Why are game journalists so passive aggressive towards Steam?
Why are game journalists so passive aggressive towards Steam?
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Epic pays them to do it.
Yummy yummy China bucks.
idk, the first paragraph is a bit confusing, but the second one seems like it's calling out the other stores for not having the infrastructure. not like GOG can do much about that, but epic has no excuse since they have fortnite
it claims that gog or egs cant support these massive multiplayer games and that reinforces steam as a monopoly
despite the fact that gog makes their own AAA games and that the epic store makes the most popular massive multiplayer game in the world, and has gone on record saying theyre not interested in supporting something they cant have as an exclusive.
its pathetic, how do these people not realize their websites arent a laughing stock?
Because consumers have power on Steam, look at the Ion Fury shit. The game journos want to be the only voice in gaming
Because Steam refuses to pay attention to their sensationalist attention mongering about "distasteful" content on the platform
>its pathetic, how do these people not realize their websites arent a laughing stock?
They do, in fact, realize their websites are a laughing stock.
How much of pleb do you have to be to give a rats ass about Destiny?
The difference between steam and epic is that steam has been iterating their services and technology for over a decade, epic has to play catch up now and it's not just a money thing but a time and value proposition thing. Epic might be rich as fuck but they're game developers, they have no idea what it means to be a company that has to directly serve the needs of customers who want to do more than just play fortnite. It took steam years to learn this shit and considering how stubborn tim is it will take Epic decades.
>literally states why Epic is inferior to Steam for consumers then claims it's a monopoly because Steam is the only one providing a quality platform
That's not how monopolies work. Epic has more than enough resources to create an equivalent to Steamworks, but they won't because they're spending all those resources buying exclusives instead, you know, creating an ACTUAL FUCKING MONOPOLY
Isn't steam also hosting the destiny 2 servers? That's a bit of a bigger bite than most companies are willing to chew
>it's the fault of the steam monopoly that these other launchers suck!
Who even wrote this semen slurping piece?
You don't need 2 decades of development to know that your online store should have a fucking shopping cart.
>creating a platform that everyone wants to use more than the others because it's better is a monopoly (Steam)
>creating a platform that everyone is forced to use because it's the only available option isn't a monopoly (EGS)
Journalists literally do not have brains.
anti-capitalism has made them hate whatever is the most popular and calls it monopoly, they also hate valve for not wanting to censor whats on steam
They are marketers and politicians.
They're just asshurt that Steam won't listen to them and will support anything just to stick it to them. I remember all the shilling they did for Origin, then itch.io and now Epic
How can someone write like this? It's ridiculous.
>be the supposedly only platform that can support the game
>get shit on for it
Sweeney really needs to pay his shills more, either that or it’s an awful attempt to get those outrage clicks
I like how he both complains about fragmentation of the marketplace and calls Steam a monopoly. This is the good shit.
my estrogen level went up reading that
Because it’s a market where purely money speaks and they hate that. They can’t really bully steam into taking down a game like they know epic will.
True but tim is still in that phase where he thinks he knows the answer to competing with steam and creating a successful storefront but he doesn't, it's some dunning kruger shit going on at epic. They think because they have a successful game and a widely used engine they don't have to learn anything when tackling a new business model, they're going to have to experience criticism and failure before they realize that you can't provide a shitty service AND insult the people you want to use your store and become successful as a result.
It's kinda like being a parent and watching your 'smart ass' kid make stupid mistakes that you and other people have made as kids because they have no first hand experience.
based valve making trannies seethe
OK but it's more like watching your "smart ass kid" walk headfirst into a woodchipper and then passing it off as a common mistake
Chinese money.
For the same reason that journalists can't write anything anymore without making it clear as day that their personal biases heavily influenced the article
EGS gives their tranny dev buddies a better deal, so steam bad
>waah why isn't available on battle.net
>it's totally easy to transfer characters over it doesn't matter
>waah why isn't available on GOG
>there's no way it could run on GOG because of infrastructure
they really just like to complain, even when they know there's nothing to complain about.
Yeah well some people really can't be helped, I expect epic to either fail or do a 180 because their strat seems to work against them to longer time goes especially now that the first exclusives are now coming close to the end of their exclusivity deals.
Because these 'journalists' (they are not worthy of that title) are Communist/Marxist. Like two peas in a pod when it comes to Epic/China. They would probably shill even for free.
>lookup article
>John Walker
Because they think steam is the "big bad corporate man" and epic is the tiny little scrappy underdog going to go all david on goliath.
Being too stupid to realize it's two goliaths punching eachother is par for the course. David himself is so far beneath journos that they routinely step on his nuts without noticing or caring.
Typical commie, I hate how GOG's name is being dragged through the mud just to make Epic look like the underdog.
Imagine writing an article and type it like this.
Hmmmm looks like *ANOTHER* game comes to steam :/ Guess its something to distract the goobers from homophobic pixel soap........ Yeah....
It's not enough that they're retarded, they also have to say it in a retarded way. Who typed this and thought it looked good?
>Isn't steam also hosting the destiny 2 servers?
Probably. Valve started offering such a service this year but you kind of have to go all in with Valve to use it which would explain the game being a Steam exclusive. Basically, their server service is less a server service and more a vendor lock in strategy. The tried the same thing with DRM and it didn't work out well for them.
>Who typed this and thought it looked good?
To be fair don't they have like literal underwater cables running in the world now?
The existence of Steam is a fucking loaded gun in their neck. Journos desperately need to be the only voice in gaming to survive as a job. Imagine gamers actually forming social networks and sorting out news, opinions, discussions and reviews themselves.
Who reads a journo's shitty review when you can read a hundred more neutral, shorter and better reviews directly in the Store?
Who reads their fucking "news" when you can follow and subscribe the developer or publisher directly in the store and get it on your feed before the journos even have the chance to pick it up?
>Gosh, snap.
Weren't Blizzard cultists agitated by the implications that non-Blizzard games were going to be sold through b.net even if they weren't Blizzard games, but Activision-Blizzard published? It was going to dilute the Blizzard seal of quality into being as much of a marketing meme as the BioWare seal of quality (guaranteed to be SJW shit, just like nubliz)
Gaben put the money into creating a worldwide network. Even fucking EA has. Tim Sweeney is a greedy piece of shit who doesn't, and spends peanuts on hiring paid shills to defend and support what a greedy lazy piece of shit he is and subpar store Epic Games is. Tim Sweeney is a BILLIONAIRE--he has even more zeroes than Gaben does, reportedly--why doesn't he USE HIS MONEY to build one like Gaben did? Because he's a greedy piece of shit and expects you to let him shit down your throat and thank him for it, perhaps?
GOG meanwhile has been working on backend stuff and trying to sign publishers onto their ambitious Galaxy2 diligently, but GOG's no-DRM stance and the publisher's own desire for exclusivity over their games has been dooming GOG for years.
Have you seen the steamlabs shit? If Valve gets that going, all these journos are gonna go obsolete.
they're activists not journalists
>>Gosh, snap.
Because Steam allows users to post public reviews.
>Answers his own question
>Gets mad like he doesn't know why anyway
What is wrong with these people
They might have bought in part ownership for some specific connections but I highly doubt Valve has laid their own submarine cable network all over the globe if that's what you are implying. That's major international telecommunications infrastructure you're talking about there. Google, for example, is a lot bigger than Valve and has invested enormous amounts in telecommunications technology and they have 2 cables and even that is an enormous milestone.
>another 70 GB game
yeah no thank you
Worse, they do it for free
Journos are just mad again because of the Ion Fury drama.
Steam review bombing is what made the devs backpedal after all.
They can literally buy this shit off the shelf stock from any number of people; you give them cash, they give you an online shop good to go with all the bells and whistles.