Whats preventing you from buying this game user?
for me it was the protagonist horse like face, its very distracting.
it also looks boring
Epic exclusivity.
Also, haven't bought a game at full price since 2005, and usually wait until a game is at least 50% off, so I'm probably going to be waiting until the exclusivity deal expires anyway.
>Over the Shoulder: Female Special Agent Edition
What game? I just see two man chins
mostly only learning it existed 2 days ago and knowing literally nothing about it
No dunevo. Going to take to the seas.
>Whats preventing you from buying this game user?
Fuck Epic.
Good lad
Why do devs insist on using face scanning when they always end up looking like fucking gorillas? The models they scan are usually quite good looking but they always end up looking like shit.
Control over what?
got the game for free with a GPU purchase. Epic is clearly not allowing any sort of pre loading of this game which is pure bullshit but they are inept chinks so what do you expect I guess. One I finish the game I am just going to uninstall EGS its fucking trash.
Quantum break was kind of weak and honestly, I think this will be $30 in a month
Borderlands 3 will also lack pre-loading and achievements. I wonder if Borderlands fags will play it past story end without them.
seems like half life 2 but shit
Then $60 when it launches on steam.
i didnt have to buy it nvidia gave it to me
Its a fucking and its not like they have any other decent games releasing anytime soon on EGS. I am guessing pre loading is not a thing because they are so fucking inept they know some tranny from Brazil with 200 ping will crack their shit software and make the game playable ahead of time.
I won't run on my GPU (GTX 1050 TI), also Courtney hit the wall hard, she was a total qt on Quantum Break, but never looked that great in real life.
Seriously, ugly people are repellent what possible reason could you have to make an ugly character? Unless it's key to their personality or story, you should never make ugly characters but nu-males love to do it anyways because they are spineless.
If a game dev decides to make an ugly female lead I know to stay away from the game because I have no faith in them making good decisions.
I don't have to buy it, Tim bought it for me.
i liked QB but the reality is the game is like 10 hours and I played that fucker on hard mode. As far as movie games I enjoyed it but I liked the story in Alan Wake way more. I did like how in the end of QB you basically solved nothing and became a new Paul Serene. But yeah $60 for 10 hours maybe 20 hours if you play it again with different choices is a bit much.
I wonder how short Control is going to be in the end.
Im currently unemployed therefore i have no money.
Nope you are wrong, that's what the models actually look like.
It's just that makeup and photoshop are hiding their ugliness, notice how when male characters get scanned they almost always look like their model?
Why do you think that is? Because they aren't hiding behind makeup like the women are, so when you see their actual face it seems like something went wrong but it's just in reality their real looks.
I'm playing it right now.
It just unlocked 10 minutes ago.
what GPU are you running this on?
I don’t get why she looks worse than she did in quantum break, what happened?
The name of the game with the manly chins
IIRC she became vegan, has like 0% body fat and is a gym freak, so she looks gaunt now dieting and working out a lot. Look for the ad she did for Glock years ago, she was a total qt.
Oh shit I knew she voice acted but I didn't remember her in the TV show part of it.
The fact it's exclusively on Epic. It actually looks good but I'm gonna pirate it.
Because she was bout to 28-29 when they scanned her, women age terribly, particularly white women, so the difference between a woman in her mid 20s and her nearing 30 can be very stark.
That's what you are seeing, a woman aging.
She has a misaligned jaw, that gets really perceptible in some scenes, but she's really good looking when putting up a serious face, or was at least up until Quantum Break. If she wears braces for a few years, dude, she'll get drop dead gorgeous.
Jesus Christ..
Not an argument, are you telling me a 3D model can’t be altered after it’s been scanned in, come on
Egs. But it's rumored to not have drm so I'll pirate it. Looks good.
>chink exclusive
either i torrent or G2A just to fuck with em
This. I LOVE Remedy but I want the game on Steam. It happens in and year so I can wait. Astral Chain comes out on Friday anyway
Ahti is the highlight of the game and only Finns can grasp him.
The base ps4 version is completely fucked. textures not loading and single digit frame rate
Hmm maybe your right because I thought Leon and Marvin looked great in RE2 remake but Claire looked weird. I thought Dante and Nero looked great in DMC5 but Lady and Trish looked bad.
SJW game
Seems its fucked all around. Remedy can't optimize for shit.
Works great on Xbox One X :)
Well I'm sure it does. It works great on PS4 Pro too. But I only have base PS4 and Base Xbox one.
Kojima literary made Lindsay Wagner from Bionic Woman time. You cant tell me other fucks cant improve models
I bought Quantum Break. For me once...
This is her irl
God I been playing it for an hour and a half and it makes no sense.
There's a bit of cutscenes but not before you wander around the oldest house to figure out where you gotta go.
Compared to other games, it isn't as bad.
agree. personally i find the story eye rolling. never played alan wake and skimming past the wiki page it seems the story is kinda the same feels to this game. maybe i just dont get it.
Eyup, I could get it on PS4 but I hate playing shooters on a controller at 30fps. I’ll wait till it drops on steam in a year or two.
Shit performance and the fact that Remedy hasn't made a good game since Max Payne 2.
But that's the whole point, they are not seeking young attractive women. Improving her would defeat the purpose of them choosing her in the first place.
The could have easily gotten a younger model, they chose not to.
Yes because they can't make changes after scanning to fix it up