>Ion Fury is now back to Mostly Positive reviews
What went right?
Ion Fury is now back to Mostly Positive reviews
Other urls found in this thread:
The free market
trannies don't buy games
>What went right?
the gentle art of making (the right) enemies
They looked at the people buying and realized you don't have to give cs to non customers.
Well, they made a pretty ok game and so they get good reviews. The majority of people care about the game, not the surrounding drama.
This. Holy shit. I hope this teaches other devs a lesson. I know your PR person thinks it's scary to get a bunch of blue checkmarks calling you Hitler on twitter but literally none of them would have bought your game anyway. Ignore it and you'll lose maybe 2 sales. Try to fix the problem and you'll piss off your actual player base and lose way more.
Retards will buy anything a company produces with excitement even if they throw their employees under the bus by punishing them for their opinions as long as they don't remove that gay joke.
dilate faggot
So where does MK11 lie in all this?
It unJUSTED itself. Nobody in the fucking world wants a 90s shooter that bows to RetardEra morals.
Retards got more triggered about gay jokes NOT being included than gay people for gay jokes being included
The company literally said “we want the gay-hating audience”
didnt they still give $10k to trannies?
I want those (transparent) faggots who always tell normal people to ignore the faggotry of reseteran types that will magically make the problem go away to apologize.
normies like violence and gore
You didn't really buy it either, you just bought and refunded it to review bomb it. Of all the fucking stupid comments to make, you make that one.
Fun game. The last part of it was pretty hectic with the string of big battles that really let you use all your heavy weapons to great effect. Final boss just being waves was a bit tacked on and there was still so many supplies waiting around. A phase2 against some giganigga would have been ace.
it only applies to small studios
You're the one supporting a company that punishes it's employees with 'Sensitivity Training for having wrongthink about trannies and donated 10,000 dollars to a trans and gay advocacy group that masquerades as a suicide hotline.
>Publisher 3D Realms has also issued a statement indicating that it stands behind Voidpoint's new position. It acknowledged that the joke was made at the expense of the LGBTQ+ community and said that such things will not be tolerated in the future—unless, apparently, enough people think it's funny and cool.
Does that mean normalfags buy things and don't care about "politics"?
They had the super violence and AAA normie bait to fall back on.
But more importantly, they didn't release a product, have it derided by SJWs, and then change it to appease them. That's really what made people the most angry. I think if MK11 released with tiddy costumes and then walked them back things would have gone much worse for them.
We... lost Restera bros... We lost... We are not the majority
They remembered that the only people you don't want to offend are your customers.
I don't think Yea Forums is the majority either
>the gentle art of making enemies
GOAT album
>We are not the majority
Well duh, did you actually think they weren't anything less than a super minority(this will make them super hot)?
Even every individual race hates it by a vast majority.
If trannies are buttmad, why don't they make their own game having its own SJW jokes and buy said game?
but most of the times Yea Forums buy games
MK11 is more known for its ultraviolence than for its tits. Compare it to DOA6 which sold like absolute garbage, had zero hype, and had the most negative reaction to it when people found out some californian faggot was helming their decisions to burka up the titties so they could chase the five people on twitter and resetera that would now purchase it.
Game is based for letting you murder transhumanists regardless of the epic lib ownage
lads, can someone point me in the right direction to the seethery this has caused
That would require trannies to actually play games instead of posting on Twitter and to have the talent and drive needed to create a game.
>most of the time
user pls
>We aren't censoring the game!
>But we are going to remove a specific room due to complaints
>also we are still going to donate 10k to a tranny charity
>also we will still be forcing sensitivty training
So, trannies got 3 wins and we get a shitty soap bottle?
AAA game and the majority of people don't care about culture wars. The target audience of MK 11 is far wider.
I wish developers would stop desperately trying to appease a userbase that
1.) Does not actually buy their products
2.) Is not actually appeasable
If this lesson had been learned five years ago maybe the comics industry wouldn't be in the flaming tailspin that it is currently in
Nice cope
>>But we are going to remove a specific room due to complaints
The other two might be true, but this one is a complete non-issue. It's not even a room like you're implying it is, it's a texture on an out of bounds wall that you would never see without no clipping and was left in by accident.
How long until they all denounce?
It's being removed thus censored thus they are lying about not censoring. But hey, congrats on your incredibly tiny consolation prize. I am sure the trannies are laughing to the bank with the 10k.
t. seething tranny
Making a good game.
Telling resetera faggots to fuck off, all studios should they don't even fucking buy games
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>Resetera doesn't accept apology because lol
>wants TerminX fired
>turn back to steam since they actually bought the game and don't care
Makes sense to me
Why try to bend backwards to people that want you gone?
>pretty much every youtuber and journo went crazy over this
I unsubscribed to civvie
dilate, your wound is rotting
>Female Protagonist
it's funny how nobody even cares about that anymore
Oh you mean like the hundreds of reviews with
>0.2 hours played
Where autists just bought the game to leave a negative review, then refunded it?
None of you really give a shit about video games, let’s be honest. If you really cared about “gameplay” above all else you wouldn’t give a fuck about a soap bottle. You’re all a bunch of hypocrites
>we're at the point that people like that album more than epic
Fuck, even the cream soda album was better.
>don't buy games
>bought game
lmao retard
I have two boomer friends who bought MK11. They did it for nostalgia reasons. They bought the game, went through the story, did a handful of matches online and against each other than never touched it again. All in all maybe 20 hours total if that played. I bet you this is the case for many people
>Game says its going to fix things people complained about
>Complainers don't buy game at all, and even double down saying the fact the mistake was there to begin with doesn't deserve to be supported and people should be fired
>Revert fix
>"Complainers say they aren't going to buy the game now"
Its genuinely a fucking art these people put on
they're both fantastic
The people that complain don't actually play the games. They are either trannies looking for literally anything to get upset about or foreign trolls trying to upset the general public
Cliffy B tried and failed
You're lying about the sensitivity training. why?
MK11 literally sold on it being really pretty graphics.
the game being fun
>Honestly and unironically using the most cringe libtard meme
Jesus christ
should have been expecting totally asking for it
I think the reason these guys can stand up to SJWs and win is because they have less to lose. That's the one thing that SJWs can't control. A 10 man build engine operation done in people's spare time is not the same as blackmailing all of EA.
>That shit was always out of bounds that you have to no-clip to access in the first place and they said they're not changing or removing it
>"It's being removed thus censored"
Don't be mad at Jason, be mad at Nathan Grayson. That fucker is always writing the worst articles. At least Jason fucking does a job and would have AT LEAST had an interview.
Nothing is getting replaced you dishonest Jew OGAY was there first.
dilate you fucking retarded trash
>This is the kind of person that tells me Blood is their favorite
If Duke (sexy women) or SW (racial stereotypes) isn't their favorite Build game, you can tell they're SJWs
>Voidpoint gave the ultimate sacrifice
>they knew that caving to SJWs will tank sales, but 3DR and the PR firm they hired won't listen
>so they nodded and agreed to their demands
>they fostered the shitstorm
>they watched their game get review bombed and mass refunded
>they waited until 3DR was losing money and was desperate enough to listen
>then, they did a complete 180 as planned
>and all was well with the world
Developers and publishers will now look at Ion Fury as a concrete example of why you don't cave to SJWs and how doing so affects sales. Voidpoint's devs did what they did and sacrificed a smooth launch to save vidya games. They're heroes.
Trannies win AGAIN
One of the devs is a cripple. I hope he is the one starting fights on their official Twitter with SJWs
The person who created this image has never had sex
Are you that autist that was spamming anti-Blood threads back in May after getting filtered?
Bigger publishers are too greedy and always chase the wider audience, they'll cave to sjws for the chance of said sjws buying their game.
mods are deleting threads because people are promoting reviewbombing
No they are deleting threads because there are too many. They are keeping it at 1 thread that's it I am actually shocked they are letting us talk about this
What's the best way to play Blood nowadays
Then why did the last thread get deleted when there was only one up
>but most of the times Yea Forums buy games
Looks like Steamcels only care about politics surrounding a game. Even if the soap bottle texture were changed permanently it doesn't warrant bad reviews if the game is genuinely good. Oh but since they won against the evil trannies the game is now great. Who cares if it was good before? The devs did a bad thing so the game was shit.
The way I see it
BloodGDX or NBlood>DOSBox with bmouse>Fresh Supply
GDX personally
i've heard nblood is good but i've never tried it honestly
>Make childish joke
>LGBTQ+++ twitter tries to spin it as a HOMOPHOBIC ATTACK AND HATE SPEECH
No wonder normal people are getting more and more fed up with fags.
There were two up. You missed the other one
>won against the evil trannies
They're still butthurt about the donation
>we need to ban incel losers from video games
But where's the lie tho?
Sometimes the good guys win.
what's wrong with Fresh Supply? I looked up some people on steam if whether you should play BloodGDX, Nblood or Fresh Supply and everyone was saying that they should get Fresh supply
>a political win for the right is a soapbottle texture in an indie game being reverted
mental health checks when?
It's one guy that keeps saying
>lmao ur still cucks hahaha
>its one guy, its only one guy
>Updating your review multiple times with news
So I was thinking earlier today who was at fault here. On one side you had SJWs and the other Anti-SJWs who flip out and review bomb like children when they can't get their way. I pondered on who was the worst one here and then it dawned on me. Both are equally bad. Anti-SJWs are just as bad as SJWs if not worse. It all makes sense now.
>thanks for all the upboats Reddit!
>aw sweet, Reddit Gold, thanks again y'all
It's not a political win for the right it's handing trannies a loss that transcends left and right politics
Its really nuts how it reads like a fucking reddit post
>edit: thanks for the gold guys!
what is a fagbag?
You know why they reversed the decision? Simple: they probably actually wen on resetera to see what those losers were saying, saw that it was a whole bunch of "I had no interest in this game anyway, and they're still icky grossed even though they apologized"-type shit, and decided "yeah fuck you people."
Resetera has this way of toasting each other/circlejerking after a supposed "victory" because up until now they've been permitted to feel like some kind of unbreakable force. Not so anymore, 2bh. Ion Fury devs just set a precedent, on that honestly should have never needed to be set in the first place. resetera weasels and similar interests have only really been around "in force" a for little under a decade and sometimes it's easy to forget these people are just faggy upstarts that caught everyone off-guard, and are now subject to diminishing returns. OH WELL!
why would ogay shampoo be a loss for trannies? why would a 10k donation be a loss for trannies?
I dont think any of you have even played this fucking game for more than 10 minutes.
Its a bag of fags.
how is that not obvious?
SJW are trying to review bomb the game.
REMINDER to not buy this shit game or change your review, the devs are still cucks
Extremists have no problem distorting the facts to suit their narrative, especially if there is no way to trace the comments back to them personally. They dug their own grave by getting the apology they desired, then spitting in the face of the devs by proudly stating how they weren't buying the game anyway. No fucking shit the devs and publisher won't give a shit about people who were never buying their game no matter what. Gotta love cancel culture, am i rite? Pick your tribe, Yea Forums because it's all tribalism taken to the max from here on out. No more compromises.
God help us all.
Because trannies wanted it removed and didn't get their way for once. It's like in 300 Leonidas throws the spear at Xerxes face. It didn't do much but up to that point he was seen as an untouchable god. That's what we did today
Donating to appease a bunch of SJWs is bad.
Pulling back the donation is just straight up greedy.
Let that loss of 10,000 be a lesson to them not to be retarded next time.
There's not really any nice way to back out of a charity donation, on either side.
The company's involved realized that the forum full of extremists and pedophiles who bitched about a silly joke weren't going to buy their game in mass numbers.
I still won't buy this shitty, cucked game... but what is wrong with these people?
Fitting since Xerxes was clearly a tranny or at least gay
i don't know what i expected
You guys are certainly as gay as the spartans
>autists bought the game
>trannies didn't
That's what he said. Hormone balance off today?
They deleted all the poorly worded "muh SJW boogeyman" """reviews""" you incels left.
There is nothing gay about having sex with your fellow soldier
REMINDER to not buy this shit game or change your review, the devs are still cucks
With that out of the way: Why are these people so crazy?
And you see no cognitive dissonance between your stance and theirs? You are literally repeating what the SJWs said two days ago, "they changed it but I'm still not buying"
>I'll post a wojack, that'll show them!
>literal who
>literal who
>a fucking furry
why even screencap this tripe
What the fuck is with all this Jason shilling all of a sudden? He's not even good at his fucking job.
Go-to fucking sleep you autist you are in like every thread kys
Knee status = straightened
They donated 10k, I'm not supporting them
I like the salt
Honestly I did this same exact thing to
Mostly audio issues now but Atari pulled the license so they can't patch it anymore
This is what autism looks like
pedophile commies on resetera or pedophile weeaboo fashie larpers on Yea Forums, take your pick
To a suicide prevention hotline.
>45 results
Fucking hell
yup you're a buzzword spamming wojack poster
lmao dude
>Furries trying to shit talk weebs
I'll take literally anyone over goddamn furries and their endless mental illnesses.
WTF does Chud mean?
I just want people to focus on Nathan Grayson, that dude has been fanning anger in the communities.
>thu vurgun rusuturufug
>thu chud fuurchun nuggur
>this cartoon character is underage! you are a pedophile!
>watch this 5 year old crossdressing boy give a lap dance at a gay march, its so stunning and brave!
Theres an old b-movie called CHUD (Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers). For whatever reason it became used an insult in certain leftist circles.
dude Gamergate forgot about nathan grayson and he still has a job. He's not a woman so you fags kept losing sight of him
New word for virgin.
It's really working the bombing review now
>what's wrong with Fresh Supply?
Buggy af (mostly due to the fact that it's running on a completely different engine with all new collision, you can't even get to some of the secrets lol) and just recently they announced that the support is already over, no more patches anymore, thanks for your $20 goyim btw lmao.
Just get OUWB and play it in NBlood or BloodGDX.
Wait are you pretending that Gamergate WASNT started because Nathan Grayson fucked Zoe Quinn?
Same. Really hoping they outgrow this shit one day.
What the fuck is queer money?
Why is cloud so angry shut the fuck up cloud
Gee good idea why don't they just take it back.
"Uhhh i know i gave you this money but uhhh can i have it back pretty please?"
I'm sure it'll go over well.
>0.01% of people are trans
>on average 0.01% of customers are trans
It's cute
>Atari pulled the license so they can't patch it anymore
wew lad thank god I pirated it
You forgot to mention cope, seething, and oh no no no no.
Face it, you fags couldn't get Nathan Grayson fired if you tried as hard as you could. Now go back to hanging out on twitter, newfag.
It's fucking hilarious that a "community" so against labeling people and lumping people into hated groups absofuckinglutely loves doing just that.
Remember when they tried to get "terf" to catch on?
A term made up by the token office gay guy and gender studies hires in marketing.
Die early, fag :^)
At least they are not queer.
Pulling back from a charity would be a dick move and not look good
It's really nuts how you seethers are the ones who actually align with reddit sentiments
What a cuckhead you are.
I don't think anyone even cared that they donated 10k to whatever charity. Like those people want a target to put down. They could have donated a few million and they'd just ask "why not more?"
>you seethers
Do you also say "bend the knee"? Who the fuck says seethers?
Code phrase for, "I hate heterosexuals" and daddy issues.
The feisty ones are the best.
>where did resetera being pedos come from?
>Dude neogaf scandals never happened even though they were why we even made this site.
Does anyone have the infograph of all the retardera pedo shit? I didn't save any of it, unfortunately.
commie trannies getting a taste of the free market.
Wow those are some really big names in that twitter screencap
>a SJW shitting on Rami Ismail
They're literally cannibalizing each other.
>doing a homophobia
what did he mean by this?
That's what happens when you build a culture on calling other people out.
Steam responded to their support ticket and manually enabled the review brigading protection.
If any of you want to see just how much of a minority these crackpot trannies are in practically any game community, look at the census results in this thread. It's using US census guidelines too, so any trannies here can't call bullshit on it
i bet he says kowtow too
Cool and funny.
Not only do they not play games, they don't even know whose on their side.
So whats the homophobic content polfags and sjwfags are slapping each other over?
>0.1 hours played
At least play the fucking game before you review it faggot. I agree with everything that he says but that play time makes him look like a complete tool.
wtf bros, I'm not used to devs uncucking themselves like this.
>thread full of offtopic shit
>these are deleted specifically
To add to this, most gay people don’t even find it offensive, it’s just people who think that by getting offended by this they are doing something morally good.
>read the review bombs
>most people against censorship got the game play it less that a minute and dump a bad review in a dick move because they wont buy the game again
>trannie faggots at least play it 10 hours
That is the only good thing those cunts got over the other side
Did the Ion Maiden guys retract their apology? I'm not up to speed on tranny whining hijinks.
Also why did they have to ditch Ion Maiden in the first place? I'm more annoyed at that still than anything. That was the perfect name and Ion Fury just sounds like any generic steam thing.
ah yes, the radical centrist who's far too enlightened to take a strong stance on any given issue.
The most powerful item in video game history.
HAHAHAHA holy shit
any developer listening to trannies when they're this few, deserves everything bad that happens to them
All that matters is the free market favored one side over the other.
Remember that its pretty much never the devs who apologize for their "problematic" behaviour. It's pretty much always a PR department which has zero contact with the actual development team.
So the next time when you see some studio do damage control don't automatically assume that the guy who made the joke is apologizing.
Anything else? Thats hardly homophobic.
Sorry fagglet if your sense of identity is summarised by one of those two words.
>why did they have to ditch Ion Maiden in the first place
Literally Iron Maiden's lawyers.
legal shit with the band iron maiden i assume
I'm gay how could this offend me?
By shoving that bottle up your ass
>I'm gay how could this offend me?
Shut up fag, no one cares if you're offended, they're going to be offended for you and you'd better fucking like it.
>it's super hard to
>you will fuck up
Who runs this cult and defines "fucking up?" exactly.
I hope someone makes a mod for the OGAY soap to work just like the Dusk soap bar I know the game got a dart that does just that but still
If Ogay isn't worth fighting to keep in then it isn't worth fucking whining about staying in the game either you hypocritical faggots.
"We're the bottom line" Lol. just lol.
Yes yes, you're just too galaxy brained to have a strong opinion on anything and the rest of use are tribalist plebs.
You got it now.
That's it. Only other related content I got are screencaps from victims.
That's fucking sad, Iron Maiden should be proud to be associated with a game like this. I still remember NIN in Quake's nailgun.
What the fuck happened to everyone???
>This passive aggressiveness
But at least he's bringing "shitlord" back.
Just something featuring the word "gay" on it is now offensive and you better be careful not to stare at it too long because it could literally kill your homo ass!
Yea Forums reflects what people really think without their social media mask on
how embarrassing
Yar har fiddly dee
SuperBunnyHop did a massive video basically sucking his dick for being the "most respected video game journalist" and now faggots with no personal agency love him.
Ok so this hits them where they live in their "I am nostalgic for a period I never lived through" retarded hipster culture. I like that. More please.
>anti fascist leftie etc.
Why are ameriturds so extremified to the point of comedy. Ameritard Polfags legitimately thinking the jews are out to get them and that hitler was a good guy because a .jpg told them so, and then theres the other side that feel the nazis are out to get them and are hiding in every person waiting to come out.
Would be nice if america was irradiated. Preferably with russia and china at the same time.
>random Trump mention
Of fucking course.
Rami is a pretty cool guy, even if I don't agree with many of his views. Obviously, this means he doesn't perfectly align with the average twitter monster. They don't "eat their own" any more than the right does, this is a false narrative, not everyone "on the same side" is actually perfectly aligned with one another.
>Redditeras and Gaffers spent all day calling animenerds pedos
>are actual pedos themselves and assaulted kids
Tell us more about your European made prayer rugs, Abdul
>Preferably with russia and china at the same time.
I'll take one for the team if that's the case.
Why are yuros so obsessed? I know moslems are a contentious people but christ.
Flying ones or just the regular ones?
From what I understand the initial outrage is because devs said turning your child into a tranny and mutilating them is insane in some discord. Trannies pivoted to the bottle later, probably because it was something actually in game that they could try to steamroll the devs into changing and capitulating. Of course the most offensive n-word to them is "no"
That logic is so retarded and I don't know how it ever got as far as it did. By that logic, you can say
>People who hate pedos are actually secret pedos!
>Rami is a pretty cool guy
No he's not
He's a extremely sanctimonious faggot
He's always pretending to be some voice of authority when all he's ever done was make one shitty indie game
As an American I almost agree with you, but the people who care little about political faggot shit like this are still the majority. These idiots are just extremely loud.
the ones sandniggers rape hundreds of children on that the police do nothing about because they don't want to be racist toward the brown rapists.
And I'm sure you'll all be buying the game now and we'll get tons of Ion Fury threads discussing the gameplay.
I'm sure this is what will happen.
Someone wrote fagbag in the game in an OOB area.
Nah, otherwise MK11 would have bombed
>don't be mad at Jason
What a retarded thing to write.
>Rami is a pretty cool guy
lmao what an even more retarded thing to write
>>Caring about politics is dumb, I only care about Star Wars and the latest Netflix show!
Cause youre loud as fuck with your masturbatory politicfagging.
Look, youre even taking over this JAPANESE owned forum with your highschool level political drivel.
Ah, you may take that up with brexiters then. I only peddle flying vehicular rugs.
He's right though
you have autism
Everytime I think I've gotten to the final level I finsih and ANOTHER sewer level comes up.
Getting tired of the game towards the end.
Living parody.
No he's right, there was a big SJW/resetera guy outed/jail time as a literal pedo, and not too long ago. His twitter feed was full of claiming the alt-right was full of pedos. It really stood out as the most pure example of projection I've ever seen on the internet, wish I could remember his handle but it literally had pizza in it, lol.
I was never interested in the game, i was just following the story. And before you open that cock warmer you call a mouth again, I didn't do anything but follow a few of these threads.
>we'll get tons of Ion Fury threads discussing the gameplay.
If the game has enough content to out last the shitstorm, sure.
I thought these people loved the 90s?
I actually think Star Wars is complete garbage now after Disney got its greedy hands on it and I never watch Netflix, but keep going with your gay Wojak posting and straw-manning you dumb political extremist retard.
Being stupid extremefag that screeches and moans about surface level bullshit disguised as politics isn't really carring about politics. Grow up.
Hating something and constantly talking and circlejerking about something are two complete different things.
Pedoshit was a constant thing on their minds. If you think about childfucking 24/7 something is really wrong with you
AMERICAN made, Mohammed.
Its how you know that Yea Forums is filled with fags, as if April Fools wasnt enough.
>I was never interested in the game
If you agree then you are just ignorant. Only one side with any influence is extremist and it's not on the right.
It is censorship because mob rule is another form of governmment. The classic leftist dodge fails on so many levels.
Recently there is a lot of concern about corporate/social/mob rule because of things like big American tech companies emulating Chinese social credit system.
Anybody so eager to dismiss "gamers" has more going on than what they say.
>>I actually think Star Wars is complete garbage now after Disney got its greedy hands on it and I never watch Netflix, but keep going with your gay Wojak posting and straw-manning you dumb political extremist retard.
Real shame about the $10,000 gift to trannies and mandatory sensitivity training for the devs.
You shouldn't be. The sjw influence on the vidya industry is of interest to any gamerbrain.
You mean Copied from JAPAN, like some chink sweatshop job. Cleetus.
that spacedad guy is the most obnoxious disingenuous person on Twitter. When egoraptor was deservedly getting shit on he sucked him off in every thread about it. Could tell him a million times no one cared about whatever x-phobic he'd been, they cared that he was being a crybully trying to shut down jokes he didn't like, that weren't even offensive to anybody except Arin, and he'd just keep shifting it back to "Arin has changed anf grown from his past self....". god i hate that faggot.
Worry is that the PR person at a lot of companies these days IS a blue checkmark - who don't care about damage to the game, community, or company so long as it pushes their personal agenda and signal virtue points.
They've wormed their way in to so many studios and only hire their own kind. Lesson won't be learned when no one is listening.
that 10k is going directly to a tranny's surgery too.
He posts (or did post?) on the Something Awful forums, and he was as big a faggot then
You're outright saying that your President, Congress, and Supreme Court have no influence?
hiroshima is actually a con man who was exiled from 2ch for being a jew. I'm sure he sells the info of every Yea Forums pass buyer.
You mean made better, as is typical of American engineering. Don't be so jealous of our superior basket weaving forum technology, Achmed.
Not sure why but, this one seems a bit odd to me.
>>lmao dude.png
It still blows my mind that people pay Hiro 20 bucks twice a year for a Yea Forums pass.
>mandatory sensitivity training
>get woke
>go broke
>go anti-gay
>get paid
Good point, I poorly worded that. Let me rephrase.
The only side with extremists of any influence is the left.
this is what election tourists look like
>>this is what election tourists look like
This place is gonna get silly when 2020 rolls around
>I'll post more wojacks, that'll show him!
It's so bizarre reading the peoples twitters posts where they go off on long, angry tirades where they make it sound like there's lines in the game advocating for the death of all homosexuals when it's literally just a fucking soap bottle with "Ogay" on it. This feels like damn parody.
>>I'll post more wojacks, that'll show him!
Passive aggressiveness is about as OGAY as it gets.
>donating to the le suicide phone number cop out
grow up
Why did some homosexuals want to remove the gay soap anyway? It was soap made for them. It probably makes you more gay to bathe with it. They should want more gay products in video games.
the irony is that they were using that exact reasoning for the removal:
and yeah, I know a lot of you here were saying this as well you fuckers.
The fagbag line was already censored
They have influence supposedly granted to them by the electorate but due to activist judges and the iron grip of the left on corporations and culture they have a lot less than you would think. They pass laws in a room and it is still up to individuals to follow them or not. States like CA are nearly in open revolt with passive resistance like "sancutary cities" and WA giving violent leftist agitators a pass. You have other end arounds our federal system a plenty in things like tax dodges in NY to avoid Trump trying to close the right subsidizing the left through SALT etc. Just a few examples off the top of my head.
Meanwhile the MSM and the left have global influence to turn nations against the US by magnifying everything they hate about the current admin and downplaying any success. It's not hard to see where he's coming from unless you're a bit biased for the left, or not paying attention.
it is any surprise its always trumptards?
>play IF
>everythings fine
>tiny flying drone shows up and wrecks your shit entirely because it's tiny and can't be hit
Too bad this game wasn't even worth fighting over.
Who the fuck says that?
>actually it's the opposition to sjws that are corny!!
please nigga, go back
>downplaying any successes
What successes lol
space retard or Egoraptor?
just get them with the revolver's alt fire
I hear the economy is pretty alright.
Speaking as a fagmosexual I still never understood the outrage over that. Faggot, poofter, bugger, all the words and they picked that? The dumbest thing about it is that if done by anyone else that would be something you could also see a leftist dev do.
Maybe stop saying "bend the knee" then you cringelord faggot
They aren't used to not getting their way. They are unironically the most privileged people around.
Take away rights...? What?
>house and senate republican majority for 4 years
>still ahieve nothing
you have this problem forever because solving it will mean you wont be willing to hand more power to your masters
these tards sure love to hate that guy
who the fuck is he anyway
I have literally never said that
But you certainly speak like a redditor dumb samefag
>I didn't hear about any success on CNN, MSNBC, NY Times
>That means there are none.
Literally confirming my point, thanks user.
He achieved the longest government shutdown in US history
3rd world war cant come soon enough, there's no way amerilards are getting their political-faggotry out of their system without pummeling it out with force.
>as Yea Forums goes on a week long tirade because they couldn't get their way and now after getting their way
>still complain about trannies
In the middle east, if a guy has no beard that means he's feminine enough to be raped
Is PAX a journalistic orgy now or some similarly gay shit? It's in several of these creeps' Twitter things.
Spacedad, and I think he was leaning SJW before SA went full SJW
They realized pandering to drama queens wins them nothing
That's what redditors say. Go back.
You forgot his best one.
Not even resetera cared about the soap until they announced they were going to remove it. Streisand effect.
so what did pandering to the drama queens here win them?
>"Your" masters
>Corporations don't matter in my country
Yeah, I actually agree with the first sentiment, but not the second. You're in for a rude awakening when you realize they're your masters too.
I'm asian, but that trump and kim jong un meeting was actually pretty nice change of pace, especially after all the non-actions. breaks quite a bit of tension around the area.
>i fucking hate gamers and playing games but they have to capitulate to everything I want
Oh right I dont watch Fox so I must be a libtard tranny, sorry for not sucking off memedaddy
the extremist left only makes up like 8% of the country. there's not going to be a war. someone's going to push too far then the majority is gonna decide they're fed up with progressive bullshit. corporations are starting to realize there's no money in leftist pandering.
This all started because Retardera had a sperg out over nothing as usual.
Gamers rose up.
She just puts her hand over the hammer like she's going to fan the trigger. Nothing happens when I fire.
Still trying to figure that one out myself.
Yes. Whenever they get together at any big western show, it's an incestuous orgy of these fags.
The meeting that went nowhere? And now negotiations have completely broken down.
You must be from one of the dumb Asian countries.
>they started it!
Journalists are all bugmen by default.
and throwing a tantrum makes you better because?
Does 9Volt thinks he's clever or something? Does anybody think strawmanning is clever?
>You must be from one of the dumb Asian countries.
yeah. and guess what, it worked.
What worked, exactly?
right click, aim and release it when it targets an enemy
What did he mean by this?
PAX was one of their earliest and most successful conquest inroads into gaming culture. I forget all the details but Gabe and Tycho helped shape a lot of gaming culture and got held hostage by leftists to bend the knee with PAX, they literally appointed SJW types for security etc back in the day before it was a word and so they feel comfortable there. It was related to their dickwolves comic about WoW. You can still find one occasionally grousing about how G&T are white, or men, or whatever but G&T got through it by laying low and bending the knee as they had families to think about. They were literally getting threatened by leftists.
The people who analyze what went wrong are female too. These companies are infested by lefties in every key position.
Because it got reviewbombed hard for good reason and so they paid a lot of people and gave away the game for free to people so they give good reviews. Mostly to SJWs of course.
I think its about a soap bottle where it said OGAY on it. SJWs got butthurt demanded that its taken out and then they reviewbombed it in a positive way so it appears as if the game is popular.
We are all aware that there's a bunch of circlejerking fuckwads in "game journalism". Gamergate or not. That shit's real.
How is that a strawman?
No problem, I recommend Real Clear Politics if you don't like Fox. They literally post a left wing story then a right wing story in order all down the row so you can formulate your own conclusion.
You can't help proving you're a redditor, I was using the actual meaning of the word because I literally have never used that phrase. People who oppose political correctness are not some altright nazi drumph stereotype ya dumb cuck.
>go back
>no u
>defending reseterans
>being a reseteran
>go back
Why do you faggots always think you're not transparent as fuck?
Look at the results, I'd say its worth it.
>Because it got reviewbombed hard for good reason
Its clearly a misrepresentation of why people were initially upset with Ion Fury, as evident by the reception before.
He's comic relief and wanted to let everyone know that
>being SJW is analogous to fighting for American independence
Jesus, I lean left and even I hate this shit.
>censoring is okay if it panders to meeeee
>DOA6 sold like garbage
No it didn't? Where did you get that idea?
>You can't help proving you're a redditor,
Nice pepe; kek!
even as you said it did fuck all, it managed to lessen the tensions, mainly the fear of kim jong un. you need to see this in the eyes of common people, especially in as you said stupid asian countries.
no problem, I use it for the spiders too
I doubt its gonna simmer down. While the majority is rational it hardly gets a voice. The righ/left wing media is just relentless, looking to doublespeak any topic against eachother, making the political extreme right/left turdheads more and more paranoid, until one by one mentally ill snap and do something stupid. Then the engine revs up again. "Look look, i told you so!" Teens are easily influenced because of the nature of growing up and desire to develop an identity quick, from the early age now they're some polfag retard, or a sjw sissy.
I think you have it backwards, they aren't censoring the game now.
>it managed to lessen the tensions
lmao no it didnt you larping faggot
you never cared about censorship
Shows how butthurt they are to be honest.
>SJW boogeyman
But it was SJWs who demanded all kinds of stuff being censored and they did censor it?
The free market has spoken. REE all you want, it won't do anything.
there, probably. but here it's noticeably less people screaming about that fat korean since that meeting.
Now post your folder full of maga hats, because you're always so predictable when you get "found" out.
Also, no, pepe is Hong Kong's now. I'm an HKer now.
I dont know who you are trying to fool
the engine of politically motivated violence encouragement seems a little slanted
wow things didn't go to shit for once, the press is fucking infuriating though, it's a lame innocent gay joke calm the fuck down imagine arguing a tiny gay joke ruins peoples lives
I have always taken censorship very seriously.
Easily one of the most absurd ResetEra ban messages I've seen.
>dude pepe totally isnt reddit!
>ur reddit!
lmao dude
not trying to fool anyone, just saying what's actually happening here. maybe they don't show it as is on the medias there? most likely. not like we're any more news worthy than one of those african countries.
You have to go back.
what mistake you fucking trannie you didn't even know this game existed before that post
Thems fightin' words.
>banned for linking one angry gamer
no bias here at all, no sir, kek
I'm using you chapo chuds' logic bud
>3D REALMS creators of .... max payne
no you take sjw's seriously and would censor them given the chance
"Now I'm never gonna buy this game I was never gonna buy in the first place!"
Ahem, now put together all those shootings between cops an niggers. Or niggers against other niggers. Or all the crimes that go undocumented by antifa.
>bro if you dont like pepe u have to go back
but they love pepe, retard
That works nicely.
>I need to assume all this or I'm done for
He's on to us!
sorry the reality you had 9 extreme right wing politically motivated attacks in one year hurts while you try to latch onto one done by a left wing nutter who wasn't even politically motivated and claim equivalence
Nobody calls for SJW games to be censored.
I think 3DR helped with funding and development, it was co-published by both Rockstar and 3D Realms, while Remedy owned it until they sold the license (which was a mistake because Max Payne 3 sucks)
>SJWs imagine themselves as patriot revolutionaries
>American independence started in 1776
>The New York Times is now trying to rewrite the founding of America as 1619 because muh slavery, muh America invented it
Has there ever been a movement more dysfunctional in history?
>literally just a list of who did what
you guys just reviewbombed a sjw dev
you must be new here
Reddit is stealing all kinds of shit from here. If we'd go by your logic all of reddit would be Yea Forums.
Pepe was used here in Yea Forums the most and that won't change any time soon, you just gotta deal with it big boy.
Is that image actually about you, or are you just playing the character depicted in the image?
>add irrelevant shit and make up some stuff so we don't look as bad!
t. redditor
So brave.
Yea because they usually go WOKE and then they go BROKE.
The game was going to be censored because of SJW outcry. Complaining about censorship is not censorship.
Not an argument.
Nobody likes trannies and sjw. The smallest minority always yell the loudest.
>/pol/tards have to be compared to nigger gangbangers in order to look better
big if true
You reviewbombed MK11 too
well considering one side is nothing but individuals and antifa is an actual organized force that isn't criticized at all and half that list is blow out of proportion attributions and downplaying left wing violence i
m just going to argue that it likely is just bait for retarded /pol/ posters
huh what? u don't know what you mean?see i can feign ignorance too!
>You reviewbombed MK11 too
No I didn't. I don't care about MK post MK9.
t. actual redditor
Most shootings in america are between blacks this is a fact. Many blacks are also encouraged to shoot at police by the dems and antifa.
You sound mad.
>nobody calls for SJW games to be cens-
America is an overwhelming majority of non-British immigrants and descendants that have only had a few to zero generations to interpret the British values and culture which forms the basis of their society.
Riding the success of MKX. People somewhat disappointed because of the loot box debacle. Battlefield, Activision Blizzard and ME has shown that the goodwill gained from previous games will not last forever.
Those niggers are encouraged by leftists to do crimes against police and whites. Not to mention that most of them are clearly leftist. Meaning your people, nigger.
>right wing
fucking lmao
>absolutely no indication of anybody demanding the ending be changed
Nice try.
>Most shootings in america are between blacks this is a fact
It's also completely irrelevant to the topic at hand, brainlet-kun
>extreme left is violent
>no extreme right is much more violent here are the facts
>b-but niggers shoot niggers!
goddamn imagine being this simple
the frogposting redditor is upset
>SWJ complain about game
>Dev removes shit and SWJ now happy
>Normal people complain about game
>Dev adds shit and Normal people now happy
>everyone happy, dev now based
??? whats wrong with people? the fucking dev cant decide by hiself, its a fucking whore, fuck this game
>add every hood shooting that doesn't get reported by leftist MSM
>suddenly one jpg can't hold the list of democrat on democrat violence
>add the rural ones like the little black girl that got chopped into pieces by a black man who lured her off FB
>things are getting censored off the MSM all the fucking time
You live in the worst of slanty bubbles my friend.
aww poor leftist baby such a victim of right wingers censoring his feewings
you must be above 13 to post here.
Yea Forums when they get offended
>i will not buy your game and will possibly review bomb it
resetera when they get offended
>i wont buy the game, ill review bomb it, ill notify "gaming journalists" that the devs are persona no grata, and ill try to get the devs fired
totally exactly the same thing!
>Devs sticking to their creative vision
Fucking awesome I hope more do that
What the fuck is a terf?
Isn't it more like, an underling gave a kneejerk bend the knee response on twitter to appease leftists and then their bosses reined them in?
Even in a small company you're not just dealing with one person right?
>You reviewbombed MK11 too
You know I always found it funny how leftists always have excuses. Its not because we betrayed our own customers and censored the game to appear politically correct. Meaning people have a good reason to be mad at us. No its "reviewbombing."
There everything is alright, its just those evil racists.
>be at your go-to bar
>everyone knows each other, gets along
>new person comes in and starts complaining about how things aren't to their liking
>people tell them to fuck off
>>omg they're just as bad!!
You disingenuous shitters, why the fuck was this deleted it's accurate.
For the last time, anti-SJW is the fucking default. Regardless of political belief or background.
christchurch was an irl shitpost by an aussie.
>sure I reviewbombed it because of the Jax ending, but you betrayed me by promoting white genocide!
>The project was almost exclusively contributed to by Black academics, journalists and writers.
>According to Hannah-Jones, all the contributions were deeply researched
nice sources friend but those aren't politically motivated. unlike the mass shootings this year
this proves literally nothing i can literally grab any screencap too
>Christchurch wasn't done by a rightwinger
Oh /pol/
>ion fury is no longer cucked so lefty Yea Forums has moved on to shitposting
Putting a soap bottle that says "Ogay" in your game means you aren't a decent human being anymore? Not for something like say... rape, murder, or stealing? Damn...
Okay... so what does this pic is supposed to prove?
How is it irrelevant? Those niggers are leftists too. You have black panther or similar that openly talk about genociding white people. Also leftists. So niggers shooting each other is leftist terrorism.
You sound awfully mad, bucko.
>ill invent a scenario in my head to make it easier to cope with the messages i read
Thats a yikers from me.
he fucking idealized chinese communism and called himself an eco terrorist that certainly doesn't make him easy to peg as a right winger does it
>still bitching about trannies after getting uncensored
Are liberals even human?
>he's still crying about black panther
more like blacked panther lmao
time for sources my dumb friend
the irony is palpable
>hitler called himself a socialist :^)
wonder (((
I didn't "reviewbomb" anything at all. I don't even play Mortal Kombat in the first place.
Your "reviewbomb" are just fans that are mad at the devs for good reason. You're just using literal propaganda to make it seem like there is more behind that so you can blame somebody that isn't even there in the first place.
Like me for "reviewbombing" MK11.
>he doesnt count because he makes my side look bad
This happens with every right wing incel shooting
They're old men who probably still think Napster is stealing all of their music and aggressively go after anything that might dent their brand.
I wish the devs turn that bottle into an extra grenade weapon.
killing minorities isn't left or right wing
great strawman
Nonsense, good gentleman! Nobody likes a tranny!
*tips hat*
US REDDIT USERS RIGHT? We're taking over this town! :)
yeah all those .1 hours played are real fans of Ion Fury
Thats ironic of you to say.
>Dev removes shit and SWJ now happy
Haha, what?! Those cunts are never happy. One of the reasons people were so mad about the devs bending over backwards for them is that it's completely fucking pointless to apologize to them because they will always consider you their "enemy" if you do one thing that goes against their insane ideology.
>left wing: definitely highly organized and very political
>right wing: just a lone wolf memer bro!!
UGH.... ironic
>nigger crime statistics
>IT WAS A FALSE FLAG shooting dicussion
This has turned into a /pol/ thread at this point
>they will always consider you their "enemy" if you do one thing that goes against their insane ideology.
kinda remind me of someone. can't put my finger on it
>Those niggers are leftists too.
extremists in particular
I'm waiting
Whoa there, that's a lot of projection you're doing there bro
Thats even ironicalier than before!
This whole thing started years ago with a lot of empty promises that they did not fulfill. Instead they tricked people into buying a product that they didn't promise.
Not to mention that most probably did played duke nukem and similar. So they know what they could be expecting.
>Not to mention that most probably did played duke nukem and similar. So they know what they could be expecting.
Are you ESL or just retarded?
Dude, they're turning on Obama.
trannies can't even afford PCs due to be jobless and mentally unstable. Hiw is this shit not obvious?
you got me
well obviously, all it needs is one /pol/lack spewing his garbage and nobody can resist telling him how much of a dumdum he is
not that it bothers him
It always was. The only people that gave a shit were trannies that felt threatened by this guy telling them not to get surgery and /pol/ culture warriors trying to score a win for their team.
>when there is a playlist on YT with 56 videos of attacks on Trump supporters during 2016 election season
Where are the violent right wingers attacking Democrats? huh, non-existent... almost like leftists are the modern brownshirt fascists, just weak cuck versions that will lose the civil war
>Where are the violent right wingers attacking Democrats? huh, non-existent.
El Paso was just a bit ago
Since decades now dems are always blaming white people and police while glorifying gang culture and rap music.
Which gave way for many niggers that rather shoot at cops instead of taking their punishment. Essentially making them extremists.
But if you want go ahead there are still the black panthers screeching about genociding all white people.
el paso shooting, poway synagogue shooting, tallahassee yoga studio shooting, maga bomber, jeffersontown kroger shooting, pittsburgh synagogue shooting, murder of blaze berntstein, murder of meshon cooper-williams all happening this year is just moderate right wing discourse
>not backing down on a promise to donate to a SUICIDE charity is a cuck move
You are just as retarded and mentally ill as the resetera trannies
>resetera review bombing
They're a whole lot of talk but no action there, the SJW disapproval barely made a dent.
>no mention of the antifa shooter
If you say the people that review bombed them after the apology then you're totally wrong since the game's overall score on steam is "Mostly Positive" now. Most decent people forgive people when they've made a mistake. SJWs aren't decent people and still claimed they "still aren't going to buy the game" even after the devs OVER apologized to those cunts.
>Dodging the argument.
>Attacking the person, not the argument
Typical leftist. He can't win so he has to screech.
almost like....it wasn't politically motivated even though you desperately wish it was
>SJWs aren't decent people and still claimed they "still aren't going to buy the game" even after the devs OVER apologized to those cunts.
Yeah I see a lot of those SJWs in this thread. They're the people crying about the tranny donation
where are the right wingers attacking Hillary supporters in feral mobs? with black masks and bike locks?
none of the footage is organic youtube footage as can be found in that playlist because your examples are sloppy jobs
and those sloppy operations dont count
every new game should have an option before choosing difficulty that asks if you're left or right retard or apolitical and adjust its content accordingly.
>Hillary supporters
user its 2019
Maybe the SJWs think that they're talking out of both sides of their mouth?
>We support the LGBT community and all the strives they've made towards equality and harmonious living
>but don't worry you guys that argue about black crime statistics, we haven't forgot about you!
I really don't care either way but it seems like they want to placate everyone which seems pretty retarded.
Yea but that escalated with time and he mainly did that because dems are constantly blocking Trumpster from building the wall.
I hope you all are ignoring falseflagging faggots who tell you the devs are still cucks and not to buy the game.
>not politically motivated
Ok, a man walked up to two cops in NY in broad daylight and aced them. He was mad about BLM and posted about it on FB. Hilariously they weren't even white but an Asian and a Hispanic.
I'm not giving you sources because you need to look into things more.
>Resetera invaded the thread
Just stop censoring games.
thats modern outrage culture marketing in a nutshell
I want to fuck tha bunney
Ban incoming
>Thinking he meant the comic and not the Black Panthers
Jesus the zoomer in here is hard to bear.
>censoring part of your own name
Not sure why
>el paso
sloppy job by Epstein-connected mind control mutt
>poway synagogue
just the name means i need to say no more senpai
>maga bomber
obvious sloppy job
>jeffesontown kroger
mental retard stooge, trained by DNC
>pittsburgh synagogue
say no more
>blaze berntstein
>meshon cooper williams
meanwhile thousands of feral leftniggers assault trump supporters as seen on youtube documented by the public
>falseflagging faggots
Yep we're all ignoring you and won't buy the game. You got that right.
Well it was still the best move they could have made at this point since the game's sales and reviews are spiking upwards. At this point they should shut their goddamn mouths about this whole dumb controversy and wait until the SJWs find something else to direct their outrage at.
the playlist is from 2016 election season as specified earlier, im sorry thinking is hard for you
but my name is the one quoted
you just had one at a place called cider riot where where a right wing mob batoned a woman unconcious. funny how those videos never show up on youtube but now leaders of patriot prayer are going to jail because there was a navy vet lefty who was videotaping and passed it on to police
What the fuck does OGAY even mean and why is it a gay joke?
>cider riot where where a right wing mob batoned a woman unconcious
Source: CNN
Most of these videos have screeching niggers that clearly say they shouldn't have voted for trump.
like olay soap. but ogay. kind of a throwaway joke thing
is the game actually good though, last time I heard of 3d realms was duke nukem forever being a shit show.
>anything that makes us look like incels is a falseflag
>posting on retardera
olay is soap ogay is a tame gay joke that's literally all it is
yes, the Trump supporters are attacked by democrats
cope sloppy, cope
seething, obsessed, dilate etc
Or in another words leftist extremists.
Why is it offensive?
>Dude, they're turning on Obama.
Wait, what?
No source would satisfy you, you disingenuous faggot.
Yeah they finally started wearing their true colors and hate Obama for the drone program and not doing more to advance equal rights.
i dunno. it was some shit that spiraled out of control into a political dumpster fire where everyone is trying to score points for their "team"
>trying to ignore sloppy
it's not getting to me it's not
have you seen the democrat lineup? you have to be leftist extremist to still call yourself a democrat in 2019
New thread
they argue it's insensitive to gay people but if you really get upset over something so lame you've got bigger problems to deal with
the astounding thing is it wasn't even gays being outraged about it apparently it was trannies on resetera
I dont even know what thats supposed to mean, newfag
>Yea Forums supports and beleives in ''freaze speech''
>Steam deletes SJW review bombing
>Lol good fuck them they are trannies and feminists anyway they would do the same to us
>When they delete alt right reviews
>Ugh censorship they trying to hide something free market!
I really hate you hypocrite fucks
>Dildo earring
>Not a vagina shaped ear gauge in 2019.
You had one job.
Saying gay is like saying nigger these days. Only actual faggots are allowed to do this.
Yep, they're attacking Obama for being a conservative and limiting illegal immigration.
>implying id put that much effort into it
wrong, just post a youtube video of Trump supporters ganging up on innocent democrat voter families with kids and throwing stones at them and hurling racial abuse as is documented multiple times in the "Trump supporters attacked" playlist I posted earlier
>Developers and publishers will now look at Ion Fury as a concrete example
We already had concrete example with KC:D and it's still not really helping.
>''freaze speech''
go back
They probably won't actually analyze this shit, but honestly this is the easiest way to make literally everyone except PedoEra appreciate your product. Yeah, a lot of "gaming journalists" will start to churn the outrage mill but that's because they also participate in reeeera. You'd be a fool to kowtow to ResetEra.
How about the antifa arsonist, avowed lifetime anarchist and antifa member? He threw molotovs at an ICE facility IIRC.
It's never the supposed targets who get outraged.
New thread
I see you opted for having no argument I like your spirit
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Basically women who hate men and tell trannies they aren't real women and deserve to die like the men they still are.
thanks dude love you by the way
Based incoherent schizo poster.
New thread
other transgender make me sick.
and im trans.
Yall are literally chud gamers and need to have sex. baka
Nice double standard defending alt right shill
Yeah, right now we're only seeing a few A-AA devs fight back but this keeps happening, and crap like Gillette ad loses megabucks, surely the dam will break at some point.
Oh shit look, it's "one of the good ones"!
>"Censorship is fine!"
Mods don't like us having threads now huh
If you'd all just feminize yourselves and get fucked in peace instead of pushing tranny politics and trying to indoctrinate kids I don't think people would give you the backlash you get tbqh.
I don't even want to hear political opinions from women much less inferior bitch boys trying to shit up games and create a joyless, humorless world full of fucked up bitch boys that feel too guilty about everything to make or take a joke.
CK:D to my knowledge went hard against the SJW demands gaming journos were pushing from the start. This is the first time a developer initially caved to SJW demands, but seeing it affect their bottom line they immediately went back to the opposite position. While some slimy PR firm could've justified CK:D as an one off and that majority of gamers simply don't care enough about social issues and that pushing SJW narratives will instead boost sales, Ion Fury completely disproved that false notion.
New thread
Is the hormone therapy so damaging that it gives you dyslexia?
Alt right is fucking based, why wouldn't you root for the underdog?