>$80 to wait in queue for 6 hours
>have to wait in queue in the game
$80 to wait in queue for 6 hours
Why are boomers waiting in line? Cant they all talk to the npc at once or will it freak out the code and cancel dialogue?
There are literally lines to kill certain mobs, let alone the fact that starting areas are fucked.
It's a mad dash to kill anything that moves.
only retards would stay in the starting area
just get another person and go grind outside of it while the retards flail about for 3 hours to hit level 4
Man, the world without sharding would be a mess in the main game.
What is actually stopping you from ignoring the line?
This is what you were waiting all year for faggots, enjoy
you will forever have the reputation of a dirty line cutter and nobody will want to play with you
>80 dollars
???? did sub prices spike, they used to be 15
>don't invite this guy he stole my mob at level 3 in elwynn this one time
80 bucks? The game is free other than the sub
>STILL playing MMOs
you could cut lines, steal mobs, and ninja gear all the way to 60, but if you're a tank or healer you're still getting in all the groups.
>being a single playerlet
>only retards would stay in the starting area
you have no choice until you can level out of it, a 4 level difference at low levels will get you killed in WoW
WoWbabs are too busy sucking Blizzards cock in queue to defend themselves.
that's why you get one or more friends to do it with you, retard.
it's what all the pserver faggots do when a new server launches.
yep, back to kronos
This. Just say lfg in general chat... There's plenty of people your level at this point. I've been amazed how reluctant people are to party up
They have to kill him but he has a respawn timer.
Privates figured out that you need to dramatically increase spawn rates in starting zones at launch but blizz decided to be stupid and 'layer' which doesn't do anything if every realm is packed.
>He's not patient enough to wait a few weeks after release for the player density to spread out a bit between levels. The bulk of the twitch kids will also be gone by than.
the goofy part is they did have dynamic respawns for TBC launch, I know because Hellfire had mobs respawning after about 5 seconds.
I actually play a variety of multiplayer games. Just not MMO shit with no gameplay.
>que only moves when people get disconnected
man, if you're reading this, I don't know what's with this co-ordinated anti-classic shill campaign, but trust me -- it's worth it. It's better than I remember, and it runs like an absolute dream. At least on the oceanic servers, every time someone says some twitch zoomer shit general chat will say "no." or "stfu zoomer" etc.
It's great. We've come home. Get in here, brothers.
did I make a mistake picking a low pop server?
I'm a law student so I don't really have time to raid or anything anyways, but I want to be sure I can at least get groups and pvp.
even a "low" pop server is still going to have ~1000 dedicated players, you'll be fine unless you plan on raiding naxx.
medium pop on classic is bigger than a full vanilla realm
Play on a low pop server, they will allow server transfers once realms start dying anyways
>wait in line
Fucking idiots, only chaos will respect your time, snipe the mob or grind it out.
>tfw when I got launch time no issues
>literally been grinding the fuck out
Yeah, I'm thinking WoW is back.
>sub 100 in queue
retarded boomers and you're a bunch of retards if you wait in those USSR lines.
>classicunts think they are tough shit internet warriors for wanting to play classic
>they wait in fucking lines for quests
> its free except you have to pay $15 a month
What did the blizzbrone mean by this ?
>tfw no lines in my shard
sucks to be you m8
Horde Warrios - what weapon should I take for the Thorgrim Firegaze quest?
Dagger for dungeon tanking?
dagger isnt good for tanking until youre raiding.
Until what level can a priest heal dugneons as shadow?
Oh, what is it that makes dagger good in raids?
>do a throwback nostalgia game
>keep all the shit mechanics
holy shit mmo's suck
Do people not know you can group up for this one? Sure it's only 5 at a time but he has like a 20 second respawn timer
Enjoying your theme park mmo yet?
fast attack speed dagger lets you do most heroic strikes, as heroic strike is a "on next swing" ability. 1.30 attack speed dagger is the best ragedump single target threat weapon. in dungeon environment you just want a weapon with high dps but nothing too slow. quel serrar being a good example of prime tanking weap for dungeon/raid trash speed/damage wise
>standing in line for hours for the chance to have 5 minutes of mild entertainment
This criticism has never been more valid. Someone make some shit posts please
I love this so much bros
I really missed having a good MMO
I’ve heard of the theme park analogy before but this is ridiculous
However it’s still one of those magic little mmo moments that made vanilla WoW special. My favorite memories of vanilla were always of doing stupid unnecessary shit with strangers, not just beating a quest or something
>waiting to play game
>waiting IN game
It's 2019, why is this a thing? Genuine question. I've never seen this in a game before.
>still sucking activision blizzards dick in 2019
you don't deserve better
It's a 2005 game, that's why.
You brought this upon yourselves. You should've just let go.
I played tons of games pre-2005 and have never experienced this. Is it just a numbers game? Why is this a thing to this day?
The number of servers/capacity of servers is what it is because of how much activity the game will have once the hype dies down.
I got disconnected 2 hours ago and I'm still not back in.
Because that's what how it was in 2005, and changing anything would ruin the pure vanilla experience, you retailtranny.
What pvp server to pick for EU? Any that I should avoid?
did nobody learn anything from all those private servers?
During opening, you don't do quests, you grind as fast and hard as you can, to get ahead of the curve, then you have free reign on xp while everyone else is level 5 waiting for a mob to res.
People try to organize lines in Oceanic and get told "fuck off pussy".
I imagine a lot of new players like myself are considering jumping on the bandwagon after all these years. I was into arena shooters when this was in its prime.
based aussies
India... home
wow is a slave trainning program. I guarantee you some people praise the event in chat and use the crows to talk about gender politics and how their HRT was only the second best thing in the world after wow dailies.
How can aussies be so fucking BASED?
>"I love classic so muxh, reminds me of the time i didnt want to chop my dick off!"
I can see it happening
I need a name for this guy
we're home... but it doesn't feel like home, bros...
rogerebert, but just remove the jaw entirely
I liked this, thanks user.
All the way to 60
That’s pretty lame lmao
This. I didn't even start my sub.
Everyone who did past MMO launch know this.
This is the most insane thing I’ve ever seen in a gaming community
>"i love mmos for the.."
>"the immersion"
There is no immersion on being a literal queue in the forest to kill a mob
>"the challenge"
>"player interaction"
Fucking idem
>had to go to sleep for 4 hours
>set up macro with mouse to jump every 3 minutes
>wake up
>still online
Blizzard will stop you pretty soon.
I'm on my way to your house right now you nigger.
What a dumb game
Oh shi-
Blizzard wants these retards to waste time, that’s more monthly dollars for them
So did the thunderfury spam become reddit behavior or what?
Information is disceminated so quickly now a days that grass root memes get overused into the ground, that's especially true for older memes as well.
Some of you don't understand, the servers are like a hourglass, with the little strands of sand going down, they want player influx to be slow for the servers stay stable and not crash.
>go online on whitemane
>ask about faction imbalance
>''bro it doesn't matter that much''
I wasn't aware that so much of you were absolute fucking retards
>Blizzard: Okay, no sharding
>R-respect the queue...
$15 is nothing therefore it is free
Boomers will cry :(
god you fucking zoomers piss me off
Me too user
>Friends say to get on at fucking 3 am since the queues are gone and to resub now
I don't want to be up until 3 to play so fuck it.
>defend blizzard on Yea Forums
>or keep my spot in line
people complain but this looks just like a screenshot you might have seen back then
>$80 to wait in queue for 6 hours
Bandwagon shitposters who know nothing about what they are posting about are the absolute worst people on Yea Forums.
Long story short:
I would've totally agreed with you, and still sort of do, but for those that were actually able to log in(and dodge the crash), this was probably the most stable, least disastrous launch actiblizz mmo launch ever(that said, I wasn't around for BFA; I drew the line at forced grounding via pathfinder bullshit and I meant it. I'm never going back so long as you have to wait half-way through the goddamn expansion before I """earn""" the privilege to use mounts I earned a fucking decade ago).
I never seen the horde players do this line shit.
Jesus fuck the alliance really is the faggot faction. The undead starting zone was a free for all.
>hordeniggers fighting over mobs like thieves and savages
sounds about right
horde is literally the nigger faction
Sorry did the noble /pol/ pally human main faggot get hurt? Horde doesn't pussy foot around, you get good or get left behind.
Simply releasing more servers would have solved all these issues
pallys are dog shit until tbc at the best, what are you talking about?
Why don't people just...grind out the level and move somewhere else? Follow that old Jane or Jaina's leveling guide
>2 hour queue
>get DCed after 15 minutes of play
>can't quickly log back in to skip queue because "WoW account doesn't exist"
>have to start the game through b.net
>position in queue: 7000
So apparently in the input box labeled account name you have to input your b.net e-mail to log in. Great.
If i see 300 people waiting in a queue line it must mean that quest is the most optimal way to levelling, i need to get to 60 asap
Because wow is outdated garbage and it doesn't make important quest npcs/mobs you need to interact in such a way you would lock other players out tied to someone's account instead of being a global entity with a respawn timer.
they grasp for every straw bros. they seethe so much. goalpost moving left and right. Its so amusing. This shit wont stop us from STAYING HOME
You are losing your line spot bro
Blizzard still wins retard, they got completely saved by this fucking move and boomers are keeping this shit afloat
This is the most literal definition of themepark mmo.
Stay an hour in line for a 30 seconds attraction and then rush to stan on the next line for another hour. Amazing.
*cuts in front of you*
>WoW classic brings back an actual cohesive server community feel rather than insular players just running around doing things on their own with raid finder up in the background waiting to get succed into a random group
I thought 2012 Yea Forums was bad but this shit is ludicrous
It was less than that on day 1. They would respawn so fast that you couldn't get out of an area of mobs because they'd respawn as fast as you could kill them and would be constantly aggroed.
You know you can just farm mobs and not do any quests, right? its nobodys god given right to finish a quest..
Because waiting in line makes me feel part of the community!
The activision special price. Including CoD
'Member World of Warcraft?
You have been moved forward by 15 places in a queue for this comment, thank you.
>tfw skipped all the low respawn gathering quests or rare killing quests and got ahead of the pack by just grinding instead as double mage
>playing the game having a merry old time
>random DC
>position in queue: 10290
Until there is zero queue I'm not even gonna bother.
They could have at least put some effort into making sure high traffic would be dealt with.
>This shit wont stop us from STAYING HOME
I know, if your mom couldn't do it in 15 years how can I?
You're dumb
>Until there is zero queue I'm not even gonna bother.
This, couldn't give a shit if I fall behind. 'Crowded mess' turns me off harder than the nostalgia brings me in.
>Posting pictures from the earliest stress test
>This many people falling for both
Thank fucking God it's this easy to filter out the actual fucking brainless zoomers that infest this site. Good riddance. It has been an absolute fucking blast. A damn shame you aren't enjoying it with us, faggot-tachi.
You're going to be waiting a couple of weeks, assuming Blizzard doesn't add more realms.
>I've been amazed how reluctant people are to party up
because you get less exp in a group than if you were solo.
There's tons of fucking servers but people only choose the "full" ones and ignore the "low" pop ones.
Probably because all of them wants to be on the Asmongold realm.
Oh my god it's Raubahn (Extreme)
only the alliance faggots form these cuck lines
Oh yeah, I feel so in touch with my fellow townspeople when I wait in line at the supermarket, truly the second best part of the day, the first being standing in traffic.
Is that a new world boss?
what the frig happened to wow?
>Dude just don't play the game, just grind mindlessly like in a jrpg
>go high pop server
>cry about queue
You "people" are either six years old or Amerimutts.
Notice something about all these “queue” pics?
The characters in them are all literally still in their starting gear or the very first grey drops.
That’s because this shit is only happening in the very, very first starter area.
If you play this game you are beyond retarded. Kill yourself you pathetic faggot.
>roll on low pop server
>its dead in 2 months
Go to bed, Jelly.
yeah I love waiting in line
every single server is full you tard
imagine these people playing a game they already played 10 years ago. lul it's not going to be the same bros. there is no mystery.
They are all high pop sperglord
Does Zandalar Tribe have a queue right now?
she wouldn't be so smug if i shoved my dick in her mouth
If you can't afford $15 you shouldn't even be playing this game. It's the price of going to starbucks 3 times. If you can't give up 3 cups of coffee you're pathetic.
Yeah, who’s ever heard of a game still being fun after you’ve gotten familiar with the content?
Starbucks is such a bad example. I'd like to gas everybody who goes to Starbucks. What a fucking scam and waste of money. That's literally an example somebody who is bad with money would make.
Always love this argument
> Dude, it's basically free you fucking poorfag
Just consume
i thought this whole queue thing is what people loved about old mmos such as runescape, that sense of community when so many players are together in one spot
a lot of multiplayer games fit the bill.
>paying 15$ to spend more time waiting in a queue
>be gnome
>know of the hidden pack of mobs up the hill from the initial spawnpoint
>im the only one that goes up there
>mobs spawn faster than i can kill them
>everyone else complaining about not being able to tag anything
heh heh heh heh hahah heh haha
You don't buy the game. (Game costs zero dollars)
You do buy space on the server (server user subscription is whatever amount of dollars)
Compare to other games where you buy the game and buy the server space.
>a lot of multiplayer games fit the bill
And what does “MMO” stand for again?
Having everyone together is fine, waiting in line like a bunch of pussies isn't.
that's not a queue it's a riot.
>used to play shitty MMO until i got bored and guild lost interest too
>Low pop as fuck due niche, you literally ended up knowing everyone playing eventually
>Limited farming spot
>Constant backstabbing and kill stealing in attempts to secure a farming turf, banter included in the package
>Still getting to play endgame with everyone no problem
>Have some of the people i fought for turfs on daily basis in my Discord/Steam friend list to this very day and play games with them too
Cuck lines are pathetic
That's exactly what Runescape classic was, except I suppose it wasn't a line, it was more like a crowd to get to talk to the npc.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
Blizzard is using you all.
I wish you could have fun.
These people are dumbasses. I got that shit done the smart way.
>invite 4 other people to group
>tell them to spam 1
>got it in 1 minute, boss quest loot is shared(something morons don't know)
The queues are made by fucking retards. A full group can get the loot.
Just woke up. Is the game playable yet or is everyone still waiting
>wait 4 hours for queue
>get in game
>realize if you leave the game the queue starts all over again
>have to leave game on 24/7 now
>massively pads overall playtime
>have to look like a noob who took 70 days to level for the rest of your character's life
They have more than doubled the amount of servers since the initial 14 opened. They opened at least 8 more yesterday alone.
Feels good to read about this debacle while playing some comfy Underrail
Making Mom Orgasm
>he plays ESO
People like doing the quests...it’s the fun part of leveling
should I start playing now or did I miss out on the gold rush?
Depends, most people are only there because of streamers (they're the reason the queues are happening), and they'll leave in about a month, so it's a tradeoff between faggotry or an empty server.
no fuck off we're full.
Isn’t fucking runescape able to prevent this shit. Why does blizzard suck so hard
I want to buy sub to this game just because fucking these line cucks would be a lot of fun. But then I would have to wait in a que just to get in. Also giving Blizzard money doesnt sit well with me.
Yearly sub.
can you use a task scheduler to start wow? i want to get in the queue when i sleep
whats stopping me from just walking past them and doing what i gotta do?
RS has hard caps on servers and you can switch servers whenever.
to destroy the line cuck, you must first become the line cuck.
but there is sharding. are you retarded?
I wanna relive battlegrounds so hard. Very much good times. Though the time investment is just too big now, to get to 60 and get even feasible gear.
I am thinking buying a boost to level 60 for 300$ in a couple of weeks or so. Thoughts?
>What’s wrong boomer anons? Isn’t this what you wanted?
>I guess we were right all along. You think you do, but you don’t.
>I am thinking buying a boost to level 60 for 300$ in a couple of weeks or so. Thoughts?
Just play a different game, holy shit.
None of these idiots are arguing ingood faith, user.
For whatever reason they have their hearts set against Classic and are looking for literally anything to smear it and its playerbase. You can’t reason them out of positions they didn’t reason their way into.
I mean, there are legitimate criticisms here. Blizzard was woefully unprepared and didn’t put up nearly enough servers, but getting weirdly offended that the players were taking organized methods to get out of the starting area in a timely manner despite the overcrowding is just looking for something to complain about.
>even the felstalker npc is waiting in the queue
Nah fuck that. The last few hours proved that leveling will be bullshit even with layering
>Posting pictures from the earliest stress test
>This many people falling for both
Thank fucking God it's this easy to filter out the actual fucking brainless zoomers that infest this site. Good riddance. Reposting because so many sad faggots would rather ignore the truth that people are enjoying themselves and feed their confirmation bias. Reminder that you're pathetic and are literally doing us all a favor by not being involved. Thanks for that.
Social convention
>check some random medium viewer variety streamer to see what's going on
>he is literally standing in line for a named
Oh my oh my. Think I'll play a mythic+ instead of even bothering to queue up for this shit. And by that I mean the server queue not the in-game one.
What happened there? I quit RS back in 2005/2006 or so
that's from an RP server, right?
>For whatever reason they have their hearts set against Classic and are looking for literally anything to smear it and its playerbase.
Can you project any more of a victim complex? For fuck sake
played some this morning
i thought there were going to be warriors everywhere but so far mage seems most popular
fagex literally removed PvP from the game because of chinese farmers. it almost killed the game.
Why are you even in this thread, my good bitch?
it's a mix of buttblasted private server poorfags, retail babies scared shitless that classic will kill their slot machine simulator, blizz cocsukers, and shitposters
To point out that people are wasting money.
Ive played wow since beta thru classic
Never seen even a hint towards any lines
Though i played on Warsong and Warsong doesnt play around people there made of steel
Wow what. ALL PvP? What the fuck
Did they do a huge turnaround on this issue at least?
How were the chinese abusing it?
Wasting their money because they stood in a line once or twice trying to get out of an overcrowded starting area in something approaching a timely manner?
There are, once again, no lines outside of the very cramped starting area.
2 or 3 years later when the game was literally about to die. Then they killed it soon after with the combat overhaul anyway.
The only reason they're still in business is because of oldschool.
Incel too busy posting wojak to get laid
The problem is being massively overstated here. This has already ceased to be an issue.
And the queues to even get into the game, which at face value seems like a good thing, then you wait an hour to get in further wasting your time
At least be honest user. I don’t do this solely because I find enjoyment in it
Oh I forgot to add. They also removed player trading. To appease the PKers, they introduced some new PvP minigame that assigned you with a target to fight in a minigame area. They went back on it about a year later by adding in trading limits.
They were using PKing as a medium to give away gold by letting their customers kill them. It's suspected that this was actually a rare occurrence and that most farmers stuck to drop trading or simply trading players directly, but Jagex felt they had to shut down every medium where items and gold could be moved around.
just skip the quest dumbass
Have fun grinding in the starting zone
Wow Jagex has to be fucking retarded. The main thing RS had going for it was that super raw player interaction in which someone else dying could make your day.
from skipping one starter quest? lol you really have no idea do you?
retards are just lining up like this for the meme, no one actually does this seriously
even if they did, it's over because the initial rush came and went already
Go to a lower population server instead of stubbornly sticking to a full server for whatever deranged reason.
I just logged into Westfall instantly with no fucking wait at all.
this is the only game my boomer friends play and if I don't I'll be left out
fuck it all
post yfw you never gave into blizzards online grind scam
Seriously though, what the fuck are they gonna do if you cut the line?
Why 80$? Game time costs like 14 bucks or so. If you played a shit ton before you will probably have to gold to play for free.
they will all report you at once leading to an automated ban (only if they actually all do it en mass)
you're even more stupid than the retards standing in line.
It's actually zoomers waiting in line
Boomers are already out grinding boars instead of waiting 2 hours in queue like a cuckold for a single shitty quest
>what is Nash equilibrium?
>what is Prisoner's dilemma?
>what is tragedy of the commons?
Typical Uneducated Yea Forums tard
>spend probably 20 minutes in line once the entire starting zone
>everyone is joking around having a good time
>everyone on here is making it out to be this horrible thing that is ruining the game
Autistically send you hate mail. I just ninjad my way out of the starting area and most people probably have me on their block list by now.
Not a single fuck given though.
Angrily scribble your character's name on a piece of paper and imagine themselves at level 60 being able to kick you from their group, even though you'll likely be well ahead of them because you didn't wait in a line for 3 hours like a cuck.
>everyone on the internet finds in hilarious
>people socializing with random strangers
>in years people look back on this and reference it as people getting along online
Only Yea Forums bitter ass virgins find a way to hate on other people's experience
>be me
>quest mob that drops item everyone needs
>invite 4 other people
>tell them all to spam 1
>get kill
>everyone gets credit
These fucking morons waiting in line are being super unproductive. 1 kill can help 5 people. Fucking morons. Boss quest mobs drops the item for everyone.
Based and poopilled
i pity the new people who try to understand what the fuck is going on with the game while everyone just robotically autonomously rush through their favorite level up routes.
I did A-level psychology too, faggot. Just because some twat with no social skills and a bad wig said that people can be dicks doesn't mean you have to be a dick. And it doesn't help if you deride the people who are trying their best to maintain society and order when there is no enforced society or order. If you're going to use some intellectuals musings on why people are sometimes dicks or ruin things for other people to justify being a cunt then you are nothing but a pseudo intellectual nigger.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
Blizzard is using you all.
I wish you could have fun.
This. While i'm level 60, they'll still be in a line to kill echeyakee, if they even stick around that long.
For Tha Horde!! xD
Literally best healer in raid you mongoloid maybe you would've known if you actually played the game you parroting retard
It works fine in the normal game. The whole point of classic is to experience everything being broken again/for the first time. If they tried to fix it people would be up in arms
>cut the line
>angry boomers start cursing at me and /duel me
>just ignore it and walk away to quest
Like what the fuck are they going to do?
You can socialize with strangers without having to be stuck in a line worse than the one at grocery store on sunday morning
"You kids" is what you say to other kids when you are 16y old and want to appear more mature. But people playing this are all close to 30 bald mature men, and they still fucking say this?
Welp, there you go kids. That's what happens when everyone has access to Wowhead/wiki from the start, there's no mystery to where to go next, and the game is literally a 5th or 6th re-read of a classic book.
>Log in wow classic to play
>pos 10309 in quee
>its fine ill wait playing another game
>wait 2 hours
>Position 10 in quee
>K here we go classic take me home!!
>retrieving realm
>retrieving realm..
>retrieving realm...
>you have been disconected
>logs again
>Position in quee 17999
not like this bros...
Good joke but the reality is that "theme park" traits are actually there to solve this kind of problem.
Zone overcrowding has been a problem since the Everquest days. When zones got overcrowded players would organize and there'd be a set of unwritten rules players would follow, that would involve waiting in a queue. It would also typically involve things like which camps could pull and kill which mobs although this was blurry and you'd see a lot of arguments. It wasn't a literal line, usually you'd hang out by the zone line waiting or killing trash that game near until a spot opened up.
Even then though, this was a shitty normalfag way to play the game, once the first expansion had been released (the OG game admittedly did not have enough content). If you had friends you could just group up and go to one of the less populated dungeons, which would be much more fun. If you encountered other players in a remote zone you'd deal with them directly, negotiating agreements on the fly and such. This part was really fun.
WoW solved overcrowded zones with instancing. The problem is that you lost the good with the bad. Following kindergarten rules in overcrowded social zones was lame as fuck, but venturing into remote unexplored areas where you might meet another party of adventurers and have to deal with them made the world feel real and dynamic.
None of this really has anything to do with dumbass zoomers lining up to kill quest mobs in level one zones.
they will report you and you will be blacklisted
i just realized that the only way i´d pay for wow if it would have the GW2 model. you buy the game, you get 99% of the content, the other 1% are cosmetics. fuck thoose greedy bastards
Holy effin shit bro you killed him!
I intentionally to the front of these lines, camp the mob over and over, and then when I get bored, I just delete the toon.
Good luck blacklisting that Lmao.
report you to what? lines formed by retards arent in the game rules.
>look at how sad i am LOL
>isnt it epic how i dont have friends guys? lol i am so random and EPIC!
Annoying fag.
>ask where to buy a flying mount in /1
>some autistic retard starts reeing and saying i'm reported and how i ruined his experience.
literally only autismos play this.
>pretend to be cuck and stand in line
>get to the front
>invite the 4 behind me to group
>convert to raid just as we're about to get kill
>redditors are shamed to the back of the line because they already killed him
>everyone liked this
Shut up europoor, thank us for winning your wars and making your game
the quest mob? albert einstein
>Stalaggchads fighting over the quest mobs spawning
>About 2 hours in lines started forming
>All I needed at that point was the pick
>Line out the front of the cave
>Walked in, killed dogs for my earth totem, got up on the ledge above the pick
>See it spawn, get claimed, line moves
>Drop in grab it right as it respawns
>20 faggots going SHAME and blacklist this man!
/e dabs on you! Harsh...
This is not kek!
This is cringe!
You garnered no keks from me sir!
>journey is 28 already
Guess all those years of private server autism paid off huh, where's joanna?
I really don't understand the appeal of MMOs. My gf wastes so much time playing this shit
Haha I said this and then I got yiked off lmao what the fuck?
>Legion spell effects
Its shit
Nope I can spend more time now, as a kid I was only allowed on the computer on Wednesdays and weekends.
>he likes shitty fetch quests
I doubt people will remember your name.
>human interaction
lol fuck off nerd
It's like they imported all the bad things, like piss poor server management, to really bring the nostalgia.
There is absolutely no way a company this size can cause this by pure incompetence
why are you so mad?
its not their fault people are refusing to play on the servers that arent full
Queues are a social aspect. You chat and make friends and connections while you wait.
No wonder socially stunted autistic ADHD zoomers hates it
>has to line up to go "home"
Yea Forums is chock full of thirty-something manchildren who interpret any kind of inefficiency or lack of streamlining as bad design or a ripoff. I'm not too sure why they aren't just playing BFA considering it was designed for "five minutes after work" people like them.
people literally asked for this
>vanilla means vanilla
they did but only when everything was crushing and burning yesterday. Now everyone funneled into few gigaservers while a bunch of new ones are empty. So fucking incompetent. What they didnt want to happen happened exactly
>tfw 4 hour queue
for the love of god help me
why would anybody want to play that?
>reddit spacing
>want vanilla
>get some abortion
yea . literally asked for the exact thing we got
i swear you nu-Yea Forums fags have completely lost what that even means
LMAO are people this stupid? They could have just party up and clear the quest mob
how is this not vanilla?
because it has queues? it has too many people? weren't you faggots bragging at nostalrius having 10k players?
2.30 for me. Fucking hell I already spent like 8 hours on my character
I dont know if I should just abandon everything
the mobs are not walking through walls or on 89 degree slopes so its not vanilla. Funny how these tards that screech “noo its not like old game” never mention this part
They do. They are queuing in 5-man groups.
I'm considering it, only got to level 9 but fucking hell I don't want to fight for boars again
>German servers
>All of them are Medium pop
>12.5k ppl before you in the que
Just pick low pop servers lamofao
>standing in line
>>standing in line
So not only you want a recreaton of classic, you also want everyone to act exactly the same as they did when they played it 15 years ago sop you can relive your youth?
user, are you autistic? real people are not toys.
I think I will make a troll rogue and just rush for undead zones as lvl1 to not make it monotonous. Fucking blisshart
i want people to act like humans . not fucking robots so people don't get offended or feel raped because "he stole my kill! i feel raped!"
>slipping behind the curve
enjoy grinding away at Blackrock Depths while the actual players are already in AQ40 you dumb cuck
>he thinks i'm playing this abortion
Nobody stood around in lines in original WoW to talk to questgivers or for named mobs.
LMAO!!! Fags
Why are you autists missing the point so badly?
Are you unironically, medically diagnosed autistic?
You seem to be having a lot of problems, I'll let you be.
The one in the purple robe is up to something
You don't have to. Just farm a few boars instead of waiting on 50 people to get the equivalent of 5 mobs.
If they wanna RP the good old USSR days, let them have it.
*cuts in line your way*
>Brain knows dagger/shield + flametongue is better
>Heart wants fat windfury procs on a 2h weapon overkillin mobs for double their health bars
>It's the price of going to starbucks 3 times. If you can't give up 3 cups of coffee you're pathetic.
Do you know what's pathetic? Going to starbucks three times in a month for your dose of 50 teaspoons of sugar in a cup. You'd have to pay me $15 to drink a cup of that shit.
Just like you'd have to pay me to play and or waste my time on WoW classic.
>They also removed player trading
wait, what?
just came home from work and wanted to play
>position in queue: 11025
>estimated time: 235 min
>Reserve character on Herod
>All my friends including the other faction friends were rolling on Herod
>Stalagg opens and the other faction guys start saying that if we don't go to Stalagg we're stupid
>Stay on Herod
>Game comes out
>We on Herod start playing
>Those in Stalagg are in queue
>Now they cannot even get on Herod because they wasted time trying on Stalagg
>They go on a new empty server and take others with them
I'm so mad right now
It wasnt removed totally but you were required to make a roughly equivalent gp value trade in order to trade with other players. Like if you wanted to give your scrub friend/pk alt a str ammy he had to trade you its value from the GE in items in order for the trade to go through. It was a very unpopular change and wasnt there for that long
My retarded friends all picked high pop server and they are already playing because they are NEET bastards and now they are posting wagecuck memes at me while playing WoW while i just joined the queue after been at work all day
>tell brother to log me in to the queue 2 hours before I get home so I can instantly play
>queue is 4 hours
>he stands in line in a video game
>he gives Activision money
>he wastes 50 hours grinding
>he waits 2 hours just to log in
>"Guess I'll go skin another 50 scorpions now..."
im lvl 14 in barrens, already people spreading out, pretty good.
sup cobes
Its been nice. 6 hours in I was barely fighting anyone for quest mobs anymore, most of the time I didnt even need to camp spawn points
>Be warlock
>Have voidwalker
>Set it on agressive
>Win every tag battle
Is there anything a warlock cannot do?
I come from playing on 6 different vanilla private servers and the reason for these queues are developer incompetence they get formed on every single server with a population of over 4k players at launch, y retarded polish devs came up solutions like dynamic respawn timers according to population or shared quest items and rewards, blizzard didn't even see the quest queues coming lmao
>I was barely fighting anyone for quest mobs anymore,
quality layering in progress
I was in early enough for those first few minutes. It was an experience but given the choice between questing at a brisk pace with 2 other people and beinn in a 5 man group soamming instants to tag mobs as they spawn Id choose the former.
>come home at 11 pm, queue on grobb is 9k
>go to bed and wake up early at 6 am, grobb is now low pop and there's 0 queue
>get my old man dwarf to level 6 after 4 hours of play
>server goes down for maint so I spend that hour grocery shopping
Buying hot pockets right now. Hopefully there isn't a 9k queue when I get home.
Blaumo in tirisfall was only like that for a few hours, when I got off around midnight I saw it was at medium pop again and they rolled out even more servers that we're sitting at low pop. Is all the crying really just shit posting or were people too autistic to get off whitemane and Herod?
I was on stalagg and it was like that for 4+ hours. Went to bed and got up early, stalagg was the only one still at medium and even then no Q and if you joined a group there was no competition for most mobs.
>Everyone who did past MMO launch know this.
Layers, layers, layers, sharding and sharded layers and Blizzard opening dozens of new servers. People expected it to be bad but not 6 hour queues and areas being crowded to the point where you can't really do shit levels of horror.
Right now I'm praying for 10000 layers because this is pretty ridiculous, and not in a very fun way.
I played on an oceanic server and went through Mulgore. Longest I had to wait for a spawn was about a minute. It was well populated but not overcrowded.
Was comfy
mulgore is the comfiest of comfy zones.
>Tfw knew this was gonna be a fuckfest and dedicated myself to starting the weekend after launch
they'll commit suicide one day.
Does it really cost 80 USD to play WoW Classic?
Wagie wagie go back to your cagie
Even if it was kind of a shitshow, going in with the initial rush was half the fun of last night
Thalnos is becoming Warsong 2.0 brcause of the Brazillians fucking the life of streamers, faggots, canucks, frogs and spics.
Why is Asmongold so fucking weird looking. He looks like a bug.
He is a bored alien who wanted to try roleplaying as a human streamer.
>classicfags went into a rage when blizz said they were going to have "server layers" to prevent the problem of 500,000 people lined up for a mob during launch week
>now that there's 250,000 lined up for a mob they're in a rage demanding more server splitting
>skipping out on FREE repu
this but unironically
>knowing what they want
They were also gloating about how vanilla is hardcore and with none of the shit of retail but threw a tantrum when Blizz said that an auto-LFG addon won't work anymore lmao
>human warlock
>questan in elwynn
>help this one priest with the kobold drops, part ways
>see him again run ahead of me on the way to the western garrison
>as soon as he crests the hill he immediately runs back, followed by 4 wolves
>help him not die, we laugh about the classic experience
>proceed to spend 2 hours with him trying to pick up armbands in the zoomer storm at the gnoll camps, bond over shit drop rates and caster woes
So this is the magic you guys were talking about? Not bad, not bad at all...
>dude helping people only happens in old MMOs
>helping people feels magical to antisocial autists
>I made a friend for the first time
>this game is AMAZING
Guessing these are pve servers
Did Runegame even have queues at any point?
It was always a
>First come first serve
kind of deal at mob spots and resource nodes
No one queued to get their chance to kill hill giants, either you hopped worlds until you found a spot or you waited to get a spawn first.
This is my exact experience too.
I also ignored the line and just walked to the front fuck niggers.
So are you all rolling with the classic interface or using bartender?
rude but lol
Functionally Runescape is one server with several dozen shards that you can freely switch between
if casually interacting with another person in an MMO makes you feel magical, I have bad news for your brain
Follow your heart
>never played WoW in my life
>People are actually paying $15 so they can wait in line for 2+ hours to kill a monster
Youd be surprised how many young people go multiple days without actually interacting with another human being outside high school. doing volunteer work at a local schools/ colleges and even the ones that would have been social butterflies any other decade soend more time interacting with social media posts than actually talking. Its fucking bizarre how shit they are at simple conversation, some of them are even afraid to write emails or make phone calls[/spoilers]
>people forming a line exactly like OPs pic, same quest
>I walk up and instantly get invited to a group, we tag it
>the person in the front of the line has been bitching the whole time
>as soon as we tag it he yells FUCK
I’ve never laughed harder, this game is awesome.
This is absolute pottery
Letting your void aoe taunt in certain houses in duskwood at lower levels. Try it at manor mistmantle.
You forgot the 4hr queue to even get into the game. People weren't kidding when they said wow is for zoomers and neets since boomers wouldn't have the time to play
>Its a "Someone really needed me but because I did not check whatsapp or wasn't online in discord they got mad at me when I did log on instead of just calling me on the fucking phone" episode
I had a similar experience except we snowballed a group together and played for 8 hours straight. This is really cool.
>basic human interaction is AWESOME
shut up faggot
It is though, you don’t see it too often in mmos anymore. Also who pissed in your cereal? Today is a great day, we’re finally home.
it doesn't matter retard
Boomer here. Can confirm, no time to play.
>Log onto Grobbulous this morning
>Undead zone
>First come first serve
>General chat is making fun of the lines they saw on reddit
>Everyone grouping to do quest and talking to eachother
Do random people actually play together in MMOs?
I've never done a dungeon or played with a random guy in an MMO, ever. Mainly because you'll get to the point where you can just skip whatever dungeon and not have any problems, or that everyone else is just playing with friends.
>Do random people actually play together in MMOs?
Yes, and pretend to be friends.
>I've never done a dungeon or played with a random guy in an MMO, ever. Mainly because you'll get to the point where you can just skip whatever dungeon and not have any problems, or that everyone else is just playing with friends.
I do the same, after all every MMO player is tranny with schizo.
>Doing echo isles
>Finished up and started running back
>See a warrior with 2 tigers and a raptor on him
>Earth shock a tiger to pull aggro, heal him to full, get all 3 down
>he asked why I was helping him without any xp or loot for me
Are all zoomers autistic?
Most MMOs have systems where you can make better shit than what drops or just farm elsewhere for a better item and can do it solo anyway. So there's no need to even play with others anymore
it's more like a group of faggots mobbing a quest mob waiting to use their autistic macros
Well general Zoomer populace has grown up with LoL and Fortnite, both games that fundamentally teach you to hoard resources for yourself and letting your "team""""mates"""" get the scraps
>launch is like any mmo ever in the history of man kind
>Everyone already knows that their will be a large drop off
>People doing what they did in every private server (making lines for starting quests)
>remember having to make a line for FFXIV a realm reborn quest
Tortanic was a mistake
So people are actually waiting in line in game for mobs? What keeps me from nigging the nig and just running to the front and tagging the mob with an instant cast? Or even if you miss just sitting there and trying to tag the mob every time they spawn?
I've been waiting for an official vanilla server for 10 years, what's a bit more in comparison.
It's your own fault if you fell for it and are now suffering through this shitstorm - you'd know it would be like this if you used your fucking brain.
From what I saw, lines were for shits and giggles between respawns and everyone just spammed invites to move it along quicker.
From what i played earlier today, no. Then again the undead might just be dicks.
>throwing fort on anyone I see as I walk along
>actually got a few whispers thanking me for the buff which is nice
>not one, not two but three times someone asked me why
how fucking evil is the average zoomer that they need to ask why I would do something nice
I have to admit.
Before the whole Nostalferatum or what ever that server was called fiasco,
I was under the impression that there actually existed official servers for older expansion packs
The real move is playing off hours so you can still have smooth sailing and catch the people still selling low level craftables before the economy inflates.
No point in letting people progress if they're just gonna get bored within a couple months after they realize the game is boring and won't be getting content updates.
I wish I had a meaningful buff to give to randos as warrior.
I have party ones, but nothing like mark/fort.
You're worth your weight in gold the moment you start tanking, everybody needs a tank more than a buff
I was actually not sure if I wanted to tank or fury dps. I know people laugh off warrior dps but I heard their damage is still pretty high.
shouldn't you just kill some random trash mobs, you fucking retards? you'd get the same if not more exp than a shitty low level quest. these idiots waiting in line are probably just pretending to be epic oldfags but to me they're just sheep casual faggots
It's kinda funny how people have resorted to making up stories about how they interacted with other players now. Boomers were right, discord and twitch zoomers did ruin the community
The DPS is high when you’re geared, which will only happen if you tank.
You dont even need a shield to tank until the 40s. You dont need to take the prot heavy tree until your progressing BWL. At least leveling/preraid you can tank anything anytime and get all the gear you want
Lmao!!! Bunch of fedora wearing faggots
wow you must be really smart
This is a billion dollar company and you suck their dick that hard.
>Invite people I see doing the same quest
>They decline
Home was a lie...
That’s what MMOs should revolve around, my autistic zoomer friend. They weren’t meant to be single player experiences.
t. faggot waiting in line
I keep changing my mind on my class. They all have some cool shit I wanna try.
its sad that >pic is true
>They all have some cool shit I wanna try.
>hmmm do i wanna press 3 or 4 buttons
there's a limited amount of ''cool shit''.
The line for that one mob in durotar from private servers comes to mind
>Rolled on the only RP-PvE server in NA
>Had a hell of a time with some random bros until the server shutdown
>Most fun I've had in WoW in literal years
Well Blizz, there's you're answer. Get rid of LFG, and cross-realm, make enemies an actual threat while leveling and force people to group together and interact. That's how you save WoW.
So while I'm waiting
Best leveling spec for Warrior?
Are DPS warriors even viable?
if you hate anime, Yea Forums is not the right place for you
So who is paying you to post here or is classic living rent free in your head?
i see that you are a zoomerfag
Moneymaking tip for you faggots. Kill birds in westfall for eggs and feathers. Mages need feathers for slow fall and eggs are needed for cooking/christmas. Sell the feathers now and keep the eggs for quick cash later
zoom zoom
yeah if you’re able to compete with the billions of other dps warriors for the gear needed to be good
what?most classes have brain dead rotations and that's a fact.
I like talking about MMOs. Also, user made a stupid point on the level of a food idiom.
I see that you are a nigger
this is unironically true
Im Nigger and proud Trannytard
You thought you wanted it, but you didn't it.
>Best leveling spec
Do 2h fury a while, idk I never got past 40
>Are they viable dps
Yes and no. Youre very gear dependent and youll be rolling against half the raid on every single gear drop at level cap. When you make it you become a house in all content but "making it" is something maybe .2% of warriors will ever do.
She'd be even more smug, laughing at your small size
>muh rotations
Ah yes I too love mashing buttons as soon as the light is up while dodging circles on the ground and totally ignoring what the rest of my group is doing.
>basing the entire class off their raiding rotation they will be using maybe 2 nights a week
Considering even the biggest of wow shills have already started making exit plans I guess he was right in the end
>I'm proud of being a nigger
literally a cuck AND a fag, don't even reply to me anymore, I don't want AIDS from your posts
Classic had very little content at launch. I remember all the "just because" grinding. He's not going to be able to keep his viewers with that shit.
>Paying a subscription for games with shitty gameplay
>Paying a subscription for games with timewalled content
>Paying a subscription for a version of the game that existed a decade ago that was replaced by shitty development, I.E. PAYING A COMPANY TO REVERT THEIR ATROCIOUS DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS
are MMOs a mental illness?
what's the tagline going to be when they're eventually labeled as manipulative scams?
>Play Responsibly
You faggots need to get a social life. How're you gonna sit around for 12+ hours playing a game that doesn't even try to have decent gameplay, but just locks off an abhorrent loop, then sells it back to you, then introduces the same exact loop with a palette swap and sell it to you for $40 + tip?
Fuck, this world needs a culling. You dumb niggers don't deserve the limited, unearned freedom that's been given to you.
I love pressing ONE button on my mage for dat tru classic raiding experience!
cause pvp is super complicated,you meme spouting faggot.
Real brainlet hours.
queues, starting zones flooded making gathering quests tedious.
but I got into a less clustered layer earlier and managed to gain a few levels
It's addiction mixed with Autism.
more like
World of Warqueueraft
Yeah running out of quests and having to farm dungeons or random mobs is going to kill interest in streams pretty quick. Classic at least has a shitton of convenience that wasn't in on vanilla launch. Remember how flight points kicked you off at every stop and you had to get on again? All the class reworks are already finished as well, no more unfinished talent trees. I could see the streamers themselves losing interest in the game if those weren't a thing. It'll be interesting to see how long the hype lasts
WOOAH BRO!! you got me good with that spicy meme ;^)))
>have to wait in line
Nigger no one is forcing anyone to wait in line, retards willingly do it
You've been posting retarded talking points for hours.
Mages are severely limited in early gear and early raid tiers because of the fire immunity yes, but in 5m content there is a lot more going on and as your gear progresses in raid you get a lot more stuff to keep track of.
If you are not the frost debuff bot you can even go arcane frost for more varied gameplay.
>Having Friends
Too late, you are infected already, and no cloning body may save you
What's your rotation as arcane frost?
It is, yes. But you never played and never will so you'll never be able to actually regurgitate your buzzwords properly little zoomzoom
I don't remember that being a thing back in the day. Is there less servers today or what?
Just form a group so you all get credit
>muh community, look we are talking to each other in a line
Lmao how depraved of social interaction are you? Get the fuck out of the basement
Well you see there are a lot of people who are interested in playi-
>Unironically said 'it's '
Never mind, deepthroat a glock
Pack it in folks. We got em
>zandalar tribe
>medium pop server
>position in queue: 4000
What? But it's only medium pop.
Medium pop doesn't mean no queue
That is because most streamers, including this retard are "casual" nowadays.
They don't care about playing the game or having fun, they care only for views.
You didn't saw the daggerfall threads, even zoomers loved it besides still being early in modding, and mainly because it offered a good challenge and planning.
Three Stooges Syndrome, thats why.
>I know, this is technically not #nochanges, but then again neither are 20k people waiting to log into the same realm…
Yikes. Watcher calm down, you don't need to be an asshole to people just wanting to play a game.
>regurgitate your buzzwords
>zoom zoom ZOOM ZOOM! ZOOM!!
oh and I'm 29,been playing wow since late 2006 and if you find Classic pve/pvp complicated you're brain damaged.
Ion Is Regressing back to his Etilist Jerks Guild days user, soon we will see this again
Of course it does; the server isn't full.
>Kaplan comes back to tell everyone they're retarded
That'd be pretty funny honestly.
yes, but its a lot of people trying to connect at the same time, it may look medium but the client interprets as "full" when it tries to connect
even Westfall yesterday was medium pop, but with a lot of people trying to get in at the same time, it had queues.
that was Furor Afrasabi user.
Tigole was occupied still seething over paladins from vanilla beta and EQ being better than warriors
It's not the servers you gibbering retards. It's obvious from queues even on the medium/low pops that layering tech is responsible. Ion flat out said things will go back to normal in a week once hype dies and the strain on layering is reduced.
>get into the cuck line
>use my /tar [NPC NAME] /cast [Instant cast spell] macro on the quest mob
>watch as everyone goes into a fit of rage, just walk off if the mob doesn't have loot
Fuck lines and fuck zoomers
That dude is absolute trash at WoW. He couldn't do PVP, he can't raid, he can't do anything.
Imagine being brainwashed and doing something daily for YEARS and still not capable of doing its content.
He couldn't do normal 10 mans on retail. He basically has no fucking chance in vanilla unless the other 49 people carry him. Literally who cares about this brainlet.
>that cockblocks are a necessary mechanic/business strategy
Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks blizzard is overtuning their encounters just to brag about how hard they are to clear and then nerf them after a while to make it possible to beat. Their beloved ~mythic race~ wouldn't be as interesting if it was over in a day after all. Funny to see that it's been a thing for so long though.
>gang bang
Even if what you said is true you clearly skipped out on PvP if you think dealing with your Engineering cooldowns or lack thereof, the enemy's Engineering cooldowns, balancing your 10-30 minute cooldown OH SHIT buttons and having to actually protect your healers because they can't outsustain 3v1s like in Retail's spazfest while also using every applicable move in your toolkit to its fullest extent, even your fucking auto attacks as a caster is simple.
He is..was? an absolute retard,eating mold and maggots BUT he made it big time.
>150-200k views
that's probably around $250-500k just ad revenue
>Literally who cares about this brainlet.
You do considering how much you know about him
Unless you're a Druid you don't have an instant spell that early, and if you are a Druid you're starting in Mulgore/Teldrassil where line queues are nonexistant because there aren't two races (which is half your faction's fucking playerbase in Vanilla) beginning there
What compels a retard to play on a server with a 14k queue?
Muh streamer plays there and I have to mail him 6 copper so he can pronounce my name wrong.
Good ol xenophobia! no one wants to play with streamers and everything else, hence why herod, thalnos and such are overpopulated.
thats a good wojack
made me laff
>respect the queue
>yeah wait in line and don't you dare go ahead in my vidya game
literal cucks
Why do people even care about low level quests you get more money and XP by grinding.
Is it the retail conditioning?
It's zoomers RPing as boomers thinking wow was anything but a huge zergfest. Queuing is a thing in asian mmos like FFXI and FFXIV but nobody has ever formed a queue in wow until today
garbage anime for incestfags
that's the number 1 reason why I don't want to return to WoW. Your server dies you're kinda fucked unless you give Blizzard more money to transfer
Even in XIV the only quests worth doing are the story ones for the welfare gear and the dungeon ones and XI didn't really require much queuing because of the group system, if my memory doesn't sperg out.
How do you know which quests are the story ones in wow?
How do I make sure I don't miss a single dungeon?
No, only 15
This. It was like scratching an itch that had been building up.
There are no story quests in Classic, most dungeon quests are either in your capital cities , a town near the dungeon or next to the dungeon, ironically the most annoying one is that fucking RFC quest in Undercity, and no dungeons require attunement until much later, just a key for 2 wings of the scarlet monastery that can be bypassed by blacksmiths and rogues.
Exactly, if you're just grinding as fast as you can, you might as well go back to playing retail wow.
>blizzard didn't even see the quest queues coming lmao
They did. They didn't make changes because the #nochanges wanted no changes. The jank is part of the experience. If you want to play a polished game play retail.
>There are no story quests in Classic
But the game has a story, right?
>most dungeon quests are either in your capital cities , a town near the dungeon or next to the dungeon
How do I know I'm able to unlock a new dungeon? Is there a popup?
Like, if you have to be elvel 25 for dungeon X, when I hit 25 how do I know dungeon X even exists?
I'm just worried about missing a LOT of content.
There's some questlines with stories, but nothing is mandatory. Most of it is fluff and flavor.
No straight story like XIV or GW2, each zone is mostly self contained, some questlines will take you to many places, the closest things to story quests are the various raid attunements because they often involve important characters and events, like Onyxia, not gonna spoil it but you're gonna meet her a lot earlier than you think of you play alliance, or the shifting sands, worth doing even if you don't have a shot at the scarab lord title.
Yeah but what about the game's main story?
You won't know till you venture into a cave or a castle and you get your ass beaten by elites.
You'll see people advertising for dungeon groups around your level and you can go from there. You might miss Deadmines as Horde or Wailing Caverns as Alliance
What I mean is, you can be undead and stay in the areas on the north side of that continent without ever gonig elsewhere, and always staying within your level.
But all the dungeons aren't in the undead area, so unless there's a global level-specific chat (which there isn't), I'll miss them all unless I guide.
so, rent free
What does that mean exactly?
If you mean you're just gonna level Tirisfal > Silverpine > Hillsbrad > Arathi, then that's extremely unlikely. The quests thin out quite a bit if you never go to Kalimdor for anything, but you'll get breadcrumbs that take you to Orgrimmar and beyond regardless.
Thanks for the advice, friend.
Other than the undercity quest to RFC, what kind of breadcrumbs?
I just don't wanna be grinding on the world map or a dungeon if I could be in a newer dungeon.
wowhead or similar
You'll often run into quests that ask you to deliver something or talk to an NPC in another zone, and that leads you to more quests that take you to other zones your level. The quests are laid out in such a way that you tend to stumble upon most of the zones and dungeons you're supposed to.
Sounds great except for what this guy said
There is none, they release books for people to buy to figure out what the fuck happens between expansions
wagie wagie...
Fuck you
Questing is still more efficient than just grinding even for speedrunning autists, don't listen to that guy.
No, questing is only efficient when it involves grinding or if it gives you gear upgrades, and gear from quests is non-existant until level 20 and you're better off farming mobs over questing until at least level 15, especially in a stacked environment where no quest mobs are available.
I mean sure, but why minmax the experience just to get to 60 faster if you're not gunning for world firsts?
It's not about minmaxing it's about getting out of the overpopulated bracket quickly enough that you can enjoy the relevant questing experience that starts basically in the Barrens/Silverpine for the horde, Darkshore/last Westfall/Loch Modan for the alliance.