Any thoughts?
Mega-Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection leaked
Awesome, I love these games.
Please no gba aspect ratio.
if real, most likely testing the waters
i hope so though, shit's great
Battle Network collection when?
It's real. I was skeptical too, but I saw the trailer on the leaked Hong Kong PSNetwork store.
Pretty neat, I never beat the ZX games since emulating them is a chore, I can't find them where I live and I love the zero games even if I've gotten absolutely terrible at platformers as I got older
Sauce? I love the games and would probably get it, but i would rather just have ZX3.
ZX>Advent for the record, i don't really like how Advent while having more forms had most of them be useless outside "puzzles" and couldn't commit to the "Metroidvania" NOR the Stage Select, making a really shitty hybrid of sorts, ZX issue was just the Map being shit, not the design of the levels mind you, the actual in-game Map Screen. You are now manually remembering Subtanks ZXA Flash.
>Boxart this good.
>We still have to wait for Capcom to fully get off their rears.
Please don't make your thread look fake as shit next time
If we get battlenetwork collect plus these I'm gonna be in heaven.
Alternative name “we should have not have fired Inticreates”
>terrible at platformers as I got older
you remember what it is like to practice. your body remembers.
Thanks brah, looks pretty good, i was wondering how they were gonna implement the DS stuff (I didn't enjoy the Gunvolt PC port due how it did it), but it doesn't look too bad, i suppose i shouldn't be surprised they brought over "Casual Scenario Mode" though, the 2p VS mode honestly feels kinda disappointing to the Boss Mode from X Collection, i was kinda hoping for bonus with more "oomph" in it like that.
Honestly it is more memorization, my reaction time is busted due reasons and i play Megaman games just fine because stuff is generally signaled in good time, and individual stages are actually pretty short making them not too hard to "learn", and if you have a consistent pace you encounter the same scenario each time you play.
I hope this rerelase gives me more fanart of Harpuia from new artist.
So then when are MMBN and Legends getting their own Legacy collections? MMBN had every title including Battle Chip Challenge on the WiiU eShop so they definitely could shove them all on a Switch cart. God, if this somehow revived Legends 3...
I'm really hoping they optimize Mega Merging in the ZX games to make it faster
Collections change jackshit on games besides some translation fixes.
X6 was supposed to get ton of QoL way back on first collection and capcom cockblocked.
Oh god please don't make another ZX game, that series was pure shit
Sign me the fuck up.
And Easy Mode, don't tell me you forgot Rookie Hunter Mode, which is already confirmed under a new name.
Are the Megaman Zero games good?
at least it has filtering tho
DS collection already had easy modo tho, don't really worth mention.
I don't know which boss traumatizes me the most, toss-up between Phantom and Phoenix Magnion maybe.
All them minigames, lads.
>Are Megaman games good?
Yes, honestly the only real "Issue" with the Zero ones can be attributed to the GBA screen and the good old "Vital Plot information outside the Games" like the fact that the Guardians fucking died at the end of Z3 only being addressed in a "Audio Drama", but you don't play Megaman for the Plot, right? Oh yeah, and arguably that you play as Zero and therefore there is more focus on Dashan-Slashan then Running-Gunning, but these things are all subjective.
Only 1 2and 4, 3 is mediocre but you can play worse
Phoenix Magnion is he a reference to Phoenix Ikki
I admit that Zero games have blind jumps but I don't think they ever have blind jumps that fuck you over. Pretty much just dash jump and you'll get it every time. That's the only flaw I can think of.
Nigga, 1 and 2 are hot garbage
How do I get good at Z4? I'm trying to play it on 3ds but I fucking suck after abusing cyberspace in 3
>tested waters with X
>gets a shitty mobile game instead
I am so fucking ready to be disappointed after this sells well
Jesus fuck what is Capcom doing?
Mega Man 11 didn't come out until a couple years after the Mega Man Legacy Collection, so X9 could still be on its way.
And if we're getting a Zero/ZX collection, a BN collection and Legends collection makes sense.
1 has weird design choices but is solid despite that and has a really oppressive atmosphere that the later games lacked, 2 is fantastic and tied with 3 as my favorite of the Zero series.
1's interconnected map was simply beautiful. Now that's an overworld.
Very. One of the few games that does difficulty right. It’s hard enough to be challenging but forgiving enough to not become frustrating. Locking ability copy behind stage score means you really gotta git gud if you want that good shit.
As said "Flaws" because i know they are kinda reaching, any issues with Zero in my eyes exist only due the nature of the native hardware it was developed for, not gameplay design, i have seen other people argue about the Ranking-stuff (Which means seeing Seeing Boss Super Attacks and setting EX-Skills in Z2 and 3) and Cyber-Elf systems (That can tank your rank) though, but that was YEARS ago, as in "Zero 3 was freshly new" ago.
Z1 can also be arguably janky, but it was the first in the series and still very unique even compare to the other ones in the Zero series, just gotta love the "blood" and it is definitely the most atmospheric.
They are all good games worth playing in my mind.
3 is the best one though
good. I don't think many got to play the ZX games.
>Any thoughts?
If they don't have input lag, 100% erect. Otherwise meh.
Not having a switch version also makes me nervous.
>Not having a switch version
We'll see, weren't the other Mega Man collections multiplat? This is just a leak.
>literally all the games were nintendo exclusive
>ps4 exclusive
what were they thinking
Especially since the PS4 of X collection had lag. I had to stop playing it.
I have some good news for you.
Huh, been reassessing Zero lately ny chipping away at 2 anyways. Never did play 4 and I'm down to revisit the ZX games so yeah, put it on Switch and I'm there. Love having a portable Megaman machine.
We will never get to play as Mothos armor Zero
Who's the artist for the Zero and ZX series, I've always loved the art and designs for these games even more than X
maybe they'll actually make a game after the cliffhanger that is ZX2
>Especially since the PS4 of X collection had lag
No? If you turned off all the dumb filters and backgrounds and whatnot it ran just fine?
Of course a ooga booga speaking subhuman nigger like you would have such a shit opinion
Tooru Nakayama
Can I interest you in Dragon Marked for Death?
they wanted to redub x4 as well
>green biker dude
Every time.
Will wait for physical Switch version.
no they didn't
Aile is love
Aile is life
>hey let's rebuild Omega! I bet it will work the third time!
Basically capcom's mindset
Zero's sprites are ugly.
Go shoot up a school, Conner.
Was it strange that Elpizo shared attack patterns with Sigma?
MMZ is unironically the best thing to come from Mega Man.
What's that?
Fantasy action game Inti Creates made and they dragged out the Zero artist to do the character designs again.
>main girl literally has a buster arm
Oh Inti, never change.
shame sub-tank disappeared
where the hell did he go?
Oh shit, this looks pretty cool
it's ok, it's pretty repetitive and theres not many attacks you can do
I would have gotten it if it wasn't best played in online mode. Would have loved to have played with friends in a co-op style play.
Would you recommend it?
? you can, just not on one console
Not him, but I usually see people recommend playing through the main story and going no further than that. There's a lot of postgame "content" of very questionable quality.
even the main game is a bit meh, was a bit of a chore to play unfortunately
I mean more like a 4-player co-op, like a party game. The only issue would be in keeping everyone on screen all the time...
It'll be godlike if they can put online multiplayer on it.
The trailer is ripped from the PSN store. Game is most likely every console like the other collections.
It's cool that the ZX games are included as well.
Excited for ZX
The irony being that they basically refused to use Busters as much as possible when they did megaman.
Copy X and Model X had them but neither Zero or Model ZX had them.
This is clearly emulation with the most stupid filter possible
release date okease?
I want to see my wife in action again
Been playing ZX lately. Fuck expert difficulty and I don't know why I'm playing it. Exercise in frustration due to having to grind shit to unlock quick-travel points, and having to farm lives or one-life every stage.
just pick up the bread and apple before every boss
The what now? Also one thing a lot of players probably won't realize playing Zero or ZX/ZXA after all these years is that the playfield view is really cramped, even compared to MMX series.
Oh I realized it was cramped alright.
healing items, bread is from an NPC in the city and apple is from punching the big tree by the amusement park
Oh, whoops. I meant to say ZX Advent in that post, not ZX. That said, ZXA was so forgettable for me that I completely forgot I actually owned the game until last week. Do not remember shit from the game, which is either a blessing or a curse since it means it's fresh for me a second time.
Man the beetle bros bossfight near the end of Z2 was rad as hell.
Think it'll be barebones emulation, or will they do some TLC such as sourcing the music samples so we're not stuck with 11khz GBA samples in the music?
I'm not very interested. I already own the DS versions and those versions still play perfectly.
I would be interested if they figured out a way to increase the field of view but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Artist name?
This will help me bide my time until the inevitable BN Collection.
where do buy and how much
>Battle Network collection is now a possibility.
>Starforce collection is now a possibility.
You can't, I couldn't find it anywhere
One question. Why should i waste money on this when emulator exist?
They not even trying to upgrade graphic and sound for remastered. What a lazy port. Even if they end up making ZX3 i bet it's just another low effort cash grab mobile game
>Complete collection of Six games
Way to twist the knife Capcom
? 4 zero games and 2 ZX games thats all the games in that series
>Best series gets Legacy collection treatment
A great time to be alive, indeed
yes that is the complete zero series, what's your point?
Surprised they didn't split them into two collections again. I guess with these games it would have been too Jewish even for Capcom.
is this a crop?
why would a robot sweat this doesn't make sense????
There's just too few games for them to split it up.
>bother actually adding in new stuff
>don't bother redoing UI shit to avoid the dual-screen nonsense that doesn't work outside of a DS/3DS
I don't think I even saw any of those layout options have some form of transparency so you're not losing screen real-estate having it overlaid.
If I made robots, I'd make them sweat
Yes, that's what 2D game collections tend to be.
>they're experimenting with the double screen stuff for ZX and ZXA
>tiny chance of a Star Force collection if this and a BN collection do well
Input lag, not performance problems.
Perhaps it wouldn't make sense for the robots of old in the days of Light, but you must remember that Reploids such as Leviathan are something entirely different. They're much more sophisticated, almost able to replicate humans in every way. Almost. Not really. Nevermind. I'm just now remembering the 8000 times Zero got slashed in half and his innards were nothing more than servos and sprockets.
15 years ago convention exclusive for 150 dollars and it's an unpainted fan made parts kit.
>Any thoughts?
Love zero series especially advent with megamerge.
Playing on the big screen instead of the DS is a major bonus as well.
To bad they couldn't add anything extra like playing as angelic X or some shit.
Yeah but there are some really obsessive people that will tell you otherwise