Great Debate

Okay Yea Forums lets settle this

Attached: whichisit?.png (1579x719, 211K)

It's left, faggot

It's already been confirmed to be a beard but it looks way too much like a smile, that's why the current Steve skin uses a sort of 5 o'clock shadow

Attached: dcyooxh-57910a03-d296-4ad4-b3ce-a740704dde34.png (724x878, 151K)

literally nobody thinks it's the right one

>giving a fuck about autismcraft
You faggots are almost as bad as the wow classic niggers.

stop shitting up this board you stinkie aspie

I always interpreted more as a closed mouth grin than an agape smile.

So far we hav 3 for beard, 1 for smile (though closed) and 2 abstain

steve is a nigger

Go back to your waifu threads faggot

black people don't have blue eyes, dumbass

Cry some more asipe.


black people aren't even people, dumbass

Is steve supposed to look brown, or is he supposed to be covered in dirt because he's mining?

He's supposed to be dirty. See the partially untucked shirt

Attached: Sneeds.png (900x498, 20K)



Attached: 9e2.jpg (572x303, 123K)

okay which is it.

they really should redesign steve. Hes just programmer art.

>what's alex?

a different character that could essentially be considered a skin? I'm saying Steve is basically the face of minecraft, you'd think they'd touch him up a bit. The teal and blue pants is pretty garish.

it's very clearly left, what the fuck user