Hello, Anons!

So i've seen quite buzz (lightyear) around some leak of sorts about the 4th Smash character in the pass, i have 2 things to say about that:
>1: It's not an Overwatch character, i don't even know if the game is coming to Switch but considering Blizzard licensed that carrying case. It might happen?
>and 2: If the pic hasn't already told you so, the next character will be from Puyo Puyo. And yes, it's the one and only Arle

Arle is currently passing through the Designing phase so i don't have anything to say about what she will exactly do in Smash. I think the "will dissapoint a lot of people" is pretty spot on with Arle, this is guaranteed to be Hero 2: Electric Boogaloo in terms of reception. But just like DQ was begin pushed hardly before Hero's announcement, Sega is doing the same with Puyo

First, Sega Ages: Puyo Puyo Tsu will be announced and released in October 24 (only in Japan as of now)

Second, after more than half a year begin out. Puyo Puyo Champions is going to get extra content in the form of characters, a first round will be released for free (as a "Thank you") and contains Klug, Feli, Lemres, Ecolo and a 5th character called Lamia. I don't know anything about her except that she has the lower half of a snake and it's blue for some reason? I'm assuming she's from Quest but correct me if i'm wrong
There will also be online tournaments with Gold Coins as a prize similar to Tetris 99 GP's in a near future
And because they had to wait this long to finally get their shit together. The first Puyo Puyo E-Sport Circuit will begin in 2020 in North America

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She's in

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If arle gets in and lip doesn't I'm gonna have a fucking stroke.
I need my classics

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the leak that is literally an ambiguous text post made on Yea Forums that basically says nothing? this site is desperate

Third and Last: Puyo Puyo Chronicle is begin localized and will release in Spring 2020. It might be a Switch exclusive going off by the japanese name (ぷよぷよクロニクルS, Puyopuyo ChronicleS) and it's not any different from the 3DS original aside from the Miiverse stuff getting removed, some alterations to the RPG Mode Story (in a fashion similar to USUM), and the 6 Skill Mode characters begin playable in all modes

Puyo is more classic than Tetris Attack and Lip already has an item, a spirit, a costume, many things

It's not about that. It's about me loving ALL three. Tetris attack can suck a dick also. I play panel de pon and planet puzzle league.

It's the same exact thing

They're different in many ways. Mostly AI and weird ass graphics hacks done by nintendo. I'd be surprised if they did add a puzzle character with their mechanics in place

She'd just drop blocks on enemies and they'd disappear immediately after. Or maybe explode if you combine em or something

The garbage mechanic would work nice if you could keep stacks on people somehow.

Arle would rule. And you know Sakurai's gonna implement some puyo mechanics in if she does get in

As much as I love Arle, I don't think Sega would use up their slot on a relatively obscure character from the 90's who isn't even the main character of her own series anymore.

Attached: Arle.gif (250x243, 2.57M)

they're kinda' doin the esports thing

>More than 24 characters in a Puyo roster

The Compile characters get more spotlight than the Fever characters or the Suzuran Trío, on what bizzaro timeline you live in?

I don't care who it is, I just wanna cute anime girl in Smash that's of questionable age.

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Puyo's not obscure lmao
Also, Chronicles pretty much solidified her status as the main protag

sucki my cocki

Don't hive me hope, empty promises

Would you?

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Sega already got a slot with Joker.

We all know who it is.

Attached: reimupissed.png (248x248, 59K)

>hurrr muh 1 slot per company rule
>implying sakurai would limit his possible choices to appease some rulefag rule

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How can you act this retarded?
The pattern is very apparent when you look at who got the slots. All by different companies.

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strike two, retard

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Alright, Fine. Come up with a moveset for Arle then if you're so confident she's in.
Do it. Do it now.

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>how dare he question my made up rules, clearly he's an arlefag
strike three, retard
i'm only here to call out all those dumbass rules you fuckers keep making up to try and predict shit (only to get BTFO'd every single time)
the only literal rule for smash is "has to be fucking video games", anyone who claims otherwise is a faggot

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No, I'm being serious, What would be her moveset?

>Fire, charge and throw out fireballs, not unlike ridley's plama breath
>Ice Storm, charge and throw out snowflakes that can freeze your opponent
>Heaven Ray, envelop yourself in a beam as you travel upwards. turns into a anti-air laser if used on the ground
>Diacute, add bonus damage to your next attack. can be stacked up to four times
>Bayoen, dumps a avalanche of garbage puyo on the stage that damages enemies

Where did all this shit about an Overwatch character and Reimu start? Was it just some user pulling shit out of his ass and everyone latched to it like every other time?

It's so fucking obvious user wanted a Puyo thread but ended baiting Smashfags instead

But seriously, why can't Puyo thread stay alive any longer than 30 replies since one year ago? Did the Denuvo BS really turn up that much people?

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Probably heavy zoner with a reflect to mimick offsetting, or perhaps a heal spell?

If I remember right, Arle in the games had no physical attacks, it was ALL spells. So probably similar to Zelda.

i feel like offsetting could work more as like a meter/ui type deal considering she doesn't have any reflectors in her spell list
>do combos/chains, gain nuiscance puyo
>get hit, lose nuisance but recieve less damage because of offsetting
>can also use them to drop bonus damage (maybe with diacute?) on your opponent (sending garbage to the other player's field)

Don't forget whatever barrier spell she uses when she fully offsets all her garbage puyo (I dunno what it's called, she doesn't call it by name in any game I played and I didn't play the originals, just know about them).

Buuuut I also like your idea better.

oh yeah, iirc people just refer to that as her counter animation
feel like that could work as a nair if you go with the UI idea

An overwatch switch case was leaked on amazon, people are expecting a direct next month now to announce overwatch for switch and it’s obvious that they’ll shill in Tracer to go with it.