to post this video...

This dude is literally just a fat clickbait narcissist now.
Its kind of fucking pathetic.

literally watch the vid because you just got bamboozled you reactionary retard

Is this one of those meme videos with air horns or is it serious?

visua what
speak english motherfucker

There's nothing to lose because there is no irony in that statement, retards who think THIS is an echo chamber haven't seen the shit other sites get up to.

The only thing that determines whether you will or won't post is how much of a weak willed faggot you are.

Not him summarize it for me, I can't stand that fat faggot.

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My question is, who the fuck cares? Yes, you can tangentially relate everything to politics if you try had enough, much like how you can tangentially relate everything to the goddamn Roswell crash if you tried hard enough. That doesn't mean that it's relevant or worth discussing, nor does it mean that the people who are pushing this narrative are doing it in good faith. Let me ask you, do you think the people who insist that "everything is political" would allow a game that promotes fascism? What about racism? What about a game that criticizes feminism? Islam? These people want to take your games and turn them into mouthpieces.

>Jim is talking about the cycles of light and dark at 13:09, and about how the positive and negative effects of these cycles can be subjective to those who rule Lordran.
>And then FOR SOME FUCKING REASON, in one of the biggest non-sequiturs I've ever heard of in my fucking life, he uses this to take a jab at the Constitution...for some reason.

Get fucked, this video is retarded beyond belief.

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>watching video where guy talks about dawn of war 3
>start talking about dark souls
dark souls makes people retarded

The desolate world of Dark Souls was created by rampant capitalism.

The Chosen undead is one who awakes from the illusion that capitalism/fascism is, and rises up as a revolution to change the world. Through defeating Gwyn Lord(Donald Trump), we can overcome the hatred of capitalism and come together as a fully socialist world, just like in Harry Potter.


>he uses this to take a jab at the Constitution...for some reason.
i hate this fat idiot as much as the next guy, even going back to the old dtoid days, but man you fucks are dense as shit

not him, but we're behind so many layers of irony that it doesn't matter what you say, even if you make a fool out of yourself it can be twisted into something else that suddenly makes you appear intelligent

He's right about the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson stated that the Constitution should be rewritten (or at least, evaluated) every 20 or so years to better fit with what the people believe their country should stand for.

You're telling me Jefferson, a founding father, is wrong about the Constitution because some big fat faggot cuck has retarded opinions? Get fucking real you idiot.

Jim isn't necessarily wrong in what he is saying. But the people who say "EVERYTHING IS POLITICAL" are usually simpletons who just want to stroke their ego and feel big brained.

i am interested in what you have to say, please explain dark souls using harry potter, preferably in an extremely long-winded youtube video essay

This is not politics, it's philosophy. Jim went full retard in this video

Uhhh, user, he's not joking. These people are completely serious when they say stuff like that.
The problem isn't that he thinks the constitution needs to be changed. The problem is that he's literally missing the point of Dark Souls' story and projecting modern politics onto it. It's fucking embarrassing.

there's a board dedicated solely for politics, why don't you fucks go there if you want to discuss it?

But user, isn't EVERYTHING political? :^)))))

video games are inherently political

I thought this take on it was fairly obvious. DS3 makes it even more obvious retroactively that everyone on team Link the Fire was full of shit when it goes into more detail about the shit Gwyn pulled on humanity's ancestors to make them subservient and weak.

Politics is like mystical astheticism at this point.

I'm convinced these people take a shit in the toilet, consider the look of their stool as they contemplate the wider political landscape, and base their opinions on politics based on that morning shit.

>literally shielding some e-celeb with an objectively wrong thesis and argumentation from any form of criticism because "he 2 smart 4 u"

I'm not shielding, I'm pointing out how critiquing him is pointless because he and his followers can spin it as ironic at any point
In fact I think he was being ironic and this is a big joke, but you can't fucking tell if he's retarded or serious hence critique is pointless

>Frampt is evil and Kaathe is actually the good guy!
>purposely ignores all the evil shit that Kaathe has done and the fact that hes just as manipulative as Frampt because it would kill his argument

>How come this guy doesn't get shit on here as much as the quarterpoundering
quarterpounder has his discord shill his stuff here which is really annoying

Ideas havo no inherent objective value. All you need is to meme up your views and if it becomes cool, masses will blindly follow it.

I'll bet that one of the "motivations" Jim made this is because he thinks this will make a good part 2 to his "Apolitical" video he made a few months ago, but with Dark Souls...even though Dark Souls anything is been done to death. It seems pointless and pretentious.

you can always critique the stuff he's saying in his videos, because it literally is the stuff he's saying, no matter if he tries to be ironic

How is Yea Forums an echo chamber? people are always at each other throat.

I want someone to make a dog RPG where you play a house pet on an epic quest.

Jim is British. He doesn't give a rat's ass about the Constitution. If anything, he's against it.


You are responding to a parrot.
They repeat words that seem important but do not know their meaning.

He doesn't call either a good/bad guy, he just goes on the assumption that Kaathe is "correct" which he even says in the video

>hey dude getting back your sovereignty from the elites in brussels that make laws in your place is just what elites want you to do!
Fat fuck needs to die already. Propaganda machine

>Is he right?
No, he is left.

He still fully intentionally ignores all of the evil shit associated with Kaathe because it would weaken his argument

You've never been to resetera and reddit, right ?

People disagree all the time on Yea Forums you fucking pleb

>linking to Kotaku

Fuck off back to somethingawful faggot.

Shutup trannie sjw fag.

Of course.
Politics involves a lot of things. People who say they're against all "politics in games" are retards who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. They're just trying to use their claimed apoliticism as a smokescreen.

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you would have been banned long ago on a proper echo chamber
go fuck yourself

Fuck off with your e-celeb shit

Jim gets shit on all the time but hilariously enough he shares a lot of opinions that Yea Forumsirgins do regarding AAA publishers.

Jeremy is a legitimate sperg

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Lmao wanna know how many times I got banned on leddit?

who cares about this cock sucking e-celeb and why make a thread about it? OP is forever a faggot

everything is political when you drank the kool aid and literally can't stop talking/thinking about politics

someone posted this video last night too, is Jim paying you?

jannies clean it up and start looking for eu mods, this board is always a shithole at these hours

i'm retarded
is this for real or is it bait

Imagine giving a shit about the story in Dark Souls

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