Honestly. Is this game any good?
Half Life 2
Malcolm in the middle theme song
HL1 is better paced and more enjoyable overall
HL2 has nice setpieces though
One of the best FPS campaigns ever. I'd say it's pretty good.
I think it's really good. I played it last week for the first time, and was surprised how well it held up 15+ years later
It's actually one of the best FPS games ever, but people haven't been talking about it much since the last time it was released was in the Orange Box in 2007.
fuck you, i was looking forward to contributing to that chain of comments
Yes. Only takes 12 hours to beat too.
Nope, the beginning of cinematic bullshit being placed above gameplay.
>literally asked this question
I miss being 14
literally the only negative about the HL2 & expansions are the awful inaccurate weapons
well that and the lack of a real ending
Yes its a great game, contrarion niggers be damned. Great atmosphere and sound design. Every chapter you are doing something a bit different, great pacing.
it was, i dont know if youd like it nigger
It's great. As long as you don't mind linear games then it's well worth playing. The beginning and the vehicle parts are cool as fuck. It kind of declines later in the game, but it's still fun even then.
Plus the Gravity Gun is awesome.
Final Fantasy VII had more to do with that than anything.
I'm pretty sure nobody plays a JRPG and expects engaging gameplay.
>awful inaccurate weapons
Maybe the early weapons, but they're shitty for a reason. Ammo is plentiful and you can carry a lot of it. Compare to the pulse rifle that only has 3 clips of ammo.
Half Life 2 was groundbreaking for its time, which led to every first person shooter copying aspects of its gameplay for a decade.
This means that if you go back and play it today it might feel fairly derivative because you've already played through numerous games with similar features and setpieces. You might get confused as to how it is so highly acclaimed as a result (See also: Final Fantasy VII).
You should definitely give it a shot if you have never played it though, it's a ton of fun and also happens to be dirt cheap on Steam (plus there are a shitload of mods for when you are finished).
It's good if you want something that has nothing whatsoever to do with Half-Life, Opposing Force or Blue Shift.
It's a tech demo, always was. It's a sequel in name only.
hl1 was perfect
2 takes the series in a hamfisted direction with evil space towers
it's clear to see why gaben pulled the plug
As a tech demo, it's alright. With Ravenholm it was a good survial shooter. The rest of it is painfully average.
*Final Fantasy VI