>Encounter a pokemon called Sudowoodo, which clearly is a tree
>Use fire attack on it
>"It's not very effective..."
What gives, Yea Forums?
>Encounter a pokemon called Sudowoodo, which clearly is a tree
>Use fire attack on it
>"It's not very effective..."
What gives, Yea Forums?
Its a rock pokemon, use electric attacks.
Have you ever tried to ignite a tree?
What a useless goddess, this is exactly why everyone worships Arceus instead
try using an ice type, grass is weak to ice!
get it?
>forest fires are a myth
Hohoho, they got me.
Oh what the fuck I never got this
Every pokemon name is a pun of some kind
dumb aquaposter
Well, what about Dialga ?
esl fag here, it took me years to figure out mewtwo is mew-two, it fucking blew my head
Time pokemon, name origin is from sundial which is used to tell time
>dumb goddess doesn't know about petrified wood
As expected of a dumb useless goddess
Yeah that I know but I never thought about Sudowoodo
That's retarded
Really? Sudowoodo is one of the more obvious ones
It's a rock disguised as a tree dumbass
esl here, I don't get it
I swear I didn't realize this until my high school years. Many of the puns in Pokemon names go right over my damn thread. I love them.
it's a petrified tree that dances, duh
Some 1st generation Pokémon feel like they were designed before the full type list had been decided. For example, Charizard and Gyarados not being Dragon types is just weird.
pseudo means fake, so its fake wood thats why it doesnt burn
pretty sure that has to do with balance
Who would have figured that out when they're 10?
20 fucking years. i've been had.
Charizard being fire/dragon would've made him retardedly OP since his only weakness would be dragon attacks, one which the only one that existed only did a set 40 damage.
they did. 20 years ago.
It’s a petrified tree, like in petrified forests
The pal is pronounced the same as pearl in japanese, and the pearl on its shoulder is meant to be the jewel of Izanagi
dragon ground and rock
>The name "Palkia" is partly derived from the word "Paru", meaning pearl in Japanese. Since the Japanese language possesses only one liquid consonant, which is the equivalent of the English language /l/ and /r/, the "r" in paru can be used as an "l", creating Palkia when romanized
bulb because its a plant
saur because birds soar and eat plants like bulbasaur
double pun, since he also squirts water
Sudowoodo isn't a forest though, he's almost entirely bark. He's not going to burn as easily as even a ratatta even if he was a regular tree and not PETRIFIED WOOD.
I want to spooge on Aqua's face when she's making it look like that.
why is he so scared anyways?
I see what you've done here.
holy shit the amount of ESLs in this thread. i mean i hope english isnt your first language if you dont understand first grade tier word play like this.
Pokemon is the only Japanese video game where the localization is clearly superior. Japanese Pokemon have retarded names.
it's more that it's something i didn't figure out when first playing silver like 20 years ago and then i never thought about it again. and if i DID think about it, i was probably stoned like 5 years ago, and thus totally forgot about it
Use him, over half the strongest mons in the campaign are physical. They'll cry as they strike you
I think even city/location/place names are still sometimes retarded in Japanese. I wish I had saved an example but some location in the game had a stupid Japanese name that was basically like your picture.
No, he'd still be weak to rock. Gyarados is the Pokémon that would be busted in Gen 1 if it was Water/Dragon.