Monster Hunter

Look at this absolute unit

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is your new palico, please take good care of him.

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That’s a big sponge.

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>you will never be as happy as that sponge is


I'm gonna tip it over

Hello muslims where are the leaks?

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He looks dope

I can't believe Glavenus is fucking dead

Nah he's just getting sent to the New World


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not loading, what is it?

I want Moru in Iceborne :3

You've been picked to bring exactly ONE of the weapons that ISN'T in world for iceborne (medium bowgun, tonfas, magnet spike, prowler, etc).
You can change the moveset to some point, but you have to pick one, AND you can't change the moveset that much.
Which weapon do you bring and why?
HARD MODE: Make your own weapon, distinct from the existing ones

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Lagiacrus is a given if underwater combat comes back but what about Ludroth?

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Javelins. Pretty much a mix of bow and lance

el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow


>Literally God
>Black Dragon
Fatalis Trio, Alatreon, Dire Miralis, Everwyrm(supposedly)
Jhen, Dahren, Caedeus, Yama Tsukami, Akantor, Ukanlos, Nakarkos, Amatsu, Lao, and Shen
>200 IQ tier
Ahtal-Ka, Gogmazios
Everyone else+Jho, Rajang, and Yian Garuga(World)

Please pay your respects to our resident Colts fans. Andrew Luck will be missed.

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He'll come along with his purple friend and together with Great Jagras they'll sit on the beach to watch the sunset.

Is there also a Barioth one?

shara ishvala is a black dragon???

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It uses the Fatalis skeleton. You know Capcom means business when they bring that down from the attic.

Reminder that Iceborne STILL refuses to make unique weapon models. Don't support this and especially don't support Capcom making DLC shit


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Does Switch Axe F count?

Why you so mad? Capcom rarely uses that skeleton.

edit with the nigga goin ssj when

Reminder that Nerg has toe beans

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kill yourself you worthless retard

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Let me give you some sound advice for going into Iceborne that every reviewer/eceleb is too retarded to pick up on. This especially concerns you if you happen to play GS.

Make Jagras weapons. They already have very respectable raw+non element boost in vanilla along with slots only rivaled by Xeno and Lunastra weapons. Most importantly, you'll be able to upgrade them quickly because Jagras is an early game monster as opposed to the elder dragon weapons that won't see an upgrade until the end of G rank. If World uses GU's 1.39X damage multiplier for purple sharpness, then Jagras weapons will be more than enough to carry you all the way to the end of G rank as the jump to purple sharpness won't be that big. They'll just gain a lot of white instead, which is super meta in GU. Granted, if they DO hit purple, then you'll have the slots to easily hit Handicraft+5.

Are you certain it's the Fatalis skeleton, and not the Magala skeleton? Gog stood upright too, in a very similar pose to Shara Ishvalda.

- Hoarfrost region was an island that broke off from New World long ago
- Old lady's sensei know of the legends of this island and decided to try to find for it (he did)
- Zorah's death changed the ocean currents and brought the island closer to the New World
- Velkhana is sealed underground, but an earthquake (everywrym) awakens it, and it started its rule over the island, freezing it
- Current inhabitants of the island fled to the next nearest landmass (New World) to avoid the cold, others were attracted to the cold, and some adapted to the cold. Some subspecies on the island fled to new habitats that they could adapt to the best
- Namielle was from the island but fled because of the freezing, it's pissed
- The "song" is actually just strong winds blowing through the caves created by the everwyrm
- Namielle attempts to call the everwyrm to the New World to sink the coral highlands, turning it into a new home because fuck Velkhana
- The Legiana start migrating to Hoarfrost because the "song" lets them know there are strong winds and it is colder, and they want higher QoL. They were stocking up grub at the forest before the long journey when you found them, kicking off the investigation in Iceborne

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Dalamadur doesn’t actually summon meteors, you FUCKING retards. It shoots them up into the sky with its breath and they come flying down. They’re the same color as it’s flame breath for fucks sake. It’s just a giant fire breathing snake.

isn't that just heavy bowgun with a melee attack as standard and a charge attack that throws

Yes, but Gog clearly looked like a giant Gore.

What do I need to do to prepare for Iceborne?

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Only because they had a similar color scheme, while the Shara is much lighter. They all share the large armlike wings though, which is not a Fatalis trait.

Doesn't Shara use his wingarms a lot? I'm pretty sure they would use the Magala skeleton if that was the case.


>roars directly at the hunters
>"dude, he shoots them into the air, lmao"

Are you daft? They're clearly meteors.

How do you do hypers and deviant EX as gunner? everything can kill you in one hit and forces you to be in valor style

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we caused this didn't we

we fucked it up

now let's fuck it up some more


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Huh. That's actually neat

We truly are... The Monster Hunters

I could ask you the same dumbass question, but we wouldn’t get anywhere. Even if it is, Dalamadur isn’t above Crimson or White Fatalis. Barely even Black Fatalis.

>New World of Light

Hello? Anyone home?

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>Dragon that took over a kingdon and sat on his ass for several hundred years
>snake the size of a mountain that destroys entire mountain ranges whenever it movee while threatening the entire World in 4

Point to all your Dark Souls tier weapon descriptions and outdated lore about how Fatalis hates humanity all you want, but it's painfully obvious that Fatalis is grossly outclassed. Oh, and nice job ducking out on explaining how he shoots meteors into the air despite never actually doing so in any of the source material. Yes, I know you can read the Monster Hunter wiki, but only an idiot uses it as gospel.

buy iceborne


Are you the foob deliveryman.

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Why does Espinas trigger everyone so much?

It's sound like everwyrm fucked everything up velkhana is having a field day and freezing an entire containant namielle got caught in the crossfire and is fucking pissed
And now we have to stop velkhana from turning hoarfrost into a frozen wasteland and stop everwyrm from crashing the coral highlands (with no survivors) and deal with a very fucking pissed namielle


Yes, I have aubergines.

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Can we all agree that extreme skeleton focus has been the worst thing to happen to the community? Did people always focus so much on skeletons or is it just a World thing?

Only requirement is to have beaten Xeno’jiiva in the base game. I recommend beating Deviljho, Kulve Taroth and Lunastra at least once each, the collab monsters too if you want.

Never ever, S-Penis.

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Maybe if you hadn't missed the auditions you would have been in IB, sleepy dumbass.

It’s just a World thing, leaving Nintendo platforms after two gens really fucking fried the brains of some people in this fanbase beyond the point of no return.

This fuck you Skeletonfags

Just a World thing user

It's just a world thing people were so used to skeletons just always existing and now that a large amount of them are gone it really fucked peoples minds

>implying everwurm isn't just a Fuck huge fatalis.

does gore have eyes? is it blind?

>does gore have eyes?
When it molts.

This, it’s super fucking annoying. I’m just happy so many monsters, old and new, are gonna be in Iceborne. I don’t give a single shit about what skeleton is what. Neither should you over-analytical cretins either.

>jagra swords
user please, i'll wait my ass off for ruiner nerg and upgrade the perdition atrocity.

lol it’s not

Hello my New World frens

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He's the Frontier flagship and thus most likely to jump over besides Hypnoc, and that would establish that gate finally being open again. It's more people are worried shit like Burst monsters will follow which is retarded. But I'm 100% convinced all the anons who actually get real mad are Frontier players themselves. I've known a couple of groups to have very hardcore shitposters.

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It's a one handed sword with an empty opposite hand. It has evasion stuff in the moveset and it's attacks do multiple light hits, with rapiers usually having high status but low raw or element, but critical hits from rapiers are inherently 1.35 times damage instead of 1.25

who are you?

>My fantasy monster is stronger than your fantasy monster!!!11
You, the faggot you’re arguing with, and your ilk as a whole are the epitome of autism. Shut the fuck up already, idiot.

He also was originally going to be in FU with Hypnoc, but the Frontier fanbase screamed until every window in the country shattered.

More like Jewragaua.

Any tips on getting Behemoth shearclaws. I'm two away from never having to fight it ever again but I'm having a heck of a time. I'm open to any strategy solo or otherwise.

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Grandpa kills the great snake in one hit.

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Frontier faggots are truly the biggest cancer of the fanbase.

bring your kitty cat with the plunderblade.

If they threaten the entire world then why are they all fucking dead? Fatalis wins by virtue of longevity faggotron xd

Morudomunto in World, pls.

Can you get shearclaws from plunderblade? I've used that strategy to almost all the other parts like bones etc but never got a shearclaws. Thought they only came from paw breaks?

After how well World sold I think it’s practically assured that MH6 is gonna have a fucking lot of money and resources behind it. I’m expecting big things and now that the groundwork is laid with World there’s no excuses anymore. It better be the god damn best base game in the series by far.

A bat with chain
You can do quick swings with it and the chain helps you move forward with distances determined by charge level

You can get anything from plunderblade AFAIK. I've gotten gems from my cat pluderblading

That’s impossible because you fucking faggot morons will still complain, no matter what.

This, i really hope they don't get lazy with it.

Not me user I’m a positive person. World was far from perfect but still a great game.

Too be fair world basically picked up all the souls fags and at least those fags are autistic enough too stay liking the's hoping the next game is great.

>yfw mh6/w2 is called Monster Hunter Frontier and features, on top of a lot of returning mainline and new monsters, a very strong selection of revised frontier monsters and updated locales, as well as tonfa

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>there's a lancer shitter in my team

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Ok, but Fatalis or Dalamadur beat him?

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There isn't going to be an MH6 yet because MH S, exclusive for the switch, is going to be the canon MH5
It's been confirmed by leakrs for a long time now

I thought prowler mode was going to be a dumb, useless, terrible fucking gimmick when I picked up GU. I was so wrong. It's a ton of fun and needs to be brought back pronto.

What can the subtitle even be, realistically? "World" seems such a huge but fitting term, that calling it something larger might not have the same catch. Not even "Frontier"

Fuck off ledditfag

So what sort of crossover monsters do you think we'll get in Iceborne, if any? I'm hoping for something that uses the Leshen skeleton and something that uses the Brute Wyvern skeleton myself

Nuh uh it’s MH7 on Switch dumbass, MH8 on PS5, PC and Stadia.

Pards, you can mass-combine items by holding down the combine button!

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I know it's a long shot but it would be really cool

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>MH6 will be about Leviathans, Fanged Beasts, Bugs and Crabs

hello? gunlance chads?

>Hungry Caterpillar is ED tier

Assuming they don’t just go with ‘World 2’ they could go with something like ‘Infinite’ maybe. They could just add a prefix or suffix to World too, like ‘Under World’ or some shit like that.

Doing whole monsters for crossovers was kinda neat but I'd rather that kind of effort went into more original monsters, or at least old returning monsters.

Ah I remember this copypasta

Leviathans are a given and Fanged beasts and bugs are pretty likely too.

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I hope that World 2: World Harder will have the Rotten Vale in it, so that Nerscylla can be in the literal perfect environment for it.

We're gonna get a shitton of returning standard Wyverns and most of the other categories returning with new monster for each one is my bet.

Alchemist as a weapon. Just imagine running around chucking strings of hand bombs and tossing out powders and mixing shit for all kinds of effects. Would be pretty fun.

>Nerscylla with a Legiana cape that freezes the ground and makes it slippery so they can get more use out of the animations from the Mizutsune fight
Plus Nerscylla is super weak to Ice so having the cloak make her immune to her normal weakness could be cool.

Imagine a something like a leviathan deviljho

Eh I’m mixed on it. Behemoth and Leshen were developed after everything else was finished already and by a skeleton team while the bulk of the team had already moved on to the next main game, so they didn’t affect development time or resources for actual monsters at all, but at the same time it’d be cool if they made original monsters as superbosses like that instead. The team is clearly very creative and their talents are better put to use on original stuff than on copying an enemy from another game and trying to make it at least semi playable.

My dad works at Epic and he can confirm that shopping carts will come in January 2020

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Actually not a bad idea for a new Gunner weapon.
If we get a new ranged weapon though I want the fucking Giant Boomerang concept from 4th gen though.

I’m not entirely ready to let myself be excited about bugs in MH6 but Leviathans and Fanged Beasts are a given.

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I read that as World Handler instead

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They should an invader Leviathan if underwater comes back. You try escape to land and think he’s gone for a sec but then all of a sudden he bursts out of the ground because he can burrow just as well as he can swim. There’s be no escape unlike the other invaders who can’t swim.

So who do you guys hope DOESN'T make it to the New World? I say Gravios and Basarios can fuck right off.

I wish Deviljho could still dig just for the surprise factor, even if it was always really dumb looking for the Brute Wyverns to dig across the map.

Gypceros and Cephadrome can stay, Congalala and Bazinga too.

Where is he?

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Any of the early game Bird Wyverns from earlier titles, like Dromes or Ggis. I like the Ggis but we really don’t need that kind of filler going forward. I’d be fine with it in a future anniversary title like Generations though.

>Where is he?
Have you forgotten his main gimmick?

Hrs been in literally every trailer so far.

Fucking size queens, I swear to god.

wrong and gay

He was doing a Fortnite dance in the background while Garuga beat up Deviljho in that recent Nipponese commercial, but he was invisible at the time.

Could just make it 'Worlds' since it's 6 letters long, maybe you travel around more. Just throwing things out there.

gauntlets that have a heat gauge to punch faster and when full, do a punch like punchline's special, and can use slinger ammo to shoot modified shots like pukei-pukei do when eat slinger ammo

Busy with his sex escapade

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One of the first times I saw Jho in tri, I bolted into the water and tried to swim away, and right when I thought I was safe, a fucking boulder smashed into me. Jho was back at the water's edge tossing rocks at me. I was oddly impressed with capcom for outsmarting me there.

Actually he still has a dig animation, however he only does it when he spawns on a map during expeditions

>Chameleos might have been doing Fortnite dances and teabagging us since 2006, but we’ll never know because he was invisible the whole time
Monster Hunter isn’t meant to be cosmic horror but here I am questioning reality again.

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>only one of the doujins is available online
What a shame.

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Yeah but he doesn't bust out directly under you when he decides to crash the party
Hell you usually actually see him before his theme kicks in now instead of the other way around

>Yeah but he doesn't bust out directly under you when he decides to crash the party
This was how I met jho the first time in tri. Scared the ever loving crap out of me.

>Chameleos has been using his tongue to dab and we've never been able to tell
Truly the most horrible monster in the series.

Chameleos called in sick, so his two-horned brother will have to stand in.

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Those are pretty shit names. Also Tigrex already has all of Brute’s moves already.

He doesn't have Brute's yelling.

>yian garuga
>now scarred
well fuck.

they're saving that for AT Tigrex

what just got nuked?


He has Molten's quad charge but not the *INHALES* from either of his subspecies
Or they could pull a fast one and bring Grimclaw back

Attached: [inhales].jpg (513x449, 50K)

>Seething Bazelgeuse
>Scarred Yian Garuga
>Blackveil Vaal Hazak
>Savage Deviljho
>Brute Tigrex
>Gold Rathian/Silver Rathalos

>Scarred is also tempered only. Have fun, anons.

Sounds fake desu, wasn't Seething used in a different leak that was proven fake?

Just another LARP deleting his own post.

There was a questionable list of quest names that included "Seething With Anger"

yeah, it's a PC exclusive quest

ohhh hoho

Wouldn't that list be confirmed once Namielle was announced? Or at least get some credibility.

Pretty sure that's the quest for Savage Jho or Raging Brachydios.

That's Sea God


It’s obviously Jho

No. No claws, no tails, no horns. Fits break those

That list had a quest called ‘Memories of the Sea God’ and was posted like a week before Namielle’s announcement so either it got really lucky or it was actually real.

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Great Maccao is cool though, he should return.

Of course it was real
Ryozo was behind all that shit

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t. reddit cunt


Iceborne better have fun weapons again
and better music than world

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A different and accurate leak prior showed that there was a water branch of zorah weapon trees, which inspired a bunch of fake leaks about water zorahs and the like

Wouldn't have been a hard guess. We already knew a water elder of some sort was coming, based on the LS weapon tree.

You realize monsters have to be beatable, right user?

Flagship themes are in so it's already better unless some got butchered

At least Nargacuga's theme survived. I might even like it better than the classic version.

Savage Jho is a given, right?

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If Zinogre is in but his guitar isn't im unironically not getting it

T-that's not funny...

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My only issue with World's music is that some old themes lost a bit of the tribal feel, mainly Teostra
Although I do appreciate the attempt to make it longer than a 40 second loop

Hoarfrost Reach has a pretty good track. Iceborne's main theme is pretty fantastic too, way better than World's.

Velkhana's theme is pretty dank too


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Duh that’s what the Seething with Anger quest is

I liked Driven by the Stars

I think they nailed Tigrex's theme

maybe the xenomorph queen from alien? a berserk evangelion unit?

also bring back the metal gear rex

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What are you even talking about? Only tri ever did that, and they went for a mix of Okinawan and South East Asian for their soundtrack.
You're confusing digital synth orchestral for tribal, because mid-2000s digital reproductions(and even today) were shit at replicating percussion sounds.

Just give me modified Tonfas. Form swap with a gauge you build up, start in Light form with quick hits to build gauge, lots of evasion/sidestepping, takes a bit to build up. Once you're full, you can activate Heavy, where you deal KO and extra part-break, and trade off your Ele/Status for more Raw. Sidesteps become limited, but you gain guardpoints on them, to reflect a boxer getting in and bopping the fuckers.

I just want a weapon that is higher skill, inverse dual blades. You start fast, then go fucking ham.

The gamma armor will probably give you a leg up early on but it'll probably be outclassed by midgame.

sounds like a Souls version of Tiggy theme i like that

Posting the MIDI recreation of IB's main theme
it's gucci
Beak hammers are back so that's something as a grugCHAD

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Gamma armor will let you cruise past some of the early G Rank shit but you're probably still gonna want to upgrade your weapons
I might get some regular ass Iron and Bone weapons maxed out just to have quick upgrades available if they're a big jump over my current stuff, but we'll see.

That's a very angry looking IG.

Hunting Hound

Could this path be a returning monster, or is it definantly new?

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wow MIDI videos sure have changed since the death waltz days

The string and wind are bit slow and messy, but still this is rad

Looks like it might be an upgrade to Dragonbone

Actually no, listened again. Has to easily be my favorite track in the entire franchise as of right now.
>that transition at 0:11
>the bass at 1:00
>how they handled pokke theme integration
This is how you remaster a fucking theme song.

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I can't think of any white monsters that would have Hidden Sleep, unless it's a surprise Radobaan LS.
Sleep + barrel bombs + mines + slicing ammo

That part might be the section they fade into for the chase theme

Scythe weapon that goes full spin2win

>Narga has Pokke in his theme now
>Brachy has Moga in his theme now
G monsters are the fucking village memories chads

>properly investing in their series

It was already one of monster hunter's best tracks but they added percussion and a nice little bridge/interlude and that took it too a whole nother level

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Anyone here could share a weakness exploit cat?

Thanks for the guide user. I'll give it a try.

I don't remember Kulve being this awful

>that part in Narga's world theme where Pokke's theme plays for a second

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How do I get the paolumu story quest? I already beat "one for the history books, and now I can't seeming to do anything else. What do I do to unlock Ballooning Problems?

Hey just started playing world and getting prepped for ice borne. Used to play Gu and was wondering if there’s a traditional hunters hub type of mode? Is multiplayer just optionals and investigations? Or is there like a bunch of gib type missions for online?

Monster Hunter World 2: Jaggi's Island

reminder there a boomers so deluded they call this "ruined"

Pretty sure you have to go to the research base from the expedition map.

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>Seliana has different options for the town theme
>one of them is Pokke

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if you're talking about that GU autist, that's no boomer. Motherfucker considers GU the best

Who here /nevergoingbacktoAstera/ after IB comes out?

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village quest and hub quested are fused side quest are optional stuff that will open up more useful stuff like more food at the canteen or more options to grow things in the farm

So how about that seregios and valstrax haha...
>3rd of september
>3 days before release
>premium livestream
Wonder what they're gonna show as a final spurt

Attached: (1080x2246, 679K)

Launch trailer and tease of first DLC monster which will get fully shown during TGS.

>Hunting just before ban
Ryozo's announcing that he got banned from Capcom for trying to shove Piscine Wyverns into other games.

You better fucking believe it. I can't wait to leave that hellhole behind.

It's Zinogre. They're saving him for last cause its the most popular monster

But user, Gore starts with a G, and while Glav is Dino in Japan Generations is still the subtitle for X so both X and XX are G.

Fucking never
Seliana is too comfy to leave

So what are you going to do when they don't show Zin at all and instead leave you in suspense?

anons.... 10 years of world... ugu...

>if you're talking about that GU autist
No, there are plenty of autistic FUbabs here.

No, there is only one quest list now, that can be played alone or online, with quests that automatically scale based on the number of players. Assigned Quests are basically your Keys and Urgents from before more clearly marked, with Optional Quests just being everything that doesn't directly advance the story (but may unlock ingredients, mantles, and other optional things).

I won't. No monster has this much leaks

>Yian Garuga, Namielle and the rest of newcomers' subspecies showcases
>Possible Zinogre and 4/4U reps reveal
>First DLC monster teaser

>superior home that combines the best parts of every Astera home
>superior village with a comfy day and party night
>superior gathering hub that combines the vibes of 1 and 2 with Portable 3rd
>fantastic music all around
Seliana is already edging at the top tier of monhun villages in general.

the DLC monster will be the 4/4U rep

I feel like gore or steve will be in because of how they said glav was a representative for g/gu, wich means there will most likely be a rep for 4/14u

They need to fix the fucking party system and stop making the monsters run away like retards when they're hurt.

They've always run away when weak

Adding Gore would be more efficient, his skeleton is already in (then again so is Seregios's) and by adding him they have most of the groundwork done for adding Shaggy or Chaotic.

They're definitely going to show off a dlc monster at tgs given how they talked about it.

>and stop making the monsters run away like retards when they're hurt.
Why would they get rid of that now? It's always been a part of the series, and it serves a purpose when you're going through the ranks.
If you don't want to wait just go maximum damage and kill them before they get the chance to run away.

holy kek

Personally I think we're leaning towards Gore in general. The trailers have amped up the same way World's promo did and now they're talking about Elder Dragons. Nerg and Xeno both use the skeleton so it's already supported as well, plus they get Gore and Shaggy out of it.

If I've ready beaten mhw on ps4 (hr 500) and decided to move to pc, would it be morally acceptable to mod in materials and shit to speed up preparations for iceborne?

>this is considered good in reddit

They need to show the Handler's death on screen this time.

>oh shit i think i'm gonna die, but rather than run away like any sane animal in the name of self-preservation i'll stick around so i don't make the random bumfuck from illinois trying to kill me mad
You're hunting animals. Go play Frontier then if you just want a fucking boss fight.

Even thinking about it is morally unacceptable. I feel dirty even replying to you

Fuck it, you've already done it legit the first time

In your opinion, which monster hunter game has the best roster? For me, it's FU. All the monsters feel like they belong, and there's a good amount of them. There's a nice amount of elder dragons too, but not too many in comparison to the rest of the roster.
GU doesn't count.

The only one who should care is you, do it or don't.

Nah they merged the quest lists, every single quest can be played solo or multiplayer with different health and stats on the monsters for each.

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>telling people to get rocksteady and temporal
>right before they nerf the shit out of them

Alchemist gauntlet from DDO

I used a sleep bomber build.

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Ninth gen was where the series peaked.

What the fuck man,how the fuck are you supposed to dodge Behemoth's 720 tail spin?? and is flashlight the only viable way to stop the fucking hurricane cast

No one actually cares, decide for yourself
Don't do it farming monsters for weapons is a lot more fun than fucking decos

i can't see the word sos without thinking of youtube poops from like ten years ago

>muh Frontier boogeyman in an age where World exists
Keep up boyo

Roll the tailspin, it's a lot easier than you think. For charybdis, either flash or move it to the edge of the area where people are less likely to run into it.

anyone have the chart with all the monster weaknesses and shit?

Dodge to the right as it's about to hit you.
Hit its head enough times to gain enmity and it'll stop casting charbydis.


Rocksteady isn't mentioned, that's ice proof

Have they shown any signs of Rusted Kushy?

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cool brachydios pics?

Safest way to deal with the tail is to roll it. Once it's cut it has no range either.

>dodges the first tail spin
>gets hits by the second spin



Possibly getting in, I suppose.

Are you supid? Ninth gen didnt even have all 42 rath versions

He only does it once, what are you talking about?

There’s a trophy for hunting 30 variants, and only 2 variants are confirmed so I’d expect 2 or 3 more of them to get in.

You might be standing to close to one of his limbs or head. They also have a hitbox
But yeah, it can hit twice if you're by his tail when he starts spinning.

Yeah but it’s still to this day the only gen that had the Khezu/Plesioth fusion hunt. Faggots like you who prefer endless Rath reskins are the reason we never got Redgreen Khezioth.

>ice expansion
>rust over the version that turns you in to a snowman

I am growing stronger than Steve

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anyone got something like this but brachy?

Attached: 1566594017724.jpg (1734x1244, 463K)

12th gen had khezu, plesioth, gypceros fusion that hipchecked you even if you werent in its quest which is why 9th gen cant compete nowadays

>clutch claw the monster
>ride it as it runs away so you don't have to chase it

Can't wait to use it on some shitter douchebag like Legiana that flies all the way to the top of the map.

I just really fucking miss Peco, lads.
I just want him to come home.

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Hey pard what happens if you Clutch Claw on Zorah Magdaros?

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Is there any concept art of Odogaron armor?

Wait until gen 53 user then he will return

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>clutch claw+rock steady on spinning rado/uragann

Attached: DXi2vKuX0AAz3q3.jpg (500x709, 68K)

>shitty bird wyvern that screams for help

>Calling for friends to play with = calling for help

How is rocksteady getting nerfed? Lower duration? No damage reduction? Duration reduction on effect activation like temporal?

What the fuck is this

>the Elderwyrm

Attached: Equal Dragon Weapon.png (942x678, 1.47M)

>He doesn't want Peco to show in in World to instigate turf wars
Absolute bottom barrel taste. Consider sanitation.

If they're his friends why are the Pecos extinct after one too many Jho.

Fuck off. Turf wars already happen too much. Now I just hate Peco because of you. Fucking faggot.

They should add three way turf wars exclusively for Queupeco, where the other two monsters are mad at him and go to attack but then he does some Roadrunner type shit and jumps out of the way so the they smash heads together and get stunned, then he runs away while dooting in triumph.

Rusted Kushala
Aurora Teostra
Blackhail Vaal Hazak

Calm down, Tyler. I'm only letters on a screen.

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here ya go

Attached: brachy.jpg (960x700, 95K)

thank you muchos gracias
also i cant find the rip for the concept art

>make a whole bunch of resources that have nothing to do with the monster or fighting the monster and force the turf gimmick even more

>No fun allowed
I recommend playing the psp games if you dislike flavor.

It’s more of a joke, I don’t actually want or expect them to implement something that complex for a single monster that doesn’t even factor into its fight.

Attached: Lagiacrus final form.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

who reddit here :)

>tfw when reddit

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Is this stories?

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holy mother of based

>haha hey guys we're getting a gen 5 MH for the switch
>What are you talking about, GenU doesn't count.

Isn't it on the panda? /mhg/ probably has it in their OP pastebin as well.

google "monster hunter illustrations volume 1" or volume 2, there is scans of both

I like that he still has his fingers underneath, but they were overgrown by the hard shell so much that they are permanently curled up underneath and become useless. I think it's even more prominent in the World design

Turf wars are the opposite of fun. They're neat the first couple times, then they just become a waste of time.

Turf wars would be great if the start up was actually smooth, and the outcome wasn't set in stone. At least let the underdog tie sometimes.

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Isn't that thing just the mech that the retarded mantis in GenU pulls up?

Are you blind?

well i cant archive download cause not enough funds :(

Turf wars should let the weaker monsters win if the stronger one is drained of stamina or low on health.

You're right my guy, must have been the other mechanical dragon they had sitting in the desert. Rookie mistake.

Am I the only one that liked 13 flagship, I thought it was cool that it was smaller than a Budgle and hit like elder dragon in LR.

Gog used the gore skeleton when on all 6 limbs and the fatalis skeleton when standing upright.

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because he spins twice doesn't he? does that mean the tail doesn't have any hitbox when he spins for the first time?

I loved how you needed red sharpness ro even damage it

>Monster partner in hunts never

It's an elder dragon frankenstein from a time when monster hunter looked like it would push a sci-fi angle more. Now we just get hints of past tech in some weapons and armor. We'll probably never get anything that unnatural in monhun now.

Attached: moofah meets equal dragon weapon.jpg (500x667, 91K)

Yeah, you're fucking blind.

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Man I hate this. I want to see bizarre and creepy ancient civilization locales and tech.

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it's an old concept back when Felynes were going to be Goblins

And instead, goblins are felynes.

And now, goblins are Handlers.


>fun as hell and the best to use all around, just switch between these weapons when you play this game seriously
>fun with friends
>gimmicky shit that is fun but you always feel like you could be using the REAL fun shit
>fucking range bitches please kill your self
>so boring I almost forgot it

Monster Hunter 64

grug make list


why can't tendies stop thinking about sperm? are they all gay or something? all their "insults" are spermsomething or somethingsperm, wth

kys schizo

grug make fire and wheel you use suck dick

They are what they eat I guess

dilate ranged tranny

Look at this Khezu!

Attached: khezu is the cutest monster.png (500x375, 155K)

Ah fuck, this dude was bad enough with fire.


>not putting people who started with World in their place

Attached: bigmcthankyfrommcspankys.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

>CB is gimmicky and not as fun as shit like GS and IG

Until you start chaining SAED and just dumpstering Tempered EDs in minutes you don't even know what satisfying is bro.

>mfw using Switch Axe against AT Nerg

I am literally not fast enough to attack him without getting punished by his fatass. A lot of people forget that one of AT Nerg's most dangerous buffs was getting such an upgrade to his size. His speed wouldn't be such an issue if he wasn't so fuckin big.

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How would you respond?

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>thread spontaneously went to shit

sorry bro I'm more of a "die never" kind of guy as opposed to you "die early" unga-bungas

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I'm pretty sure the upright position is unique to Gog, and is just reminiscent of Fatalis. The new final boss is going to be a redone Xeno anyway, since he borrows from Gog as well (upright standing position too).

>World IG

I too love dealing 0 damage at all times

Dont worry, Handler is here to save it

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>this is funny in reddit

I hate how large so many of the monsters are because they're impossible to keep not only in frame but visible so you can see their tells. I really wish the camera just went out further and AT nerg would be so much easier.

real tier list looks something like this

Unga Bunga: everything

AT Nerg is pretty stupid at times, if he does the quick slam mid animation you're pretty much fucked and there's not much you can really do about it. That's kind of just how it is with him. You could always just only approach with Temporal up and kill him that way I guess.

but that's the boring way to play CB

You can slot in evade window so you don't need the babbyblanket.

>Did people always focus so much on skeletons
Yes, people always mocked Crapcom for reusing old skeletons and making recolors ad nauseum but since MH community has been broadened this was overblown because a lot of people don't know shit about what they're complaining about.

Does World finally have enough content to warrant the price of entry? Played 4U recently and it fucking blew my mind, wanted to play World but I had heard it was pretty shit, yet it’s the only game in the series my friends own. Didn’t know if the DLC fixed it.

And whoever tell you otherwise is either a fucking newfag or a consolewarfaggot

skeleton hunter world really has not enough skeletons. i keep fighting the same skeletons over and over again. even the weapons from some of the skeletons look the same. they really need to add more skeletons, like the old skeleton hunter games.

I dunno bro, I think it's pretty fun! Especially with the animation cancel into AED afterwards, shit is cash money.

100% truth, but like if he wants easy AT Nerg kills you can't really get much easier.

>try to solo Behemoth
>doing alright
>time out in the middle of the final Ecliptic Meteor

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yeah but sick verts bro

i would argue it was even worth it on release. less monsters than older games, yes, but still very much worth the money. people saying world is shit are just stuck in the past and hate change.

>schizo wakes up
>both mhg and this thread went to shit

>I had heard it was pretty shit
Stop browsing /mhg/ and listening to doomposters. It's a great game with its own flaws like literally ever other game in the series. Give it a shot.

>I had heard it was pretty shit
The Handler is the only problem with World. Other than that, it's a good game

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You can do it user, just a bit faster next time.

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I know that feel. But my next run is when I finally succeeded. You're close, user.

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My favorite thing about CB is that incredibly satisfying *CLUNK* when you get a proper Guardpoint and stop some 10 tonne monster in its tracks and knock it the fuck out.


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hunter cant help but hoverhand her perfect skin.

You sure did, Crapcom shill.


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Imagine the smell..

I didn't want to be the one to say anything but it was only a mater of time lol

anyone know where I could download Monster hunter XX for Citra?

Come on user, I know that you are a desperate virgin but do not fuck a pukei pukei, that's bestiality.

He's in the base version of MHW, I don't understand what everyone's on about. Do you really think they'd include Teostra and Kushala without Chameleos? It makes no sense.

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handler looks real good from the back to be honest...

3dsiso has it, make sure to have your Adblocker on tho.

I’ll pick it up on the next sale then, guess around october.

He's always been there, Bad hitboxes? Chameleos.
Poison damage? Actually Chameleos.

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My brother. Moving from a guardpoint into SAED and breaking parts is just something special you can't get elsewhere

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>Oh! My good friend Gravios missed that Hunter because he's too tall and big! I'll just flick him instead. Gravios will be so pleased with himself!

What a total bro. We should all have a Chameleos in our lives.

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Fuck that, holy shit.

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Tags: ugly bastard, bruises

>666 in every post

>hunter glaring so hard at her hair to avoid looking at her face

>reddit mantles
Try playing like a man next time to achieve actual proves.

With each post Espingas grows stronger


10 days now, including today.
im so fucking ready.

>first time playing monhun, haven't looked up anything
>get to desert/swamp area, there's some fish monster i need to kill
>ooga booga it with my club for a while
>notice there's a cactuar on the side
>piss of cactuar
>it deals 1400 damage to the boss, dies after one more hit
Is this a common thing? Are there lots of environmental traps that just murder the bosses?

Attached: 1541863080995.png (968x852, 22K)
You drive a hard bargain.

>tfw PC

Attached: sadpanda.jpg (864x864, 142K)

Actual magic staff

The wait is so long I started Playing Disgaea 5 to fill my grindan game quota.

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Yes, although Cactuar is espesially strong one
Every map ans every locations have traps/ledges/beetles that you should abuse

nice moded quest :)
i also soled it on pc but in 1 sec

It'll before we know, time passes super quick nowadays
>monday is already over but I still feel like I'm stuck in friday

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>tfw there's so much shit coming out in the next few months that MHW:IB will be a pleasant surprise at the end of the year

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It's like a gunlance but without a shield, proper dodges and faster attacks

HBG feels like cheating compared to LBG.
Though LBG sleep bombing is pretty fucking cheat too.

>tfw is very likely that Terraria's update and MHW Iceborne will overlap

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I've never played Terraria, but I am looking forward to Spyro next week, which I've also never played. Somehow.

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Listen to the mounting versions


Why is that? I started using LBG recently and loved it immediately. I have never touched HBG though. What’s the huge difference?

Hibernate for five months.

Evereything you can do HBG can do better

>must-have mantles

Blademaster weapon with long range, only weapon that can deal bleed damage, which increases damage output the more you hit the monster and force it to move.
The weapon has a special, long setup counter that if landed properly will cause you to lasso the monster and topple it briefly. This ruptures all the bleeding instances you've caused on the monster and deals heavy damage.
So the idea of this weapon is that you have to constantly be attacking the monster and the more you do it the stronger the weapon gets.

Good SnS
Like regular SnS but without the fucking sword & shield combo hit that's worthless and deals no damage and is slow

Slower, but Glutton is the best one-trick-pony in the game. Speed doesn't matter when you shit out insane damage. Gets even worse (read: better) when you start factoring in mantles.

He’s in Iceborne. That’s all I’ll say.

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imagine playing with armor and upgraded weapons in world, lmao.
this game is so ez is only play with lvl 1 bone weapons, without armor and can beat anything in under 5 minutes, because the game is so fucking ez.
now if they would have put in a real challenge, like khezu and red khezu, that would have made the game MUCH better and more challenging.

HBG dmg output is surreal, and they never bother to balance it. Its the series tradition at this point
4-men HBG squad can kill extremoth in 2:30 min

>I've never played Terraria

Attached: 1472740144125.jpg (715x590, 141K)

It starts at R11, so it might be an ED, sub or a variant weapon. Unlikely to be just MR Radobaan.

Looks like the same pose Xeno does after he rears up to do his beam sweep.

>they never bother to balance it

Attached: suck it clusterfags.png (988x202, 19K)

you forgot the one delusional faggot who thinks anybody playing on PC is a cheater

>finally will be able to see just how badly Iceborne will run on my slip PS4 this week
This beta will decide if I'm gonna double dip again or not.

Why wouldn't you cheat? Grinding for a 0.05% chance to get the weapon you want is fucking gay. By the time you get it you'll be so burnt out you won't even want to play anymore.

>oh wow they ditch the new cluster spam and return to the good ol’ pierce spam instead
Yeah, balance
Just face it, HBG whole identity is being a fucking death squad

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As much as i hate cluster bombers i gotta thank you idiots for taking the nerf bat so real HBG chads dont have to.


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What's even the point of playing anymore in a game where the progression is based on loot once you have it all?

It's his way of coping that he can't craft them like every other MH game on console

Because KT is a really shitty gacha game.

doing TA speedruns, obviously

Heh, that's pretty good. But can you top THIS

You can enjoy a progression based game, even if you have it all, if you just have fun with the core gamepaly.
On the other hand, if you cheat to get all the top equipment, that means you didn't actually care about the core gameplay as much as you do about the gear in the first place.

>Behemoth: slain

Attached: gdi jho.gif (267x200, 134K)

when did /mhg/ start posting vids of themselves

>dalamadur higher than the black dragons
looks like /nfl/ needs to check its facts more often

Turf wars and environmental traps deal a certain % of a monsters max HP
Cactuar doesn't give a fuck, he'll always deal 100 damage ticks and ends with a bigger tick.
Cactuar murders low rank monsters if you lure them in.

A while ago.
>comments are disabled

Haha I’ve had that exact thing happen twice against Extremoth. Thank god you only need to kill it once. Can’t wait for MR Extreme King Behemoth!

user, I...

fatalis is a black dragon, which is the guilds canonical top tier threat level that they denote to a monster.
Dalamadur hasn't been given that tier so canonically he's not as big of a threat as the other black dragons

Behemoth and Leshen are confirmed not to show up in MR.

I played he former beta in my slim, its not optimal, but it isnt world ending, you get accostumed to it quickly

>temporal the entire fight
But why?

Except that Pierce is absolute trash against everything in vanilla World except Beetlejuice, Diablos, Xeno'jiiva, and Kulve Taroth phase 4. Spread is now just flatout better than Pierce even from its prime.

Taroth Glutton is quite possibly the most powerful non clust gun ever created.

>no MR Drachen
Speedrunners BTFO

dual giant boomerang. they come in either slice of impact damage.
the reason for two is that you can toss them both and there will be a smaller window where you can't attack.

standard attacks you use one boomerang as a sort of 1.5handed-sword/classic long sword but if you have both rangs on you you can branch attacks into multi-hit combos using both. There is a special attack you can make where you juggle both boomerangs and will consume with each toss. like the SA swings instead of horizontal movement the rangs are tossed upwards so you can hit tails and the like.

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I did too, and going back to low fps and input delay was already jarring after playing the game on PC for so long. But you're missing the important part about the third beta - Velkhana fight. I can only imagine how badly the fps will tank from all those ice effects during the encounter.

The more you rewatch that video the better it gets
>DOUBLE mantles (doesn't seem to do anything)
>instant charge hack
>stopping to carve the tail
It's Kino.

consume stamina*

Shield sword. Its a shield with a blade at the end and you power up it up by blocking monsters. Chain&mace its a slow weapon that has long range, there's also cutting version. Wheel blade basically a giant you can roll for mobility I'm not sure work in game.

Not bad

>comments disabled

Magnet Spike is kinda redundant in mainline since every weapon has a version of its gimmick now thanks to the Clutch Claw, but an original weapon with a magnet gimmick would be cool imo.

>Wheel blade

Attached: 2523.jpg (800x800, 240K)

Nice digits.
The general power creep and natural strengthening of the crit meta at G-rank will still lead to the appearance of the same monstrous meta sets.

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I stopped my interest with the weapon once I saw the hunter take out a gun

I just want punch gloves that can transform into pile bunkers. A phial based dual wield weapon to make DBs in a way.

Some of my hopes for Iceborne:
- No OP Armor like Drachen. (Already kinda confirmed by Behemoth not showing up in MR)
- Sharpness actually being a game mechanic again.
- Element not sucking ass on most weapons.
- More variety in what weapons you can use, instead of the highest non-elemental raw weapon.
- Not having a clearcut best armor set for any weapon.

Do you think my hopes will come true?

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Just give me Switch Axe F.

I'm with this user Give me a whip to just go Belmont on a monster's ass.

>Do you think my hopes will come true?
Well since they outright confirmed they're buffing the shit out of elemental so it's actually viable then probably.

enjoy your kulve 3.0 armor rng edition

"Don't go near the water"
Don't you think it's sad?
What's happened to the water?
Our water's going bad

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Justify this.

Attached: Untitled.png (965x786, 190K)

nothing to justify when 90% of games look like that
stats are probably similar on playstation

Zoomer autistic attention spans are really low. Can't even watch a tv show without checking their phones.

The Bigger They Are...

>he hasn't completed 50 optional quests or investigations yet
user, you're the one who has some explaining to do...

i'm not a zoomer, but i'm also not a boomer.
what am i?

>- No OP Armor like Drachen. (Already kinda confirmed by Behemoth not showing up in MR)
Assuming Silver Rath comes back, which it will, Silver Sol is probably going to be really strong
>- Sharpness actually being a game mechanic again.
>- Element not sucking ass on most weapons.
>- More variety in what weapons you can use, instead of the highest non-elemental raw weapon.
Already kind of confirmed what with all the buffs elemental damage is getting
>- Not having a clearcut best armor set for any weapon.
I mean it's not like this is a new thing with World. TA runs and meta sets have always been a thing, it just got a shitload more attention in World because there were less armour sets to choose from so it was easier to discern what was top tier. Also the skill system is a lot simpler in World.
Since Iceborne is getting a decent amount of new monsters, there'll probably be enough variety in the armour to make things a little cloudier in determining what's best

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...The Harder They Fall!

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A bing?

>almost as many people have finished the game as cooked a well done steak
Pcucnts have no rhythm

What if it's Gog?
Tar-like status is confirmed by Brachy's dickhead slime and Velkhana's breath attacks. And that Shara Ishvalda leak looks like a reskin too.

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He means an armorset with mastercraft not becoming ubiquitous, 4pc of drachen becoming meta made sharping more of a suggestion rather than a core mechanic

I aven't cooked a steak since like 2011

I'd rather die than take so long that I run out of stamina

>has Tempered monsters unlocked
>hasn't captured 50 monsters
>hasn't completed 50 investigations
>doesn't even have five rarity 8 armor pieces
You aren't in a position to judge

I think RNG charms also lent themselves to more armor setup experimentation than current decorations do. They were at least a little more dynamic to build around. With decos you either have them or you don’t.

500 hours in i haven't cooked a steak

There's no real reason to cook steaks in this game, so unfortunately it's believable.

literally no point in cooking a steak because by the time your stamina starts to drain the monster is already dead
you can also have the handler cook steaks and rations for you

>crown hunting
Save me from this hell

Attached: 1559034497537.gif (221x196, 410K)

>in this game
There hasn't been a reason to cook steaks since at least P3rd.

>Piscine wyverns never had a shit hipcheck hitbox, it was actually Chameleos all along trying to reinforce their self-confidence
>Lavasioth has a fixed hipcheck in World because Chameleos isn't in the New World yet

Attached: 1431279555009.jpg (300x400, 88K)

Worst part is finding good investigations t b h. Especially once you’re down to one or two monsters left and the game insists on giving you literally everything else.

just dont do it.
its just a virtual trophy.

The dedicated crown hunting event quests help A LOT, so grind those while they're up.
The only real ones oyu need to grind are EDs and B.Blos. But if you've been doing Tempered Investigations, you're likely to have a good chunk of ED crowns done already. B.Blos is a pain though.

>All those times little shit monsters like Jaggi managed to knock you on your ass with the tip of their tail was actually Chameleos making them feel like more of a threat.

What changed there? Cats can just cook them for you in FU.

Sharpness has been obsolete since Drachen and Teostra gamma let you make optimized sets with master's touch. Master's Touch+affinity skills = infinite sharpness.

Bulk steak grilling at the farm, so you never have to grill in the field. And 3U just had farmable energy drinks.

You can cook 10 at a time on a giant spit in the farm, over and over.

>i am the reinforcements that low
What's the point of you guys bragging about how you don't have to pay for online when clearly you all just play alone anyway?

At least sharpening still matters in classic MH.

Attached: 1563693389199.png (1280x720, 1.7M)

*rolls to sharpen weapon*
Nothin’ personnel whetstone.

*absolute readiness your post*

Absolute Readiness.
Razor Sharp.
Weapons with 100+ hits of White/Purple.

Yeah, right.


Uh. What other games are coming out around September 6 ? Won't they hurt iceborne sales?

>retard shitposter hasn't played the game he is shitposting about
wew lads what a surprise

Attached: 1440303249387.jpg (250x214, 13K)

The exact ones you just named.

In all seriousness who the hell likes sharpening? One of the reasons I play GS a lot is that sharpness is almost irrelevant. What an obnoxious mechanic

user iceborne is the big fish other games are worried about

There were 300k concurrent players at launch. Now there are 40k everyday. Those players that left are the 70%

I’m sure nobody does but it’s just one of those things that has made up the series identity for so long it would be really weird if they just removed it. Same could be said of other little quirks they altered or removed in World I guess, but I’m glad they don’t just scrub everything away.

Protective Polish

memelands 3

Only other game that would be considered a "threat" is Borderlands, but I doubt there's a massive amount of overlay between it and Iceborne

>Astral Chain -Aug 31
>Catherine: Full Body - Sep 3
>Final Fantasy VIII Remastered - Sep 3
>Borderlands 3 - Sep 13

Man I slept on Astral Chain so hard and it actually ended up looking really cool, but I’m going to wait until after Iceborne to play it.

Yeah, but two are ports with some added content and AC is switch only anyway.
So only Borderlands.


Attached: 1566355073641.webm (264x264, 83K)

was it intentional?

Attached: 1519197875325.jpg (640x620, 49K)

Iceborne is going to hurt all the others user

Absolutely. The best part about it is that it's an actual attack and hurts the enemies.

It adds a little depth into deciding what weapon to use.
There are weapons with long white sharpness with good attack.
There are weapons with short-medium purple sharpness with a little less attack.
Also deciding if you can just let the sharpness drop in a fight or if you need to sharpen to keep up the dps.
It's better than just staying in max sharpness with every weapon. Master's Touch is just way too busted with all the crit we can get in World. Even negative affinity weapons could get 100% easily. There should be a drawback to using Master's Touch. I'm not saying it should be removed. But you shouldn't get that skill on top of the best dps skills in one set.

The only game that could affect sales is FFVIIR, and I’m expecting major backlash from casuals on that because Square Enix in their absolute genius have neglected to mention at all in the marketing for the game outside interviews that it’s only episode one of the remake and not the full game.

>Yeah, but two are ports with some added content and AC is switch only anyway.
>So only Borderlands.
it's FF 8 remaster user, not 7 remake
>New promotional material today , does that mean Zinigga added to that shit or what

>that one nip that's looking at the empty space by the tail going JINOUGA?


Attached: 4B8E1289-DD86-43CF-9560-4E692B52F8CE.png (1125x2436, 3.72M)

>10 days left until ban on hunting! September 6 (Friday) Hunting ban!

Attached: 1671094abb5fc7703470fa508113111a.jpg (633x758, 67K)

Based hopeful nip.

Master Touch still only proc on crit so you still want weapon with decent amount of white sharpness hit because you might not crit if you aren't hitting the weakspot for weakness exploit crit bonus. If your build depends on max might for 100%, you might not crit if you attack when stamina is not 100%. In practice, you still lose some white sharpness even with master touch because you can't crit all the time.
WE actually got nerfed in Iceborne so it's probably harder to reach 100% crit all the time so master touch is even weaker.


Attached: thingken.png (534x645, 499K)


Attached: 1564119581912.jpg (900x1200, 156K)

>WE actually got nerfed in Iceborne
Depending on how you look it, it might have got buffed. Because the crutch claw turns any hitzone of 27 or above into a weakspot. You can now make your own weakspots, instead of aiming for the existig ones. Or in multiplayer, you can even turn the entire monster into huge weakspot.

Does that mean later today or is that the entire art?

>implying Zinogre isn’t in
He’s so obviously in it hurts.

I never needed to sharpen in World, except against edge cases like Lunastra. I know that in theory you can lose your sharpness still. But on most monsters it's not hard to hit weakspots almost all the time.
I guess we will have to see how easy it will be to reach 100% crit in Iceborne.

He's been leaked 4 times now

Why make an announcement just for one piece of promo art? It's gotta be important. But would they reveal something important in just a single image?
Does this mean we have a new video coming today too? If not a full trailer, but maybe a TV commercial?

I don’t know how well Google is translating that because I don’t know nip, is it implying that’s the art they were releasing today or are they teasing art for later? Because if it’s the latter we must be getting another monster reveal.

So I arrived at MHGU endgame and I'm farming Silverlos XR/Esu XR/Cea XR right now.
While I found a room doing H. Silver Rath., there was not a single room doing H. Deviljho or Savage Deviljho. Obviously no room for Shogun either.
I gave a turn room another try, but, as always, everybody was gone when my turn was coming close.
Is the game really that dead?
When looking for rooms, the 3 pages aren't even completely filled (I'm looking for HR 15+).
And the ones that are have either no description on what they are doing, are chinese or are hunting deviants.

Jap is vague as shit sometimes. It just says "new promo art release is today". It doesn't specify if the attached pic is THE thing, or just a teaser for it.

those are optional, smoothbrains

Attached: F5D40654-72E5-41CB-B273-AA2E1DC4CC4E.jpg (1125x1225, 858K)

Your (You)s are optional.

That's 100% Zinogre's foot, lmao.



Really makes you think.

Attached: f09562000422374b43ad472fa13b6dce.jpg (800x600, 238K)

It's Brachy's.
it's not like they CUT Zin from the picture.
If he's supposed to be in, he's entirely on another layer. You don't just cut his upper half and forget the legs.



Attached: AD5FD503-32F6-46B7-951B-A5982F094361.jpg (708x912, 122K)

It's literally Velkhana's tail you morons

stupid argument.
armor and weapon upgrades are optional too.