>*COUGH* s-shepard *WHEEZE* a-am I still pretty? *HACK*
*COUGH* s-shepard *WHEEZE* a-am I still pretty? *HACK*
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It's about her personality.
>giving her a face at all
Way to miss the point, retard. You're almost as bad as bioware.
>You will never ejaculate with such volume into her helmet that her mask fills to bursting as she drowns in your cum, impotently grasping at the malfunctioning visor release mechanism
Is the implication supposed to be she's not pretty? Because she's still really cute, some of it even enhances her cuteness.
She always had a face, faggot
>Is the implication supposed to be she's not pretty?
Otherwise bioware would have done it instead of making her a perfect supermodel
Bioware made her a stolen stock photo.
Never said she didn't have a face. But you (and bioware) are retarded for thinking her face is important enough to show.
One thing I never understood even before the ME3 thing is some people thinking she'd be some super alien faced thing under there when you could clearly see human features including a whole nose. Were people playing these games fucking blind or something?
and they could have used a stock photo of a cancer patient.
whats your point m8?
if you're playing the game with crap settings on a shitty monitor or tv, you might not notice the nose and can barely make out the eyes
user I first played ME1 and 2 on a 360 using a cheap HDTV and I still could see her features clear as day in ME2. Unless you were playing this shit on a CRT you've got no excuse for being fucking blind.
I wear glasses now
I never expected a shitty photoshopped human.
Would be cute if she wore a wig.
I was going to say that it was kind of weird that they were so humanlike but then the fucking Asari are just blue people. Granted that might be mindfuckery if you believe the memes.
My point is they didn't think about Tali, they did the bare minimum and shit it out.
None of us did user. None of us did. However we knew she was going to be similar to an Asari, just another different coloured human.
Reminder that the Asari's design is used from one of the designs they did for the Quarians so it's all circular.
This guy gets it.
You don't fall in love with the looks, you fall for who she is.
I was in it for the accent and the hips.
She was also a really cool useful dude.
>iT's AbOUt hER PeRSonaLItY
Faggots. It's about her looks and you know it.
>stock photo
I don't think you know what those words mean
The funny thing is that they said they looked through thousands of stock photos and picked one. They seemed genuinely surprised that people were mad, they didn't even try to deny it. It reminds me of how celebrity photos were adapted into character portraits in Baldur's Gate and I think NWN. I don't think they thought they were doing anything wrong, they just were doing what they have always done. They had always cut corners in the past, and they never learned how to spend their budget effectively, or how large modern game studios are supposed to do things.
>You don't fall in love with the looks
Jokes on you, I totally fell in love with her looks, and especially her faceless mask and skintight latex. Her personality is great and adorable but my god is she sexy in that suit.
>The accent
Ugh, i know. It's such a damn shame her VA refused to do convention appearances after she read the Sweat thing.
Drawn in by the hips, stayed for the personality in my case. And the hips.
Stock photos aren't just a free for all, you need permission to use some of them especially in a commercial capacity. Iirc they just grabbed this off someone's deviant art page.
...Sweat thing?
It's about her hips actually.
You stopped being pretty in ME2 when they turned you into a spineless schoolgirl to appease waifufags.
uh user you got that backward
I remember her becoming less spineless as the games went on
I saved this because it was one of those things where half of me was disgusted but the other half was impressed by all the work the dude put into it.
It was so notorious it even got mentioned in the ME3 Citadel DLC
Won't lie, I prefer to think this is what Tali looks like instead of the horribly lazy theft job Bioware did.
Makes much more sense with the practically non-existent immunity her species has.
Having a poor immune system doesn't make your capillaries bruise and cause your hair to fall out unless you really are constantly sick, but the idea with the Quarians is that their suits keep out all that infection.
maybe I've been here too long but I don't see an issue
I like when science anons sperg out
hair needs sunlight to stay healthy
While you're not wrong, there's no reason to assume her physiology wouldn't work differently Unless it was stated somewhere elsewise.
I would still kiss that bald pale forehead even if it looked this way because it was Tali. I fell for the woman, not her looks. (Them hips nice though)
tali put on a wig for her photo
what if she put on a wig to try and look pretty for shepard but it fell off and she started crying haha
Well, it was enough to creep out Tali's voice actress so she swore she would never do Convention appearances.
Healthy, but not falling out. If she had any hair, it'd be limp and weak, but not falling out. Chances are she'd shave it though.
it certainly wouldn't be this
We all know Shepard wouldn't care and would hold her all the same.
shepard is just being nice, pretending that the sickly bald pale freak is cute
True but it's obvious the effect the artist is going for is she and all Quarians are living an uncomfortable existence in their enviro-suits away natural nourishment and they use indicators of human unhealthiness that appear when you become a an unkempt shut in.
>quarians besides tali all have one fucking suit design in ME2
she literally only acts weird when 1 on 1 with Shep, unlike Liara
>it's almost like they had to reuse assets to save memory and keep the design budget low because 1. This game was made with consoles in mind and 2. EA is the publisher and is notoriously cheap.
Absolutely. That kind of well-volumed and groomed hair would be hell inside of the suit, let alone actually getting it like that after living in one.
realistically, what do you think the best state her hair could be?
Imagine turians without the plates.
But i wanna feel their leathery carapace
turian girls have nice leather heads. if you're a fag then you're shit out of luck
Greasy goth girl with pixie cut.
reminder that tali is canonically kinky
you're reading into that all wrong
This is canon and there's nothing you can do about it.
I mean kinky might be a step far but
>human courtship and mating
>Professional Immunoboost
canon or not it's still photoshopped without permission from the author
I can ignore it, and that's enough.
would be fine without the hair
>All the Quarian edits when people figured out it was just a lazy photoshop.
Fun times.
with a face like that, she's still the prettiest in all mass effect.
>Mordin will never be in ME1
it hurts bros, why no salarian in the first game?
I will never forget Marauder Shields. The true hero.
Unironically, yeah.
Thieving space gypo, got it.
Being a doormat who's entire character can be summarized as worshipping Shephard's cock?
You're not wrong. Akali's the Rei/Hinata/Sailor Mercury of the game. Incels are attracted to her because there's nothing to her except being a waifu
It's about her singing talent
>Alien speaking English consenting to sex with me
Don't give a fuck what it looks like my cock is diamonds.
I wanna fuck an ayylmao bros.
With those eyes? Hell yeah.
based and xenophilepilled
Gotta get that Shepherd dick and not fucking die.
its canon that tali uses photoshop
Why the nose tubes? Isn't the whole point of the closed helmet to keep a sterile breathable atmosphere for her?
Cause their race is wimpy and prone to illness that even in their own atmosphere they need help living. Frankly they should be wiped out or genetically enslaved and modified.
And you know its without permission from the author because you are the author? The one who did the photoshooping might have asked, you sure as fuck don't know and never will.
She's beautiful...
>would be fine without the hair
so like this?
And without her head.
This is the actual best Tali, fight me
>tumblr nose
Probably right, considering mass effect fanbase.
I like this one
How do you install software to boost your immune system? Are all Quarians cyborgs?
Probably implants to better interface with their suits
Incremental changes in suit atmosphere regulation. The software would let very small amount of breathable outside atmosphere inside the suit so that the body would be handling very small amounts of microbes with its immune system. The software would monitor the body's response and increase the amount of microbes allowed in over time if the immune system recovers until the body can safely handle outside air.
you can tell her nose is prominent just by looking through her mask you tard
Official order of importance
Personality & accent > Skills (especially ME1) > Hips & Ass >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Face
that's not canon, she has a clearly visible humanoid nose and likely a humanoid mouth too
i dont remember zaeed saying any of this
Red sand is a hell of a drug
Yeah, but not tumblerised
Yes. You are.
>celebrity photos were adapted into character portraits in Baldur's Gate
I think (at least for the BG1) they've used photos of developers, their friends and relatives. But the artists actually did a lot of job making those photos into characters, there's a lot of expression and dynamic in those portraits. Every BG2 portrait is really bland in comparison, it's just people looking at camera. And for some reason there's some random porn actress painted blue for new Viconia portrait.
That's because you're tripping too
Goddam Talifags, humans are for humans only! Terra Firma Forever! Cerberus was right! REEEE!
I know who's behind this post
Tali is one of the most annoying characters I've interacted with in vidya in a very long time. I hope you guys are trolling when you say you like her. I would like to jettison her from the normandy airlock!
I always thought Tali was supposed to look like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
Im trying to picture how this would look, but I seriously cannot.
Why they didn't just use the concept art with her having white hair I don't know.
Fucking hipsfags, btfo. You disgust me with your sick perverted fetish.
Tali always was and always will be the feet queen of ME.
I suppose it's just me.
>4 testicles
uWu Shepard-kun, w-will you watch Fleet and Flotilla? I have nerve-stim pro installed and all the volus pocky you can eat, uWu
>Squad personality in ME1
>Existing at all
How do I know you already posted ITT?
Mass Effect 3 should have ended with a push the button to make the reapers go away then a monologue by Shepard talking about each of the characters like this
she should have been like this so its even more "looking after a sickly person through love not just attraction"
i dont even like tali
thats just more compelling
t. roastie
unironically yes.
>this post
You just posted soi, bro
doesnt matter
its all about her ASS
I would probably be even happier if she looked like this, If I'm fucking an alien then I want her to look a bit alien.
But no, purple generic model woman because they were afraid of triggering waifufags who are afraid of xeno. They should have shown her face from the start.
>you fall for who she is
absolute cuck response right here
women should only be fucked and dumped, not kept around to drain your wallet
How's that working out for you?
no alien version is canon anymore because she's clearly just a photoshopped human
pretty well actually
>bottom image
Absolute fucking perfection, it's a crime they didn't go with that one.
>ME1 has no squad personality
You're talking about the game that has elevator conversations tailored to the specific characters you're bringing with you.
Now that I think about it did bioware ever pay for the rights to the portraits in baldur's gate? I know those were basically pictures of models painted over too.
Dunno, but they did get into trouble with some of the portraits in Neverwinter Nights that were based on real people. I miss Spock.
How bad is the ME3 DLC? I paid 12€ for the base game back when I bought it but the DLC is 30€ and has never been nor will it ever be on sale because the price is based on Bioware points. Paying more than twice the price for a smaller amount of worse content sounds insane to me.
Kinda hoping you would look like this desu, but we can make it work.
You can just by the complete DLC bundle, it goes on sale occasionally.
Just checked Origin it's on sale now 60% off.
Average to decent, just pirate them. From Ashes actually adds a lot of really important plot stuff, but they fucked up by making it a pre-order bonus/DLC. Leviathan has a pretty cool water planet, and the titular Leviathan has some huge revelations about the Reapers... so Bioware promptly forgot about it and delegated it into a war asset that isn't even seen in a cutscene.
Omega is mostly just boring action, but it has Aria and the first female turian, if you're into that. Citadel's almost pure hit-and-miss comedy. I liked the main mission, but some of the side stuff is just weird.
What the hell? That's exactly the pack I was referring to and it has literally never ever once in the history of Origin been on sale whatsoever. And I know this because sale tracking websites track history and until a few months ago its minimum and maximum prices were both 30€ ie. it had never changed ever since the bundle was created.
this is my headcanon now cute as fuck
I doubt Tali would be so afraid of spiders if she looked that much like one
>just being nice
>commits to a relationship
Found the incel tard.
Don't know what to say user.
Those are kiwi dollars so I imagine you'll pay a different price.
>Muh elevators
I knew this was coming
>Admiral Stephan Hacket would continue to command the fifth fleet before retiring in 2198. He ended up marrying Karin Chakwas, and I hear they are very happy.
imagine being such a cucklet that you get mad over someone saying a fictional character you're turned on by has a face
I only played the first Mass Erect, but i respect the series. I was excited for andromeda cause it could very well be a Star Trek like experience, everythings possible, go wild, make interesting things, no need to get bogged down in old game rules and lore limitations.
And they just made the most generic boring thing possible.
>Ashley Williams would go on to have a distinguished career, eventually becoming an Admiral and succeeding Hacket in his command of the fifth fleet. Conclusive proof that the Williams family curse was indeed finally over.
I'm not saying that really long loading screens for no reason is a good thing. But the flavor dialogue in those is definitely not a negative. Sure it's better when that dialogue is during normal uninterrupted gameplay like in the later games but one shouldn't pretend that a slightly inferior version doesn't exist in the first game. Planet scanning is shit but I wouldn't insist that Mako exploration was perfect by any stretch.
>Samara retired to the monastery, the Justicar order dissolved after the war. There she continues to live with her daughter, in peace and happiness.
>Garrus Vakarian threw himself into the rebuilding of Palaven and eventually founded his own arms company; he's still there to this day calibrating his weapons.
>nerve stim pro
wait why did she uninstall/reinstall this? I dun get it. Can't she feel without some suit augmentation or what?
>Zaeed Massani eventually bought himself a small farm on Eden Prime; there he lived until his death in 2214.
Your ass is still pretty Tali, so yes
But what's about him? He's going to be okay, right?
>I lost contact with Miranda after the war, until; in 2193 at the tenth Normandy reunion she turned up as Jack’s plus one. It turns out some rivalries can be overcome, and even love can blossom.
>Glowing reaper brat gives you three choices that are all the wrong choice chosen by the reapers to suit their own agenda
>Shoot glowing reaper brat in the face instead - Refusal Ending
>"So be i-"
>All time stops, an unknown AI emerges out of thin air
>"Commander Shepard. You and Dr. T'Soni will give us and the generations that come after the chance that we will never get without your help."
>"Your rejection of the reapers' offer and the data packet you'll leave for us will allow our cycle to defeat them permanently."
>"Your cycle will end in extinction but ours will not because of you."
>"Therefore we will decide to have granted you the future you will give us."
>"We will advance beyond the reapers after their demise and we will have the opportunity of changing the course of your reality in this moment as thanks for everything you will do."
>"So the choice is yours. Will you allow us to remove the reapers so you may create the future we will think you would have deserved, or will you accept your extinction with the knowledge that your actions will save those that come after?"
-If you respond the latter it starts up Mass Effect: Andromeda
-If you respond the former it starts up Mass Effect 4
it lets her schlick through the suit
>As for Jack herself, she continues to teach biotic students at the Grissom Academy.
>Liara disappeared following destruction of the Reapers, but not before she embraced me one last time and apologized. For what I’ll never know for certain, but that joining in London was different than the others, so I think I know what it was about.
>even years later, there's still this many talifags on Yea Forums
my niggas
>Liara disappeared
Why you had to do this, Yea Forums?
we deserve to know what happened to him
please, user, tell us he will be alright
>As for the mercenary I let go at Dantius Tower, he went on to open a brothel. He uses the profits to fund an orphanage on Illium.
I got nothing to say to you.
red sand bro
>It took almost 3 years of intensive rehabilitation but eventually Eclipse Merc #282 was able to walk again, run even. In 2185 he placed 2nd in the first pan-galactic bipedal marathon and has been aiming for gold ever since.
tfw will never get a cutscene of shepard with his/her romance option in a small cottage a small colony settlement just being happy together
>tfw no mass effect 4 with a new cast of characters which lets you get old shepard as a squadmate
>Anderson died of the wounds inflicted upon him aboard the citadel. His funeral had the largest attendance in human history, a testament to what the first human Councillor, and man who'd lead the defense of our homeworld had meant to our species.
Whatever happened to BIOTIC GOD?
The drugs wore off and he went back to normal. If you didn't sic his drugged ass at the merc he'll be standing around near the Asari Police Department(?)
>As for me? I retired immediately following the destruction of the Reapers; I’d seen enough of war. Tali and I built our home on Rannoch; there we raised quarian and human children who’d been orphaned curing the crisis. We continue to live there, and maintain the Legion Memorial.
I actually like this one more than the one I wrote, this is now uncannon
She wasn't romanced in this play-through so left brokenhearted, but not without a daughter.
>im-fucking-plying he diddnt unleash a great biotic wind on the Relays right after Shepard entered the light-ray at the citadel
I honestly expect them to look even more ugly, like I don't even expect them to have the same amount of eyes and a human looking nose and mouth
>think they're hot shit
>creates reapers because synths bad
>reapers go rogue and start fucking shit up
>give start to a massive, unending cycle of genocide that goes on for millennia
>hide like a bunch of pussies instead of fixing their mistake despite being fully capable of doing so
The Dune remake is looking good
>Niftu Cal would go on to found the largest Red Sand operation in the galaxy. I hear he's still giving C-Sec trouble to this day.
He didn't fly so good
Thank you anons, now I can rest in peace
How about "goodbye"?
The only acceptable Tali
they will be missed
Well, Mordin and Legion will be.
we live in a galactic society
condescendingly: >implying
>With Mournful sorrow: Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio.
Such shitty headcanon
Hey, Yea Forums, what clubs do you enjoyed the most? For me, it's Afterlife, Dark Star and Chora's Den.
>adopted children
Fucking yikes, not passing on your genes and willingly killing off your ancestry is pretty cringe.
Dude/chick was resurrected from meat and tubes. They could be infertile
That's what happens to Talifags
>Have the technology to bring back a lump of flesh from the dead
>But not to fertilize whoever you want
They can't even stop her own body from destroying her own eggs
christ, their faces really didnt age well, skull face and butterface in a box.
I mean Tali's hot but to have your ancestry that survived for 10 million years into the present end and raise somebody elses adopted kids that have no lineage to you is a huge turnoff.
Yeah and that's stupid too considering she have money, i refuse to think there are still incurable diseases in a setting where you can be brought back from the dead and have developed interstellar travel and things like biotics
Who the fuck is Akali
Well the dyke will need her eggs fertilized.
As I guess will these two in this ending
>implying that Shepard and Tali wouldn't be getting two kids, human and quarian via two separate instances of artificial insemination from the genetic matter of both the husband and the wife
>Hi I'm Commander Shepard and this is my wife's son
>Hi I'm Tali Zorah Shepard vas Rannoch and this is my husband's daughter
What is this actually called? Schrödinger's Cucked?
>bioware totally bitches out of giving her a freaky xeno face
>meanwhile, Garrusfags and Thanefags all get to enjoy their exotic xeno hunks
How are Talifags still not fuming?
>Never got to see the living tanks of Dekuuna where they have military-grade munitions strapped onto their back to blast Brute husks into fine grey mist
>there will never be a sick as fuck sequence where a pair of Elcor flip the fuck out to defend their calfs
Thane's physiology is exactly as boring as the canon Tali appearance. Unlike the Quarians who at least were hidden at first before the dark times, before shopped stock photos, they didn't even try with Thane. He's just a movie actor in a plastic mask as if videogame character designs must adhere to the same limitations as live action. The amphibian species looks great. Why does the reptilian look like shit?
>as if videogame character designs must adhere to the same limitations as live action
They must if you want to use mocap and canned animations that work with the rest of the models in the game.
Came here to post this
>tfw you'll never protect that smile. (And comprised immune system.)
The ME trilogy was made during a time when games didn't yet need full performance capture. Mouth animations are auto-generated and then combined with canned facial expressions. There was no restriction in what kind of face a character had. All you needed to do was assign expressions and mouth movements.
But I agree that when there are canned humanoid animations it's cheaper. You don't need to animate new walk cycles when you can just re-use the human animations.
Unironically yes
Middle is the peak quarian fashion.
Unironically, they'd be an adorable couple.
genetics are overrated.
Tali's voice actress so she swore she would never do Convention appearances.
Can't blame her desu.
sometimes I miss old memes
>And they just made the most generic boring thing possible.
so... Star Trek
This isn't actually that different from the canon shitty Tali picture, its just a Quarian without hair. amazing how them losing hair makes a huge difference