Why did you betray your good friend Fargoth?

Why did you betray your good friend Fargoth?

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it looks like an insect man

He is an Bosmer, or a wood elf, for those of you uncultured people who don't speak Aldmeris.

He's not my friend pal

i didn't because the worthless piece of crap only heals for 5 HP.

Reminder that he did NOT pay his taxes. Around 100 gold iirc.

Why did this cunt and his friends know I lied about the ring?
>Nah bruh, I didn't find any ring, sorry.
>Everyone in this village now hates me

What the fuck lads?

taxation is theft, also why the fuck do you need taxes to run a government when you can just get wizards to cast 1000 points levitate & feather and build any kind of infrastructure you want?

Not aware of any interactions like this, pretty sure either you fucked up or it's a mod. Returning the ring increases disposition with Arille but not doing so does nothing.

It's an 18+ site sweety.

I like that this is literally how the Telvanni live.

Telvanni don't do manual labor that's why they grow their houses and keep slaves

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It's far worse than that, he's a bosmer

Can we talk about how NPC for NPC that Wood Elves are bar none the worst species in TES? Sure Altmer are omnicidal, Khajiit are furry drug addicts, Dunmer are a bunch of We wuz'zers, Argonians are/can be tranny tree slaves, Orsimer as a species are an ugly fucking disgrace, Bretons are mutts, Redguards are niggers, Imperials are cucks, and Nords are inbred retards, but when you look at the worst NPC's in Morrowind and Oblivion they all have one thing in common.

Makes me glad Valenwood is described as cities nested in giant walking trees, because it probably means we'll never visit it ... and if we unfortunately do then it won't live up to expectations and blow out any subhumans who unironically like wood elves.

so the mushrooms grow with hollowed out rooms and furniture?

Attached: fargoth cycle.jpg (1250x1121, 157K)

Wood elves are the deadliest stealth archers which makes them gods among men

>that one guy is probably still living his life as Fargoth
Never ceases to amaze me.

he reminded me of that asshole with like 200 luck who didn't believe me when i said i had a million gold and also a full set of daedric armour
gaenor, i think
what a gay

They have interesting lore, but not in a way that makes anyone want to play as one, unlike MOST of the other races.

It doesn't help that none of that interesting lore is shown in the games.


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Fuck fargoth, I am trying to survive on this shitty island, I take what I need and I flirt with ALL the dark elf sluts.

Them and the Altmer are too far from where all the games take place so they're always a tiny minority that has nothing interesting, hopefully the aldmeri dominion will be a setting one day.

>got a full set of knight armor
>got a 46 damage longsword that paralyzes for 10 seconds on hit

Goddamn and I was going in blind, this is fun.

I used to always go shortswords just to buy the dwemer jinksword from the balmoras fighters guild. Now i just always go blunt for sunder

Because the wizards want payment

I saw a 48 damage battleaxe that does shock damage in Caldera, thats my goal. Got a big bounty right now because I murdered Sottilde at the South wall for the fighters guild cunt. Fuck that bitch, shitty money for the trouble.

At least the Altmer got some love in Skyrim, even if it was just the Thalmor.
And they get by on being the tallest and best at magic.

They don't. Everyone in the village already hated you. You probably have shit Personality.

The cycles of Fargoth

They come with the rooms at least they might have to levitate the furniture up

Also again as a knight I would like to emphasize I need any advice possible on how to protect myself against spells.

>not getting sword of white woe 20 minutes in

Enchant your shit or get some enchanted shit.

I am not trying to cheese, user. I knew where Fargoth's shit was but didn't touch it till the quest came.

>tfw going in blind, finding a badass in a ruin while doing a sidequest
>waddle out 298 carry weight of my 300 decked in Ebony armour with a Daedric war axe
Level scaling was absolutely a mistake.

Kill everyone so they can't cast spells.

more like fagoth

Okay, do I need a soul trap weapons to reliably have soul filled gems? I am already being carried by enchanted weapons I can barely keep charged.

Truly, this is honest to God reminding me of M & B Warband with how I can get armor and weapons to absolutely dominate weak, underarmored and underleveled enemies.


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I mean i was 12 and playing it on xbox but ok

Mate I am low level, I am trying to keep my stamina reasonable in combat, and closing distance on a pack of bandits who are covering a mage buddy can be difficult.

Give me your honest opinions on my character. It's my first playthrough.
>Steed Birthsign

>Major: Long Blade, Destruction, Alteration, Restoration, Light Armor
>Minor: Conjuration, Mysticism, Spear, Marksmen, Hand to Hand

>40 in strength, willpower, intelligence, agility and endurance. 30 personality, 75 speed, 50 luck.

I have been using an iron claymore and got through the smuggler's cave using the sword and frostbite. Am I shooting myself in the foot in any major way? I plan on leveling all of my stats relatively equally.

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Oh, luck and willpower were the stats I chose to specialize in.

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>5 offensive skills
>not a single utility skill

This is one of my favourite elements of Morrowind, fuck everything with super powerful mages and a ton of spells but just build stone towers with stairs that any faggot can walk up, any mage worth anything can either make a levitation potion or knows the spell themselves. Fuck stairs.

Spear is trash and useless until you beat solstheim, especially since you have longsword. Same for hand 2 hand. Marksmen is overrated, again, you already have a skill (destruction) that will over it.

I figured that stuff like security, alchemy, and enchant would increase a lot with regular use so I could take advantage of the level up multipliers early on. The combat skills will level as I switch between different weapons while experimenting.

I don't know why but the UI having a physical presence gets me the most

What would you guys recommend?

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Spear is good if you want to raise endurance when you play a warrior
Plus spears are kino

i love that this picture is indecipherable to people who don't know better
there is nothing you can gleam from this from the context of the picture by itself. it is the ramblings of a diseased mind

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>how did Daggerfall get its name?
unironically made me think

Oh I forgot the spear of bitter mercy, so there's two good spears. Get armorer or something useful out of combat like it.

That Fargoth Ur is 10/10

>dwemer absorbicide
actually my favorite theory

Your skill choices are fine for the most part but relying so much on magic but not having any magicka bonus means that your magicka will cap out at 100 with max Int. You can always fortify it later with enchantments and potions and stuff, but until then you will have to rely on resting and potions a lot to restore your magicka.
Also spear is perfectly fine, is basing it on the fact that there are very few really good spears in the game while there's an abundance of powerful longblades, but you have Conjuration so that's not a problem for you: just cast Bound Spear to summon a Daedric-tier spear whenever you want to train your endurance or need the extra reach, as it has nearly twice the range of long blades. Marksman is a fine fit too because you won't want to rely too heavily on ranged destruction spells to kill things at range due to your low magicka.

If I were you I would swap out hand-to-hand for Alchemy so you can make the restore fatigue & restore magicka potions that you'll need. No point fighting unarmed when you have two weapon skills and can summon your own on top of that. But it's just one minor skill change and not that critical since you can just train it up to a usable state pretty cheaply, so not sure that's worth rerolling entirely for.

Alright, tell me about "Tiber Septim was an Orc"

Do wood elves have rights?

Hopesfire or Trueflame?

>everything said about talos is true
I'm extremely curious what this means. Does it mean all the diferent theories about him are true like all the endings of Daggerfall are true? Or is it like, when you say something about him, it retroactively becomes true no matter what it was?

can someone give me a starting build that wont make me quit after 20 minutes of playing?

probably not

Something about a mage who worked for him described him as pig-like or alluded to him being an orc.

Fargoth was weak. He thought he could always depend on the kindness of strangers but he learned a valuable lesson when he met the nerevarine

Both. C0da.

>a valuable lesson
Never get involved in a land war in asia?

Fargoth was testing you, it seems you failed.

>he doesnt pick luck as his main attribute

absolute n'wah

holy shit fargoth as vivec caught me off guard

More like Fagoth Ur

My first ever character to max all skills was screwed because I didn't put a point into luck every level. It was so annoying having straight 100s in everything except luck, which was something like 58

luck is also absolutely fucking broken it affects your succes with ALL skills. its especially good when you want to reliably cast some pretty fucking bonkers crafted spells

Bet it was Ashalmawia. Gordol has exactly that eq and it's easy to cheese him on that spiral slope.

You can lower your skills by going to jail so there's no strict level cap. Luck is alright because it affects everything, but it's not really THAT important overall. It's the smallest factor affecting each individual thing.
Any time you do something in Morrowind your effectiveness is typically influenced in the following ways:
10 parts skill level
2 parts main attribute
1 part luck
With all of it scaled by fatigue level such that you're about 40% worse at everything when your fatigue is empty.

Sure you can be very OP if you fortify Luck to 1000+ or some shit but you'd be even more OP at something if you fortified a more directly relevant stat by the same amount.

You can also just lower a skill with a drain self spell and train for 1 gold forever.

Honestly, just play until you dead end you character. Then when you better understand the game, make a new one.

Go find a weapon dealer who sells iron throwing stars and buy them all, then check again to see if he restocked them.
If so, buy about 50 of them. They're very light. If not, find another one who does. Most do.
Press F1 and set them to a convenient hotkey. Of course hotkey your main weapon too if it isn't already so you can quickly switch back.
As you approach your spellcasting foes, equip the stars and throw them whenever they start casting.
If you time it right they will intercept and nullify the projectile.
No need to waste energy running or dodging and you get to slowly close the distance to smack them.

If you don't have any marksman skill, don't worry. That only comes into play if you want to hit them with the stars. Hitting their spells is guaranteed and purely based on whether the projectiles collide or not.

Fucking genius, thank you user. Mages are going to have bad days ahead of them.

thats pretty tedious thing to do when you could just pick atronach sign and eat spells thrown at u passively

>thats pretty tedious thing to do when you could just pick atronach sign and eat spells thrown at u passively
Half of them anyway. But this was advice for a dude who already had a knight he was playing. The equivalent advice of getting 50%+ spell absorption by some other means would be a lot more expensive than some throwing stars.

Because the Sixth House is rising. Once Morrowind is purged of the n'wahs that plague the land, Lord Dagoth will unleash Akulakhan and show the rest of Tamriel what true divinity looks like. By then, I'll have no need for neither Fargoth nor his petty ring.

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Is there some place where I can go to read about all of the super deep lore?
I think I've only heard about half of the things on there before.

>Your house is safe now...
Whatever that's refferencing sounds like it's very interesting.

>Moon Cum Vaults
You fucking what mate?

The cum vaults have something to do with Reman trying to conquer space and cumming. I haven't read what it's based on.

This works, but the AI in morrowind is dumb. Practice dodging spells by walking and you will be good.

Sorry but i’d rather not have my face caved in and replaced with a dragon dildo just because of my nationalist beliefs thanks.

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He looks like Olmec to me.

Yeah, I looked it up to check if it was Ebony and that's the guy. Used an amulet of invisibility to cheese his ass.

I'm searching for cool role play mods for Morrowind, what does/v/ recomend ?

He only says he'll put in a good word for you with Arrille. Everyone else probably hated you just because you're an outlander prisoner and haven't done anything good yet.

But it's also surprisingly well-researched. There's some really fucking obscure references in there.

"The Eye of Argonia" was a planned sequel to Redguard that was abandoned after the poor sales of the spinoffs.
"The Confession of Boma Kuro, 143" is a Kirkbride joke document from memospore six years ago that nobody talks about. It was a copy/paste of an even older Star Wars script he wrote but with SW terms swapped out for TES ones.
"Nords don't have Souls" is from asking Temple Priests about Nords in Morrowind (pic related).
"The World's Teeth" is from a line from the 36 Sermons referencing the fucked up terrain and water you get if you dodge the sharks and swim to the edge of the map in Redguard.
"The Blind God" is from Daggerfall's final dungeon and was mentioned literally nowhere else since. Most people who played Daggerfall never got that far in the main quest to begin with.
"Morgiah's first" is from another Daggerfall main quest where Morgiah tasks you with delivering a letter to the King of Worms where she will give him "[her] first" in exchange for him helping her get married to the King of Firsthold. This wouldn't be that remarkable since it seems pretty clear in this context that it's referring to her first child, but the official Daggerfall strategy guide explicitly said it's NOT referring to her firstborn, but chose to withhold exactly what it meant because it was meant to set up the story for "Daggerfall's sequel". Unfortunately back then TES III was planned to take place in Summerset. Things did not work out that way and so we never got to find out what that really meant.

That's just a few of the ones I recognize that I never see discussed in lore threads. There's a thousand more that I have no idea what they mean. Was this a collaboration between dozens of lorefags or one EXTREMELY autistic nigger who played every game, read every in-game book and unofficial Kirkbride posts, and remembered random old TES lore memes on top of it all?

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why the fuck do people post meme screenshots

>meme screenshots
what did he meme by this?

Blow your brains out, teenage cunt

>xbox version

no bully

Sounds pretty based to me


>emulating the xbox version of a game that's on PC

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I'd hate to admit it but the fags over in teslore subreddit do go really deep into it and have interesting discussions.

If you don't pack Almsivi scrolls, you are a FOOL


That's not even the good TES subreddit. teslore is the meme xD jerkoff sub. Reminder they wrote this:
Your Mass and You: A Young Sload's Guide to the Facts of Life
A neutral and non-hostile salutation to you reader. No doubt you are reading this as part of careful preparation for the changes you have been told will be happening to your body. Your foresight is adequate.
The first change to look for is your mass. Although it has been steadily growing your entire life, the rate of change will increase rapidly for a variable period. Your mucus coating will also become thinner, but the consistency will increase and possibly change colour. In addition, there will be phalli in places there weren't phalli before.
These changes will be accompanied by acceptable levels of pain or discomfort, and thus should have little impact on your daily schedule. The change to be wary of is the mustheat.
It can strike at any time during your years of change. Within seconds your senses will be heightened far beyond normal parameters. You will become intensely aware of other Sload around you. Most will hold little interest for you, but if a companion is also in mustheat your focus will be uncontrollably drawn to them. Sadly, any project you were working on will be ignored as you both commence mating and attempt to piece the other with one or more phalli.
During this act you will experience pleasurable sensations, perhaps as some sort of compensation for the time you have wasted doing it. It is difficult to describe in Sload, but warm bloods frequently give in to their base emotions and thus have words to reflect them, so I will quote the Redguard poet Zanir, who once witnessed the act:
WHY GODS WHY! WHY WOULD YOU LET THIS EXIST!? It was like watching two screaming, moaning cow stomachs stuffed with yogurt trying to fuck each other with tent pegs.
Our emotion scholars assure me that this is a passion filled statement which conveys many feelings.

/tg/'s elder scrolls threads are usually pretty good, albeit infrequent

>Makes me glad Valenwood is described as cities nested in giant walking trees, because it probably means we'll never visit it
In Oblivion they mentioned that Falinesti took root* for the first time in recorded history. It was implied that this was in anticipation of the Oblivion crisis, but it hasn't been said whether it has resumed its migrations by the time of Skyrim.
They may just keep it rooted and they'll give you a normal tree city instead.
But that presents an even bigger issue that will surely kill any chance of a Valenwood game leaving preproduction: how could you possibly make a tree city with no fucking ladders?

*ESO later soft-retconned this, since it established that Falinesti would root and unroot itself regularly during its migration cycle. In that case we should re-interpret the Oblivion claim as meaning that it did not unroot as scheduled and had stopped migrating entirely at the end of the third era.

Attached: PGE1e - Valenwood - Falinesti.png (950x1685, 2.28M)

Meant to quote

i don't understand the ladders meme. the engine is the same from Morrowind sure, but they clearly found ways to make such things work as time went on. pseudo vehicles exist in modern fallout and you can ride dragons in dragonborn.
also you could just literally make them door-type objects like the ladders in morrowind.

post your favourite memetic morrowind videos

The classic

It's a meme because Todd himself gave it as an example of something they repeatedly had trouble with.
>Eurogamer: I know you probably don't like talking about money, but if you had to try to quantify it, how much would you estimate you've spent on this ladder problem over the years?
>Todd Howard: [Laughs] I don't know that I could quantify it. Not that much! We spend time on it and then realise it isn't going to work again. Then we feel terrible. We feel like we're terrible game developers.

I will bet money that if they ever do implement them in a game (Starfield, perhaps?) they are going feature it prominently in the first gameplay trailer and the audience will erupt in cheer.

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Dagoth Ur.

Is there any game that matches Morrowind in the ability to create a character that can eventually fuck everyone up on a whim? Its amazing.

Baldur's Gate 2.

Gothic 1 or 2

>you could just literally make them door-type objects like the ladders in morrowind.
That's how they work in Skyrim too. How do they work in FPSes? Changing movement form the X-axis to the Z-axis when in contact with a specific surface?

>gamebryo can't have ladders
>Bully is on gamebryo and has ladders
Todd has been lying for years