I love TF2!

I love TF2!

Attached: TF2.jpg (600x339, 154K)

Other urls found in this thread:


me too

Attached: 1566876464543.png (750x707, 312K)

i hate TF2

How about Valve take a page out of Blizzards book and deliver us a "TF2 Classic"? How would you feel about that?


Aight boys, 3 names it, 6 describes it.
Gimmie that quality bait

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its a pretty fun game lol

Loser Gun

i am flaming faggot

I spent real money on this.


"I'm hacking lol"

shut up fag

A virgin owns this gun

What is flanking the sniper?


Blacks have lower IQ than whites

LMAOBOX is worth it

the best TF2 hacks @ goatse.info/

>implying spy is useful at all
Anyone with half a brain can kill a spy before it kills your sniper
Or the sniper will just use the razorback and spies are idiots that dont realize their gun is pretty good at short range

woah, isn't this really cool?

You were just killed by a trans girl :)

I bet you decloak in his fucking ear.

winner gun


"im a loser haha"

What do you guys think of /our engi main/'s tier list

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Pomson is great if you can aim

I miss my wife

I'd rather speak Hebrew in 1930s Germany than eat Lunchables with no Caprisun

dane is a fag


Attached: Uncle (((Dane))).png (589x800, 21K)

I love it too, with all my heart, that's why I think it deserves to have a rep in smash bros

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Miami Element Sniper Rifle

dm for erp

bump short circuit up to S, that thing is fucking insane if you have an easy supply of metal. it really shines on payload attack

"looking for a giantess furry babe gf uwu add me"


mom and dad keep yelling and making me cry

Winrar, cmon lads wheres that based number 6

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Um user
Loser Gun was the winner

"get fucked, poorfag"

Keep my seat warm in Homo Heaven for me.

>start game
>get into match
>immediately alt f4
>realize what I just did
>start game again
>get into match
>alt f4


the life i live is very sad

i meant to name this "loser gun" but i'm a retard

Formerly Chuck's

From one toddler toucher to another.

but 20 bucks is 20 bucks

reply to this post or your mother will be sniped in her sleep


I actually care about my description bro


8 names it, a relic from the crash

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Me Faggola

hahahaha yes

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diaper fur and proud


christ user, 2 replies in

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dad's smoke break sure is taking a while

fuck this

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30 names it

Attached: DragoNigger.png (339x454, 60K)

The only reason I use demoman


I put finger in butt hole it feel funny

I'm a real nagger

I ran out of stickies

fuck niggers

Imagine Dragons - Thunder

Dragon Pills



Bad dragon - Faggot Slayer



hitler was right

have YOU traded for your unusual yet, user?

Attached: trades.png (962x522, 74K)

No, i didn't know about the bug till two days later

Attached: madden clown.jpg (518x400, 115K)

I'm sorry you didn't get your $5 god-tier unusual. I hope that when the heavy update rolls around that yet another unusual glitch can occur just so that you can unbox several more than the rest.

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alright bros give me something too 5 names it 9 describes it

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i can't aim with stock

dakka dakka stick

how many of you have named weapons?
i haven't bought a single name tag before, maybe its worth it, don't know.

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The Nigger beater
the Jew beater

really fat al capone machine gun

most of my name tags were gifts or unboxed


Reminder that real men use the stock shotgun

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damn daniel

Dohoho that slaps me on the knee

Why is there 10+ po-pi-po tf2 parodys?

i collect Funko POPs xD

>10+ parodies
>there are 9 classes in tf2
>popipo is miku
>adding miku as a class would make 10 classes
Miku confirmed for 10th class?????

Jeffrey Epstein dindu nuffin

>"I'm a MAP and Proud Of It! ~

Im a loser

Tf2 on my nintendo switch WHEN?

Crutchs are fun

*pisses in own mouth while giggling* :3


I'd very much enjoy that. Things have gotten cluttered, I find myself just using default equipment these days.

Well, where is it pal?

The narwhal bacons at midnight

Dragon Dildo


>Mrs. Claus is on the rag, suck me dry you reindeer fag!

If 5 then just the first part

Tumbles the Stair Dragon

TransChan's cummy cunter

For real though
>Iconic franchise that's still popular enough to place in the Top 15 on steam at any given moment
>Free to Play
>can ABSOLUTELY run on Switch
>gyro aim
>opens up opportunities for cross play between Steam and Nintendo
>exclusive Nintendo cosmetics
>Heavy gets a shot at being in Smash over Tracer

>Subscribe to T-Series

Cheers user names still a 5

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*does le trollfsce* PROMBLEM??


Santa is cumming around the corner!!!

What kind of faggot picks two digits

>opens up opportunities for cross play between Steam and Nintendo
Is such a thing even possible?

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>giving switchfags a tide of LMAObox snipers
they dont deserve it

Portal 2 used to have cross play between PC and PS3, and Fortnite for Switch pairs with PC at least if I'm not mistaken

Jews r gay

Women aren't good at videogames


Ok just nabbed this in a trade

4 names it

9 describes it

Attached: Fug year.png (459x705, 105K)

109 countries

>chink bots
>every game has at least 1 AFK
>shit noob players who im surprised can even install steam
>maybe 1 in 10 games is good

I dont think I can do it anymore lads

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you just have to keep going lad. i've been feeling really shitty past few days and i barely had any fun with it i only hope im not getting burned out of it

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nigger faggot




Would it have killed you to have been a bit more creative

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Well done user

I am new to the game, Where do you usually farm items?

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OG offensive Engineer here. Frontier Justice is S+ tier. Use a real sentry boys.

>Sheen: Villainous Violet

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By playing. You get one random drop every 6 hours or so.

You get them by either playing the game or doing achievements. Look up which achievements give you items cause there's some good stuff behind achievements like the kritzkrieg


can I get them on community servers?

Yeah, look up achievement idle servers
fastest way to get all of them

If you want them really quickly, you can go to marketplace.tf and buy each weapon for like $0.01. But whatever you do, don't buy class starter packs from the mann co store. They cost a lot of money for items that are collectively worth way less than a dollar

>pyro giga useless
>engi cant move his shit
>med outruns spy
>demo is a spam god but even moreso
>soldier doesnt run out of ammo
>heavy doesnt exist without a med
>random damage spread
hahaha no

White Christmas

Grinch Smash Leak


Anyway, Wrangler is a fucking meme, Short Circuit is better in every way. Jag is arguably an upgrade until a Spy comes along and makes your life hell, no idea what puts the telewrench so high up, never really used it. The bleedwrench should be B tier (for boring lmao) and the Frontier Justice is C tier.

Fuck Dane, keep random crits.

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For 2 days I can't get random drop anymore

How do I become good as a sniper? I have a server clearing scattergun and I feel the skills should translate a bit but I can't click a head to save my life.
2fort and battle the f2ps? Walkway?
If I play him on pubs xXBloodheartXx with his festive golden killstreak dildo and lime anger kicks my shit in.

A body hit also does damage and is better than a missed headshot
Otherwise, just training on normal maps I would say

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is Dragon's Fury good?

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no its a meme. sucks for spychecking and might as well go soldier if you want to shoot projectiles

and whoever you're shooting at doesn't have their keyboard plugged in

What are some of your favourite loadouts? I got a new pc and haven't played in a while so I wanted to mix it up

>smoothbrained gamer is pro-random crit
Like pottery.

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there is no fun loadouts
everything is shit compared to stock

phlog lmao
what a gay weapon

It's pretty basic, but I like Huntsman with stock SMG. If you're not confident in headshotting a light class that is rushing you down you can get an easy bodyshot and finish the kill with literally one SMG bullet.

Attached: snibbed.webm (640x320, 2.86M)

>Scorch Shot

>Iron Bomber
>Tide Turner


>Cloak N Dagger
>Your Eternal Reward

do you know de way brudda

Attached: phlog.png (487x545, 495K)

Big cum

quickselling entire BP keys only


That pyro was a chill dude.

selling this gun, 20 cents

Name more kino map

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All Capoon

>>Wrangler is a fucking meme
>It literally gives your sentry hundreds of more health and faster firing speed for absolutely no effort while being able to sentry jump
Noone can be this stupid

>No one has posted it yet

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Pinkie Pie's Rainbow Blaster uwu


widowmaker should be A or probably S, if you have decent aim you are basically a non-stop shooting machine

eceleb said thing is bad so I must be contrarian

Al Pacino's Dunkin Dounuts Tommy

>wrangler not OP
get out



"Silent but deadly"

my peanus weenus :D


Pre nerf it was good alt

Now it's trash, unforgiving projectile and can't do jack shit with it.

i like r/tf2

/tf2g/ is literally the worst general

/tf2g/is the best general


I am a big guy for you



Attached: Big_Steel_Jaw_of_Summer_Fun.png (896x704, 431K)

>projectile constantly gets stuck on map geometry
>same DPS as noaim flamer when aimed perfectly
>inconsistent firerate throws you off constantly
>shit airblast
>freezes the game when fired
>sounds like a wheezing asthmatic

useless trash

That's actually a great idea. I wasn't around for that and I'd love to experience it.

>durrr just flank past 6 enemy teammates through a choke

nigger dissolver


680 days since the last major update
tonight's the night.. right bros? ;_;

1200hrs sniper
1000hrs soldier (excljsively rocketjump servers)
400hrs demoman (exclusively stickyjump servers?
170hrs scout
rest is all sub 50hrs


boost all the sub 50 hrs classes
otherwise whatever

Do you wear the Anger or any other hood-like hat?

If you think about it it's literally the best game ever made.

Has anyone faced repercussions for naming their weapon something that the general public might consider unacceptable?
pic unrelated

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scrap . tf

gib source


hmmmm, nope

>take a page out if Blizzards book

Blizzard didnt cone up with the concept of classic mmo servers. SoE did classic Everquest servers since 2006.

Also mods already exist out there for classic TF2. Valve will never out the time and effort to do that shit in their own.



it would be dead on release
why, you ask?
no cosmetics, those are the only people who still play, autistic people who care about cosmetics

Is this a good enough Pyro loadout for the true Cheeki Breeki experience? Left is without the Wanderer's Wear cosmetic, right is with. I'm just not convinced of it and don't know what cosmetic to use instead of it.

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the amount of GUNSHOT BRIDE in this webm is astounding

Is pyro weak?

I like the one on the right.

Scout is really easy to play

nobody cared who i was until i put on the name tag

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Yeah, I'm starting to warm up to the look of it. I'll go with that.

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