Holy fuck why didnt I hear about this game sooner? I just got into it and its actually really fun. Any operators I should try? Thatcher, Dokkaebbi, and Lion have been my favorites on offense.
Holy fuck why didnt I hear about this game sooner? I just got into it and its actually really fun...
Welcome you're gonna hate it on a week or two.
But Rook, Doc if you like cheesy plays in defence
Always praise Lord Tachanka.
Play which ever OP you actually find fun even if they are nerfed as shit.
depends on your play style. most operators have their own niche.
never play blackbeard, montagne, or blitz unless your opponent plays them against you. why? it's a gentlemans agreement because they aren't fun to play against.
also please don't play ranked until you have at least 100 hours in the game.
might as well try Jackal since you like Lion
If they took leaning out of the game it would improve the game by tenfold. It took them ages to fix crouch spamming, lean spam, but its still all about swapping leans and crouching.
play the sledgehammer fella he's a beast
Don't forget mashing shift to silently sprint across the map.
that's only first person. other players hear no difference from normal sprinting.
Thermite and/or Hibana are good options. A hard breacher is almost always a good addition to the team, and it's satisfying to open up those angles that other team really doesn't want you to have
If you want to reach a new "level" of skill I suggest going through all the ranked maps 10 times IN A ROW via custom game. You will not recognize yourself afterwards. Next you must buy blackbeard and valkyrie. They will completely change the way you play this game and for the better. If you don't have them unlocked, I suggest playing anything from the brits. The only tricky brit is smoke, he is used to deny site for the last 30 seconds or kill enemy Montagne or Blitz. You won't regret learning the brits.
I love answering questions
Actually, just removing 3 speed and ACOGs would improve the game.
Recently moved to PC from Xbox and its messing with me. Any tips for the game? I know sounds immensely important but I don't tend to have my headset on in the case of someone needing to talk to me or my girlfriend pissing herself thinking I'm ignoring her. (Stay single)
Thoughts on the 590?
go back to xbox
it's good
nigga you absolutely need to hear shit in this game
Wear headphones
>faggot oppinions
>reddit memes that was never funny
As with all shotguns you can hold corners nicely. Basically all shotguns that are not sidearms are good. The intended purpose besides opening walls is the utility of shooting between floors above and below. The exception is Vigil, his shotgun is more like a rifle and it handles very bad.
Can't sold it for a motherboard and a few fans
Noted, well fuck me I guess. Maybe I'll get surround sound or something
You realize the majority of the people who play this game use Reddit right?
>Holy fuck why didnt I hear about this game sooner? I just got into it and its actually really fun.
are you a ubi employee? this game has been going downhill for years and the last half dozen operators have been shit
It can't go downhill if it was never up there
Mozzie is based tho
You absolute shitter
Used to play it with my pals. I kinda got bored of it after some big cancer operators, they still play it and I feel left out but can't go back.
Loved Vigil on defense because BOSG a BESTG, but he was really good if you don't use the meme gun. Kapkan was also fun. Lesion had a super fun shotty. On attack I liked Buck, Fuze after they made LMGs not shit, and BIG FUCKING HOLE
Tachanka is my most played OP and I have no regrets. Dude was fun as fuck
Play Ash on attack and Jaeger on defense.
Make sure you fix your settings properly because the darker maps makes shit hard as fuck to see.
bandit and jaeger are both good on defense if you want a fast guy
rook, doc, and smoke if you want to be a lazy shit and take a nap in the objective room
dont use shotguns unless youre playing smoke or kaid. smoke uses the shotty to open walls and uses the smg11 as his primary, and kaid's shotty is just a dmr and it's good because it's a defense acog. shotguns are shit in this game and only casual players and silvers use them besides smoke/kaid
Ela's shotgun is much better than the scorpion after it was nerfed
no it's not silver
Get lost. Game went to shit long ago.
Oh lol, no bud. Get the new Cowadooty game instead, Ubishit is the worst.
>only casual players and silvers use them besides smoke/kaid
nigga. the m870 exists
I grind to unlock the ops it's kino
Me mate nigeriancoon got permabanned tho ;(