ITT: leftist games that Yea Forums likes
ITT: leftist games that Yea Forums likes
"War bad" isn't a specifically leftie viewpoint.
Anti-nuke is leftist
MGS is way more war bad than nuke bad.
Have you even played MGS? I replayed the first game a few months ago and noticed a bunch of lines that would be considered really sexist by modern standards.
God of War is the best leftist game ever released
I'm replaying MGS1 and it really struck me that there is no nuance given between nuclear warheads and nuclear energy. Being lectured about Chernobyl as if it is the inevitability when using nuclear energy and the same as launching nuclear missiles was annoying.
ITT: teenagers have no idea what leftists think or do
Mother 3
>Pic Sorta Unrelated
Making fun of capitalism isn't exclusive to leftists.
>retard putting politics into fucking MGS
anti-nuke is japanese dogma that stems from being nuked, despite japanese being based as fuck and understanding the value of inwards perfection
no one else gives a shit
Deus Ex is basically communist propaganda and Yea Forums not only loves it, they think it's all true.
maybe not mgs1 but the other games sure are. PW even praised a commie.
That isn't political, leftist. It's fiction about soldiers and robots and silly plot twists. There is no political message.
>PW even praised a commie.
Fun fact: Che Guevara traveled to Japan and learned a lot about the nukes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, then back in Cuba, he included teachings about the nukes in school books.
To this day, Cuba is the country that dedicates more pages to the nukes in school books, more than even Japan.
I'm not a Che fan (he was still a war criminal and demented), but he was based in some ways.
>but he was based in some ways.
He was redpilled at the very least.
>its not political to literally praise a commie
lol, yeah, he also hated homosexuals.
It's very funny when you see LGBT pride people with Che flags and what not, if only they knew...
Literally no one is talking about shit like "War is bad" or "Rich people shouldn't exploit wars for profit" when they complain about politics in videogames. They're almost always talking about modern identity politics.
Oh yeah the Soviet Union sure was anti-nuke
Big Boss, the villain of the series, praised a commie. He was already well on the downward path to full blown villain by the time PW takes place.
I mean he goes on to build a fucking Metal Gear on his base later on in the game. You're not supposed to agree with everything he does.
gow is leftist ?
butchering all greek pantheon and dooming an entire land to destruction is leftist ?
Unless you're literally in an elite family, how the fuck is war not bad?
Yeah bro, let's go risk our lives at painfully horrible deaths for these powerful people!
>it's not politics if i like it
>dooming an entire land to destruction is leftist
pretty much
mgs is pacifist which is inherently a lefty trait, OP is right
This. Big Boss is not meant to be "lawful good" or anything close to that.
Peace Walker (and MGS V) are the story of how the main villain of the MG series came to be a villain.
I'm pretty sure leftists like military and guerrilla/war, though.
Communists regimes are that, regimes, led by military.
b-but video games make war seem fun! I want to go risk my life for those powerful rich people! It'll be as fun as playing some LAN party game!
War... war never change
We get cool technology that the government can no longer hide trickled down over the coming years. Also cultural ideals have a kind of "reset". People start being practical and nice to one other again. War is hell, but post-war is a utopia.
go back to your containment board ffs
Yeah, cool technology, I'm so happy to be in 2020 and having all these celphones and social media! Truly a futuristic utopia!
Seriously though, war is a game that only the elites enjoy.
politics vs propaganda
Get to HS, you basic schmuck
Sovient Union wasn't leftist.
>guys your favourite games have politics
>guys if you think war is bad then you're actually a leftist
>g-guys no stop being transphobes Yea Forums has always been leftist
>no guys s-stop don't be like /pol/ p-please
>g-guys no why are you anti-gay s-stop triggering me...
Big boss is ancap
>It's not propaganda if i like it
>he was based
yeah when he was dead
Big Boss is an anarchist capitalist. He ran a for-profit mercenary company who'd do anything to make a buck, and he wanted it without government telling him what to do. He is the villain.
Solid Snake is a liberal (centrist). He, Otacon and Philanthropy don't want to overthrow the existing system, they just want to regulate/neuter its most unsavoury elements (the Patriot AI calling the shots). They want to "let the world be".
None of the points in the first part are political. They are just elements of conflict. Gays and wonen are forced into games to be woke, where they don’t belong, to demasculitize the gaming industry. It’s purely political when a woman appears on screen in 2019.
>celphones and social media
I'm talking about literal breakthroughs, user. Technology that is unfathomable to the general public. Smartphones are just an incredibly refined version of a punch card reader. Social media is an incredibly refined version of a walkie talkie. Another world war would get us game-changing shit like quantum computing, gravity generators, nuclear fusion, whatever.
Not saying for a minute that this means war is good. It's more that government secrecy and our world-leaders' overbearing lack of trust is bad.
He was based... in some ways, but he was still a sociopath and psychopath, like most cultural leaders.
t. indolent negro
uhhhh no? I mean yeah war bad is there but metal gears are literally nuke throwers and one step removed from nukes themselves. The distinct japanese perspective telling American spy stories is also super telling in that.
Funny because walkie talkies had SOUL, while social media are SOULLESS
>a twice-wounded Guevara, his gun rendered useless, threw up his arms in surrender and shouted to the soldiers: "Do not shoot! I am Che Guevara and I am worth more to you alive than dead."
If it weren't for nukes, we'd have had another world war. We didn't need a war to develop nukes necessarily, it would've happened eventually with research into nuclear power. There really was no such thing as a long-lasting post-war peace until nukes.
I mean I guess you could be self aware or whatever, but critiques on das kapital are pretty leftist in principle. that's a marxist statement.
That line wasn't really a critic of capitalism though, it was just making fun of snob people that pretend to be "over it" but are still vacationing on a luxury resort area.
Also, Mother 3 is never explicit on its ideology either. The Pig Mask army could be associated to any kind of dictatorship regime, not just right-wing.
If anything, Mother 3 has a message about humans contaminating nature, similar to Miyazaki films.
Communist*. Soviet Union was extremely left. It was also extremely authoritarian.
MGS1 is leftist
MGS2 is right wing
MGS3 is centralist
MGS4 is leftist
MGS5 is centralist
If it weren't for nukes, we wouldn't have nuclear power stations dotting the landscape. Why do you think nuclear power got such a huge kick post-war? It's because it's quite hard to keep an emerging technological discovery a secret from the baddies when you just used it to level two cities, so you may as well let the plebs make use of it.
humans should have been wiser and grasp that using an explosion that should happen in a star on our own planet isn't really a good idea.
they also did it several times kek.
americans even used their own soldiers as guinea pigs for radiation effects.
Theres nothing masculine about wasting your time playing dopamine simulators
Who the fuck are you quoting
when you know that, if everything goes to shit, you can go to some mansion in some space station full of resources for at least 10 generations ahead, who cares?
Powerful people are literally playing 4D chess on this planet. We're merely ants.
Nukes aren't such a bad thing if they keep the peace but I do think their use is generally evil. I just think there's an alternate possibility where nukes were never invented where the Soviet Union and the United States would've nearly eradicated each other in a third world war. The Soviet Union lost 27 million people in WWII, the United States lost 419,000, China lost 20 million, Germany lost 7 million, all without nukes. A third world war with better tech to kill each other with (without nukes) would've been hell.
Sagiri is cute.
Breath of the Wild
The pink-haired SJW feminazi that lives in his young, hormonal brain.
>but I do think their use is generally evil
And you think right. Chain reaction atomic explosions aren't supposed to happen on planets like Earth. It's not only evil, but very stupid, beyond any ideology.
Crossdressing is an alpha move though.
Zero was the villain ackshually
How is mgs2 right wing?
How about rightist games?