Game lets you lose years of progress in the blink of an eye

>game lets you lose years of progress in the blink of an eye

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>game lets you shitpost on a taiwanese coal mining irc

people are still pissed at this?

its hilarious emulatorfags still seethe over this

I thought this was a Mongolian basket weaving forum

Its something new every week

it's a Sinhalese kickboxing server

saw this the other day
added him and called him a faggot then removed him
feels good to be a level 3 skiller

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i read three stories about EVE once
>one was about a huge space battle where two player factions had been at a state of high tension for weeks, and then one attacked the other in a huge war, people literally left work to rush home and defend their shit
>some guy had like, $30,000 of IRL microtransaction money (i don't remember what it's called) being transported around and some guys destroyed the ship along with the cargo, poof money gone up in smoke in a blink of an eye
>another guy formed his own friendly bank in-game where he'd look after peoples money and even offer loans and shit, did it for years and people trusted him and then he suddenly stole it all and bought the biggest, toughest fucking ship in existence and then fled to dark space, daring people to come after him
dunno if true or not but EVE is a fucking awesome sounding game, i just don't like sci-fi

yeah that was a good cracked article

>reddit soiboys upset over this
That tells you all you need to know. It was his property and he could do whatever he pleased with it.

EVE Online is the kind of game that's a hundred times more fun to read about than it is to actually play.

>yeah bro it's totally hilarious that eventually we'll never be able to play original Xbox games again

>another guy formed his own friendly bank in-game where he'd look after peoples money and even offer loans and shit, did it for years and people trusted him and then he suddenly stole it all and bought the biggest, toughest fucking ship in existence and then fled to dark space, daring people to come after him
This is hilarious and epic at the same time. I would have declared war on this fucker and united all colonies to search for that bastard.

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There was nothing of use on it and you can buy dev kits on ebay for nothing.


kill yourself faggots.

Literally nothing of value was lost because of this. And nothing on there would've helped emulation. You people are so fucking dumb.

sounds something i would see in a movie

why would people spend thousands of dollars in this game? i don't get it, is it like second life in space?

> In real life I am a complete fucking loser
> In EVE I am a smart businessman, or a dashing pirate, or the leader of a trading guild, or a feared mercenary, etc etc

Which life do you think losers would want to prioritize?

>a Halo Alpha on it
Oh god could you imagine?

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What did he do again?

wtf i didnt know x box was actually computers

I don't think they're spending that much (though I'm sure some do), EVE just has the Plex system that directly ties in-game currency to real money.

This is an Indonesian fingerpainting club

As if. I never got far into EVE but I had a lot of fun with it in the 300 hours I played. PvP was a blast in that game

>that time a literal full scale all out war was enacted because the leader of a federation bullied some guy to suicide and got banned so all of his territory and stations got repo'd
>so every other fucking federation descended onto their bases like pirahnas when a cow is dropped into the water

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nigga I just want games to be preserved like movies and music

>tfw the Intergalactic Union can ban the leader of an entire Federation over allegations
>Galaxit: vote Leave

I don't even care for most of its games. I'd just like to play the ones I liked most again on the more convenient PC I have.

>Tfw still have my functional original Xbox from 2005


He took an XBig dev PC apart because he wanted to use the case to make a mediocre gaming rig, placed the old components on carpet and they likely got BTFO because of static electricity. Emu-friends pissed because there may have been useful XBig dev software inside

nobody can catch the notorious space jew