New info when?

Attached: zelda10.png (750x375, 308K)

September 20th

ya, I figured.

WOW! Nintendo CAN'T even get their trailers right without mixing characters from TWO different FRANCHISES. Star FOX in Link? Get your shit together NON-tendo.

They probably want to wait and see what genshin impact does for them to learn from before starting any serious work on botw2
They are possibly doing the same with God's and monsters to a lesser extent since it won't be coming out for a long time but they can at least wait for initial info plus that being a botw clone is still only speculation.

Reggie btfo


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I absolutely need to plow that thing on the right.

"That thing on the right"s name is Flako, have some fucking respect.


Miyu Lynx you silly willy
Gosh it's almost like people here don't play video games or something!
How strange...

Attached: Star_Fox_2_box_art.jpg (378x263, 31K)

That would be kind of sick, especially if it had an art design close to that pic.


XCOM 3 is looking good

wouldn't be the first time Star Fox was in Zelda

Attached: news-2005-10-09-linkvsarwing.jpg (800x600, 40K)

>Waiting for some no name chinese game before continuing on with their own thing

>They probably want to wait and see what genshin impact does
What could they learn from a Chink "clone" with mmo combat exactly?

>Thread conveniently dies because shitposting doesn't get the intended funny haha response

>no Zelda game set in modern times where douchebag teeanger Link and 30 year old Boomerdorf team up and go to space to fight ayy lmaos and Metroid/Star Fox enemies

Attached: C6z4MCgWcAEtqVX.jpg (1918x1076, 316K)

Attached: C527XIOU0AAY8Ku.jpg (2048x1536, 248K)

that would just be the middle of kid icarus uprising

>expecting people to recognise the characters from a canceled game from 2 decades ago

Is Ganon straight up wearing a metallica shirt

>literally released in 2017

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If you're more than mildly familiar with Star Fox, you should recognize stuff from Star Fox 2. It gets brought up a lot by fans, and it did come out officially to a bit of fanfare on that SNES Mini. There were a bunch of threads here, people posted the finalized ROM and someone translated the official maps.

Attached: z4.jpg (2894x4090, 1.23M)

Game is multiple years away from full reveal trailer.

It looks like it says METIOS or something, but that's assuredly what it's supposed to look like. If it was just conceptual sketches nobody would give a fuck.

Next E3. They need something to respond at the next-gen consoles reveal. Next E3 is going to be a big one, I can feel it

>before starting any serious work
You think that trailer came before any work/storyboarding/collaborating/approval was done?

Wait what
Why the fuck did nobody tell me it came out
Does this mean there is a chance of getting the originally intended dinosaur planet at some point

Worked for bayo 3

Likely the next direct, though I doubt we will get gameplay, maybe just Aounuma talking about the design philosophy for the game and showing some concept art? I imagine that it will focus on caves and the feeling of being closed in. The overworld serving more to break up the flow between underground excursions and finding new places to delve.