Jeremy Soule (Elder Scrolls, Guild Wars) accused of rape

Jeremy Soule (Elder Scrolls, Guild Wars) accused of rape.

Attached: JeremySouleRape.png (632x180, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


And an accusation is enough to ruin his life and career over. He's done. Toast.

>source: my ass

Jesus Christ this woman must be a retard.

the sex must be good if you were mind broken enough to become a feminist

kek literally the goat vidya composer


Accusations are not proof. Till it’s proven I see it as another women lying for attention.

long ass shit but only 4 mentions of rape

why the fuck would i read through this his

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Why does this thread keep getting spammed in the exact same format? Well to repeat my previous comment since it is the same thread.

>"Breaking into an industry" in late 20's back in 2010
>"We started hanging out on weekends"
>"I didn't take a sick day, leave of absence, or report it when it happened"
>Constant health issues and excuses for obviously not performing
>All men are constantly responsible for all things going wrong

So many red flags, this is some borderline personality roastie, I can hear her thinking "I missed my child-bearing years and have nothing but a failed music career - what fucking Hail-Mary can I pull to a decent career boost so I have SOMETHING to cling to besides my shriveled ovaries on the cold nights of middle-age? I know! I'll Me-Too that connected guy in my industry I used to blow on the weekends when I was hot! I'll get a spot writing music for Wolfenstein IV: New Cucklosseus for sure."

Attached: lafiel.jpg (720x480, 113K)


I had no idea it was posted earlier and I didn't know I had used the same format at all. I just heard about it and didn't see anything about it on Yea Forums.

For what it's worth I agree the red flags are ridiculous and she doesn't seem at all credible.

It mostly reads as a way for a desperate failed artist to justify why they were fired.

Also that whole "working up the industry" story fits well when you're talking about Hollywood, not so well when you're talking about a video game composer.

Jeremy Soule is under investigation for embezzling Kickstarter money too.

Under investigation by who? It looks like he released it eventually

He's innocent


now that woman is literally Souless

Yeah ok

lmao that story is bretty bad
>his music about sex and women

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thats how rape usually happens

That's not what the crowdfunding was for. He released that to his backers like a proof of concept, but he kept receiving backers' money for his "symphony" and never delivered.

Grown men don't just "hang out on the weekends" with women in their 20's.

She was no kid either at presumably 27, and the fact she is so opaque with the details of the alleged rape makes it even fishier that it wasn't just a bad relationship.

it's sex via extortion
not sure if that counts as "rape" if you're not being physically forced to do it

We should ban Skyrim

He's the reason Skyrim was playable

incels don't rape women

Literally kill yourself shapirocuck

you’re not wrong fren

It does count if you're being extorted, blackmailed, etc. If one party is forcing the other by any means, including if judgement is impaired through substances, then it's rape.

To be fair it's a personal nightmare whenever Bethesda announces anything at E3 for most people.

On one hand
>western game dev is filled with degenerate soeyboys who would very likely rape
On the other
>women in the industry are extremely cut throat or this could be some regretful decision she made and is claiming its rape for fame and victim points

Dunno what’ll happen

meant for