Find a flaw, pro tip: You cannot

Find a flaw, pro tip: You cannot

Attached: Valkyrie Profile.png (834x960, 1.06M)

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>hard mode is actually the easiest
>coolest looking einherjar is fucking shit

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Sacrificing party members with no clue who to sac and what they do.

thats not brahms

SaGa levels of cryptic.

best girl still doesn't have her own fucking game

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The best parts were about the past of the souls you collect.

I didn't care much for the god war part of things.

>Lenneth gets her own game
>Silmeria gets her own game
>A random human gets his own game
>Lenneth gets her own gacha game
Being Hrist is absolutely suffering

Cannot get the true ending wihout guide unless you get lucky.

Normal ending is as bad as the bad ending.

Be honest with me, how much of a slog is it to play? how much bullshit does it have? I feel like I've been eyeballing that game for 20 years.

The only slow parts of the game are the cutscenes for the characters.

There isn't much character customization.

It's easy to break the RPG system.

Combat can get repetitive.

The "true end" requirements are obscure, almost as bad as Cave Story. It wouldn't be so bad if the normal end was so dissatisfying.

That said
>platforming/puzzle gameplay is awesome
>pokemon voice actors
>very unique storytelling. Having the main plot be a frame story for episodic short-stories is actually a very cool idea and works well

I was sad when the sequel went back to a traditional "journey" storytelling structure, I liked the character drama. Honestly they should have kept with that formula and taken it more in the direction of Fire Emblem IMO -- Einherjar having conversations with each other, dungeons/boss fights that unlock if you use certain Einherjar enough, that sort of thing.

The opening is kinda slow but the battle system is fun and the game can be cheesed pretty damn easily.

Getting Ending A naturally, duh.

A lot of later bosses have a second-half-of-their-HP super move spam that can lead to relying on Guts just to survive.

It's pretty JRPGey and long but the combat system is really fun for fighting random monsters. The stories are fine as hell. There's not much slog.

Hrist gets her game on GBA.

The game tries to trick you into sending Odin shit even though you have no reason to if you just give him a perfect warrior every time

> 10/10 Writing
> 10/10 Gameplay
> Super Metroid quality platforming
> 10/10 Soundtrack
> 10/10 characters
> 10/10 Story
Only flaw is that Hrist didn't get her own game

Am I the only one who didn't like the sequel? Not getting to watch the einherjar die and just kinda finding them was kinda lame and this is probably just me being bad but random battles took really long

Not many people liked the sequel(s) which is why the IP is basically dead.

I hated the time thing where you waste day's going to cities and places that do literally fucking nothing.

Agreed. The story was kinda meandering until the return to Dipan.

I remember the platforming being pretty fun.

It also taught me that bees are ghosts.

levels reseting when you leave a dungeon



>levels reseting when you leave a dungeon

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you kill the boss and they all reset. That shit sucked
had to use a gameshark
unless it was just something I couldn't figure out but there was no option

Only legit flaw are the unskippable cutscenes.
Game is fun to play with a lot of potential replayability but the long sad stories you can't skip hurts it pretty bad.

It's rough for speedruns. It's why nobody does it even though it's a banger of a run when you can actually put in some god damned inputs.


Gameplay felt like a step down, it’s way more complex but sometimes complexity isn’t a good thing.

Lenneth, about your performance.

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>speedrunning a jrpg

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How nostalgic.

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A tranny voices half the characters.


The girls in this game had really chubby faces. I don't think I've seen a game since with that kind of style.

How nostalgic.

...nigga are you retarded? they literally say their requirements

>tfw I stared at this for a minute thinking that it was zooming in with each loop but its just a normal 3 second gif
fuck im retarded

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blessed thread

A lot of the voice work was really bad.

cool character is somehow worst character because they screwed up a modifier on his damage

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But they do. If you pair certain einherjars you get unique dialog. Also most of the backstory is actually pretty intricate, but the problem is that they're just text.

Speak for yourself. There are many MAD/combo videos of VP2.

Well not bees. Flies I think? But yeah the platformer is much better (and harder) in 2.

Nah it's much more flexible.

For a PS1 game the compression for the voices was really heavy.

So much soul.

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Only 3. And he voiced the manliest character in the game to boot.

>not knowing Maddie "Meowth" Blausten

Different guy. That's Brock.

Cave story has a true ending?

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user I love 1 and 2 but 2 shines more in gameplay department. Yeah it sucks it lacked the dramatic recruitment, but in VP2 they're all already chosen and are actually "inside" Silmeria.


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>PWS attack looks pretty cool
>It's like the only one in the game that can miss outright

Or am I thinking of that samurai - "Body and soul shall be torn asunder!'?

I like arngrim too much unfortunately.

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All the cool males suck

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>the guy whos is just guts
>uses his sword to make explosions
i did not see that ocming

??? Neither miss.

Now Llewyn can vary between hitting many or hitting few.

But Angrim is one of the best units in the game.



gee I wish Yumei would reunite with her parents

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Normal ending is the actual limpest of dicks

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There's three endings, one of them you have to not do something pretty instinctive.

Aelia makes my penis become the big penis.

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Shut up Ritchie, I'll drown your Sparkie!

Game looks neat, is gunning for the good ending going to suck? Will I get spoiled if I look up the requirements or should I wait for a second runthrough.

>Brock loves Nurse Joy
>Brock's VA voices Lucian who is in love with Platina/Lenneth, whose VA is Nurse Joy

If only Lawfer wasn't so OP

Not really. Despite the people making a big deal about it, it's easy to do. You just need an equipment removed (which you should anyway - it's a waste of space) and visit certain areas. And you should only send one character up.

if only her combo didnt require timing

I sure hope none of you shitters looked up a guide for Clockwork Mansion


Time limit. That is always a big minus in a game for me. I play games to relax and enjoy at my own pace not have to worry if I've done everything before the upcoming deadline.

I vaguely remember a late dungeon in that if you missed a jump, you'd be booted out and had to go through the entire dungeon again

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I only ever played the third one on the DS, and not very much of it at that because I'm an absolute super mega turbo brainlet who can't into any tactical RPGs whatsoever and autism stopped me from sacrificing party members even when i probably should have.

I've gone through the game multiple times and I don't recall this. If it did happen I don't remember it being a problem because I would have remembered a problem.

celestial castle is a hard mode only dungeon, pff casul

It's a Hard Mode only dungeon, the dungeon where you can kill Gienevieve. It's not so much as a missed jump but you need to hold on a rope but if you encounter a foe you have to hold up else you'll fall.

That's the Celestial Castle you'd also have to waste more days on it when you fall

Good thing savestates solve this

I've only ever played on hard. It must have not been an issue for me.

It's technically not an issue unless you fuck up.

I need to play 2

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Agree with this dude, and I absolutely adored VP. I also enjoyed VP2, but I did think the first game's short story structure about the einherjar was great and could've been expanded upon to be even better in a sequel.

The game was certainly flawed but it had high notes like the battle system, the dungeon variety and puzzle elements, the OST, etc. There's also motherfucking Lezard "Start Young" Valeth.

I want my own demon maid

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That's a dog.