I'm drunk and wanna buy something on my switch. What game?

I'm drunk and wanna buy something on my switch. What game?

Attached: nintendo-switch.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 75K)

hack it and pirate tetris 99

What do you have already?

Darkest Dungeon
Stardew Valley
Octopath Traveller
Enter the Gungeon
Hollow Knight
Plauge Road
Monster Hunter Generations
Dead Cells
Katana Zero
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Dragons Dogma
Slay the Spire
My Friend Pedro
NBA 2k19

Kamiko. It's cheap so even if you regret it, you'll get over it quickly.

Get the ace attorney trilogy if you haven't read it yet.

If you didn't play the original get Katamari Damacy Reroll
no shame in picking up 2k, it was $3 for a while

Did you try throwing the console out of a window?

No need to keep that garbage if it has no games

Resident evil 4 or REmake

I'm playing the PC version, but I have absolutely been loving Enter the Gungeon. I'm under the impression the switch port is solid.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2
FF12 if its out yet.

Any reason you don't have Mario Odyssey?

genuinely, mario vs rabbids is a solid game if you like strategy and fire emblem isn't your thing

It really is better than it has any right to be.

Just never got around to getting it but it looks fun
I forgot they added Katamari
Switch version is good too. No issues with it at all
Never played RE4

I'm pretty sure superbeat xonic is still less than a dollar, which is a steal for a solid rhythm game
Terraria if you don't have a pc for the game (or want to play it portably)

Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

binding of isaac's always a good time

I'd say get Odyssey, especially if you ever played Super Mario 64. Salt and Sanctuary is also a good one from the store if ur into platforming rpgs. Splatoon 2 also if ur into shooters.

Superbeat XONiC, it's like fifty cents right now on the eShop

>never played RE4
Then the answer is simple: go buy it and play

Dark Souls. And if you’ve already played it, then play it again.

Play with my peeper

Game is way too short.

astral chain

Im drunk playing through ultimate alliance 3 its pretty fun mate

What's that



Devil May Cry is fun when you're drunk. You won't get very far, but it's a fun ride.

But OP doesn’t want to get banned online.

I'll get Odyssey then! I remember hearing about Salt and sanctuary and is Splatoon 2 still active?

Is Pool Panic any good?


Remilore if you want a weeb Diablo game

If you're old enough to be drinking, you're too old for Splatoon.

That lewd pinball game.


I'm drunk too OP

How about a paperclip?

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3 Starring King K. Rool, Krusha, Klump and Klubba

Found out my switch is patched and can't install homebrew. Might get Astral Chain this weekend though.


Yep. Still no problem getting into rooms. Odysseys really fuckin good too. Basically a new Mario 64.

How is Katamari

Having never played the switch one: it's comfy, relaxing fun.

this still true on switch

Fun as fuck



Gal Gun 2

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How's the switch version of that? After trying double peace on Vita I'm not sure I trust them.

Crash Team Racing, I just spent $40 on the digital version no rugrats.


Don't do this! Tetris 99 on a hacked switch short-circuits it cousing the battery to overheat and release mustard gas

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