>Based vanilla experience ruining streamers plans
Based vanilla experience ruining streamers plans
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There better be a highlight reel of this shit coming by the end of the week.
>watching streamers
You lose Asmongold, you lose Classic. Blizzard better be working their ass off to fix this shit for him as he's the only reason any non-boomers give a singular fuck about the game.
Classic's success or failure literally depends on this man enjoying and sticking with the game.
I don't want to pay for classic and I do want to see a little bit of it, so I decided to turn on twitch.
holy fuck that queue is insane
>we're going live with WoW Classic!
>time to stare at the login screen for roughly 5 hours
What a fucking pathetic faggot lmao.
Good, fuck this guy, can't stand him.
bad clip because you don't get to see the fag's reaction to the queue.
It's really not.
in all seriouisness will this ruin his standing in Classic forever?
The fact that hes so upset is the best part, like does he not remember this shit? It was a weekly occurrence having to wait on raid nights
How did this guy get so popular anyway? What about him stands out?
>153k viewers
>He actually just said "What happened to my streamer privilege" and wasn't joking
So glad this is happening to him
screaming autism man that shits on blizzard
I thought he only got popular because of the classic hype?
i mean, whats the problem? he brings in a ton of viewers to WoW. blizzard probably told him he'd be good for today. he has a right to be pissed
Just imagine being a streamer. Get a taste of vanilla. Taste good? Is it everything you remember?
>mfw the crowbcat streamers getting wrekt by queue montage drops
Twitch link nigga
He played retail WoW every day for years but pretended he hated it the entire time and constantly talked about how shit the game is and how anyone who likes it is dumb.
Imagine paying money to wait in line for an old game
Just wait a week half the players will quit by then
>do stress tests however exclusivly for subscribed people to current wow
>durning launch your best selling streamer gets hit with with a fuckin que
>160 thousand viewers there to witness it
imagine, for a second. what kind of a joke company blizzard is and how lucky they got. i mean sure they got some talented guys that were passionate about designing warcraft but pffrt hahahaah
>mfw I only had to wait 2 minutes
who else /razorgore chad/ here?
I love how the chat shits on him
people on Yea Forums like to think streams are a big circlejerk but they get a kick out of watching streamers suffer
He's funny.
heard him too but cba going back to find it, could've been easily joking
I've never seen him make any jokes. All I ever see is him getting upset and sad every time.
Around 100k+ viewers you get all kinds of people
>third eceleb thread
Can we make a containment board for eceleb faggotry?
i like when people donate $100 at the worst possible time so that the streamer is really upset about it
LMAO, listen to him scramble trying to figure out what to do. Esfand: "Maybe, maybe we shouldn't rule out going to bed".
Launch is always rough.
Maybe blizzard didn't think it would be rough, but it's expected.
I mean I'm the same. I've played WoW on most days for the last seven years but if someone was to ask me if I liked it... I'd find it hard to admit that I do.
That shit just isn't "cool" in the gaming community and will just get you made fun of. It's why even things like WoW generals on /vg/ will be full of people talking about how much they hate WoW even though they all pay an active sub fee to play it every month.
>and wasn't joking
no he was joking
It was about 10 minutes ago. I don't have a clip but someone might have made one.
The whole streamer privilege is a meme on twitch, he was clearly joking you autist.
>Maybe blizzard didn't think
>record himself sleeping
seriously though, thats a big fuck up. basically the biggest streamer of the game, period, cant even fucking play on launch day, lol
What the hell!? I'm only in the 8000s in my queue but my wait time is in the 500s. Are streamers actually getting preferential treatment?
No this is mine right now
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Take a chance you stupid hoe
how do they even estimate the wait times? it seems random
>150k people watching nothing
so this is twitch
>>He actually just said "What happened to my streamer privilege" and wasn't joking
Imagine being this autistic that you can't recognize sarcasm.
Was reading ownedcore hack forum and heard how people were queue skipping. Thought it was bullshit but actually worked lmao
Press alt+f4 to get console window up then type "dev" and enter to login
Does this guy really care if he can't play classic when he has that many viewers and a good portion of them are subbing/donating?
It's based on the rate people are logging off.
No one knows, some arcane code buried within the alpha ported to gold.
The estimated time means nothing
I thought you were full of shit but it worked. Cheers.
How the fuck did Blizzard not prepare for this
Not playing or anything just amazed that such a big company can't handle some zoomers
>Not logging on an hour ahead of time and waiting on the character select screen
lmaoing @ queuelets
who /bigglesworth/ here?
they did stress tests
except only for people that we already subscribed
and they didn't advertise it at all
This is fucking hilarious. I love seeing this obnoxious faggot's despair.
I don't play WoW.
Haven't you retards figured out his shtick yet?
Who the fuck is mcool
what's wrong with this guy's face? What happened to him?
nobody is asking you then retard
Cheers my man
mcconel, asmonglods funny friend from Yea Forums
They actually believed there wouldn't be a big demand for classic.
Either that or they are hoping these wait times will encourage classicfags to play retail again.
I'm answering with a reply because you didn't include that option in your fucking poll. It's common sense to include an option for people who don't fall under any category.
I will admit the lighting in his room does look comfy
From when Brack said you think you do to now, they haven't quite understood how popular vanilla WoW is.
They've made concessions, they made wow classic to appease people, but they didn't understand how many people were interested and truly why they wanted it.
Yeah bro Blizzard hates Classic and expected it to fail that's why they announced it as their big announcement at Blizzcon and hyped it for years.
Stick it to Blizzard by buying a sub and playing Classic now!
I hate how people are meming this to be acceptable because "haha classic experience".
Just another blizzard shitheap launch.
>no benefits for streamers
Bet their drones are still donating to him
>Blizzard said months ago stuff they planned to do to stop stuff like this from happening.
The best part of classic wasn't playing right?
No, you fucking mongoloid
If the poll doesn't apply to you then don't fucking answer it
There doesn't need to be a special option for your insignificant ass
exaggerated behavior to play act to 12 year olds. somehow it works because hes getting hundreds of subs per hour
You don't get it bro if they had enabled sharding for a couple days to ensure that the launch went smoothly then it would have literally ruined the Classic experience forever!
I got kicked from the game at the same time, as did everyone I was playing with. Pretty bullshit honestly, as there's usually supposed to be a grace period to relog if you get dced. Fucking blizzard man.
>McCool wins AGAIN
Every time
I didn't answer the poll. I replied to the post instead of fucking up the poll. Pull the stick out of your fucking ass, retard.
I don't know where this neanderthal-looking faggot came from or why people have started posting him here daily, but I'd be completely assblasted if I was under the delusion that Classic was worth getting, only to find out my server was home to some wannabe eceleb faggot who is causing absurd queue times. Memer streamers should be quarantined to their own server.
>ends before we get to see the full realization settle in upon seeing the queue time
Shit clip user
Fuck I hate Asmongold and his stupid insect looking face
what do you think is worse:
waiting in line to play a video game
waiting in line to play a video game and then waiting in line in the game with other players to kill a quest mob
streaming yourself waiting in line to play a video game and then waiting in line in the game with other players to kill a quest mob
watching someone else stream themselves waiting in line to play a video game and then waiting in line in the game with other players to kill a quest mob
you can see at 12 second mark that he is getting into the fake "epic streamers reaction" lmao
pls never post this faggot nor his faggotry again thanks
Faux-conservative streamer that has a hot girlfriend and is openly a Yea Forums user
This dude is fucking soi personified. Jesus christ.
The funniest thing is that the first thing he brings up is something that was better.
Runescape chad stopping by to laugh at WoW virgins.
They added 4 servers to EU just today and they still filled up to FULL with retarded queues in a few hours.
Blizzard still sucks but I think most people agree that just keep adding servers won't actually solve anything.
I don't think there's enough layering in the world to help this.
The queue times are deliberate, they are choking their own servers for some reason.
Stop going on the already full servers it ain't that hard. I just joined a server that wasn't a overhyped meme and could play just fine and without a hitch
Asmongold is the biggest hypocrite alive. Talks so much shit yet bans anybody who talks shit back in his chat. I'm glad he got booted. Fuck him.
>losing his shit and throwing an actual jumping up and down tantrum
God, this dude is embarrassing.
The new servers aren't full though.
I think the problem lies with people not wishing to change server because they got their name registered.
The last two.
At least your livelihood isn't dependent upon getting into the game and at least you have other sources of entertainment then watching some cockgobbler try to get ijto a game.
>Literally DDoSing Blizzard to make the king of degenerates cry
option 4
Other way around. The first servers had like 50 minute queues where's the newer ones had 3+ hours. At least in EU.
Not in french servers though. The PvP server was chock full so they created an another. Created a character on it and never had any queue to join. The first PvP server is still full with 1-2 hour queues
This is fucking lovely
>children look up to this man
>How's my hair?
ppphhhffftthahaha hahahahahahaa
>150k people are watching some neanderthal sit in a 16k+ queue while he makes thousands upon thousands of dollars
This world is truly amazing.
>McCool is level 11
>Holy Paladin
Is this the rise of the better autist?
Gotta make sure you keep your thinning spot hidden from your fans user
the waiting time is the pure vanilla experience. It would not be real without it.
Asmon wants a REFUND hahaha FOR WHAT?
A literal fucking toddler tantrum. Pathetic lmao
>Asmongoloid is actually fuming
>server shutdown incoming
please god yes
EU only
Asmongold brushed his teeth for nothingmind
That's unfortunate. But it will be even better if they wait a few hours before restarting US servers for maximum impact.
Jesus Christ
Holy shit that's the full answer huh? Retarded.
Can someone answer a question for me, please. If all servers are cloud-based now, which allows for rapid scalability depending on your needs, why in the fuck are there these massive queue times?
Answer this question taking into consideration the resources Blizzard has at their disposal.
The answer as always is blizz is incompetent.
why are most realms on medium now?
>release a game basically 7 or 8 times
>fuck up the launch of it every single time
>what could have possibly gone wrong this time?
Classic servers run on an iMac. Literally no reason to spend money on server contracts for a 15 year old game that will be dead the minute all hype runs out.
I did this and everyone was telling me that you get kicked after 30 minutes, didnt happen so I dont know if it only did it to some people or it was a lie spread to keep the "simpler fans" from queuing before them
I'd be pissed too if I lost all that potential money since he had 200k viewers. Get fucked, Assfag.
Say that to the tens of thousands of active players who were on nostalrius, dipshit.
>Fuck you eric!
Would it be accurate at all to say that hunters have the least amount of bad PVP matchups? Do they have any hard counters?
It's almost midnight on the east coast and the vast majority of classicfags are wagies that need to go to work in the morning.
It was free dipshit
So this is your leader...
I would be extremely upset, but I would not jump up and down like a literal fucking 4 year old.
> not taking the week off
I did it by mistake. Literally opened the game like 3 hours before start and when launch hit I was greeted with a pleasant surprise.
What about against dwarf hunters?
Frost mage basically
>Finally get in
>Make character. Jump around a bit. kill a skeleton
>Randomly Disconnected
>Position in queue: 7048
>Estimated time: 120 minutes
Very true.
In America you don't really get vacation time and only very limited number of sick days in a year unless you are at least middle management.
>it went up by 30 minutes
Only rogue if you don't know they are there but rogue has that advantage against all classes.
>Blink has a 20 yard range
>Hunters attack from 40 yards away
how do you close the other 20 yards
I live in America and you have no idea what you're talking about. I have up to 250 hours of PTO that accumulates and carries over yearly. I could request three weeks right now if i wanted.
Unless you work at some min wage job you have vacation time.
hunters are the GOAT in world pvp, they completely shit on rogues dont believe that guy
PTO my nigga
Hahaha how the fuck
280 minutes now, that's great
ive never heard of anyone who works in an office that doesnt get at least 3 weeks of vacation a year
>10 days
>he's proud of 10 days
Jfc how are you people not unionized?
>he works 24h a day
How underage are you?
>10 days
lol you work 24 hour workdays?
thats 30 days you clown
>Marksman hunters attack from 41 yards away
>What is polymorph?
>What is frost nova?
>What is deadzone?
The fuck are you talking about, slave?
You really are underage if you don't know how PTO works.
sleep tight, asmongold
watching someone else stream themselves sleeping for 7 hours and donating them twitch shekels
Why the fuck are people trying to play this game on launch? As if there is any point in suffering the grinder to have a level 60 a month before most.
Now I get it, my bad.
I don't know why I assumed a 24 hour workday.
>Mages are a melee class
What are you smoking?
here mister 14 year old, ill explain it for you
paid time off are hours that supplant your standard work hours
so if you work 10 hour work days, and you have 250 pto hours, then you get 25, days worth of work, as paid time off
>position in queue 15000+
>estimated time 36 min
Did they hire the guys that made windows file transfer for their queue timer?
good now do the gene pool a favor and kill yourself
His stupid girlfriend actually believes the "targeted attack" thing LMAOOO
>Mages are a melee class
When they're fighting hunters they are.
I work in a country where time off is calculated in days and not hours.
everyone not on the cuck streamer in the back
assmonretard in the bed
so if you work 10 hour work days
that's not right either, that would only apply if you worked 4 days a week, anything over 40 is overtime
but it makes him more money when he does it.
god I love that music, too bad the clip ends right when it's getting good
the same reason people watch movies on launch or listen to music the day it's released
I wouldn't expect Yea Forums NEETs to understand.
As if all those players who loved the game care about paying a tiny amount of money. They all payed the same amount in 2005.
He's taking a nap.
Isn't that against twitch TOS?
No worries bro here is 2 hours of the main theme without interruptions:
You can rent AWS servers by the hour, and if you are good at infrastructure automation, have them scale up and down automatically.
Dew it
>96k people watching a guy's WoW login screen
Nah he unlisted his stream
>Mattress half on the ground and half propped up on trash
I guess he wasn't lying about being bad at sleeping, I didn't think people could be this sub-human.
even if you get in after that long queue you could get disconnected for no reason
to listen to the music
based. not allowed to stream sleeping no matter what
Apparently he "removed himself from being listed" and disabled donations, so there might be some loopholes he can get around
that being said, I'm mad he doesn't just shut down the twitch and reboot it when it is up again. Report away!
>like they're going to ban one of their biggest money makers
>not sleeping in total darkness
what a noob..
Someone post the pic of his desk with all the garbage piled on it
viewbots and shills EVERYWHERE
did you notice him mysteriously popping up in your recommended videos?
he hasn't vacuumed his room in over a year. imagine the smell of that floor.
He's wearing one of those double eye-patch things
completely agree
Even the tiny flashing LED light in the background would be enough to trash your sleep cycle.
i give a damn fuck about this stupid mold eating son of a bitch. im just pissed about this fucking shutdown, after 5 hours waiting
That's literally how little faith they have in this short term trainwreck
I've got advanced sleeping strats involving fine tuning my fan's output and channeling it through a cavern I create with a body pillow allowing me to receive just as much cool air as I need.
It doesn't matter. Your skin absorbing any kind of light, specifically blue light, will totally fucking obliterate your body's ability to properly recuperate.
I'm talking a small as a single LED that is turn on in your room, it will fuck with you.
>Scare beast
>World server is down
is a 1.5sec cast with no pushback protection, only scrubs fall to that.
Ok guys, this was the end of classic.
Now go back to BfA and FF14.
Repeat: END. OF. CLASSIC!!!!!
it always fascinated me that WoW servers are so small and shit that they have to wait to log in.
pic related handles 70k people on a single server just fine.
No pushback when you've been FD/freezing trapped
>be a balding degenerate who lives in his own filth
>still slaying this on the side
it's not fair bros ;_;
Fuck. No wonder I always feel like shit during summer. Stupid arctic circle and stupid sun not setting at all.
> Sodapoppin still in game
I hate this game
>Position in Queue: 14363
>Estimated time: 3 minutes
Yeah, but it only has 10y range, wouldn't you want to get some distance after scatter->trap instead of gambling on a fear?
>he can't sleep during the day
He makes more money than anyone here.
Zero clue how he has a fanbase but I still respect his hustle.
user, you too can pay some instagram hoe to sleep with you. Just make money, it's literally all you need to do. Nothing else matters.