What game?
What moment?
What game?
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Kid Icarus: Uprising, pretty much everything from chapter 10 onward. That game was a fucking ride.
smash ultimate
Persona 2
End of W2D7.
Playing Paris for the first time in nuHitman
Ever Oasis
The kino as fuck moment before getting the Light Lumite, bonus points if you do it alone with just the protag and pic related
Goddamn, I really need to replay that. I wish RF4 didn't exist so I could say this was my favorite 3DS game. I certainly respect its production value more, while RF4 is just simply indulgent crack.
Mother 3’s final boss
RE4 from start to finish (with a few minor exceptions)
TTYD Chapters 3, 4 and 6
Most of Rain World
MGS2’s mind fuck
Ace Combat: Zero
>Have you found a reason to fight yet, Buddy?!
Ace Combat 7. Missions 19 and 20 for obvious reasons.
this. 7 years later and still the best game ever made. Will it ever be topped?
State of Decay 2 when it finally clicked it was an actual zombie apocalypse game with everything ive ever wanted from one. I beat that game so many times. It was perfect imo. I dont care if you dont think it was either. That game felt tailor built FOR ME.
post face and body
>best game ever made
>with those controls
you need to have been growing up with it in order to say its the best game ever made
When you get the armor.
zone of the enders 2
>playing survival on the space stage
>already 30 minutes in
>enemies in formation with leader are kicking my ass
>suddlendly this part of the music kicks in
>enter the zone
>jesuschirst im im the protagonist of a motherfucking mecha anime.
i fucking love this game
t-this is me
Please no bully
falling from orbit in lost planet 2
When was the last time we had one of these game series reaction threads? I haven't seen one of them since 2017, it seems.
Because games are dead.
Most Ace Combat games have at least 1 mission with that is 10/10
Ghost Trick.
WoW: Classic
Getting into the game and seeing home.
>WoW: Classic
>Getting into the game
Pick one
Not him, I played it just fine. Never really lost online either. Bad controls are a meme; there are only bad players.
The witcher 3, but only the tutorial map
>Getting a wish
Mass Effect when you enter the Citadel for the first time
>Persona 4
>Christmas Eve
Yakuza 2
The game didn't click for me until chapter 13, which made chapter 14 really amazing.
Persona 3 FES
Also the first game
Nier Automata, tons of moments, but probably the beginning of Route C.
Children. The lot of you!
Red was weaksauce and only his snorlax posed any threat.
>Show that you've the strength to break the yoke that binds you."
sonic adventure 2
Wonderful 101.
That game was a huge ride. And it was amazing.
>Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow!
That's entirely irrelevant the first time you encounter him.
The last chapter of Half Minute Hero on the PSP where every character from every campaign winds up being used in the final battle with their individual play styles. Absolutely kino.
GTA IV during Three Leaf Clover.
I dunno man something about this game just sits right with me, maybe it's the perfect city atmosphere or something.
Totally agree user
>tfw that whole finale
Nothing in the franchise ever came close to this hype again.
There were too many moments in this to fucking count
>walking around Colony 9 for hours exploring and killing shit before even touching the story
>Fiora literally fucking dying
>seeing Bionis's leg the first time
>beating up giant mecha all over the place
>thinking the game is ending soon at Galahad Fortress and then ending up on Mechonis
>all the Egil/Yaldaboath fights
>that fucking ending
Busted nuts all round really.
This tbqh. Before that it was probably the base defense mission in Xcom EW or the Mothership launch from HW remastered.
Sonic 06
I don't understand the hate behind it
Resident Evil 4
The whole village section
I love watching his shitty empire collapse after he's been colonizing my area with a dozen cities and stealing my delegates.
Human Revolution, ended a pacifist run to save best girl malik.
>Yakuza 0
>Last mission
>The final boss and Kiryu both take their shirts off
>Charge at each other
>This shit start playing
>The boss got 3 differents fighting styles just like you
At least RDR2 for me
and specially when Jim Milton grabs his gear and this shit start playing youtube.com
alongside with THAT reference to the last game
Ace Combat 4
radiant dawn
part 3
Dragon Quest Builders 2
When you command a team of monsters to renovate a satanic church into a spaceship in order to save your best friend from being resurrected as a demon god of destruction
Yes, that literally happens
Lost Planet 2
Yakuza 0
Final boss
The entire game was a collection of 'those' moments
those final chapters were a fucking ride. from saving Lynne from drowning onward i was completely enraptured. best game i played this year.
>tfw you match him style-for-style, just because of that fucking soundtrack
Smash Ultimate final boss
Best 3 way ever
Odin Sphere
When you are charging up the final blow and it is measured in infinitons instead of gigatons and then it goes limit exceeded, big bang bonus
Recently? Hollow Knight.
The moment: challenge
are you fucking dumb? video games are for children, no one here plays video games.
>he didnt log in 2 hours beforehand and jsut sit there in the character select screen
>Tropical Freeze
>Every single second
final warcraft3 mission. protecting the tree with 3 races was just amazing, even though it was easy as fuck
>The opening and ending CG cutscenes
Shit that reminds me I need to finish the Co op run I saw doing with my sister before she leaves the country for a year
Thread Theme
>tfw left-handed
Why Nintendo hates my kind
EDF5 recently.
make sure you properly convey how much you love your sister before she leaves
Encountering Nine Ball in almost every Armored Core game. Pure 100% Kinonium
Kid Icarus Uprising was basically this all the way through. When I thought my love for vidya was completely dead it rekindled it for me.
>that music
>that great composition
>that INCREDIBLE performance from sean
This scene outdoes pretty much all other versions. Budokai was kino as hell
>Playing through Nier: A
>Man this game is fucking awesome
>Get even further
>Man this game is fucking awesome
>Approaching the end
>Wait no this can't be right surely this story isn't this fucking stupid
>Finish the final ending
>I'm so unreasonably fucking angry it's shocking even to me
And then, weeks later, I realized that was exactly how Taro wanted me to feel. Well played you bald fuck.
When red and blue were fighting and we find out about what to blues brother.
Katana Zero
>Your tape was kid shit
>You honestly thought you were in my league
Inversely, Infamous Second Son and Infamous Dying Light were third person action games where the traversal was as Good as Assassins Creed 1 or Mario 64, there were neon light effects, jumping on a moving train and a very large deplorable area.
But on the negative side winding up in Seattle in real life Never Ending Story style was incredibly scary.
are you having a stroke or is this an A.I.?
Katana Zero was such a fucking ride
>that segment you play as the actual Dragon
Og Pathologic when that chick from an unrelated quest gets murdered by the Haruspex from a different quest. Never seen that in a game.
The Intro
mario 2 wehn i hopped on the carpet from the anoying bird and i was flying for the fistt time
>He couldn't non-lethal it
KIU, BoTW getting off the GP, KHFM2 battling the super bosses, a couple more that I can’t name off the top of my head
The soldiers at sea chapter of Obra Dinn
>tfw the music kicks in
Hacking your way and the boss after it.