Why WOULDN'T he be in smash? He:
>Has multiple weapons and items at his disposal, making a moveset that feels like the character extremely easy.
>Was arguably popularized due to his port on the Wii shop channel
>Has had a port of his game on a nintendo console since, even getting an exclusive 3DS version
>Has a gimmick that could transfer well in the game (EXP)
>Has already been in a fighting game in the form of Blade Strangers
>Has costumes and alternate colors in the base game that could be transferred over easily.
>Already had energetic fighting music that could be remixed for smash.
For real, in the world of possibilities that is the smash DLC roster, in a world where we have Joker, King K.Rool, Ryu, Cloud, Mega-Man and fucking Banjo Kazooie, how come nobody even mentions this guy?
Why WOULDN'T he be in smash? He:
Other urls found in this thread:
Who the hell is that?
>He doesn't know what Chasm Narrative - is.
Summer is over newfag, if you get behind on your homework wasting time on a Taiwanese basket weaving blogspot again your dad is going to bring out the studded belt this time so gtfo.
Too many people would prefer garbage like Shovel Knight, The Knight, Shantae or any other indie FotM over Quote. Believe me, he's not getting in, and I say this as someone who voted for him on the Smash 4 ballot.
Never say never fellow Quotefriend.
Wait, am I supposed to know about games other than train simulators?
You and I both know Yea Forums recommended train simulators to you so you could play it on a laptop drown out the sound of Tyrone fucking your crush in the school bathroom while you were taking a shit next door.
Cave Story is an adventure metroidvania with worldbuilding thicker than your skull. Play it, the full standard version is literally shareware and can be played for free.
Because the obsessive need that people have for an "Indie Rep" is fucking retarded. He's not worth it
You must be mad, Trainz uses a lot more than a simple laptop.
It would be too perfect
Things that good don't happen in this world
Cringe character for braindead zoomers with low IQ and probably mental illnessed from being ugly, kys yourself
I voted for him in the smash ballot but if they were going to add an indie rep they would have done shovel knight
Again, we got Ridley, King K.Rool and fucking BANJO IN.
Don't give up hope.
idk user. He's a perfect fit. His game is the grandfather of indies after all. In terms of historical significance he's definitely up there. The reasons you listed are sound as well. The only reason he wouldn't get in is because of his popularity. Nobody younger than 25 (except me) knows who he is .
>2 Nintendo owned characters + a major 3rd party collaboration vs. old ass indie game that nicalis uses as a crossover whore to promote whatever
They aren't owned by nintendo you double nigger. By your logic Joker would be a sony owned character.
How is Shantae FOTM compared to Quote when A) she's older than him
B) has an actual series of more than one game
C) has a game currently set to be released
She's not, ignore my claims of her being an "indie FotM". Point is, I don't like her and the impression I get from her fans is that they're a bunch of horny deviants who value her inclusion for porn rather than anything legacy-wise.
Um, but they are? Metroid was made fully in-house by Nintendo, and DKC, though a bit less intrinsic than Metroid, had its rights fully transferred to Nintendo when Rare went to Microsoft
>Point is, I don't like her
he was never going to make it bros
Dont you fucking lump me in with those porn obsessed faggots. I want my purple haired heroine for reasons beyond just porn.
Never played a Shantae or 2hu game but I'd be fine with reps from either of them
More worried that the first indie rep will be Steve or Sans or Shovel Knight or some shit
Quote still the GOAT tho
Because he's instead going to be in the Indie Smash Bros game I'll be developing in some time from now.
interesting and fun potential moveset properties
a semi stance character potentially with transformations
playful rivalry in fan content with Bayonetta due to numerous similarities in traits.
Would help give WF/Shantae series some more attention.
I want Quote because:
>interesting and fun potential moveset
>many different weapons; could feature a EXP/weapon switch mechanic
>crossover between something like Samus or Mega Man would be kino
>would give Cave Story more attention
Does Yea Forums have a crush on Curly?
Isn't the dev of this game infamously gay about Quote appearing in anything he didn't make?
Quote is currently my most wanted to make it in. I feel he deserves it more than any other indie character and could bring a lot to the table in Smash. I really do think that his biggest obstacle is the low level of support he seems to get compared to other characters, particularly other indies. That said, it is nice to at least see that I’m not alone in supporting him.
I will share them with you just this once, but you absolutely MUST NOT share them with anyone else
>Why WOULDN'T he be in smash?
Because no one cares about him, if someone voted for an indie it was Shovel Knight, Shantae or Sans. Quote is the first choice of literally nobody.
She's older (barely), but definitely not more significant.
>Ridley, King K.Rool
they aren't nearly as farfetched as half of the shit that was already in Smash to begin with
He's got a gun, guns are bad, ban video games
Her first game, which was published by Capcom, was a major flop for various reasons. She didn’t really start gaining any significant relevance until Risky’s Revenge came out in 2010.
curly is the closest thing to a waifu i have
Where's that image of people comparing waifubait to something like Samus/Curly, in terms of being compelling female characters in games?