>he paid $15 to wait in line and then wait in line again
>he paid $15 to wait in line and then wait in line again
why cant the game handle multiple people talking to an NPC?
imagine being one of these complete retards waiting 30+ minutes for a quest mob to spawn when you could just kill a few boars for the same exp
wait hold on
what is this lmao
Glad I never had to do this in any mmo
I think it has to do with killing an NPC mini boss or someshit that requires looting. When you loot it, it disappears and come back.
wow classic at this very moment
I dont understand how anyone can do this. If I had to wait in line like this I would log off. Thats not playing the fucking game
NBA 2k20
>waiting in line for quests on launch instead of just grinding mobs
fuck normies lol
Amazing how different the world is in 2019. No one did this shit in 2004.
I know this is reddit and autistic, but I think it's kind of cute how they're all lined up and being so orderly.
Grind to level 5, then gtfo of the starting area
Reminds me of how people these days make a line to climb the summit of Everest.
Game launch, seven expansion launches, and dozens of patch day launches later, Blizzard still can't get its own shit in order.
>there are people that took time off/called in to experience this
Out of pure fucking morbid curiosity for those of you standing in line yourselves, what happens when someone 'cuts' you and just walks up and kills the mob the second it spawns like a normal person would?
So this is the true power of Nostalgia.
Nothing. You might get "blacklisted" by a few players who won't even be playing the game in a week. Any serious blacklisting is only reserved for actually heinous things such as ninja looting bind on pickup items you can't even use.
are lvl 19 twinks going to be a thing again?
Doxing and rape I assume.
People who cut queues are niggers, not normal people.
I guess everyone from 2004 is not a normal person then.
Dumb nigger pretending he knew how the game was in beta and on launch day.
Real question, why would you wait in line for hours when you're probably better off grinding mobs for exp?
>never hearing of a breadcrumb quest
>forming orderly lines and patiently waiting
What bullshit is this, I was promised the true classic WoW experience, nobody was this polite back in the day, shit was every man for himself when it came to quest mobs.
>complex shadows
>in vanilla
I never played in beta but no one queued to kill mobs on launch day.
imagine being so cucked you stand in line instead of being the absolute chad that tags the mob without even doing the quest
Based Bierblastr
is this real
>doing breadcrumb quests in vanilla
So far the community experience has been great. Everyone is chatting and having a good time. I've witnessed quite a few people just help out random people for no reason other than to be nice and helpful. I am seriously enjoying myself so far. Playing horde on bigglesworth if anyone cares.
what a bunch of fags
>be the last in line
>number 1 in the line invites me to the group
based classicbros
>normal people
Standing in line in a mmo does not make you normal.
I'm making a small profit right now selling water to people waiting in line for quest mobs
>playing any even remotely popular online multiplayer game at release day
>especially one from fucking blizzard
have you people forgotten diablo 3 already? of course it's a fucking mess today
i played wow 4 years ago a lot should i buy membership for classic?
I've got two questions:
1. Why don't people just make groups of 6?
2. Why the fuck are these idiots waiting in line and not just bum rushing it
Based and agreed.
Fuck everyone else just skip the quest and grind.
>No one did this shit in 2004.
Dude what? This was common in MMOs even before World of Warcraft released. Normally the lines were only 3-5 people long, but still.
this is the reason why I hated MMOs so much growing up, there is nothing fun about having to share loot, quests, and mobs with 50+ other players
>walking simulators
>standing in line simulators
whats next?
My and my friends skipped every line lol
Because you can't make groups of 6. 5 is the non raid party limit.
15 more minutes til mother gets home and hopefully i can use her card to get membership
Imagine being a zoomer and not have patience for anything. Go play your mobile shit games.
>cut in line
>kill mob
>shitpost in global chat
>wasting 10s of hours on a game that will be dead in 2 months
It's cute and whoever disagrees is a nayseigher
who they running a train on?
>b-bbut it will be dead in 2 months
based retarded zoomer.
You know how after about 2 weeks of an expansions launch everyone is bitching that there's nothing to do? And then new content comes right as they're about to cancel, and the process repeats itself?
Classic isn't getting new content ever.
Everyone points to the success of OSRS but that nearly died because they initially chose to never add new content, it wasn't until they allowed f2p and started adding new content that it exploded in popularity
>Classic isn't getting new content ever.
Not entirely true.
its a fucking game fag
in 2 weeks only the hardcore player will be max level and it will take a long time till people are geared you sound fucking butthurt honestly
I guarantee less than 1% of people who play WoW Classic will ever clear Naxx
honestly this shit is pathetic. wait 1 hour in queue to enter to server. only to wait in line again for a fucking quest because blizzard can't into game design.
this is why ffxiv is better
FFXIV had queues for quests on the Stormblood release though. I'm not sure if they fixed it for Shadowbringers though
Based Yoshichad im wnjoying rising 2019 for mini y'shtola
Fact. Nobody fucking got in line in real vanilla. This is some top tier autism and a shitty launch. Just further proof that you can't reproduce the "magic" of vanilla because it isn't 2004 anymore. Retards.
As in total population ever or people that will remain?
There's guides everywhere now and with correct values content will certainly be easier.
Same. Had issues for the first hour then everything went smooth. Level 10 soon; fun af.
I had a great time in the line, good bants and making friends. Haters gonna hate.
Geared with items they already got 15 years ago. From raids they've already seen everything in from 15 years ago.
You can never go home.
I don't get why they didn't just adjust respawn timers.
wowfags SEETHING
Yes starting areas are laggy as fuck and completely overcrowded. So much for all that layering bitching.
Beyond that game is smooth as fuck. In the past 5 hours I had more fun than wod legion and bfa combined
Classic's brought the best in people. Everyone's so active and nice. No issue getting in groups, helping others and I'm honestly just having a blast. More fun socially and gameplay-wise than I've had in the last two retail expansions.
you're fucking retarded, oh now the game is 15 year old wow you can't enjoy anything old, god you fucking butthurt baby.
I really need to get to work on my game if I dont want to miss the wave of sleeping sims.
>You can never go home.
Already proved you wrong, faggot. Suck my chode.
I thought "shardding" prevented this sort of thing from happening?
As an xiv Chad I am kind of jealous of wow having speech bubbles
Why are these idiots even doing quests at this point? Just kill mobs to get ahead of the crowd and then you can do quests without waiting time.
¡Vamos en casa hermanos!
What do you think?
i just went straight to samuel fibbs spawn and killed him in front of like 30 people in line
get fucked
This is the stupidest fucking shit I've ever seen.
Maybe they enjoy it? I dunno. Not everyone's a min-maxing, "gotta get ahead of the curve" kind of autist like you.
The people playing this never played vanilla wow because while modern wow is shit, vanilla wow is absolutely unplayable.
these are all screenshots from beta. On live everything is chaotic and everyone is chimping out
or is that because I rolled an orc?
Because they are noobs who dont know any better
>seething over people having fun
W-we're gonna blacklist you! By the p-power of community and friendshop you'll be sorry I swear!!!
>Waiting in a virtual line is fun
Blizzfags are mentally ill.
>i dont like competition because im too scared
why waste time typing all of that when you can sum up your post in 3 words:
>i am beta
Early access isn't release and yes they did fix it.
That makes sense though.
I'd gladly wait behind 3 people.
Not this endless fucking conga line.
I miss 2008
>didn't have to wait in a single line
The chat is half of the game. Vanilla was a very social experience. If you didn't experience the explosion of the internet in 2001-2004, and then the phenomenon that was WoW, you missed out and will never understand. You could finally play a game with friends in a huge world. Not just Counter Strike at a lan. Not just 16 people. Thousands. And form guilds. Have GvG warfare. The drama that surrounded it outside of the game. It was, and still is, my dream game. Nothing has come close to pulling off what WoW did.
However, in 2004, noone would do this. It's gay. Just jump the queue and kill steal.
That is is incredibly fucking lame.
nigguh it's an mmo; you're not standing idly like an austist but talk with some random fags. The least that it does it provides you with an unique online experience. Nobody says it's anything more than that
>you can't have fun just by standing around and socializing with people
found the virgin
what level are you guys and whats the highest you've seen?
I'm taking it slow. Just dinged 8 after getting my fishing and cooking to 75 and letting the hordes of people move on. Easier to do Echo Isles quests when there aren't 2000 people crammed there.
I'm 8 but max I've seen so far is 11
highest on firemaw eu was 16 or 17 just before the servers went down
i got to 12, but i didnt get in before 1:30 am
Not only there was no such thing on vanilla launch, this is just purely retarded and unfun. Anyone who unironically claims that this is better than retail is an idiot, contrarian, or just tries to look sophisticated and oldschool.
This is not inherent to vanilla, in fact I had even better and richer experience with Ultima Online, Ragnarok Online, Lineage, and Rising Force Online. For instance, in the latter you had three factions that are hostile to each other but can form alliances, nothing in WoW had that depth.
Homefag COPE
8 - went to the inn to rest, going to make an alt on another server so I can swap rested exp grinding
>pick elf
>no hordes of people
>plenty of mobs
>easy 10s
Elf best as always
I don't see what the big deal is. So they're standing in line. So what? is there a rule that you shouldn't stand in line? Should you be an asshole to your own side? I can understand not getting in line with the Horde but come on.
I think Yea Forums is just trying their hardest to nitpick and this is the best they can come up with
if i join one of these lowpop servs with no queue is it going to be dead tomorrow
Dun Morogh ... home ...
I joined a low pop and there's literally droves of people. I mean I couldn't get to most NPCs comfortably, that many
>try to log in wow Classic™
>Soviet-tier waiting lines
>finally in game after 3000 hours
>have to wait in line longer than you do when collecting social security
>they paid for it
honestly lowpop is pretty high iq since you can just server transfer off when you're 60 and you don't have to fuck yourself waiting in line for quests
So how many days will this last?
Sure, but DESU im more playing for the way to 60
Guess I might as well just play instead of waiting for a server w/ a waifu name though
Durotar... home...
Wait you need to pay for a subscription for classic?
Fuck that, not worth the bandwidth
OSRS is very different, ppl complain the new combat and graphics, they wanted the OLD RS.
>wtf theres a rush on launch
First online video game, buddy? :)
>make Tauren
>players are spaced out due to the open quest structure of the zone
>zero bottlenecks
>casually get to level 10 in roughly 3 hours
Tauren chads can’t stop winning
You're desperately chasing the feeling of happiness you had when you were young and playing wow for the first time.
What you fail to realize is that the key component in your happiness from back then wasn't playing wow, it was being young. You can never be young again. The novelty of "Oh it's that thing from 15 years ago I remember that" will wear off faster than you want to admit. You've already seen and done all of this before. you're a different person now and the world is a different place.
You can never go home.
yea too bad you have to be a tauren, stupid furfag
the game would be dead without updates
>you're an autist if you wanna play the game instead of waiting in queue
The absolute state of Yea Forums.
>blizzard knows exactly how many people would fit on a server even with layering
>don't do shit and let 10 times that number of people attempt to log into said server
>blizzard has no idea how many people can fit on a server
>fuck it guess we'll find out
either way fuck blizzard
I ran from Durotar to Mulgore just for this reason, based
you've always had to pay for a sub for WoW. stop being poor
>the cuck line waiter
>the chad line cutter
>You're desperately chasing the feeling of happiness you had when you were young and playing wow for the first time.
>What you fail to realize is that the key component in your happiness from back then wasn't playing wow, it was being young. You can never be young again. The novelty of "Oh it's that thing from 15 years ago I remember that" will wear off faster than you want to admit. You've already seen and done all of this before. you're a different person now and the world is a different place.
>You can never go home.
Um. Excuse me. Kromcrush best server name. yea im rolling there
They're in the game, playing it. Were you dropped as a child?
Most of the quests are useless, just grind the xp if it's a stupid single mob quest.
>desperately samefagging while waiting in queue
sounds like you're next up to be a school shooter asocial retard
>some dipshit tries to cut in line
>ends up waiting just as long as everybody else because he can't steal a mob even as a shaman
it was funny watching everyone just spit on it and call him a fag
Why would anyone want to climb Everest in the first place? It's littered with garbage and corpses, plus you have to spent a fortune to travel there and on equipment so you don't fucking die.
was probably op
Guild Wars was infinitely better
I was late logging on so I had to wait a bit (almost 6 hours) but I'm finally about to get home. Feels good man.
I wish guild wars 2 was guild wars 1
>>they paid for it
>and will continue to pay for it every month
Don't tell them, let them suck their guides while oldfags grind and make mad dosh.
and you're gonna be here, every inch of the way, seething while they're having fun re-living the past or just enjoying a better version of a game they used to love, desperately trying to convince them that they're not actually having fun
Just imagine how STV is going to be now, I'm really glad I decided to go rogue.
a lot of old games are good, WoW was never good
You'll gang up for the kill quests for protection.
Get ahead of the curve to avoid the worst of it
I like trains
so you can tell everyone that you climbed everest
Its not at all. Classic sucked and I say that as someone that killed KT before BC released.
>have to farm bullshit potion mats in your off time
>nothing else to do because the only worthwhile gear comes from raids and AV and WSG get old
>So get excited for raiding! Only 30-45 minutes of trash to go through before every single boss!
>oh fuck we wiped? See ya in 30 minutes when the warrior's shield wall is back off cooldown so we can try the boss whose last bullshit phase is built around it
>Oh boy AQ released! Now we can add mindlessly grinding bugs to the list of shit to do in our offtime. And tack on another 15 minutes of trash clear per boss (especially Cthun jesus fuck why is that path so long)
>I finally made it to BC!!! I can't wait to relive the 45 minute trash clears of SSC that have a respawn timer of 15 minutes so the shit is literally spawning behind you as you clear it, making it so you get 1 attempt at a boss (barring a nicely positioned soulstone death) before having to clear it again
It was only fun because of friends, and even poking dog poop with a stick is fun with friends.
>Get ahead of the curve to avoid the worst of it
Why would you want to avoid the best part of classic?
This shit is amazing. What level of autism does this require?
I didn't need to wait a single time as a Tauren chad. Only for the fat ass boar guy hiding in a hut but that barely took 30 seconds. Been smooth sailing for hours and partied up with different people. Just got my bear form 1 minute before the restart too.
This game was literally made by poopsocking EQ fanboys, what else did you expect?
Self fulfilling prophecy. Everyone is telling stories (lies) about how vanilla and people were like this and that so everyone is keeping the facade
It's not vanilla, it's legion with downgraded graphics.
>have to farm bullshit potion mats in your off time
No different than what we have now in retail.
>nothing else to do because the only worthwhile gear comes from raids and AV and WSG get old
World pvp & rp. You did roll on a pvp/rp-pvp server, right? You didn't actually go to pve?
>So get excited for raiding! Only 30-45 minutes of trash to go through before every single boss!
Absolutely. Part of the journey that makes the end so titillating.
>oh fuck we wiped? See ya in 30 minutes when the warrior's shield wall is back off cooldown so we can try the boss whose last bullshit phase is built around it
Name one. But I can already tell you played with a bunch of shitters.
>Oh boy AQ released! Now we can add mindlessly grinding bugs to the list of shit to do in our offtime. And tack on another 15 minutes of trash clear per boss (especially Cthun jesus fuck why is that path so long)
Grinding? In an MMO? Say it ain't so. Also, again: the journey. If you want every raid to be Onyxia, just say it.
Stupid idea when you can just take a picture and post it on social media. Shame it isn't WI-FI eaneabled.
>waiting in line
can't you just cut to the front? Who's going to stop you?
so when should i expect to be able to log on without hassle? i'm not going to autistically sit at my computer all night and wait in case i get in
do you think enough of the wagecucks will be busy tomorrow morning for it to clear out a bit?
Finally got them loots. Patience is a virtue.
Just a bit of common decency. You'd be surprised how helpful and cool people are if you talk with them a little.
If it's about the journey, why don't people delete when they get t3 ?
>server listed as "medium" population
>5k+ queue anyway
>It was only fun because of friends
You can make new friends now.
Fuck AQ and fuck Naxx btw.
Looks civilized, must be an European server with little to no balkan trash
Imagine staying up all night and all day standing in line with other people just to kill an enemy for a quest. It's like that's the game. You stand in line and talk to other people while waiting in line, literally a waiting in line simulator. And you people are going to spend the next 12 hours doing this? Jesus.
Might as well watch a movie while you wait or play a game on your console or handheld.
>The virgin line
>The chad frenzy
I don't understand. Half the fun for mey was being new and being amazed the world. Figuring out where shit was, the danger of being ganked while questing and most important the sense of of exploration. Then you make friends, join a guild, get epic loot, realize you've wasted years of your life, give your shit away and /gquit.
Every one of those men are legendary and will go down in history as winners. We're still reposting their contributions 10 years later and I don't see any signs of stopping.
If you don't intend to play on the server, go for it. We had people taking up names and screenshots of line skippers. That, and a barrage of spitting. Scared them straight pretty quick. And in the 15 minutes I was lined up, not a single skipper got a kill.
You'll be labelled as a Line Cutter and that's basically a death sentence since Classic is all about server community. People will refuse to group, trade or even speak with you.
The invisible hand
very epic
He mentioned "share", not "compete for". There's no competition in WoW because there's no World FFA PvP. You can't kill the people doing the same quests just to take their quest reward.
Now Lineage 2, THAT was a real MMO. Hope you had a clan or friends to back you up if you wanted access to the best XP zones.
I mean literally 99% of quests and the game you don't need to wait in a line. This is just for a few early game quests where you need to kill one higher level enemy and people are working as a community to get it done
None of the people playing classic played back in 2005
I’m so conflicted. On one hand, I wanna give classic a go while it’s “new” and I can meet people and have a good time, but I’m the other hand, I don’t really wanna give Blizzard money and none of my friends wanna play
Wow so the whole population on Wisconsin (23) will ignore the dude after all the curious are gone?!
>You can make new friends now.
>implying zoomers have friends, not just social groups
Male chefs just having fun eating with bros
The funny thing is, we settled on the line after literally 200 people tried to swarm that guy in the Durotar cave in one big blob. Nobody could see shit or even loot. People realized it was the most sensible method and, sure enough, it was done pretty quick when we lined up in groups of 5.
I started playing WoW during Burning crusade. It's literally what got me friends in high school. Still talk to those friends in real life. I quit wow like in 2011 but the memories will always be there.
Nothing happens, people will forget in a few hours.
What was the story behind this again? I thought it was a group of like pedophiles or gay men who met up at a barn to eat together and then have an orgy.
It's the relive the classic experience you fucking idiot. It wouldn't be the same if it had the changes retail got to questing.
If I logout or force close the client can I log back in immediately and skip the line?
Will a DC result in me having to re-queue?
>Anyone who unironically claims that this is better than retail is an idiot, contrarian, or just tries to look sophisticated and oldschool.
True patrician. At this point I'm wondering if "Classic is fun" is a meme. There's no way in hell anyone legitimately considers 2004 gameplay to be superior than 2019s.
If you want to chat, fucking go to Omegle or some shit.
Do it ph4gg0t
I always cut in front of these faggots.
Also, the fact that people are pretending to be children again on the chat and are parroting chuck norris memes and "old school vibes" is fucking hilarious. Pathetic.
>tfw I waited in line to pay 15 dollars.
>No different than what we have now in retail.
And its still shit.
>World pvp & rp. You did roll on a pvp/rp-pvp server, right? You didn't actually go to pve?
I was on a pvp server, and it was more of an annoyance than fun. It was almost always just an unfair gank where you started with 10% hp. Whatever if you find that fun, I don't.
>Absolutely. Part of the journey that makes the end so titillating.
Except you relive that "titillating" experience every week for months on end to gear everyone up. It gets old real fast.
>Name one. But I can already tell you played with a bunch of shitters.
Princess Huhuran
>Grinding? In an MMO? Say it ain't so.
The amount of bugs you have to kill to open the gates is ridiculous, and that's on top of keeping up with your potion mats. You might like poopsocking but it got old to me and I only stuck around so others would not be screwed (main tank). Its boring time gating that exists as nothing more than to give them more dev time, similar to the early BC boss difficulty.
I feel bad for people who weren't redpilled about vanilla on nostalrius, you're in for a rude awakening, and that server had an actual community, not just zoomer tourists.
No, it was a bunch of professional chefs who decided to do a joke and make the worst thanksgiving dinner ever.
No way, post screenshots
>be on high pop server
>log in 40 mins before servers go up
>5 min queue
>no issues at all except for initial lag when everyone is in the same place
>nearly 6 hours of uninterrupted levelling
>level 10 and messing around with professions
you really should have logged in early if you had the chance
Reputation is pretty important. I remember a hunter whose entire raiding career was fucked because he ninja'd Dal'Rend's from the wrong guy. By the time I was in T3 near the end of the expac, this goober was dueling lowbies in Goldshire in maybe half T1.
Except this user is right , In vanilla you didn't do this shit, you bunched up and the moment that add popped you went nuclear trying to get the tag. It was a fucking feeding frenzy. The thing is, you made friends that way too. Two people waiting long enough would get to talking and start questing together. You would also occasionally explore a bit to try later, stumbling on other quests or interesting locations.
This shit is so forced it's sickening, and there is no point in exploring since the vast majority of the autistic fucks currently playing know the zone like the back of their hand.
I'm not logging back with queues this bad, but people were yelling chuck norris jokes in fucking Deathknell
>he wasn’t there in the stress tests
That’s all the chat was: just people desperately trying to reenact the past in an incredibly fake and shallow way.
>people taking up names and screenshots of line skippers
Yikes, get a life
god fucking damn
I couldn't stand fifteen minutes of the game
What is this picture from? I have seen it dozens of times and I am still flabbergasted at it
I want to believe.
Too bad you don't have any. I'll check on streamers vods.
Ninja looting Dal'Rend is a little different than killing a quest mob in a starting zone, and if you can't tell the difference you are an actual idiot.
Was it really like that in Vanilla though? I started with TBC, which shouldn't be too different from 1.12 and multiple people could interact with 1 NPC just fine.
>This shit is so forced it's sickening
Why does it upset so much that people want to bring a little order into the anarchy of blobbing the quest mob? Does it anger you that they're talking and having fun? Help me understand my man.
It's mob spawns, not talking to NPCs
nope, whitemane us
>making a queue in a video game is fun
>roll on Rattlegore because the queues on every other server are 4+ hours
>end up grouping with a few randoms to tag mobs
>end up questing with them till level 8 before we all log off for bed
Was comfy as fuck.
The point is, you fucking dingus, is that people remember if you slight them. Someone might not care, and someone might care enough to make a note of it. It happened before, from stealing nodes to being just a plain fuckwad in a group. If you want to risk it, risk it.
>raid loot is the same as a lvl 5 zombie
>implying people will pass up on a tank/ help on an elite quest ("INV") because of this
>Why does it upset so much that people want to bring a little order into the anarchy of blobbing the quest mob
It isn't fun. People still talked and had fun when blobbing, way more fun, actually.
Doesn't it say a lot about modern WOW that people would rather stand in a fucking line for hours in Classic than play the main game?
I wonder how Blizzard feels about this
Is there anything enforcing them to wait in line politely? How come none of them dick out and just pass everyone is this a pvp zone and everyone will rape him?
>Why does it upset so much that people want to bring a little order into the anarchy of blobbing the quest mob?
You can talk and have fun without acting like a bunch of faggots. The blitz was fun, it sucks in the beginning but eventually you get one and you feel on top. It's not like it goes any slower than the line either, simple mathematics dictates that much.
same; ally or horde?
it is, if larping as a teenager with a bunch of thirty year olds is your kind of fun. classic is basically a bunch of people forcing themselves to interact politely with one another: it'll burn out real quick and people will be calling each other libtards and niggers really quick
It's not fun to you? All right, I get it. Maybe it's fun to them though? If you're unable to understand why some people might find that kind of social experience fun, then you're a legitimate, socially-inept autist.
based stalagg chads dont need lines
you're still waiting for it, one way or the other
What if all the line cutters get together and form a guild? Problem solved. I hate that 'the people' are trying to dictate how others should play a game they paid for with their own money.
>If you're unable to understand why some people might find that kind of social experience fun, then you're a legitimate, socially-inept autist.
yeah the user is autistic and not the people paying $15 and waiting for hours to wait even longer in a line for a quest mob. those guys are mentally sound
>killing a mob before someone else is slighting them and you risk them remembering eternally and never getting past it
You're a dumb, the people taking screenshots to mark people on their petty shitlist are genuinely autistic and should not be allowed to interact socially with other human beings.
If you think making a virtual queue is fun you're autistic
Horde, Rattlegore.
Deathknell was a fucking mosh pit of undead newbies zoning in. Complete and utter chaos. People weren't even bothering with the supplies quest because it was taking 5+ minutes for one box to spawn, only for 5 people to race to loot it first.
>You can talk and have fun without acting like a bunch of faggots
They're all talking and having fun without acting like fags. In fact, the only guy who seems to be a semen-slurping ball-gargler is you.
So now that everything's gone to shit like we all knew it would, what's the premier eastern PvP server bros?
>a 'no you!' and a reddit meme
Careful with that stone, you might break your house of glass dildos.
Been saying this for weeks
>nuh-uh, they learned from their past experience, you will have server running flawlessly, no queues or crashes! It's 2019, duuuuh!
baby’s first mmo.
plenty of other things like starwars galaxies existed before WoW came out. What WoW did was manage to invest so much into marketing that it pulled in the pleb audience that was untapped revenue like call of duty did.
it actually kinda bothers me people with this kind of opinion keep acting like WoW was the only game ever made during that time, not that it was the one that managed to pull in the casual nongamer market it wasnt actually a very good game. There were better that go unacknowledged only because many babies only experienced WoW before runescape or other better stuff.
Imagine if there was no layering. You would have people dying in line waiting for that mob.
If I had taken any pics during the stress tests I would’ve posted them now.
I really didn’t spend much time in the tests mainly because the chat made me so fucking depressed.
It's fucking vanilla WoW in 2019, anyone playing this shit is autistic.
So? Just risk it. You don't give a shit. I don't understand why we're having this conversation. I'm not invested on either side.
>be wow cucks
>pay blizzard money for a 14 year old game with outdated combat and visuals
>have to wait really long time just to log in because everyone else and their mom is trying to as well
>the servers are so overloaded they had to implement layering and completely ruin the vanilla experience
>people are LITERALLY waiting in line to complete quests because of that classic vanilla experience
Imagine being a wowcuck
you know what's worse than all that? coming on a conservative anime image board and then fucking defending those spergs, like the faggots ITT
Tauren here, same realm. It truly wasn't bad at all. Hit level 10 now and I'm logging of. Lots of fun, people were sorta in the background after the first few quests. I recommend mulgore; like somebody said earlier - no bottlenecks
see you had a point but then you claimed that runescape is a good game
>reddit spacer calling anyone else a redditor
>talking about throwing stones in a glass house
lmao if only you knew what irony meant
>baby’s first mmo.
This. I was fucking 10 when I started playing WoW back in '04 and was able to get in a guild, do all of the raid content while it was current, and be competitive at my role.
fucking p2w game
>still replying
Didn't even read it, thank you for the (you).
I really believe you mang, I wouldn't put it past them to do that unironically. Just wanted proofs and shitposting material.
If you really want to discuss what constitutes as faggot behavior, I'm game. Though I'm sure you'll beat me with your vast experience.
I'm enjoying the Undead experience. It'll definitely clear out by end of the week when all the tourists and streamer cocksuckers abaondon Classic and go back to retail / spread across less populated servers.
Just bummed that it turned out Rattlegore was a west coast server. Was really aiming for an EST server for the sake of eventual raid time schedules. But who knows. We'll see.
>The line is based on the tallest people to go first
>That difference in expression between the tallest and shortest
Manlets BTFO
I mean, you had two courses of action, try to argue that somehow not playing the game and sitting in a line with your thumb up your ass and hand on your dick is actually good, or you could just be a fag. You chose the second option, which was the smart choice since you're good at it and it's easier.
That's the most autistic shit I've seen in a good long while. People are really playing it like it's a fantasy DMV simulator.
literally a virtual theme park
other games were designed like WRPG, and not very accessible (eg, Ultima Online, Everquest, SWG). WoW made them accessible without being casual.
If that's your definition of socializing then I think we all know who the real virgin is.
WoW was ultra casual for its time
I thought I wanted it but I really didn't....
I do hope people enjoy it anyway they sure are going to use it as drive force for the next wow expansion as they already announced a lvl squish.
Why was fucking Yea Forums of all places pushing for a game with a non-anonymous community?
>getting on a "Blacklist" because you tagged and stole a Boar Liver
/ck/ meetup from way back. Apparently the powerade chicken was really good.
The other mmos had far less quests, less rewarding levelling, and a less quality of life.
I played ao, eq and daoc, and it boggles the mind how wow just completely blew them out of the water.
>"""Home""" is literally a Warsaw Pact bread queue simulator.
>day 1 of a 15 year old game yet has more players then final fantasy xixixiivi
alright retards its time to settle down and accept your game is ded
Skeram Gang
We've been through this already: they're in the game, and apparently they're having enough fun to stand in the line. You could accept it like a normal adult, or you could argue like a developmentally-challenged autist that only your way of having fun is correct, but honestly I don't really want to hear any more about holding dicks and fingering assholes. Take it to /lgbt/.
Good thing Guild Wars launched 5 months after which aimed to fix every problem with MMOs
WoW introduced the concept of themepark toddler friendly MMO
Of course the competition was harder to play, and it actually required you to make yourself some friends or you would really get stucked at some point
daoc realm vs realm is better than anything that exists in WoW. Who the fuck cares about fetch quests except retards
>makes skeleton expansions and when people are bored he tells them to unsub from his game
>my frieeeeeeends
>Master Blizzard please shit in my mouth
The fact people unironically called a game home is sickening.
I am ESL bro
You wouldn’t understand, zoomer
I'm unironically rolling on a low population server.
A few millions apparently
Got my original vanilla box LARPER
>and when people are bored he tells them to unsub from his game
>the action or practice of participating in social activities or mixing socially with others
you dont think there are millions of retards in the world? how naive are you?
Damn, I would not expect that demographic
Best move. Medium pop servers now are higher than the max population classic wow actually had.
Someone should roleplay a crying child there lmao. For more authentic experience
Not in wow there aren't.
I saw a few sperging out as they shut down galaxies though, lmfao
Waiting in a queue to log in and then waiting some more in a fucking soviet breadline for a mob spawn is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever seen. Do these people realize that vanilla was not like this at all? Motherfuckers were out for blood and it sucked to be you if you didn't tag the mob
Any Twitch tranny meltdowns yet?
imagine paying to play an old game
you do know WoW was the original brainlet game right
go consume the newest products, pig
>without being casual
Ultra Yikes
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm VIRGIN ALERT!!!!
hey runescape had questing where you had to gather supplies to complete the thing. Like rope, a bucket, etc. For what it was, I have yet to see a modern day mmo not be a chore where you grind by fetch quests and boar till you can do “end game” content. The fact that WoW is literally 90% grind worth of content and then 10% content people actually want to play is what people consider amazing. Guildwars made content feel great all the way through, but that was more of a coop story game than an mmo.
>World of Waitcraft
This is legitimately what I always called it when it was still relatively new. Whenever I saw my friend “playing” it, it seemed he was just waiting around for the other players in his guild to show up.
reminder that anyone bitching about queue times is literally autistic
every single mmo has login issues at launch/expansions. it's because servers are designed to hold high traffic, not literally 20x or more the usual traffic.
anyone who takes off work for this kind of thing is asking to eat shit
i'm pretty sure people don't think lining up for quests and long queues are part of the classic experience, but just growth pains of a new release
if you hate it, wait for a few days so you're behind the curve and the leveling should ease up
But what if i get blacklisted forever? What if i get shamed on a stream?
No i can't afford this, my life would be fucking ruined forever and i would have to kill myself
>autist in chat starts complaining about "sjw's"
jokes on you my boyfriend fucked me in the ass while I was waiting for the queue to pass
Too bad you can't turn on pvp and pk everyone in line
>i'm pretty sure people don't think lining up for quests and long queues are part of the classic experience,
The shilling campaign used to post screens of konga line, so yes, the queues are part of the nuWoW Classic experience
200 minute queue... home
So what if I just contest every mob? Can they kill me?
guilds work like communist societies. You also have to "prove" yourself in order to ever get any loot, that could take months. Until then you're just a slave they can whip. Fun. Game is like fucking work.
>muh community
starting classic if you dont have nostalgia for it is the ultimate dumbass move
>wasting ungodly amount of time on nothing
It's called not being a fucking retard
i think it's just making fun of how absurd it is with the amount of people packed into the zones, like "look how popular this is" or whatever
you're reading too much into it
Meanwhile on retail I just log in, get an M+ party in a minute, and clear a challenging dungeon with fuckton of mechanics in half an hour, have fun, and log off.
you think you're having fun on retail but you're actually not
I thought that bullshit with sharding and layers was supposed to prevent this?
Fuck off cuck
Spending 2 hours collecting boar livers and 2 more hours in a quest queue is more fun reee
Well fuck user thanks for clearing that up for me
this is with layering. it would be worse without it
Shut up, faggot
wtf i didnt have fun after all because some greasy fags told me so
In what way are these bored, old, balding men "legendary"?
What a joke
>You also have to "prove" yourself
I'm not gonna give shit to some semi-literate DPS ape dredged from the bottom muck of the Stormwind canals just because he showed up. Pump those numbers up rookie and show me you deserve loot.
If you want welfare epics like some disgusting pinko fuck, retail is right there for you.
Dude, Classic is just the most played game in the entire world right now
There are millions of us at home
I can't believe this is a thing, I'd just go straight for the kill and laugh at everyone else.
>i will totally spend 1+ hours in a queue for tagging a fucking mob while i pay $15 for this too
Earth Shock your quest mob
Now enjoy your queue
Quality of life changes are not negative things. I understand hating certain balance changes but literally hating improvements to the functionality of the game is peak fucking nostalgiafag
>not just skipping the line lmao
>Meanwhile on retail I just log in, get an M+ party in a minute
>clear a challenging dungeon with fuckton of mechanics
>have fun
>and log off
good choice
I've been in queue for almost an hour, please tell me the undead starting area doesn't have this bullshit
Good. Fuck SJW's, feminists and trannies.
Get stoned.
How will any of the nostalgiafags play this? They aren't 16 living in mom's basement. They're 30 year olds or older who have jobs that will not allow them to take weeks off for raid grinding. No clue how these now busy adults will keep up with the demand vanilla WoW required+ a job.
You basically can't. Vanilla WoW demanded you make it your entire life from wake to sleep.
Zoomers can't understand people having fun without being sarcastic or ironic.
the line is even longer than op image
It calls not being a dickhead, I know it feels very uncommon for you
Compared to
>Queue for log in
>pick quest
>Now i wait in a queue for do the quest
>now have to log out because i am not a NEET like you and i literal wasted my time and money on a queue simulator
You sure had fun bro
>run infront
>they can do nothing because I wasn't retarded enough to roll on a PVP server
Seeing plenty of retail trannies ITT
Even if you were on PvP server they wouldn't do anything because you are same faction
Why not just slaughter some boars or other useless shit? These quests barely give XP anyway.
Boars have queues too with how many people kills them and how many they have to kill too
they wont in a few weeks
Then make a group and farm ones two levels above you, probably outside the 1-5 zone.
>the virgin is the one who doesn't want to wait in line in a dated virtual world to kill something for a QUEST
Tell any girl you've done that, see if they sleep with you
>[Demiel] says: lines in life lines in wow :D
herod. obviously.
>zero queue because on a medium-high server
>pick quest
>killing quest mobs in good order
>other people show up
>party up
>kill more efficiently, have fun banter
>finish quest, start another
>find the quest boss has a long-ass line
>we decide it isn't worth it to wait and don't want to be rude to others by trying to skip and move out
>add each other to friends and go our separate ways
wholesome, pure, authentic fun
Which expansion had the best memes, lads
How long are these lines taking? Wouldn't it be faster to just go to the next area? The like 500 xp you get from the quest can't be worth it.
Seriously this is a real European/Anglo thing. Just forming up a line for the sake of keeping things organized and efficient.
It's funny to see this come organically in a video game
it would also be the true vanilla wow experience. there was no fucking family friendly questing back then, it was cutthroat as it could get, shamans shocking your mobs right when you pull so you take damage from the mob that is tagged to him etc. me and my friend tried to manage by pulling more than we could handle but my priest friend just kept those mobs feared until we could handle them.
this nigga hasn't even played wow and he tries to style on boomers like he knows shit
you final fantasy trannies are a riot
uh-huh, by proving i mean being on time everytime so you have to schedule your fucking week for this ass-shit game, do several raids with no chance for loot which could take weeks, willingly donating shit to the guild to show "solidarity" and never complain about it or else you'll get punished.
What a fucking joke.
People will literally turn STV into Vietnam just because they watched ganking parodies on YouTube. It will be great to see it come to life
>gettyimages cake
My fucking sides are in orbit
Just do it man, what's the worst that's gonna happen, you'll waste $15? You might have fun.
Personally, this image will never fail to make me laugh
yea dude being autistic in a skinner box is a white genetic trait
make a guild called "line skippers" its a massive success
It's also a good litmus test for niggerdom. Mind you, I'm a boomer and my time's pretty precious so I'd probably skip the quest, but if you try to jump the line it just ousts you as non-white human detritus.
I don't understand though can't they just switch realms in that case? Wasn't this the very idea of realms?
We sometimes joined into party with others to increase our chances to first hit tho
The fuck, I always thought this was a /k/ meetup.
have you ever looked in the mirror and maybe thought that you're the true fascist here?
so am I home yet or what??
Or shard or whatever.
>being on time everytime
Usually expected of a job, and a few hobbies. I don't resent anyone not wanting to schedule their life around raiding though.
>do several raids with no chance for loot
If you go two weeks without raid loot, leave. I've been in several guilds and even led a couple and we never let that fly. You always got something for your efforts.
>willingly donating shit to the guild to show "solidarity"
Never seen it happen. Sounds like shit. I'd bail any guild trying that.
>never complain about it or else you'll get punished.
Biggest red flag. Abandon ship.
Litterally a themepark lmao
Where is the immersion, where is the soul? this is not a virtual world, this is just a bunch of children waiting in line for the next ride
dude we're going home!
make azeroth great again!
owning libs by paying out the ass to play a shitty 15 year old game!
Or layers I think yes it was layers.
What makes you think that only Trump voters play classic?
I never played classic, only Pandas then quit
Mists was the only time the game was actually fun
Classic is for 35 year old balding cucks that weren't even playing when the game released
It's almost as if retards like you all refused to listen to anyone explaining what layers was.
MMO's existed before WoW. City of Heroes came out like 4 months before WoW.
Hey. Stick to retail if you want handholding zoomer approved features. Don't taint classic with your garbage.
Perfectly fine. We had a guild on my server back in vanilla formed of known assholes. Everybody hated them because they were just obnoxious children. They managed to raid a bit too, but mostly pvp'd. I think they even lasted until Cataclysm.
>Mists was the only time the game was actually fun
They'll hate you because you're telling them the truth. I don't even want to go back, I just want that level of quality to come back.
>not just cutting the line like a chad and killing the mobs like a chad
My reputation will be damned for the first few months, then nobody will remember my name
>server I started on is now low pop
s-should I start over elsewhere?
Oh other people play classic, too.
But only drumpfie is owning libs, jews, nigger and trannies by playing classic.
>nu fun
legitimately wondering if youre somewhere on the spectrum rn user
beucase is the Classic edition, no-clipping other players is too modern
what the fuck is nu-fun
>level fast and easy on low pop server
>transfer to high pop server at 60
>by the time you reach 60 all the zoomer retail tourists will be back in BFA so you will have a server with lots of players and guilds but no queues
Unless you're a hunter or a shaman, you're not stealing shit.
Is it possible to enjoy Classic, or MMOs in general, if you have no friends?
I thought they unironically added in (or rather deliberately did not remove) phasing for this exact reason?
Also can't you gain exp in Battlegrounds or was that post vanilla?
>complains about wow being babby game
>says runescape is a good game
>t. underage faggot runescape kiddie poorfag
They have the "WoW players have no lives" trope pegged down. What a huge waste of time.
Forget MMOs, how are you even enjoying your life?
Imagine that queue being 5 times larger.
i just can't help but wonder what the person that uses the made up term "nu-fun" looks like
It was the last time anyone even gave a shit at Blizzard I think. They're going to become Valve.
I'm not sure what you're saying
>Lost 6 hours of progress all because the game froze my PC and I reset instead of waiting
I slept a bit through my queue, I'll make it up by playing throughout all night and tomorrow
If I was playing Id research the places with the longest lines, tag the monster asap, draw out the fight as long as possible and repeat even after completing the quest. This shit is ripe for griefing.
I assume he sees himself either as le epic troll xD, or is too far out the spectrum to understand basic social anything.
>unless you're a hunter or a shaman
How oddly specific you would name the two classes I love to play.
yes. you end up making friends along the way by joining guilds/clans/alliances/etc. eventually youll fit into one of them
t. played mmo since age 12 and have been sitting alone during school lunch break ever since
if you make friends, yes. it's easy to make friends in MMOs.
if you don't, then it's pointless, just play some single player grinding game instead
>Final fantasy
Is this your boogieman?
This. How much of a loser do you have to be to not have any friends?
Oh, well all right. Steal away.
Unless the 100 other hunters and shamans are faster.
makes me want to play Postal 2
Meanwhile on reddit
There's a core of wow players here that's absolutely obsessed with FFXIV. It's unreal
have sex
I think it's safe to say if somebody tries to talk about WoW like he knows shit and gets one of the most basic functions completely wrong, he's probably from FFXIV.
I never thought I would see historical revisionism applied to a fucking videogame but I guess 2019 is just full of surprises
Yup that's it. Reddit is officially better than this shithole.
All the shitposters are shitposting wow so all the others threads are left alone and all the others game are tranquil. Thank you guys, blessed times.
Yeah this shit is bizarre; I dunno if that line shit is a PvE server thing but on PvP servers you spammed /invite on everyone in a 25m radius while keeping your pet on aggressive or your /tar [quest mob] /cast [rank 1 instant spell]
Felt fucking fantastic to get the tag on a mob right after some asshole declines your invite
Most people that plays FFXIV don't care about WoW desu senpai
pretty sure "magic of classic" is just people talking and co-operating out in the world, but of course r*ddit makes it fucking cringe
>run to the front of the line
Now what?
>>clear a challenging dungeon with fuckton of mechanics
He's right you know any M+ dungeon from retail shits all over classic boss mechanics hell even raid mechanics are inferior to retail's M+ mechanics.
The server is too big for this. You are having 6 hour wait times to log in showing tens of thousands of people still trying to get in. It's so large that there is a solid chance you and none of those people will ever see that player again. This isn't some private server with 1k people bro
>You are blacklisted buddy
>I guess you don't want a future on this realm lol
and other plethora of passive aggressive comments
>4 buddies and I planned to play together again
>going home
>only two of us were on at the same time today
>a combination of queues and DCing/putting us back in the queue prevented us from all being on at the same time
god damn this is garbage.
Yeah, I did it too. Sarkoth. Except there were 90% less people at release, so it was much more manageable. People started forming lines because due to the clusterfuck of people nobody could see shit or even loot anything. I saw one line form, only to devolve into a blob because some dumbass tried (and failed) to steal the mob, and then the line formed again. It's dumb, but it's the best alternative if you want the quest done. There's just too many people. It's a victim of its own popularity.
>tfw made it online 4 minutes after servers went up and haven't logged off in eight hours
feels absolutely excellent
i thought it was "world of watercraft"
assumed it was some kind of hovercraft racing game
I highly doubt /ck/ 3 years ago was made up of entirely boomers. The youngest guy there is late 30's.
how is firemaw bros
So farming mythic and world quests is somehow better? You no lifers shit up the rest of the game because Blizzard felt compelled to create grinds for you.
add me if you need a leveling partner on Grobbulus lol
I stream also, hit me up!
>I stream also, hit me up!
Retail's been a faceroll since Wrath. Yeah, if you push the highest mythics like some semen-slurping streamer, it can get challenging. But most of it is just autopilot and ignoring 90% of the mechanics.
>standing in a virtual line
>Blizzard tries to bring back their old game and bank on nostalgia
>royally fuck up the launch
They’ve just been spiraling down the gutter since their diablo announcement
So legit it is a boogieman?
>fantasy based MMO
Miss me with that shit. Modern or scifi.
Royally fucking up a launch is what they do best, though. There hasn't been a stable launch for this game in 15 years, and they weren't about to start today.
roastie toastie
I get why you'd cut in a virtual line, I really do. But when I think about these people in an actual real life line and not having the balls to cut there, it just seems so fucking pathetic. Like cutting in line in an online video game is the revenge of some bullied, milquetoast nerd jocks used to shove into lockers.
I find this entire exercise hilarious.
Nostalgia fags are actually defending the dog shit mob tagging to the point that they see nothing wrong with having to wait on line while online. It's a literal DMV simulator. For fucks sake!
Hope you faggots are happy with your choice of hairstyle by the way. Because you're stuck with it for about four years unless you shell out real money or delete your character and start over.
What? You DON'T want to look like a clown? Sorry. Looking like a clown is part of the Classic experience. The ability to not look like a mismatched retard didn't come until 4.3. Never ever.
Hey Hordies, how the fuck are you holding up by the way? Must suck, having your Orcish Horde be populated mostly by fucking zombies. At least it's not ladded by elves though! You guys are doing great.
What's that Alliance? You miss your gypsy goat booty? Oh noooo, that suuuucks.
Hey, while I'm here though, can anyone lend me 2 gold?
What? Nooooo? You can't? Oh fuck. I wanted to buy a bag or two. Oh well, guess I'll run back to the nearest settlement and free up four bag slots because the rest of my inventory is filled with quest items.
So fucking fun! Such quality! It's so good to be back /home/ bros! Look at what we've been missing!
Lets be honest, despite Waterworld being a shit movie it would make a pretty cool game, probably better than WeW.
Because vanilla is perfect and amazing fucking stupid zoomer.
Stay seething, soulless retailfag. We won.
It wasn't
No you didn't retard. Your sub and retail's sub is the same fucking thing.
Your "Classic" sub will only every be used to make more retail WoW. You're literallt doing retailfags a favor.
>Hope you faggots are happy with your choice of hairstyle by the way
Of course I am. I spent five minutes choosing it. Why wouldn't I be?
>You DON'T want to look like a clown?
I won't.
>Horde be populated mostly by fucking zombies
Orcs actually.
>You miss your gypsy goat booty?
Nobody does. People were literally cheering there were no more draenei.
>I wanted to buy a bag or two
Couple linen or 3 or 5 silver, depending where you buy.
>because the rest of my inventory is filled with quest items
Turn in the quests? I've never had to carry more than three at a time.
2/10, dilate posthaste retailcuck.
so it came out?
explained why my coworker called in sick
>Your "Classic" sub will only every be used to make more retail WoW.
Which is hilarious, because there'll be no one playing it. Nobody to fellate your blood elf or draenei futa in Goldshire, nobody to jerk you off over your mount or pet collection.
I fucking hate my life. Took me nearly fucking 2 Goddamn hours to connect to the game then had to wait in line in-game for another fucking hour. Once I killed the retarded boss Windows 10 thought NOW would be the best time to automatically update without me having any input and gave me choice of "Update now" or "Automatically updating in 10 minutes". I couldn't control jack shit except watch the 10 minute timer go down or press "update now"
>friend is a druid
>we just roll through the quests stealing tags
fuck lines
Yeah, they are losers, but the people making virtual liner are even bigger losers.
I mean if you had enough servers in the first place they wouldn't be so full and you would have not such big lines for quests.
>try to group with people to do quests
>everyone wants to be a solo hero and declines invite
>this happens for 2 hours
>decide fuck it and reroll alliance
>go to sleep while sitting in queue
>wake up and get in
>people are grouping and talking with each other
>don't even have to send invites, invites come to me
>a group of three of us stayed together for over an hour
I should of never rolled Horde.
He's right, you know
don't think you can pay for server transfers in vanilla?
>People were literally cheering there were no more draenei.
Show three examples.
I've never seen anyone but salty fags mad about a WCIII retcon complain about Draenei.
Horde complaining about Belfs, sure, since they basically overran the Horde and killed it's identity with a former Alliance race tinted green, but Draenei females were always more or less adored since it's the closest WoW ever came to Tiflings. Hell, Draenei make up the bulk of WoW porn, that alone attests to their popularity as at least something pretty to look at.
>shameless self promotion
can't think of a bigger yikes
>Shame it isn't WI-FI eaneabled.
I know that reference, and I hate you for mentioning it
You do realize this is all a ploy by Blizzard to start pulling more subs back into retail, right?
For every nostalgia driven boomer who wanted this, there will be ten zoomers who quit in three days because they can't handle it, and then say fuck it and go see what's going on in retail because they already paid for the month anyway.
Yea Forums and reddit are basically the same at this point. Shame, really. used to NOT be this way, on either site.
>I've never seen anyone but salty fags mad about a WCIII retcon complain about Draenei.
Which is most of the WoW community? Since it is a huge retcon and a very, very bad one for no reason?
>Draenei make up the bulk of WoW porn
Yea futas with horse dicks. Everybody else whacks it still to night elves or to blood elves.
serves you right for using w10 cuck
whats even more pathetic is the gm overseeing everything
home btw
>I should of never rolled Horde.
The "of" isn't supposed to be there. Otherwise comfy story.
>even with sharding you have to stand in line for quest mobs
>people are defending this shit like it's normal and fun
>kappa poggers
I played a draenei and fapped to her regularily but I can still see how bad the retcon was and how they didn't fit. Would be great if Classic+/New TBC didn't include them.
not him but since my sub also pays for retail, i gave bfa another chance and it just felt like ash in my mouth
it's not even a bad expansion; mostly the same as legion, just without the legendaries, but somehow completely devoid of soul. it's a bad mmo
I won the computer free in a giveaway which automatically had Windows 10 installed, Also I don't know how to use Linux
tweeeeetch praaaaaaaaame
Shared tagging means you don't have to party up with anyone to mitigate issues like this. Retailfags don't like this old system because it emphasizes the "multiplayer" portion of MMORPG.
It's not sharding if it only splits into four shards.
>Which is most of the WoW community? Since it is a huge retcon and a very, very bad one for no reason?
The fact that you think most of the WoW community even played WCIII shows how out of fucking touch you are.
The Forzen Throne sold under two millon copies compared to what, the 12 millon subs the game had by the time WotLK launched?
>Hell, Draenei make up the bulk of WoW porn, that alone attests to their popularity as at least something pretty to look at.
nobody gives a fuck what gamers think
lmao, they finally filtered jizzbrain did they
What generation is the processor? I just bought a 7th gen laptop and it took me two days to install Windows 7 on it since all the drivers are windows 10 only. Worth it.
why is no one sniping the mobs? is it illegal?
Never waited in lines in Vanilla. I do remember making a:
Macro, setting it to the mousewheel, and having no problems getting quest mobs from the swarm
>Would be great if Classic+/New TBC didn't include them.
Nope. If Classic launches as it was with only minor behind the scenes tweaks, so to must any future expansions they do. Like it or not, that's fair. To demand otherwise would make Classic players look like massive hypocrites.
>Retailfags don't like this old system because it emphasizes the "multiplayer" portion of MMORPG.
And it's exactly why I'm loving classic. Puts the social aspect back into the world. I've talked to more new people and made more new contacts in the last five hours of classic than I ever did in Legion or BFA, and I honestly did try. People just don't see the need to befriend others.
Nothing holding them back but social conventions.
lmaoing all ya'll sitting in queues
why does it comes as a surprise that there's people who can work together, be organized and not be assholes?
You still had people respecting the lore though and I mean the Draeneis of Burning Crusade were even without any knowledge of WCIII incredibly bad storywise.
I mean they crashed on to Azeroth with a literal spaceship. The first time I heard that I thought they are just Protoss with a different name.
Not to mention that those official sales for frozen throne are misleading. Especially since we talk about a time were lending games was quite normal. My version of frozen throne for example is a used one that I bought years ago from amazon. Doesn't really count as a "sale" for blizzard.
>To demand otherwise would make Classic players look like massive hypocrites.
Nah. If the reason they like Classic is because of a certain design philosophy and an expansion threw away that philosophy then it would be reasonable to still want the expansion but in a manner that fits with the original they love so mcuh.
Max. lvl 18 right now, hurry up scrubs!
Retailcucks. What do you expect?
I don't mind the lines, I mind that there are people who will screen shot someone who just walks to the front of it, spreads their name around, and blackballs them from the game because they chose to play a different way than the 'mob'. It's rude to cut a line, but it's even more ass-hole like to try to ruin the rest of their wow experience for doing so. Besides, the old FFA way sounds way more fun. Line sounds cringe and boring as fuck
And what about the people who loved the design philosophy of an expansion?
Fuck them?
Their love for something doesn't count? Only yours?
Lineage 2 classic > wow classic
talking about innova EU ofc not the ncsoft crap of USA
>paying for a shitty chatroom
>boring grindeage thongs 2
>better than wow
lol no
some other user already explained that due to the massive amounts of players, lines are more functional than blobbing because you can't actually loot when there's 50 people on top of the corpse and refuse to move just to spite you
if there's 10-15 people, just form three groups and blob it
just woke up
i have the queue time to decide whether to play warlock or mage
They didn't. Everything blizzard did after vanilla was at best tolerable with the excuse of "new content" and "balancing."
It was expected. First week will be shit until population evens out and dies down. Blizzard is well aware of this.
There's literally a GM enforcing a rule that doesn't exist, and punishing people for ""cutting in line"". One of them fucking killed me just for running through the cave to get to the other side, and auto-hearthed me back to the spawn.
Question for Classicfags.
If you love the design of Classic so much, why did you all use mods back then?
Why are so many of you clamouring for them now?
Doesn't that defeat the point?
lol did he get booted from the server and forced into the que?
In your opinion. You do not speak for everyone. Nobodh does. We aren't a hivemind.
I used a minimal amount of addons needed for raiding like a threat meter, plus something to keep my bags in order.
The quartz cast bar is leauges above the original cast bar. Fucker!
>staying in line without free pvp
Look around all you want. It started already with the night elves in vanilla even. People complaining that they are not portrayed correctly. But it was kinda "accepted" because balancing.
This was always a hot topic in the past. For example. The same goes later with Draenei or the need for special faggy classes like the death knight and if they are even needed....
But those go against Classic's design philosophy.
You are intensed to manually organize your bags.
You are intended to raid without mods.
Everything you need to be successful and self-sufficient has already been provided to you by Blizzard in the base games.
Installing a mod to add a new feature to the game that makes your life "Easier" is no different from future expansions where Blizzard did the exact same.
"why do you put y on your x if you like x so much?"
do you not realize how fucking stupid you sound asking this? did you put zero thought into the words on your screen before you hit the fucking post button? hello?
are you okay user?
I recall comments from the dev team noting that a "medium" population server is already far higher than a high population server back in Vanilla ever was. Part of the reason you're seeing lines and queues is because there are just more people period.
he never got in
he held 150k viewers for 8 hours and then said fuck it and went to sleep
Holy shit for real? And people actually kept watching? Jesus that is fucking hilarious.
Streamer trash can suck my chode.
I didn't use any mods back then. There were some I think. But most didn't use mods I believe.
>You are intended to raid without mods.
Well this seems weird considering mods aren't banned outright
But mods are an acknowledgement that the base game is flawed and has room for improvement.
Classic is flawless and nothing should be changed. Not by Blizzard and not by the players themselves.
If you all truly cared, truly believed in the classic experience, you would all do yourselves a favor and discard your mods this time. You aren't truly playing vanilla with them on.
>You are intended to raid without mods
even the precursor MMO's raid designs to warcraft assumed fully that the player would (and should) be using external sources to keep track of events during an encounter
every single one of your posts reeks of american education
>I recall comments from the dev team
I don't give a shit what nu-blizzard says to be honest. Almost all talented people already left the company. What you have from Blizzard today are always very cheap excuses nothing else.
I remember in the past you had servers that were literally falling apart because of playercount. Some raids of cities you went outside and you saw thousands upon thousands of players.
I seriously don't remember ever waiting in lines like this back when I played Vanilla
There were less people in vanilla at launch so blobbing was more effective.
Me neither. I did remember waiting for some quests but never with so many players. Thing is blizzard just didn't offer enough server to play in and instead went for layering. Its like they want classic to fail.
But it is a widely accepted fact that the increase in mod use and necessity over the years has led to an increase in mechanic bloat and balancing issues in raid encounters as developers always need to balance around popular mods, and not their own in game systems.
Why is it so hard for you to accept that mods are one of the reasons why classic evolved into what it did in future expansions to begin with?
Friend and I did some mob sniping on a line for about 2 hours. Setup macros and everything, then we started racketeering. It was fun.
>get a priest to level 10
>get dc'd randomly while trying to hand in shimmering frond
>log back in
>my character is fucking gone
lads... i'm finally... home.................
FUUUUUCK quit tempting me
If you unironically used mods in vanilla you are a retard with crutches that doesn't need crutches in the first place.
Fuck you Amily
Pay the goblin tax. It's the kings law. One silver for a garrick padfoot kill.
I swear to god, I'm gonna beat you to death with a beartrap you faggot
>DC, fuck
>in queue, 8.5k people 30min eta
alright thats not that bad I cant complain
>suddenly 7k in queue
>eta is 3 minutes about a minute after I DC'd
uhh alright
Is the "priority queue for disconnected players" meme actually true?
Your character isn't Gone, Arugal just ate shit and died.
Is it actually possible to get into a realm without ridiculous queue times at the moment?
Haven't subbed yet but seems like it's a good idea to wait a bit.
Pick a server that isn't full and you should be good to go.
t. never did nefarian, c'thun or literally anything in naxxramas in-era
even basic shit like geddon, shazzrah and onyxia nearly demanded the raid-wide use of addons to 'simplify' the fight, since half your raid force would on average be incompetent enough to always fuck up the fight otherwise
i remember how fucking revolutionary it was when we actually had semi-functional rough drafts of an aggro meter introduced to public use and how much of an eye-opener it was for how shitty your tanks or how greedy your DPS were being, and why you were always fucking up on parts of a raid because of it
>the increase in mod use and necessity over the years has led to an increase in mechanic bloat and balancing issues
this is true to an extent, but it has more to do with the developers being caught in a feedback loop of trying to jump the shark more impressively than the last with every new implementation
i think what you've done is adopted a dislike for mods in general due to how the devs would often see a semi-commonly used mod feature and think that it's something that needs to be the new base formula rather than just a component of a whole - which is something they've shamelessly done time and time again when it comes to assimilating other people's mod work into game features to give you the soulless blob that the game (and genre) has become due to it