Western devs be like

>Yeah, she's attractive.

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"Damn that bitch is ugly"-soulja boy

I'd still hit it

Go outside OP not every girl looks like they’re made out of plastic.

I don’t mind to much because, at least for the case of Remedy, they’ve been choosing average looking people to play their roles for a while. That is to say, I don’t think they went out and chose some average looking chick for a political statement like most western devs do now of days.

SFM WHEN????????????????????????

>they’ve been choosing average looking people to play their roles for a while.

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Just bought it eat shit poltard.

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There's apparently an unwritten rule amongst western devs: "Never create a character more attractive than your wife".

>Never create a character more attractive than your wife (male)

Guess I should say, from Alan Wake onward. That’s a big reason why I liked Alan as a character so much, just looked real and acted like an actual human being. First character I’ve ever seen who actually gets pissed at his wife and kind of goes off on her, but isn’t painted as some awful person for it but instead feels remorseful and goes to make amends. That’s the kind of shit that happens in real life and I feel like that’s what remedy captures well. Hopefully this new chick has some character to her and isn’t just like every other STRONK female character in the current year.

Are you gonna jerk off to it or play it?

Definitely the case for Black Cat in Spider-man. She straight up looked like a tranny.

That's a MAN baby

Not every girl is absolutely hideous either

Her face looks like a brick.

Fix your glasses and go outside


kill yourself tourist

Not only is remedy known for having protagonists who look like normal human beings but they are also not western you obsessed /pol/nigger

Why Should she be sexually attractive?

>be like...
Kill yourself faggot

Remedy is Western.

>finns aren't western

whiteoid got that drip

This is her actress/model

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nice fly shit

She'd look better if her hair wasn't fugly

Cute girls exist and should be represented!

Very nice.

Is it better left to the imagination?

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She's a brick house
She's mighty mighty

Slavs from Eastern Europe.

Her ass is imaginary.


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is it possible to make a more bland outfit for your main character in 3rd person action game?

based american

There's just no personality to her design whatsoever. Even real people accessorise if you're going for realism. Add some color anywhere for goodness'sake.

In what reality do you live where every woman looks like a single drunk aunt on it's 40s, it must be a shitty one.

what drives someone to willingly create something this ugly when anything could be possible? it can't just be lack of talent

I don't like video games shooting for realistic aesthetics in the first place but she's alright. She's not supposed to be a super model or a social media celebrity so why should she look like masturbation bait? It's a memorable face at least.

I don't understand why there's so much buzz around her face, if you want an actual hideous female character model you should be looking at Chell. There was no mass panic over her face. I have no idea what happened to Yea Forums, it's like the only thing that separates us from Reddit is that we got the people who feel it's vital to be able to say nigger in a video game discussion

Go bang your asian waifu if you want ugly onions hapa children. That's the kinda jaw you want on your woman if you want to breed chads.

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Portal was an FPS. Chell could've look like a tree trunk and no one would care.

actually true

She looks fine, I’m sorry she doesn’t look like generic weebshit.

25 year old fashion choice... but I guess since the general design sense for everyone else was from the 1940's or 50's it's an improvement.

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>oh god she doesn't look like my anime waifu so she is ugly!

Generic weeb shit would look less generic than featureless average looking middle-aged woman in jeans and a jacket.

So it's a AAA SCP game with a 7/10 maybe 8/10 female MC that you can find hidden outfits for. So tell me this, are her hidden outfits cute

found the tumblr user

yeah...with a bat

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What is with the west needing literally everything to be "Realistic"?

they dont think she's attractive
they intentionally made her ugly, because they think real women cant be good looking
female incels are insane

>a bit past her prime
>tired eyes
>still fit
Looks like cake to me senpai

It's the easiest way to avoid criticism from all sides. You have a problem? We were going for realism, your problem is with reality.

not like you fags would play the game anyway if she was hot. you're just like the trannies who complain about shit and dont play games

how does this make any sense retard
the game's concept isn't anywhere close to real

>not like you fags would play the game anyway if she was hot. you're just like the trannies who complain about shit and dont play games
Go suicide by cop, tranny. If she was hot, the game would be all over Yea Forums with everyone wanting to suck her toes and other gay shit.

Early devs were kids who did what they wanted. Now they are boomers with families and accountable to their wives.

>character design is a regular woman
>ignores the rest of the game is in a magic monster lab
fucking idiots

Found the incel forums user

>looks like a tranny
Every fucking time.
What is the obsession with western devs and masculine, tranny looking women?
>what kind of character do we want to create for this game?
>I know, we need a model that has a flat chest, wide shoulders, narrow hips and very angular face who's best years are long gone
>yes we've done it again!

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cope. get a new image macro, i see you around too much

Realism as art direction in general sucks for vidya because it ages worse than milk. Lots of games from PS2/Gamecube era look much better than games from PS3 onward because of their art styles alone.

There is a rule in fiction that you can't have too many fantastical elements in it. Protagonists are usually very bland and relatable in scifi.

well hopefully nobody here is cucked enough to be a writer

I got scared and thought she was a guy for a sec.

>Make a female character with a male's square face
>Force the camera to pen into her face every five seconds during cut-scene as she did her retarded "talking to herself" stuff
>Combining with the general cringy dialogues it makes almost every single cut-scenes in this game a god damn torture

Talking about bad game design

It's odd because Jessie looks so modern but the rest of the character designs, of speaking characters or pretty good and telling of their personality and there's this overall Mad Men look. Like this 50's idea of what scientists and security should look like, even the technology. And you'd think they'd either make Jessie Blend in with that or look so conspicuously modern that she sticks out but everything she's wearing, I don't even know. Does nothing. It doesn't inform you on the character, it doesn't really provide contrast with the other characters or environment. It's just clothes, drab forgettable clothes.

>Protagonists are usually very bland and relatable in scifi.
Well fuck, maybe they nailed it then.

Yes, the AC games

LMAO, what is there to cope about? What exactly do I need to acknowledge?
The simple reality is that western devs are beta faggots that are afraid to put attractive women into their games lest some whiny harpy clucks at them on twitter.

Woke and redpilled