Wow classic

Here is your HOME bro.

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explain? never played wow

WoW Classic is was a mistake.

No one wanted this you inbred.


I can't see a single thing happening in that video that would make him react like that.

What the fuck happened

The Tauren next to him disappeared because of layering, not because he disconnected. It sucks.

dont understand

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He grouped up with someone and it moved him to a different layer than the person he grouped up with. Effectively making the group pointless.

That sounds completely awful, but I guess this is what the players wanted lmao

He hopped for a rare you mongs

>streamer ask for invite to a group that is on another layer
>changes layers when he enters the group
>all mobs he just killed are respawned
>proceed to farm rare mob for loot changing layers.
>Nothing close to this could be done in real WoW vanilla

It's a bug from the beta that retards keep shilling in order to make Classic WoW look bad.

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I don't know (or care) what that means.

you aren't meant to



A rare mob is appearing. This is actually a major deal in classic where there should be a single rare spawn per server. this is allowing for MULTIPLE rare spawn timers per server. This means you will be forced to farm them by switching layers and there will be less rarity to them.

Blizz says layering will be gone SOON, but after this launc who the fuck knows

Attached: tost.jpg (480x464, 37K)

Wow was bad back then and nothing changed after all those years. Dumb soilent drinking fuck.

also managed to get level 8 before DCing and put in queue AMAA

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Brainlet. We spelled it out for you.

Imagine using this to farm Black Lotus and other rare mats.

HAHAHAHA this is not vanilla. What a fucking joke.

It means he made a party with the guy next to him and the game forcefully separated the two into different instances. Making it so they don't benefit from each other and can't play with each other.
Now Imagine this happening randomly and constantly.
Now imagine this happening during a fucking Dungeon or raid.

This is WoW classic and it is actually Nu-WoW with a old coat of paint.

He reacted because he was trying to get a rare spawn again.
He changed groups to a layer with the rare he just killed a few times.

wrong again desu

classic wow is GOAT vidya, learn 2 not be retarded lazyfag zoomer