We're coming ho-

>We're coming ho-
>*16 hour queue*

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i got kicked at 630 pst and i'm just now getting back in at 950 or so. position 182, down from 7.5k or so.

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180k people in queue

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>Not waiting a few weeks for the hype to die down and sharding to become irrelevant

Many, many wrinkles.

that's it? expected more desu

It's truly the full experience. I remember this bullshit back when BC dropped.

What have you been doing in your queue anons?

I've been having fun joyriding the 2018 automatic Miata I just bought and playing with the manual mode

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Want to know how I know you never played vanilla?

i queued 30 minutes before launch. i drank a beer and logged in the instant servers went up

Why does the queue still exist?
Surely it is a product of incompetence and not some technical limitation?

I got to play for about 30 mins. It was homey af. Takes forever to find mobs though since there are like 100000 people playing.

I took a 2 hour nap. Position 2362 now

That's like 2 hours you moron

>American """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""education"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

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based blizzard delivering the full, shitty, boring, grindy experience to cash in on nostalgia
I thought I wanted it but I don't

>implying its the vanilla experience without massive queue times

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Every server can hold 12k players so multiply that with the number of servers + que people and you have launch day results for US.

Only incompetence if you mean they should have had more day 1 servers. Not incompetence if you mean they should have 20k servers in a game designed for 2500 players.

Goddamn I might give up on Whitemane, shit is actually worse than Herod. Is Fairbanks still the second biggest Pacific PVP server?

he's right though, the blizzard timers are way off. it takes about an hour to get through 5k people

big burger

>there are still server wait time
wtf man. this isn't 2007 anymore. I thought we live in a time where this shit would be a non-issue

I managed to play a good 2 hours last night. Got to level 7. I'm good at mob tagging so the large amounts of people didn't matter much to me. I also skipped the supplies quest because only a fucking 70iq moron would waste an hours time to do 1 quest. I started in the undead area.

Surely it was better when Diablo 3 released and you were simply unable to login, got randomly booted out of the game and everything lagged once you got in 48 hours after launch.

A queue would have solved a lot of headache of thinking you can get in and actually play.

get a general and gtfo wowfags

>implying this wasn't vanilla
ever wondered why blizzard added so many servers for it?

This is just a TON of players wanting that first taste. If you come from private server scene you're kinda used to this.

Spot on. People just don't remember or weren't there in the first place.

I was on BB for vanilla and the largest queue I saw was like around 800

>16 hour queue*

Wonder why the menu theme in 10 minutes long