Every review praising how slow the combat is, and how padded out the downtime is between fights

>every review praising how slow the combat is, and how padded out the downtime is between fights
So this is how action games die, huh?

Attached: astralchainCover-1-1038x576.jpg (1038x576, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:

timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190830T00&p0=538&msg=Astral Chain&font=cursive

Drama queen much?

slow isn't bad, especially when the gameplay is focused on positioning than frantic combo chaining

>padded downtime
nigga you're cops


You say slow, I say methodical
And it's praising how there's more to the game than just pure combat.
There's nothing wrong with some variety in a game that may be focused on one thing but offer alternative distractions. And there's nothing wrong with the opposite either, a game that's hyperfocused on a single mechanical system

According to reviewers you’re doing shit like catching cats or picking up litter
Typical cop shit in between the killing monsters time

I did see multiple reviews saying that the game was 'accessible' and you didn't have to deal with difficult combat like 'Bayonetta' and 'Nier Automata'. Anybody who thinks Nier Automata had difficult combat is definitively a fucking retard, so hearing them praising Astral Chain combat is a little concerning.

Holy shit just 5 years ago you fsghots were saying action games needed to be as fast as Bayonetta minimum, but now you've done a 180.
Fuck fetchquests
Fuck stat boosting
Fuck 30fps

I'm down for that. Make you actually take your Cop role seriously instead of just nothing but the action happening at all times.

Ah, the classic Yea Forums is one person argument.

Are you okay user, are you having an aneurysm?

That would be expected

But can you fuck me next? Preferably anally.

does this play more like DMC or bayo? i need more after i finished V, but i have never liked bayonetta so if this is the same ill pass

It plays like Automata, which is the most watered down version of Bayonetta.

>pretending Yea Forums isn’t a contrarian hivemind
2 years.

oh god that game fucking sucked, hard pass for me then. the switch has alot coming out, ill manage i suppose

Thanks for stating how long you've been here, newfriend.

what kind of faggot post is this?

>Nintendo bonus
>PlatinumGames bonus
>paid reviews
>honeymoon phase
>blah blah blah
And every other ''argument'' that you haters can think of.

Doesn't look slow, more like it isn't an unplayable mess like any game with the camera over the shoulder.

I'm kinda on the fence about it. I was probably gonna get either astral chain or daemon x machina and the new trailer for DXM is hype as shit so I might hold off on deciding which one to get. Especially after hearing some negative things about astral chain. I hear the gameplay is pretty much what holds the game up but even that doesn't sound consistent. Guess I'll decide when DXM releases. Who knows I might not end up getting either. I barely have time for games nowadays anyway and my backlog is already frighteningly large

You mean PlatinumGames Minus.
Every Platinum game sells like shit. I feel if nobody knew Platinum helped make Nier: Automata that it would have probably sold even more than it did.

Is it true that it's like 30 hours worth of content?

Is this similar to Xenoblade Chronicles X or XC2 at all?

>wow platinum why did you add side missions to the game instead of making your game 8 hours long
I fucking hate this board so much.

Sounds like quite a bit more than what Platinum normally goes for.

Absolutely not.

I've heard closer to 20 hours of story but like almost 50 hours if you do all the little side quests. I hear they get boring though

No even the same developer or artists. So no.

It had a great story, user. This is coming from someone who played drakengard onwards.

oh great, sure i am glad i played an action game for the edgy 3deep5me story

>every review praising how slow the combat is
Let me guess, they're all playing on journalist difficulty?

they mean slow as in 30 fps, probably less undocked

like oh my god can you not?

it's 30fps locked user

>snoyboys still seething
feels good to be a nintendo chad

You're just a faggot if you went to a taro game expecting anything but mediocre gameplay.

then he should just cut the crap and make it a movie. the gameplay has sucked ass in every game he touches, just change mediums

I go to Taro goes expecting shit gameplay and a think piece attached to it.
Automata at least gave that think piece some competent gameplay to accompany it.

who cares about the combat when the characters and story are going to suck

Slow combat is unironically a good thing as long as its done well.

Attached: valor gs.webm (854x480, 2.95M)

>88 score review

The absolute state of DMCucks and Bayofags

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Thanks, I agree.

>Feels good to be playing at 30fps on MY PLASTIC BOX
Damn consolefags are really a bunch of corporate cocksuckers.

>Astral Chain can't just be fantastic by it's own merits
>It has to be at the expense of another game so it looks better

Oh No no no no *wheeeeze*

A reviewer I know played the story mode for 30 hours, and he's currently at 50+ doing some postgame stuff
But he also said that if you ignore side activities and just advance you can clear the story mode in 15 hours

>Hey guise look how this game suck and nobody cares about it.
>But I totally can't wait to play on my box or emulate it, after all this game sucks.

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LMAO the absolute fucking state of switchfags. Wow you faggots are so starved for an exclusive you'll try to spin anything. Pathetic!

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But bayo and dmc scored higher. Am I missing something?

Kind of sounds like they suck as at the game and have countless retries at challenges or something.

>every review praising how slow the combat is
Haven't seen any of this at all
>and how padded out the downtime is between fights
They like the gameplay variety generally, but this is a pretty misleading way of saying it.

so any game with a combat system needs to be purely combat focused?

Only one fanbase is obsessed with exclusives and can't stop talking about them, but end up buying FIFA and CoD.

>the only bad review the game got so far is Vice Waypoint because they are antifa fags that hate law enforcement
Kek, how long until Vice starts the American Communist Party?

You actually get graded on how well you listened and found relevant clues
A good change of pace in my opinion

Nah, he just takes his time and gets every hidden collectible before moving on.

Looking forward to Astral Chain eventually outselling Iceborne. Pretty easy since Iceborne is an expansion and thus, will never sell 10+ million.

For some odd reason I'm getting True Crime:Streets of L.A. vibes from that.

True, But I don't think Astral Chain will sell to far over 2 million copies. Seeing as it's a Platinum game and they have the worst possible time selling their games.

In a slightly related note. I'm noticing that "Platinum has never made a good game" guy isn't here. He would have derailed this thread about an hour ago.

My penis can only get so erect

Probably went to bed like I am.
Sweet dreams faggot I’m going to bed.

Haha let us see your cock but like as a joke lmao haha

We're going to have Bayo 3 for non-stop action. Astral Chain should in fact be as different as possible.

i want it as different as possible because bayo is poop

neither really. it goes into a unique direction with the focus on dual character control

Already bought it deal with it.

Astral Chain was never marketed as just another Platinum action game and the fact that faggots like you think that’s all Platinum should make is why their games have been so shit recently.

It's okay if Nintendo does it though

It means the game comes with several difficulties which are Unchained Mode aka Game Journalist Mode, Casual aka Easy Mode, Pt Standard aka Normal Mode, and Pt Ultimate aka Hard Mode. Unchained Mode puts combat on autopilot while you sit back and watch.

>implying it won't be the same abortion as bayo2
i really want it to be good but recent plat history makes me doubt it

So what other platinum game is this compatible to? I liked Wonderful 101 but really didn’t enjoy Bayonetta. Is this game more about difficult combos in the combat or cinematic attacks that make you feel cool?

How is bayo poop? I assume your answer with be a 3 paragraph autism fest about hating the over sexualization or some niche aspect of the combat that rubbed you the wrong way.

Bayo2 was fantastic what do you mean?

The world and characters don’t seem interesting. And the combat is slow. Why the praise? Ah, Nintendo. Ok’

It’s more like Nier Automata, so if you like that game you’ll like this probably.

The only thing this has in common with automata is the upgrade chip system and timing being rewarded.


The second one. The camera even moves to make the combat seem anime

I think there is also an unlocakle higher difficulty like in bayonetta.

That's Pt Ultimate, you unlock that by finishing the game on Pt Standard

It has a couple of small to moderate issues that make it not as good as Bayo 1 in some people’s eyes, which I agree with but the game is still god and better than any western piece of shit action game so I don’t know where the hate comes from.

Omg this game is already the most shitted on game this year, whay went wrong bros? Why is this game so bad?

I mean can you even call mid 80s praise nowadays? And the praise is likely because the game tries something new and mostly pulls it off based on what reviews say

>Bayo2 was fantastic
>t. normalshitter
don't have time to go into details right now but they butchered the combat hard and turned it into forced witchtime+umbran climax spam even on the highest difficulty. scoring was shat on too with pure damage calculations and focus on tight nonsensical time limits and enemies being able to block/dodge ALL attacks outside of witchtime ruins the flow
everything but the combat is much better tho

i cant even think of a western action game.

Feel ya.

Do you think the metascore will be able to crawl up to 89 or will it stay at 88.

God of War and anything made by Ninja Theory. Probably some shitty 360/PS3 games I’m forgetting too.

3 words: Anime Nintendo Exclusive

The only kind you deserve.

>and the new trailer for DXM is hype as shit
was there a new one recently?

Gotcha, I’ll probably hold off then or at least wait till it’s super cheap because I like the idea of playing as a justice driven cyberpunk cop.

Nothing wrong with that over the top cinematic gameplay when done right, but I’m not super big on it and like as much control as I can get in my action vidya.

So there's no hard mode to begin with?
I guess they want to avoid people getting in over their head but for people like me who have a lot of experience in action games that's kind of frustrating.

Is impossible to have an AC thread in Yea Forums at the moment, I hope there is actual henshin in the game so /m/ arrives, goes full toku and overwhelms the shitposters with JUSTICE webms.

If anything I’ll go down to an 87 once VICE’s “it doesn’t portray cops as fascist pigs!” negative review goes up.

i forgot all about god of QTE, havent played that since the ps2

>switch exclusive weebshit



Just Worldsperms getting desperate. Ignore them and they'll return to their designated hugbox.

I find mid 80s reviews more honest really.

Yeah it's animated. Looks like an anime intro. Most people thought the story would be dogshit but the new trailer makes things seem somewhat interesting. Not to mention the music is kino

That review already exists, I think metacritic ommits vice.

It's currently one humongous point ahead of DMC5

It's a Nintendo published game.
It's never going to be "super cheap." Bayonetta 1+2 is still the same price on Wii-U as it is on Switch when they released.

Is Astral Chain a Nintendo ip? Some people are saying that

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>everyone on Yea Forums is the same person

this meme got old back in 2012 dude

Darksiders was a pretty decent zelda clone.

Got Hyrule Warriors for 20 bucks and BotW for 30. They get cheap if you know where to look.

Yes. Don't get your hopes up for an official port.

It is. Bayo is different because Sega owned it before Nintendo stepped in but Nintendo owns astral chain.

>pure damage calculations
let me rephrase that part.
what i mean is that combo score in bayo2 is now calculated based solely on damage dealt, meaing that spamming your highest damaging skill/combo is encouraged

Nintendo posters ITT

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Well one quick Google at the Wikit says it's funded and published by Nintendo.
So pretty much yeah.

It is wholy and totally owned by Nintendo. It was simply made by a third party.


So if you buy them physical from literally anywhere they aren't normally sold or as a used game.

how was 3? my friend let me play 1 and 2 a few months back and im thinking about picking 3 up next steam sale

That means we're getting stands in smash eventually (joker doesn't count since arsene doesn't fight)

Or from a "black market" that avoids taxes.

Oh well in that case:
DMCucks on suicide watch!!!+!1!1!11

Nintendo owns official rights to the second bayonetta game.

Eventually, provided the game doesn't flop, and you don't count Luma

So you'll buy it off a friend or pirate it. Got it.

Not at the start of the game, no. And from what we know, all Pt Ultimate does is not give you a chance to revive yourself if you get taken out in battle, so it might not actually make the enemy AI any tougher, it just makes things riskier.

I really don't get this mentality. I love DMC and Astral Chain is a day one buy for me. What's the point?

Actually, Walmart and Target do a lot of sales on vidya for some reason, so I keep my eye on those as well. That’s where I got BotW as cheap as I did.

Being on the Persona x Jojo's Bizarre Adventure x Astral Chain fan art

*Bring. Fuck I hate making typos


My walmart doesn't carry anything that isn't the current years Triple A game or sports.
You would be hard pressed to find anything looking remotely anime. My local gamestop even has issues with getting anime games in unless you pre-ordered or bought it for pick up at the store a few days prior.

Now you're targetting this game too? Goddamn, I hope you die soon

>he doesn't get his images from Fuck Butt

lurk moar

It's just memes, m8. Nothing on this site matters. Hell nothing in life matters. That's why we're all okay with the constant mass shootings and child molestation because who cares?

I guess I can do something like: play the game normally when I'm awake and catching cats and dogs before going to sleep.
Sounds pretty comfy.

Fuck off, shit head.

I am not that user and I buy from a place called "polvos azules". Somehow they can sell games at half the price from "legal stores" but consoles are still full price.

Oh same, but both would carry Astral Chain I imagine due to Nintendo publishing it. Hell, both carry Bayonetta. GameStop’s getting real bad about ordering games though. They have some weird preorder system now where you have to prepay for them to order games that are already out. Still, I appreciate gamestop for usually having reasonably priced games when scalpers go nuts with those same games online, though whether that’s because gamestop is out of touch or actually trying to be competitive is debatable.

t.Yea Forums user

>The music
>that screeching NO when the male twin gets it

I can't wait holy shit.

I have only played the first game and didn't pay attention to the threads but apparently 3 is a bit of a souls clone
I only heard that once though so it might have just been a shitpost.

The sheer amount of cope in this thread.

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Doubt it. My Walmart didn't even carry fucking Fire emblem. And I was the only one who pre-ordered it at my gamestop

Feel free to point it out.

I mean I knew you were memeing, but I've seen people unironically take that line of thought.

Marie's tits are huge!

The only score below 80 on metacritic is a single 65
This shits gonna be amazing.

I guess that’s understandable
people who go to stores and buy physical vidya are a dying breed. All my friends have switched to digital because it’s more convenient and my little brothers who are in college laugh at the idea of even going to a game store.

Guess we’ll get to the point where everything is going to be released Limited Run style.


It would be more convienient if my internet speeds weren't horse shit at $70 for 10mbps

Real time gameplay is boring as hell and gets old after two hours so any action game that wants to be playable must have longer gameplay loop and thus downtime between fights.

In my country, physical is always cheaper than digital. Also, my region doesn't have eshop and games in canadian/usa/mexican eshops areuch more expensive than buying psysical.

I don't see how my defending the game aligns with the rest, but okay.

I just like owning my vidya, especially because you never know if an update is going to ruin a game so you can always revert it back to the original with physical.
Got me curious, what country?

Here's your secret postgame bosses bro.

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Why does every action game need to be fast? I can have just as much fun pushing a button twice per second as pushing four per second. Successfull execution of gameplay mechanics brings joy.

Too bad games release with day one "make game work" patches. And that's being reasonable. There are assholes like Bethesda who put like 150kbs of data on a disc and make you download an entire game via a fucking update. Man FO76 will never not be a trash fire.


>muh cuhhrayzeeee

god you faggots suck

Why does Yea Forums keep hoping Switch games fail?

Because the Switch actually succeeding was the biggest WTF moment in years and people are still reeling.
That or it's just funny?

The “make game work” patches are the fucking worst. If that’s the case I won’t even bother.
Pretty place, how much cheaper are the physical copies down there?

it is every game if you havent noticed, not exclusive to the switch. i tend not to listen to anybody here unless the game is 3 months old already

This, it's better to have a game execute well than being fast but shallow
See for example bloodborne, despite being much slower than dmcv it's much better because fights are designed to make you actually think and execute rather than punching floating enemies which don't even attack you

Having the review embargo lifting so early was a good choice from nineteendo. They knew they got something good.

The game is shooting up the charts.

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>played on devil hunter only
that said BB and DMCV are way too different to even compare. both do things differently and really only are similar in the fact you swing swords

Actually, the "cheaper" ones are just at USA price, the ones from "formal stores" are just overprice for some reason.

Damn that's pretty sick, I hope there's some more animu cutscenes in the final game.

3 is pretty much a souls clone. Its not bad but I much preferred 2's style.

It's okay if Japan does it, especially if it's Nintendo

Logically it really wasn't.
3DS was on it's way out and the only reason Wii U failed was due to Ubisoft dicking Nintendo over early in it's life cycle making the console seem undesirable for third party devs by putting out one game on the console and promptly never putting anything on it again.

Helped that the Switch had a better first year line up to the Wii U with a Real Mario game instead of "New" Super mario bros U as well as a Zelda Game.

Only way the Switch would have failed is if it didn't have those two games and Ubisoft swooped in to land a turd on their game line up and fuck off to who knows where.

hmm, im gonna look at some footage on youtube i think. didnt like dark souls too much desu

Because TORtanic altered Yea Forums's posting culture in a really shitty way.

What? user, is universally agreed that the main reason why the wiiU failed was shit marketing. Like 90% of the normies (who are the main buyers) thought that the WiiU was just an accessory for the Wii.

Aaah, gotcha. I was thinking Peru was some magical place with dirt cheap vidya for a moment.

Which was the original "TORtanic"?

I think consumers are actually becoming more intelligent in recent years. Games people expected to do well have bombed and games that people didn't think would do well have become smash hits.

Actually, I checked again and is indeed a little cheaper. In a "formal store" smash is 250 soles which are like 75 dollars, while in "polvos azules" is 160 soles which are like 47 dollars.

Most kids who aren't total dorks are groomed into hating Nintendo around ages 8 or 9, and they continue to have that hatred until they reach an age where peer pressure has less effect on them (about 16 or 17) or it no longer effects them all (between 21 and 25). Though depending on the level of autism they have, this kind of stigma may remain with them until the day they die.

The old Republic.

Star wars?


>The delusional state of ACfags

Attached: cope platinum.jpg (812x767, 241K)

im expecting DMC to be better, but this is still the best thing the switch will get all year

Yeah. Everything with even a smallest bit of bad press meant it was the next tortanic.
The different between the TORtanic and something like say Bloodstained is that every single tiny piece of news that came out of TORtanic's development showed absolutely nothing but oncoming failure. From most of the budget being for Voice Actors, To the Trash animations, Placeholder textures, and ending off with the bastardization of the two games it was based on lore. All of it. Plain to see before the game even released. While Bloodstained had some rocky updates but every time they showed or presented gameplay you could see they actually took their time to improve and listen to feedback.
That was also a big factor. Outside that Ubisoft soured the image of the Wii immediately with Zombi U not selling and Ubisoft backing out of the list of third parties working with Nintendo immediately afterwards. Should have tipped the third parties off when Zombi on PS4 didn't sell for shit either.

It's a good comparison on opposite enemy design, every bloodborne enemy gets designed as detailed as a boss and it challenges you, you must think how to approach it and even knowing it can be hard to pull off, while in dmc enemies are punching bags for you to go cuhrazee and see the screen pop-ups tell you how good you're doing

>less metacritic accounted reviewers actually gave a shit about DMC5

>pc bonus
It's 88 on ps4 and 87 on xbone

I just hope theres at least one female character with huge tits.

The reviews are split between 3 platforms while every astral chain review is for switch.

Now remove the 10 bonus points for resident evil 2 graphics engine and another 10 for being a stablished ip with fans desperate for anything with their old characters

Also the Console version had more people review it.

and then the 10 for being on nintendo

DMC5 released on 3 platforms

(89*21+42*88+87*64)/127= 87,66

also nice job picking the score on the platform with less reviews kek

from the little I've seen of it it seems vaguely like yakuza in terms of what you're doing from minute to minute

>mfw I looked at the Vice review and this is one of the first comments
Holy fucking shit.

>hmm, this is the one outlying review, could it be that there is a problem with the review itsefl?
>All of the other reviews are written by white people who all have the same "perspective" and they are all wrong

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I just hope I can be the female character with huge tits

Nothing huge from the characters on the official JP site

>High budget comeback anticipated for a decade BTFO by some new ip out of nowhere made simply to entertain people while Bayonetta 3 comes out
How can hot topicfags ever recover?


Making the character you play silent when they both have voices when you don't play them is the dumbest shit.

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Ah, Todd's been busy.

>can't even reach the 90 mark
just fuck my game up senpai

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>Akira Howard
Ah yes, my good friend. I also know Haruto Smith

Bayo 2 is a slightly worse game than bayo so shouldn't it have a slightly worse score.

You joke but I actually do know someone named Hiro Langley

that looks frustrating as fuck. it's not a good thing because it means there's an inherent disconnect in the controls. you react and then 5 years later the game reacts.
I can't stand these fucking clunky ass unresponsive games like dark souls and monster hunter. I honestly think they're made for disabled people who cant keep up with fast combat so they give you this clunky ass shit that feels awful & completely removes what makes real time combat fun and just makes it all about planning & prediction. forcing people who aren't retarded to be on the same ground as the slowest of retards.

If you care so much about it being slightly worse then just assume nintendo bonus exists and dock 10 points

Was it leaked? What is the size of the game?

No and your mother.

I can't say I've played souls but getting in big meaty, hit-stun hits in monster hunter gives me an erection

Now take off the Nintendo bonus

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>Oh guys it's the next DMC! it's going to blow everything out of the water!
>...oh it has a small moveset, barely any combat variety, limited tech, slow pacing, slow gameplay & isn't even much of an action game.
maybe if we're lucky it wont be as big a trainwreck as nier automata.


casual reminder that rain world is one of the games of the generation, yet has an awful metacritic score. caring about a couple of percent either way is stupid

>Spam attacks
>game says RADICAL
>think you're being challenged and actually doing anything good
That monhun example was bad, check any from software fight and it will be slower but thousands of times more complex than all the dmc games combined

I don't think a single person genuinely competent at combat has gotten their hands on it yet so we don't really know at this point.

This is the kind of bait that's only suitable for the king of bottom feeders

After every boss fight you have to plant a gun and some drugs on their corpse.

What the fuck?

>small move set
Nero has more moves and combo potential than he ever did in 4 + Breaker arms filling in for more moves. Dante has more weapons and moves than he ever did in 4 + even more since every stance has like 5 levels now. Only character lacking in a move set is V and he pretty much has a full base move set for each of his summons.
Don't know if you played the same game. Or are you a dumb faggot an thing DmC:Devil may Cry was DMC5?

>Nintendo exclusive
>TORtanic mentality from those who missed it and are desperate to experience it
Mix them together, and you have these shitposts.

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>I swear Jamal was a good Christian boy
Cope hoodrat


>Nintendofags make direct comparison to better games
>they get shit on and laughed at for said comparisons
>"waaaaaahhhh, stop shitting on us, we dindu nuffin"
really makes the nogging go a hoggin

I said slightly
If bayo is 90 bayo 2 should be 88

too bad deal with the nintendo bonus meme

I don’t think it’s dumb. Honestly. It’s a good way to have central character in the story without being completely silent like link for example.They are cheesing the silent protagonist trope.

I’m pretty they are twins on purpose for that reason instead of just one single character.

We'eve seen what the combat system to offer. most sync moves are 1 step away from cinematics and they're the bulk of the combat. you have very few normal moves & the game treats them as more of a formality. it wants you to use your gimicks.
a large portion of the game is just walking around talking to people, picking up cans, ect.

Yeah the silent protag is a bit of a shame.

Except most of the posts dragging the game are the ones comparing to other games "lel looks shit worse than x gonna flop". Don't even try to pretend they aren't.

We saw the director have a crack at it, that's what convinced a lot of people to buy the game.

you've seen nothing because there's more than 1 legion you can use in combat

Does FemAkira get corrupted later on?

Bayonetta 3 is literally a game. I don't need every game to be Bayonetta. Bayonetta 3 can be Bayonetta. I will enjoy this for being this.

we've seen hours of footage. we've seen.
rumor is there the only 5 legion.
we've seen so much footage and they're just doing the same attacks over and over.

Do you really think Fifa and CoD players are posting on Yea Forums?




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Any cute girls in this game?

>AC is announced
>it's immediately obvious Astral Chain is going to be Nier Automata 2
>AC director, Takahisa Taura, is even one of the main game designer of Nier Automata
>for some reason, people actually thought AC was going to be Kamiya and Itsuno kino and not Nier-tier openworld action RPG

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If this fucking game has ATK and DEF stats that scale with your level. it's completely fucked and I mean game ruining.. dead.
want to do some cool shit in combat?
>oh too bad you're over leveled and you're killing everything too quickly.
want to go back and fight old bosses?
>sorry they die in 4 hits now.
want to do a cool skill based battle with this tough boss and show off?
>oopsy you're doing chip damage game says go do pointless side quests and grinding for a few hours.
it's the antithesis to an actual combat system.

i casually play cod for a few months when a new one release. never touched fifa though, never watched sports so that isnt for me

Umm, sorry sweeties, can't support game that romanticizes the cops and downplays police brutality.

Does the game only take place in that city?


I should really make a stylish action game where you play as police and beat the shit out of antifa, black hoodsters and muslims.

>Yea Forums shits themselves

every fucking time

Several, specifically Marie

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I'm gonna be playing this game on friday. Sucks to be a sonyonlypony or a poorfag I guess.

Apparently it's like fire force, everything outside the city is an unsurvivable hellscape
I'm not sure what makes it unsurvivable though.

I think it might be a phyraxia type deal.

Not much reason for there to be cops roaming about the wilderness as the bears, venomous spiders and shotgun carrying hillbillies would make short work of any criminal that has the misfortune of doing their dirty deeds way out there.

>Bayo 2 is a slightly worse game than bayo
Holy shit what an absolutely awful opinion

It absolutely is. the enemy and boss design is so poorly thought out.

get with the program fag
there's a reason NSIC doesn't remove WT in 2

God, she is perfect in every way

Bayo two is worst because of the lazy bosses that you need Witch Time for. I tried using the beads while on Infinite Climax to get the effect of Nonstop Infinite Climax and it just doesn't work. I did the whole first two Lumen Sage fights while only damaging him with the bombs the beads drop. There was no way to damage him otherwise. I figured it would just be him but Aestar or whatever was the same, so I just took the beads off. Put then back on to fight the Rose Queen but she was the same and I had to take them back off.

I just want to know what the final difficulty level will be called I don't know why I always get such a kick out of that.

Pt Ultimate. You get it after finishing Pt Standard.

Honestly it kinda is but its still a great game.

Except most of the "player" videos uses Sword. No one uses Fist for instance.

there's like 5 videos i've seen of people floating around ora ora-ing the shit out of stuff with the fists. and I haven't even watched that many.

Sounds pretty boring actually. More of a standard naming system they can use with other games and nothing unique. They seem to be going all in on the Pt brand though, with the new mascots and everything so I guess I can't fault them for trying to get their name out there more.

>5 years ago you fsghots were saying action games needed to be as fast as Bayonetta minimum

Attached: ITSTNHF500.jpg (488x351, 23K)

Bayo 1 "fans" aka sony fans who cried on twitter about 2 being exclusive think worse level design, qtes out the ass and killgorw glitch make good game.

That's not what I've been seeing at all

Attached: 1540315869949.webm (800x450, 2.81M)

her haircut sucks in 2 so 1 is the better game

>every game MUST adhere to the guidelines for the genre I have personally set out and if it doesn't IT'S SHIT IT'S SHIT IT'S SHIT TORTANIC ALL OVER AGAIN
Fuck off already. You cry about a lack of innovation and the second any tiny bit of it shows up you shut it down. Case in point - this thread. Yeah it's slower paced, yeah it has downtime. It also has a shit ton of options in combat and the downtime is fun as fuck because it's elements unfamiliar to the genre that they already tried to add but failed with Automata.
Speaking of which that game is 30fps on consoles just like Astral Chain and I bet you still praise that shit.
The game is good. It's just too short honestly and some of the side quest stuff / downtime missions miss the mark a tad bit.
t. someone who beat it on a review copy

None of the giant bosses in 1 are fun. The only fun fight is behind a 10 minute minigame.

Bayonetta 1 is mediocre as fuck. The only thing in 1 I vastly preferred over 2 was the secret levels, forgot what they were called, they are much better in 1.

Link,because the only ora oras is the official on.\e.

What you were seeing was a bunch of reviewers not being autistic enough to bother wasting time with styling all over enemies and their Legions are probably not even fully upgraded. Either wait for a let's play to show you more or play the game.

What am I supposed to be looking at here? same air rave combo you always do combined with sync attacks & legion gimicks I've seen a thousand times.

side note the NEED to fix that fuckin ground cartwheel animation that happens IN THE AIR. looks awful.

In bayo witch time is there to assist you and is removed in the highest dificulty
In bayo 2 the combat is built around the witch time and enemies often block your attacks outside witch time.

I am confident bayo 3 will go back to the bayo 1 approach to witch time while implementing the best aspects of bayo 2

>new mascots

30 FPS was the major red flag.
I hope Bayo3 is 60FPS.

Reviewers never use the pause/delay combos and such. Never seen one use this attack, or show what this is does with gun and gladius. You haven't seen every attack.

Attached: ac - ZR ZR • ZR ZL.webm (896x504, 1.39M)

There was nothing cinematic in that webm at all.

These webms are from the director playing, aka probably the only somewhat skilled person we've got footage of.

Attached: 1539729856569.webm (800x450, 2.89M)

I had never even heard of bayonetta until I saw the wiiu 2 pack on a shelf at eb games and brought it there. I played one game immediently after the other
The core combat of bayo 2 was slightly inferior to that of the first game

Also this one.

Attached: ac - weapon upgrade and pause combo.webm (896x504, 929K)

There's one semi-prominent Bayonetta youtuber who despises 2, a lot of her criticisms slowly made their way into Bayonetta threads.

Hopefully in 3 hair and costume are seperate options
In astral chain you get a seperate option for every single part of the face so they are obviously open to such a thing.

they can just randomly break out of your combos with their blocks too. it's pretty awful design.

This is a joke right? Some kind of abstract bait? You're not so new as to have never experienced a leveling system before, right?

The game doesn't have a leveling system anyways. Just the weapon and legatus can be upgraded a few times, and the legion "level" is based on number of skills you unlocked for them.

Their virtual Youtuber they do videos for in their free time.
She is the mascot based on the star in their P* logo. Then Platinum Man is based on the P in the logo. He was first used in their April Fools video, then they started selling statues of him for $300. Platinum Man first came to be from their character artist cosplayed as it for a party as a joke, and they've seemingly ran with it. The girl is just because they want to do Youtube stuff and needed a waifu it seems.

Attached: BS_Twitter_EN_-1024x768.jpg (1024x768, 176K)

Not him but just because it's common to ARPGs doesn't make it a good system.
It's hard to think of an ARPG where the RPG elements aren't constantly clashing with or overriding the combat mechanics.

Yeah in games that don't have solid combat systems. it was mad for old turn based nes shit. they don't belong in action games.

most are complete ass. the best example in existence is Kingdom hearts 2 which had damage clamping to fix it a little bit. and even that game was sort of ruined by it and would be way better with just flat damage values. then you could redo boss fights at any level and wouldn't need a million save files for each fight. being over leveled and killing enemies too quick is still a problem.

"i have no argument so come back in 2 years when i figure one out"

You can't be "overleveled" in AC. Legatus upgrades don't even increase player defense, is mainly just more meter/battery. Weapon is only a couple points increased damage per level. Plenty of action games have stuff similar to that. Can't even say for sure what the defense% stat on legion does, might just be how much relative energy they lose when legion gets hit (and damage transfer on ultimate difficulty).
Replaying early fights in action games is easier anyway because you have access to more moves and attacks.

Attached: legatus lv4.png (1920x1080, 1.12M)

Botw is a bad game, the sooner you people accept that the better.

I'll make my purchase decision on the weekend after Yea Forums tells me all about why this game (too) sucks and I interpret truth from there.

Attached: nice.jpg (1292x1292, 156K)

action games die when the devs forget that the focus should be on the gameplay and not the presentation
30fps garbo

Its better to have physical which is the main reason I don't do PC games.

>early reviews on an action game from journos

Attached: giphy(2).gif (245x150, 837K)

It was always marketed as a game similar to Nier A, what are you on about?

kek. delusional soulsbabby

so it's basically flat damage values with minor buffs? that's good.

The closest thing there is to stats in the game are chips like Nier:A where you get additional effects depending on what you install.

Main reason to upgrade weapon is to unlock new attacks. Lv2 unlocks gladius mode, Lv3 gives first delay combo ZR • ZR, Lv4 gives flip kick on stunned enemies.

Attached: baton upgrade lv4.jpg (1920x1080, 299K)

The biggest complains I've seen so far are with the camera and the fact that the police investigation portions are gradually phased out as the game goes on.

I hope the Gladius mode is fun to use.

Depends on the version, but since Capcom themselves said the boné is the main version, I guess DMCfags trully got btfo and cucked of best action game or the year since march because of From, Capcom and Platinum never stood a chance against the From Software dick sucking machine

Kind of lame this game is being set to die on the shitch, they'd sell so many more copies if it was on PS4. Why doesn't Platinum like money? What a joke of a company.

Seething lmao.

Just bought the game digitally. Can't wait to play it at midnight. It looks fuckijg fantastic.

Doesn't that make in an average of 88, then? Same as Astral Chain.

This is a dying genre, DMCV sold "just" few million despite being multiplatform and established, classic IP.
Also, Nips are probably going to buy living hell out of Astral Chain since they are so obsessed with Switch.

>shouldn't it have a slightly worse score
Sometimes that happens, reminder that
Fallout 3 scored higher than 2 and 1.

Why are snoyfags still COPING so hard?

It's sort of like bitching about how much better Gravity Rush would sell on the Switch, sure it might be true but it's a first party IP so it'll never happen.

On the PS4 it would be censored outta the ass, its also not a fifa or third person walking sim so most PS4 players would be confused with the concept of gameplay.

nier automata was designed to be played with enemies able to kill you in one bullet to match its other shmup influences. of course every """journalist""" and basedboy played it on easy and then pissed their diaper writing humblebrag tweets about the game being too easy

DMC5 had denuvo & a bunch of design decisions the fans hated.
if they would have removed denuvo & given it proper multiplayer (as the trailer advertised), had playable vergil instead of V. given each character their own 10-20 mission campaign then it would have sold much better.

Just wait until switch emulation is good and apply a 60fps patch to the game.
Then you may get some enjoyment.

what's really sad is how every other teen outgrew Yea Forums, moved on and a new generation with different tastes took their place but you're still here because you're emotionally stunted, have no social life, no real hobby, no interests or aim in life past passively consuming mass produced entertainment day after day

It's setting a really bad precedent that the fans are actively defending journalist reviews of the game. You are literally saying that you trust kotaku and polygon, as long as they agree with you. Doesn't that stink of shilling to you? You seriously have no qualms linking to destructoid and Patricia Hernandez and Jason Schrier? Please, answer me this.

Attached: man vs computer.gif (300x240, 892K)

>waiting 8 years
Portbeg somewhere else, cuck

Is Zetman worth a read/watch? I've heard the anime tries to condense a ton of story into 12 episodes.

Snoyfags started metacritic threads, this is just shitting on them back

Why are portbeggers so obnoxious?

It looks cinematic as fuck, what are you talking about.
Or do you believe that's a bad thing?

The anime condenses things massively, including outright skipping an arc but its still pretty damn good.
The manga is darker than the anime what with all the actual and attempted rape, including an angry penis.

Still waiting for part two.

>there are people seriously trying to force strictly American political issues onto a Japanese game made from a Japanese viewpoint
The state of this fucking timeline I swear.

Act like a dumb bitch, get talked like a dumb bitch.

Attached: nigerian_bant.png (369x406, 30K)

2 days 12 hours 10 minutes

Blame Sony jerking off scores.

God do I wish.

Is the sister actually taller or is she cheating by wearing heeled boots?

Revenge shitposting is still shitposting, you poor sod. All you've done is just multiply it and make yourself just as bad as them, if not worse. At least they might have the excuse that they're paid shills or just don't know any better. You're mucking around in the shitpile right alongside them, and you know it's wrong, but you do it anyway to "stick it to the snoys".

This is pathetic.

>Just wait until switch emulation is good

I guess I'll be waiting a few more years. Or I could just buy a fucking Switch right now and play it?

So are snoyfags, but this is sonygaf so they will never be banned

>PS4 players would be confused with the concept of gameplay.

lol nice meme, but...
>days gone
>god of war
>no gameplay

you just showed your ass, nintendie. nice cope.

But aren't Nintedoturds the one posting the OOT score 24/7?

I suppose so.

Buy it right now, sales mean you get more games.

>all of these movies without gameplay
LOL, good job proving his point

Here you are again, making this about console wars. Do you not understand what you're doing to the quality of this website, or the lack thereof? If anything, you're doing nothing but pissing off the idorts like myself who just watch in amazement as people stumble over themselves to blindly whiteknight corporations to "stick it to the other team". And you do it for free, that's the kicker.

Platinum games sell systems more than they sell copies, Nintendo knows this and have exploited it 3 times now.

Only Spider-man and Horizon of those games aren't glorified walking sims with interactable cut scenes, I know because I have played them all except Days Gone.

>sales mean you get more games.
You mean how they also got a sequel to W101? :)

COPE more, retard.
This thread was literally made for console wars by some snoyfag.
If you think it wasn't, you might be brain damaged beyond repair.

People only brought horizen for the fine work diorama digital did on the robot models.

Why do you assume it to be a snoyfag? Maybe it's just a shitposter in general? Or maybe it's someone genuinely criticizing the game who doesn't have more tact and thus can't start a more reasonable thread. YOU made this about console wars, and now you're flooding the front page with this trash.I implore you to reconsider.

Because these seething threads are always made by sonyfags, that's why.
If you weren't a newfag, you would know that.

>You are literally saying that you trust kotaku and polygon
If sjw outlets with an anti police bias are giving a pro police game good reviews no shit that's a sign of a good game if it is so good they can look past that

They're made by console warriors, that's for sure. The fact that you think that any one of them is above it shows that you are indeed the newfag. Hell, considering that people are unironically shilling for kotaku and polygon ITT, it makes me think that OP might even be a falseflag to make snoys look bad.

>If sjw outlets with an anti police bias are giving a pro police game good reviews, it's a sign that they're paid off assholes whose opinions should never be trusted

ftfy. At no point should you ever look at a (((game journalist))) and think "wow that I could agree with."

Funny that they aren't going after cop craft, that is also made in Japan but it actually is set in an American colony. They don't even use honorifics.

Do you have any self awareness?

Is platinum never gonna drop it on PC? I'm dead serious about being put off the 30fps. I'm scared of bayo 3 because of that shit might be 30 to

Attached: 1550303668796.jpg (459x429, 39K)

LOL, literally any time people get asked who is the worst sonyfags always get first spot.
fuck off, newfag.

W101 sold like shit.
Plus astral chain is already being considered as a trilogy

>Plus astral chain is already being considered as a trilogy
that was fake news

>shitposters deflect by saying that other shitposters are the worst
what a shock. And now you're going to accuse me of being a snoy, despite never denying that they can be a terrible fanbase. Trust me, I've seen enough snoy golden anal vore wojak edits to notice the shitposting. However, that doesn't change the fact that you are here right now, marketing for game journalist websites.

>Plus astral chain is already being considered as a trilogy
Post your source right fucking now.

wait for yuzu to emulate it, maybe 1-2 years

The true patrician option is to buy and enjoy the game now and then in 5 to 15 years when it can be emulated at 60fps dump your own rom and enjoy it all over again.

>how dare the nintendofags fight back

It's a sonyfag, it's always a fucking sonyfag.

>one group shitposts
>instead of calling them out for shitposting, you shitpost back
>now there are two groups shitposting

At that point, it doesn't matter who started it. You continued this two-person tango, so you are equally guilty.

remember kids: it's okay when Japan does it

>Bayo 3
>at 30FPS
Kamiya wouldn’t allow it. He would sooner the game look like literal shit smeared on a screen. He would sooner recycle the asset quality of Bayo 1 (which is probably what they’ll do).

How much JUSTICE is in this game?

Attached: 1472398269220.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

I hate in less than 2 years
Monster hunter has gone from the glorious Hunter Crossing people who loved Monster Hunter and Animal Crossings to these faggots

>Akira Howard
My friend Akamichi Johnson will appreciate this

Is this really the only Astral Chain thread? Alright.
The reason the game is slower (and it's not much slower, to the untrained eye it still looks just as fast as everything else platinum does) isnt because of the 30fps (albeit the more telegraphed enemy attacks are the only thing that make 30fps forgivable), the reason is because you control two characters. People need to stop thinking of this game as a Bayonetta clone and think about how the game would have been built around its main mechanic.

When I was 8 a bunch of broken southern boys loved our Nintendo
People owned PS2 but it was literally for pirated DVDs and Dragon ball Boot-A-Kai

>is why their games have been so shit recently
Because they can't make anything BUT action games and they haven't been doing that.

Can't wait to see all the cosplayfags for this game.

Looks like there's tons of dishonest snakes trying to bring this game down just before release.

Welcome to Yea Forums, home of Tortanic and other memes.

At one point they started claiming the framerate was unstable when it became clear complaining about 30fps wasn't working.

gonna play the shit out of this on thursday desu

user, the game releases on Friday.
For the UK it seems.
God I wanna play so hard.

it's coming out thursday evening for me, I'm several hours behind japan
timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190830T00&p0=538&msg=Astral Chain&font=cursive

Won’t get to play it

>decide I'll buy it now
>Go to order
>Currently Unavailable
I've made a huge mistake

Mother fucker, enjoy the game but avoid shitposts since it seems a bunch of people are getting it early.

Blow it out your ass

Honestly I adore Nier Automata. But I won’t be buying this. The characters are meh. The world too. And the musics are trash. It’s nothujg like Nier Automata. So no, the Switch doesn’t have it’s Nier Automata. It’s just a Platinum Game like Bayonetta.


They had their chance with Chaos Legion and that game sold shit all. Sony doesn't market new titles if they're on the smaller end.

I know this is bait but Nier: Automata was a Yoko Taro game before anything else.
It wasn't spectacular but it wasn't bad, Astral Chain looks to be taking a little something from previous Platinum titles and stitching them all together. It looks great.

because the rest of the year if you only have a PS4 is
>death stranding
>13 aegis or whatever
>sakura wars
one of them is a weird "auteur" so-called "strand" game, and the other two are not coming to the west this year

>They had their chance with Chaos Legion
Glover did not work on the game.

Hey how are you?

Sony didn't bail Platinum out of bankruptcy, Nintendo did. Gee I wonder why Platinum would make a console exclusive for Nintendo instead of Sony?

>Chaos Legion.
Chaos Legion's problem came from the fact that it was from that period of time where "emo culture" was the big thing.
Even Prince of Persia got affected by that and gave us Warrior Within.

Also Chaos Legion wasn't really fun to play, which is a shame because it could've become something fantastic with later iterations.

>I disagree, therefore it must be bait

Take japanese phil fish's tiny asian cock out of your mouth

>Sony didn't bail Platinum out of bankruptcy, Nintendo did.
Wrong, Taro did.

Clover/Platinum had nothing to do with Chaos Legion. None of the same staff, just a capcom game by a different team.

oh it's an ESL post

>gave us Warrior Within.
>implying that's a bad thing
It's the best in the series imho.
And fuck Two Thrones killing off the chick immediately in the first 5 mins you spent hours and hours saving her in WW:

Not that time they were about to go bankrupt, the one before that. Platinum has been on the verge of bankruptcy since Mad World days.

not really near a tomata sold a mediocre amount and square and taros team took most of the profits. nintendo is funding platinum to make games.

Will there be a Japanese language option?

All of it

voucher ended for US still available for EU

It's just Yea Forums fucking hating video games as usual.

I disagree because Automata wasn't great, the user I replied to (assuming that isn't you) would be the one choking on said tiny Asian cock.
Since he was sucking Automata off, rather than seeing Astral Chain for what it is.

Automata is the highest selling platinum game by far, tendie

yes, audio is english or japanese

Kamiya literally said that Taro saved his company with Shitmata.
Even though Hackmiya is the one responsible for almost destroying Platiinum.

Yes, text and voices.

Yoko Taro also gave it a 10/10 faggot

bullshit bayonetta is. it's sold on all platforms.

Its not a nock against the game, nothing in Warrior Within could've worked with the same presentation of Sands of Time.
I'm just saying, it was an odd period where games within a four year period were all amazing grim, serious or amping up on blood or swearing to appear "dark" and the like.

Warrior Within was great and the Dahaka scared the shit out of me.

He also has a fetish for girls in uniform so he's biased.

I blame Microsoft and the WiiU more than Kamiya himself. He's a good game Dev.
Also people making platinum take the fall for Star Fox Zero and claiming they made it when they only did a bit of work and all the bad parts of the game were obviously Miyamotos fault

I can’t wait for it to be like KH2 and have physics linked to framerate, so everything is broken when doubled

>implying it matters from someone who only made bad games in his entire life

But it didn't sell well across all platforms.

good it may be decent then.

Automata is on every platform except Shitch and sold great on 2/3 of them

Yeah as a lump sum
Nintendo is giving them steady money and creative freedom
Any business in the world would prefer that deal

People managed to make functional 60fps patches for rpcs3/ps3 games and they work without issues.

Scalebound got fucked because Microsoft decided they wanted arbitrary multiplayer in what was meant to be a game about a boy and his dragon.
The situation got worse from there.

more like BASED

Kamiya can't be Japanese Phil fish because he still makes games.

So how's that MS's fault if they are the ones paying Platinum to do what they're told?
It's just ego got the best of Hackmiya.

Games like this and DMC V can co-exist

>another shitty platinum game and nintendo bonus review
Wow who would have guessed it?

How dare you imply video game designers prefer creative freedom more than money

Does he? Why hasn't he directed anything since Wonderful 101 Copies Sold (6 years ago)?

Because the Nier brand was so well known?

it's only on ps4 and PC? and both of them run like shit. it's weird people pay money for badly optimized/programmed game releases.

it's not a pure action game you retarded faggot. it's more action rpg with puzzle elements

Microsoft and Kamiya have fundamentally different views on games. Microsoft are the ones who basically paved the way for microtransactions and games as service and were very multiplayer dudebro focused at the time before Sony sole their niche. Kamiya is incredibly old school with his games and had a huge focus on singleplayer and mastering mechanics. It's an oil and water team up and Microsoft cared more about crackdown 3 anyway.

Microsoft put in a shitload of money to distract Platinum's A-team and best director for years so they wouldn't be able to make a noteworthy exclusive for Sony or Nintendo. Meanwhile every other company that has worked with them have managed to release a product without issue.

the marketing was really strong and made the game look better than it was plus there's the main reason... 2Bs ass.

It was a mistranslation. They said they would LIKE to make it a trilogy if allowed to.

It's also on Xbox but I'll forgive you for forgetting that Xbox exists. And all versions of Automata run better than Asscrap Chain does on Shitch

>and badly implement qte and space harrier mechanics

>Microsoft cared more about crackdown 3 anyway
Maybe back in like 2014.
After that they stopped caring about the game until it slithered out earlier this year.

That’s a huge fucking change and changes the entire dynamic of the games look feel and playability
That’s like taking soul caliber and turning it into GTA
It would look completely unrecognizable

>forgetting how they got dropped by Cygames

Did any previous Plat games have marketing that strong?


yea but jap devs are notorious for coupling logic to framerate.
also plat has a history for doing this shit

MGR I guess.

yes and ... maybe.
on one hand 30 fps is garbage. on the other hand I haven't seen anything like huge frame drops/freezes when running to a new area, super bad pop-in or mechanics like finishes being glitched.

Didn't Bayo have a big marketing push?

Closest thing unironically is Astral Chain with directs pass that no.

It did, but I think the ps3 being shit soured some people.

MGR was pretty big Square enix's marketing was bigger tho.

Same I haven’t seen nor hear about any huge glaring issues so I’m so it’ll be alright

I'd be down for that.
But if it is a Trilogy that almost guarantees that the sibling is staying with R.A.V.E.N. at the end.
What was that user saying about a Clone Legion a few threads ago?

So it's not open world but it is still 30fps?

It’s a PS4 exclusive. I tricked you.

From everything we've heard fps occasionally dips in handheld mode but not in docked.
I hate 30fps as much as the next guy but will always take it over 60 with dips. The Vorkken fights felt awful due to this even though I'm sure the framerate never went below 30

>Final battle with your now evil twin
>Last phase where shit gets kicked into overdrive

Attached: EF8AF1B0-5E77-413E-B98B-0A2F5C945545.jpg (400x750, 108K)

Nier tomato was no joke. I spent 2 hours getting through the first level, dying to anything in one or two hits, and every time I died I had to start the whole level over again.

>Anybody who thinks Nier Automata had difficult combat is definitively a fucking retard
try playing on very hard bitchtits
you'll struggle to even complete the prologue

>Twin switches to the same legion you are.
>Can counter attacks by utilising its unique ability.
>Switching to Beast becomes a jousting duel.
>Switch to Sword the twin attempts to cut the chain and make your Legion go berserk.
>Knocking the Arrow has the twin shoot out your own mid-flight.
>Equipping the Arm Legion turns it into a game of mercy.
>Axe Legion becomes a game of bait.
>Using the baton or gladius has a blade locking mechanic and your Legions fight it out in the background.

>bullshit bayonetta is
nope. automata sold 4 mil while bayonetta sold 1.35 mil units by 2010. Add in ~670k switch/wiiu users and ~500k-1mil steam users.
Now consider that most of the ps3/x360 sales came in very late at price discounts, the steam copy was sold for 20 bucks and the switch/wiiu version was bundled with bayo2.
so in total they sold less copies, it got them a fuckload less cash and over a long period of time

>try playing on very hard bitchtits
>enemies oneshotting you is a good mechanic

i didnt say anything about it being a "good mechanic"
we're talking about it being difficult pussy

Gamespot shows corrupted twin working together with you as early as chapter 8, so I wonder how that plays out.

Neir Tomato actual moment-to-moment gameplay was boring. The sidequests were tedious, the open world was largely bland, and fighting basic enemies was never fun.

All the praise was for the “story telling”. I find story meh. The structure of the game is better the story it’s trying to tell.

You deserve a raise kind sir

Is it true the game has one of those car park puzzles?

>Use your arms legion to move the cars

They weren't dropped, they were commissioned to design the combat and left once it was done.

Why were they removed from the credits?

>Twin switches to the same legion you are
nah. it'd be more fun if the ai was able to freely switch legions
sadly i doubt this is really feasible, so I'd guess it'd be better if you could fight the twin on multiple occasions and in each one they'd be using a different legion kinda like doppelganger in NG

All in all it's really just another platinum game. Nothing exceptional and all the flaws are expected. We've seen it many times before.

Journous like things slow. Along with nintendo fans hehe
A fast brain isn't their forte

The space harrier segment wasn't bad, it was hated because you had to do it again every time you wanted to redo the final jeane fight.

That or some really curhazey shit like your twins does a full power rangers and morphs into a huge mech

>You can break the chain on your Legion to equip another one, making the previous Legion do an auto attack string before returning to your device.
Also, if I had to guess, R.A.V.E.N. had a task that made it a good idea to work with you. I don't know if Raven are the villains or a more militaristic task-force.
But their gear looks fucking dope.

They’re terrorists trying to kill the last stand for humanity

Automata's problem is that Platinum did a shit job balancing the difficulties around the chip system, so the game was either too easy or frustratingly difficult.

It really astounds me how people still consider it one of the best games of all time when it's fundamental design is very flawed and uneven.

oh no, one hit kills! what could I possibly do?
>dodge counters are still easily abusable
>hold y to win shota is braindead easy
>apply taunt in not-witchtime to oneshot everything
nevermind then

>huge bossfight
god please no

Ideally since rival fights are more fun when you see them frequently.
Even Pokemon could get that right.

Oh well, okay then.
Might even be a situation where the twin is trying to win you over to their side.
I'm excited for this game I really am.

Bayo 2 was advertised for free by people angry it was wiiu exclusive.

>Automata's problem is that Platinum did a shit job balancing the difficulties around the chip system
nah, automata's core combat design is flawed. movesets are fucking boring with barely any utility moves, forced dodge counters break combat flow, infinite dodges that cancel everything remove any challenge and enemies are more braindead than in dmc3

Nintendo really can't afford to have their game of the second semester of the year be criticized like this. So in case you guys have bad comments to say like "just one year ago you were all saying how games need to be fast paced" and eticetera, keep it to yourself. If you have something good to say go ahead, but if you're only going to be negative then do it in front of a mirror or silently.

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The biggest problem is just how bad the scaling is. Most enemies have a power armor value that depletes with their HP; typically an encounter in Automata involves hitting an enemy 3 times to take it to about 30% health where it can actually be juggled or stunlocked, then triggering the rising heavy, instantly killing the enemy on the way up because it has no fucking health left.


fite me irl cunt

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Ebin falseflag my Sony friend.

The prologue wasn't balanced well because of the lack of save points and your total lack of healing items or buffs at that point.

This is everyone's Nier Automata experience after about 5 hours

Attached: AutomataCombat.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

No amount of TORtanic posting is gonna stop me

Surprised at the sales boost after the reviews. It's now the #1 game on Amazon.

>"shit you stink" alalalalalalalala

>Super cop action game > Button masher
A man of culture

Fags gonna be fags, game looks great, has a great style and looks set to scratch that sci-fi itch I've has since PSO2 was announced to be coming to the west.
If I had anything to complain about it'd be the vehicle sections but even they seem like fun.

I'll be mad if there isn't a reference to Akira somewhere in there though.

normalfags are dumb and need to be told what to do, nothing new.

>>Super cop action game > Button masher
Retard, he of course meant Ys games.

I heard the only vehicle section is the very first mission in the game so that people who aren't used to action games get from the beginning the kind of pace you need to have to be able to progress.

Also I dunno about actual references but your brother/sister's name in game is Akira

I know their name is Akira I just want a scene that mimics the poster with the bike.
Its a small ask but I feel like its a golden opportunity and they can't let it slip.

Fucking shit, I kinda want to buy a switch for this game....

Are the side quests fun?


Uh wtf i press a button and NOTHING AWESOME HAPPENS

ae you healthy in the head?

yes, apparently they are varied and the world building goes a long way making them feel meaningful

what a desperate bunch of buzzwords to justify a lacking purchase

Attached: 1556133591693.png (388x413, 5K)

Describe one

>world building makes them feel meaningful
okay but are they fun?

That's what they said about Automata's fetchquests...

Apparently yes, they're everything from hunting down the hacker group formerly known as 4(YOu) and chasing down purse snatchers.

>not expecting the side quests to be purposefully troll tier bullshit after Nier
anyone expecting anything beyond unusual writing from taro is a retard

>chasing down purse snatchers
this sounds like boring busywork

you remind me of a One Shart fan trying hard to give a single positive thing about his garbage manga that he dumped so many hours into he's actually gonna go insane if he decides to drop it, doesn't matter how bad

>t-t-the... world building!!!

No one here has played the game, so there is only the word of journalists. I didn't mind the quests in both Nier games, some were interesting story-wise.

Attached: 20190827_085905.jpg (486x1066, 338K)

>I didn't mind the quests in both Nier games
you've got some really low standards

They are no where near as bad as the hundreds of repetitive quests in games like XC1 and XCX, but those are still good games.