ITT: We discuss Rockstar’s best game.
Max Payne 3
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Most fun gunplay i've ever played
it's such a shame Rockstar never used it again
also, the Hoboken levels and that part when the BOPE's get in the favelas was kino as fuck
>ITT: We discuss Rockstar’s best game.
RDR2 thread then
It's such a shame that they were so few duels in RDR2
Yea Forums is a better board for you
Other than the story not making any sense Max is the best character ever so 9/10
Any other games with a cynical drunk mc like this?
condemned 2. you also need to drink booze to stay drunk.
it was great
fuck the rosckstar social club faggotry though
>story not making sense
user... your comment is not making any sense here. If you only paid attention to the in-game story, if only.
Whoever directed the gunplay in this game is very likely a gun owner himself, which you think would be more common with American studios but it appears that isn't the case. Also, the music is excellent. Sometimes you just want to wallow in sorrow.
fpbp. Also that fucking airport.
>Sometimes you just want to wallow in sorrow.
But brooo it's too dark, what if I don't want to have to confront the fact that life can suck shit sometimes, I just want to pop some stimulants and have a story about nonsensically heroic people that never have anything bad happen to them!
>discuss Rockstars best game
>post the worst game from their worst series
>Rockstar’s best game.
Bully thread?
Nah dude, 1 and 2 were worse games, they had better stories but in every sense of the word played worse, trying to hide behind "Arcadey" values doesn't mask the fact that it feels janky as fuck and being able to turn on a dime while in full sprint requires to forethought or commitment for the player, it's inherently less cerebral, the gunplay is worse, and the mobility only serves to out people that don't understand why when you charge several people at full speed you either better be a really good shot or accept the fact you fucked up
3's story is shit, though. It's not that it's sad, it's just trash.
holy shit thats a bad take
Amazing conclusion you can't seem to justify, I'll enjoy your next reply not explaining yourself either because other people that are terrified of admitting I'm right will vindicate you by giving me (You)s
Every TPS should be required to have Max Payne bullet time.
CTRL+F Vice City
0 found
I'm dissapointed
Vice City was honestly a more polished GTA3 with how quick they pumped it out.
San Andreas, while being extremely fucking overrated is exalted for good reason and beats every other GTA to death, GTAV could have been great if they didn't focus on contemporary online content
based retard
Vice City is boomer tier user.
is this the only r* game you have played?
The idea was there could actually be more duels since you can now quick draw anywhere by very slowly pressing the right trigger. This was a big mistake though as they never properly explained this feature and it lacks 100% of the gravitas of the duels in Red Dead 1, plus they're extremely easy and not as fun
No but it’s the one I keep going back to the most, despite having to replug my 360 back in each time I want to play. I’ve played most of their catalog and I can say that maybe Gta5 and Red Dead 2 are more expansive and better story driven. But MP3 is just too much fun to ignore. And I think a game that still makes me keep my 360 just to play it is definitely remarkable at the very least. But that’s just my personal opinion.
fucking this. I might be a retard, but I found that mashing the trigger to just spam shots was much more satisfying than some slow aim and draw
> Buy the Max Payne pack on Steam dirt cheap during a sale years ago
> Never actually play any of them
Should I play the first two before trying Max Payne 3? I really liked the old Punisher game for the PS2 and I've heard it was a ripoff mechanically of Max Payne.
What a waste of good gunplay.
If you want to understand the background and few references yeah. Otherwise just go for 3. It’s more modern and polished. Definitely a lot of fun
>go online
>everyone had an OP body suit and played the females with smaller hurtboxes
>those bitches also had like unlimited grenade launchers and perks that made everyone explode
The online was pretty cool before the bomb suit showed up