Fact: Cute girls automatically make any game Soulful

Fact: Cute girls automatically make any game Soulful

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Sin =/= soul

Should I play this as my first tales or is there something better?

All Tales are exactly the same so it doesn't matter where you start

Can't sin without a soul, user.

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Fake lolis are the best lolis

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They're called Legal Lolis

>Tfw no lolibaba wife-mother

is it just me or is that torso anatomy way fucking off?

Well her spine is still functional because she did not spend 10 hours a day in front of a computer for 20 years

Feels bad man

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I wish lolibabas were real
Oh well, guess I'll stick to regular ones

Regular babas?

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I have to say yes for legal reasons

Maybe this will make you feel better

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Hey, that one isn't real either!

I think it makes me feel worse

>Cute girls
I think you mean cute and funny girls.

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I love her :(

Understandable. Little brown girls ARE the best after all.

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>Been living under a rock for like 2 weeks
>Just learned about that whole Epstein thing
>"And then they didn't put another inmate in there with him despite being on suicide watch and the guards fell asleep and the guy broke a bone people don't normally break during suicide"
WhAt a StRaNgE sErIeS oF CoInCiDeNcEs

I'd ask if there has ever been a western game with a cute girl in it and I almost feel like the first and last was Sarah from The Last of Us.
All the SFM makes me understand why western devs don't do that.

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>All the SFM makes me understand why western devs don't do that.
If anything I'd think that would encourage them to make more.