Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

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I better not be being fucked with faggot.

>Not battle network
1 fucking job.

>goy, you have to buy this too if you want new megamen :)
fuck off

this man gets it

Come on Capcom, don't be dicks. You can still give us ZX3. I bought the fucking Zero collection for the DS and now you expect to do it again? If it's for Switch, I might fucking do it, but otherwise no. Especially if because we all know you holding shit ransom never works and you wouldn't do it even if it sold 2 million.

But, what will be in this that wasn't already in the DS compilation?

ZX games

I need glasses

Oh shit!

This world needs to be reset

fuck off pucci

Watch Capcom still put Zero in GBA letterboxing and ZX's map still be a fucking mess.
Bet they won't even dub ZX.
ZX3 Never ever

>Literally every single game is a GBA/DS only release
>PS4 exclusive
Sasuga, Capcom

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>every MM legacy collection is on literally everything
>thinking there's even a chance this is PS4 exclusive
I'd be so fucking baffled if they did that that I'm okay with looking like an idiot if it ends up true.

they'll be porting it to steam and switch later like they did before with megaman x collection

I'm Titanium

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It HAS to be the next one at this point

Awesome, but I'd love if there's an option to replace the soundtracks with all the remastered CD versions. That would absolutely make my day.

Post Aile


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>wanting a ZX dub
For what reason? I thought everyone hated Advent's dub.

>game has cute girl
>me buy
happy happy

This, besides
LOCK ON was top cute.