Maximum Kek
Maximum Kek
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For real though, did Blizzard not anticipate this, why didn't they prepare more servers?
>you think you do but you don't
They did. I'm not sure why you're asking for more servers.
They should have tripled server capacity and used a dick load of layering for the first 3 days atleast.
Then slowly rolled things back to normal once all the normies went back to work and stopped playing at level 10
Having to wait a bit for a queue before playing is cute. Having to wait hours and hours to play, and barely even able to play once you're in the game, kills all the hype. I can't believe how horribly managed this launch is.
>but its always been like this
Not an excuse this time, for something as hyped as this. It fucking blows when no one can even play it on launch day.
They have pretty much doubled the amount of servers since the initial ones opened up. They had 6 open up just today alone.
they could have just partitioned some of the retail servers to host Classic since 3/4s of those aren't even being used anymore
cry more faggot
just play it tomorrow
because its launch day and every single server has hour long queues, regardless of making more servers. also real talk this is going to actually kill retail because ain't nobody going to even think about progressing in that boring tripe after this. and I used to be a mythic raider in a top guild and quit shortly into BfA in disgust after seeing just how bad its gotten.
So? That doesn't matter. Why would you open more servers?
This is the most hyped launch in the history of MMOs and you're all just saying "play it tomorrow" or "wait until the weekend"
Do you guys not see how fucking ridiculous that is?
>maintenance tuesday
>repeat this shit again tomorrow
>can't sit in queue and play bfa simultaneously
this kills bfa
I don't think anyone ever said it was DOA. I know for sure people are confident that it won't make it past a quarter.
We all knew there would be queues, but it feels like they underestimated how many people would want to play, by several orders of magnitude. It seems they truly didnt anticipate how many people would want to play this on day one
It’s not an excuse when it’s the reality that had always been and always will be. Don’t like it, don’t play. And stop acting like shit should just magically work perfectly. You’re one of those cunts who say “but it’s 2019 why is this happening?”
>and the goal post moving begins
Low pop servers have zero wait, medium servers only have like 10 minute waits.
they didnt want to waste resources on something that will be dead a year from now
Probably because the initial hype will die off later
bfa is so fucking boring and easy its essentially a non-game. if anything they should start porting some modern features into classic like new models and graphics (optional of course) and just ditch retail entirely because nobody's gonna be playing that shit from here on out. and if they are they're going to be wondering what the fuck they're even playing it for when the superior version is available.
people don't realize it but modern WoW is literally fucking kill now because of this, and its been long overdue.
That's nothing lol
Its a fucking game we payed for, maybe we should expect it to work
they still think classic will fail
Anyone still going whitemane? Stuck at 17k
They did. They just don't want to have as many servers up that will meet the demand for release hype, only for them to end up being dead in a few months. They're trying to avoid the problem Retail has where there are dozens of severs that are completely dead
The burst of hype and newbies saying "I love this! wow!" will die fast when they aren't level 40 in a week and still have no mount
the real problem is you cant even talk to NPCs because too many people are trying to talk to them
is their a classic wowhead or database?
>included in retail wow's subscription for free
we're not playing today
Oh shit maybe they can restart the lore and fuck it up again
>moving goalposts
WoW will be dead soon guys, for real this time. well in a way you actually are right, retail WoW will be dead soon unironically
dont pretend that tons of people didnt re-sub just for classic
queue position 10k... home...
lol in 6 months only the streamer server will have medium pop, with the rest being low or "new player friendly" ie not another soul
Classic servers won't be down for maintenance tomorrow
This is fucking disgusting
Hows EU queues on the big servers?
What's the most based EST server bros? Skeram, Herod or Faerlina?
Explain what happened?
because they don't want a dozen dead realms when you niggers leave in a week
Fortnite has 10 million players logging in and playing simultaneously with over 250 million total accounts.
I think if Epic Games can manage 10 million players playing at a single time, Blizzard could have figured this out.
herod has been fucking based so far
eceleb faggotry is not video games
How is this any different than just waiting for it to respawn? So you got it faster? so what?
>tfw rolled on a realm that was medium pop during name reservation, was supposed to have little to no queue
>have been in queue since 4:30 PM, 30 minutes before release
>still in queue at 9:37 PM, 5 hours later
Right now every single server has 10 times the population of the biggest vanilla server. You are saying the population will drop by 95-99%?
>tfw "warcrack" wasnt a joke
>tfw warcrack was inspired by the crack epidemic ruining families, jobs, friendships, relationships, crack leads to not eating, multiple nightlong binges, irritability, addiction
welcome home boys
Because there is zero point paying extra for something that will only happen for a few days. It's the reason why literally every game ever experiences this. Devs are preparing for when things get stable, not for when the entire population is all trying to login at the same second. That's just wasted resources for every other moment of the game's lifespan.
Blizzard wanted to create Classic to shove it in the player’s faces to show them nobody wanted it. It was their own ego. Deep down they knew this would happen. Tell me I’m wrong.
Go to bed boomie :^)
But Epic is bankrolled bu tencent, which in turn is literally funded directly by chinese government.
Been waiting 2 hours from 17k to 9k im going to kill myself
there is literally software and servers that handle flexible loads now
blizzard is just being jewish
They did, but if there's no wait on launch day it will make it look like DOA
give me a (you) if you've fapped while waiting for this queue
Why spend money on servers when the game's population will tank in a matter of weeks? Are you retarded?
There's no point in even playing one of those realms if you can't get in tonight. They won't have the same quality of players as the bigger servers that launched first.
im fapping right now
if they truly believed nobody would want classic they wouldn't have panicked and opened up a bunch more servers at the last minute, made layering to try to control the massive influx of players that of course wouldn't be playing, remove skeletons to try to control abuse form people that wouldn't be playing, and STILL FUCKING FAIL REGARDLESS OF IT ALL. 15 YEARS LATER AND THEY MAKE THE SAME GOD DAMN MISTAKE!!!
going on almost 5 hours in the queue. still 6k left. i thought i picked a dead server ;_;
>tfw 13 year olds will try to see what all this older brother 25 year old doomer talk is about
>ruins childs life
>the cycle continues
>classic wow is forever
>bc doesnt come
>if does
>classic still there :)
>it wont die
>warcrack is for forever
Same friendo. Think we're getting in tonight?
>all these people saying there will be a dropoff in players
Yeah, sure. But I dont think the dropoff will be so dramatic that it should be so slow now
tbf it's design reflects a phone game
in 10 minutes it will be 4 hours waiting on Bigglesworth and thats when i decided to play my alt before my main which in on Whitemane
Same bro
>all these idiots getting tricked into playing on new servers only for them to die under a week
hope you are ready for paid transfer, goy
hehe u mad jj brack???
>it's vanilla they said
If only I could play a Worgen in Wow Classic.
why don't the servers say whether they're east coast or west coast god dammit
>lol classic wow is dead on arrival
>lol there are massive lines to get into classic wow servers
why does it seem like blizzard wanted this to fail so bad?
17099 whitemane
whats a snack or food i can eat without getting my hands dirty?
It's been like this for over half an hour
Artificial scarcity.
gogurt, or lick popcorn out of a bowl
waiting for 5 hours and 15 minutes, queue went from 7k then to 300 now. any moment now, guys. stalagg btw
very based
Did you guys sign up for those new serves they put up? Like 4 new US servers. I only had a roughly 300 person wait.
i dont get it?
because their turd (which is vanilla too) would mean they made very bad decisions throught those 15 years. It's fight so they wont be ashmed of their abomination of game.
>almost 4 hours later
Once I get in I'm setting up a fucking anti-afk script
enjoy getting banned
I have all night. I waited 5 hours, I can wait a couple more. I just hope these queues will go away soon.
I was worried about this. I figured it'd be worth it to beat the queue but now I'm not so sure
there was only 1 low pop server on NA and 2 med pop, one being the RPPVE server.
Every other server was full with 2 or 3 high pop.
There were NOT enough servers on NA at least
The streamers asked for invite to a group on another layer to kill the rare spawn he had already killed.
Rare hopping didn't exist in vanilla and is a big thing when comes to farm mobs and rare mats, like the BLACK LOTUS.
Every server is "medium" pop right now and AFAIK every one has a queue. It doesn't make any sense.
Rattlegore was medium when I logged in. Am I going to have to wait in queues tomorrow to play? fuck
Is anyone else stubbornly sticking to their server because they were one of the first to reserve a character on it, and just want everyone who joined after it was high/full to fuck off?
I'm just going to roll another character on a lower server until Whitemane is empty enough to get in.
>all these idiots getting memed into playing on the new realms that will be dead in a month
That's clearly out of date. Rattlegore isn't even on that list
>clicking "change realm" and choosing the same realm again lets you skip the queue
wish I had found that out earlier
Can anyone not playing now post the queue sizes for each of the servers?
I'm getting pretty close to just switching to a low pop one right now
Kill yourself
What's the cutoff for new realms
can't believe this worked
5 hours in and still 526 in queue
All post-launch realms will be dead
>tfw decided to stop trying to play on the cuck servers and have been playing for the last 90 minutes
Feels great
same, but 200 to go here
Locked at 202
I was so fucking close bros
Well...waiting to get in the game certainly is nostalgic right? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
oh boy, can't wait to create my blood elf paladin
what's the goto cuck server
The cuck servers are herod/whitemane/stalagg
>This is the most hyped launch in the history of MMOs
It certainly isnt shadowbringer
Someone should bring back thottbot to relive the classic days.
asmongold just got kicked lol
At least 60% of the people trying to play tonight will not be playing in a week, I guarantee it.
>just went from 8k to 5k position
Did the server disconnect a bunch of people? Hope they enjoy the endless queue.
You jest, but Classic+ might legitimately give us worgen after Naxx. The Seige of Gilneas could be a raid and the restoration of Quel'Thalas could be a second priority.
Have Blood Elves join the alliance this time and have Worgen join the Horde since their fleeing into Silverpine and doing battle against Arugal's forces would put them with the forsaken, and don't bring up any fucking retarded Scythe of Elune bullshit this time.
Greedy fags that have been on for 3+ hours need to log off already
Yeah, now he's mad about the queues. Wasn't mad earlier.
4 1/2 hours and still going.
wtf is this bugged? the minimaap doesnt show the quests markers
looks like most big streamers got dced
and here i am can't even buy a sub with blizz balance
atleast let me put my character in the inn for my rested xp
he DESERVES this
Feels good
Yeah they said they'll fix it soon dont worry
This is a self fulfilling prophecy. Of course they wont be playing, they have to wait 3-5 hours to queue into the server and likely will get disconnected at random. Intentionally fucking with your consumers tends to piss them off I hear.
Anyone have a clip of Asmon DC?
I remember the 1.5k queues back in vanilla took like 2.5 hours and it was a bunch of afk people too.
>now he's crying about "what about muh streamer privilige????"
i don't even care about wow, this shitshow's really entertaining to observe
im guessing the streamer had one of his viewers invite him into a layer which had the rare mob he needed to progress, instead of waiting for it to spawn like everyone else
>eceleb thread
24K peopleahead of me. The hardest part of classic is getting into the game it seems
The server cap in vanilla was 2500
I too would like to see this
i was in one of those once
Warsong US
>wow classic
>literally an e-celebrity event
Suck it.
>wait in queue to log in to game
>finally get in game
>wait in queue to kill quest mob
He says he's furious and is going to contact Blizzard. Lmfao
Ah yes the vanilla experience
Go back to your stream and donate from your CC to get attention.
Best I can get.
Wow, YOU guarantee it?
everytime i tuned in he was sperging out about something.
what is he so assblasted about? did he expect the servers to run flawlessly?, i dont wanna defend blizz but this was inevitable no matter what.
he's mad because hes going to fall behind other players
It's like when nightclubs make people wait outside so that it looks like it's cool and everyones trying to get in.
Except the club sucks, fuck blizzard.
nice queue simulator, wowtards.
meanwhilst, i'm having a comfy evening questing and shit with nary a worry.
t. esochad
For real, are there more people in queues right now than actually playing?
what nine thousand?
he was mad as soon as servers went up
No queues because no one wants to play your shit game.
I'm playing right now idiot lmao
>taking a picture of your monitor with your fucking cell phone
>People are actually subbed to retail
Didn't Diablo 3 do the same bullshit with error 37 or 3006?
I got up at 7:30am on my Rostered Day Off for this bullshit and still not in after 5 hours
Nearly there
how is that even an excuse to have a shitty launch, fucking blizz ffs
Blizzard knows their fanbase is full of shit, and after a few months everyone will get bored of classic, like Blizzard had always said.
have fun ausbro, we're lucky that the game didnt drop in the evening like some other countries
I hope you all get in and have a great time playing a game that you truly love.
Ignore the shitheads. Fuck Blizzard.
t. Never played a single second of WoW.
wowfags BTFO
get rekt fucking faggots
>haven't moved out of my chair since i started playing at 6
>want to fap but not sure how long the queue will be on grobbulus if i log off
Because merging servers is desperate shit user.
how come asmon only has 130m wait time with 15k people wheras i've got a 190m wait with 3k people?
Dual monitors exist for a reason.
>Not masturbating while leveling
Come on user, that's what everyone else is doing in line
It estimates turnover as well as length of queue. People on asmon's server connect and disconnect more often than the people on your server.
If it's the same server then I have no fucking idea. Blizzard is shit.
the duality of man
That I am thankful for at least, I was tempted to just go into the PvE server, but I have waited this long and want the true experience.
Going to be playing all night and fucked for work the next day, no regrets
ah that would make sense, im in OCE and arugal is our only PVP server so people arent bouncing between any other realms. cheers.
[Seething basic ERP bitch sounds]
yeah cunts now you have to make an original name. You're welcome.
ridiculously based
I logged out to eat food like a fool
>pic related :(
how the fuck are these queues so large?
They should have at least created 2 for each on the Aus Servers, it has been 5 hours and still counting
you forgot to grab the most basic tranny name, Lexi
The first person I've seen that snagged some legitimately impressive names and on an RP server no less.
are talents at 10 or 15?
I think they want it.
>Not afking in an inn and moving every so often to keep yourself in the server while you eat
i got in and couldn't complete the first quest because of how crowded it was and everyone going after the same mobs,
"We’ve just opened a new realm in the Oceanic region:
Yojamba PvP AEST
We suggest that players choosing an Oceanic realm consider this one, as other realms currently marked as “Full” population will experience extended queues.
Thank you!"
I don't fucking trust going out just to check the realm to see it being full, I am not waiting this long again
He's pitching a fit hahahhaa
Half the servers are low pop on eu.
It's my greatest mistake in years
hearty chuckle
Blizzard doesn't give a shit about it. This is just for quick buck. Anyone who thought otherwise should be completely ashamed of themselves for falling for Bliz's bullshit AGAIN.
>why didn't they prepare more servers?
remember this is a monday night, just wait until friday night.
You know most of those names are against the rules right? Fucking retard
Who here /toobusyplayingFF11togiveafuckaboutwow/? I can't be the only one who never touched this pile of shit MMO when the superior product existed
Only.....188 minutes to go
>Going to be like this for the next few weeks
Fuck this
Are the new servers full already?
as in retail?
Ok to jump the queue do the following
>Login to the game
>Choose your realm
>Join the queue
>Press alt+f4 to bring up the console window
>Type "dev" and press enter
>Choose your character
You're welcome
In the last hour I've moved from ~530 to 500
holy shit this works!
I'm surprised no one knows this. A very old trick
it really is home
Why are people actually waiting in line? What kind of reddit shit is this?
server restarts on eu lmao
I've played on Kronos for the past 4 years for free I can't believe you niggers really gave your shekels for something that's free
i love my barefoot nelf!
He wanted a genuine Classic experience.
He got it.
I can't believe you played on a shitty knockoff server for 4 years.
About to boot it up for first time... A- Am I going home ?
> 6 hours of playtime
> regret haircolor
> forced to reroll
so this is the power of classic
yo futa better have a big dick or i'm going to be angry.
i thought they patched that shit out back in BC, not your method the actual one.
You had to press some buttons on the login screen and it would skip the Q. Was an admin command.
Yeah for free at my own pace when I feel like it it's there I don't have to pay shit and you're Implying that's not what Blizzard is selling you including fucking gay ass sharding and a fucking nigger rigged game engine
they didn't put in a barbershop?
Are purists really that anal about a 15 year old game we beat when we were 12 years old?
the post
Yeah, this is a historically accurate mmo launch day.
I don't think anyone is bothered by the barbershop but it's not worth opening Pandora's box for.
If I try to log in then go to bed and miss my opportunity to log, is there a consequence?
Yeah, I'm thinking we're home boys.
Wtf got home from work late and greeted to this. Will it work tomorrow ?
ocd can be treated.
Yeah just plug your ears and ignore all the negativity
WHAT 9000??
red haired night elf is worth anything.
no, you always wait 2 weeks after launch when people go back to work.
Imagine be this kind of sad retard
>168 minutes
>91 minutes
>198 minutes
>190 minutes
this is true for basically all launches ever
i expect all the bandwagoners to be gone, but it might take a bit longer than a week
>3 min
Been in queue for 4 hours now. Seems like I have a few to go still.
Who else is watching Asmon sleep while waiting in queue?
Who /rattlechad/ here?
how do i see what server i'm on? i forgot when i queued and i'm scared to dc
Yeah imagine waiting in a line in a video game for a mob that respawns quickly.
>finally get in
>Server shutdown in 0:30
Dumb furfag
They told people to change servers
what did blizzard mean by this?
What the fuck is this bullshit, I almost got in and now the servers are down. Thanks for the authentic classic experience blizz
>Don't you see? We NEED layering in order to avoid overpopulated servers?
Can't wait for the population to dry up in a month to the point that they need to merge low pop realms and retarded layering defenders can finally see how stupid they really were.
I watched like 5 minutes of that ass mong just to see what was going on, he was complaining because he couldn't tag any mobs "mong I'm losing xp omg i'm falling behind", like in a panic lol fucking hell just chill out and enjoy it
7 hours.
>servers down
Blizzard knew I shouldn't miss that morning fap
I logged in at 6pm EST no waiting at all. It was pretty great being one of the first people to step out of the spawning point.
Don't be late idiot
He wants to get ahead for uncontested spawns, once you fall behind you'll stay behind, if you get ahead you'll stay ahead.
Fucked anyway though by the 20k queue.
aaaany moment now . . .
For some reason the hair color i use on NELF in retail looks like shit in classic. same hair color. im so triggered
>3 minutes
>Back up to 160 minutes
>spent two hours autistically adjusting chat windows on multiple characters
>log in at exactly 00:00
>stuck 5 minutes in loading screen
>waste 1 hour tagging Sarkoth
>whole layer disconnects
>5 hour queue
>finally get in
>get to play for 10 minutes
600 left bros. I just want to make my characters before I go to bed ....
except nobody who hasn’t already paid can see the line
>brilliant marketing
It's already back up lmao
>Nobody is going to even think about progressing in that boring tripe
>Not when we can start over from the beginning
Honest question, would you keep gobbling this shit up if they rereleased BC and Wrath too?
Oh they added Noggenfogger PvP, that's a pretty cool name
>first played WoW when I was 6-7 years old on my dad's account
>14 years later I'm waiting in queue to play on my dad's account
eu back
now the server list needs a scroll bar
Lies. Can't get past character select. Just sticks you in a loading screen for a bit then gives world server is down.
you don't play with your dad?
>World server down
Who said anything about trannies dude? Why are you so obsessed with them?
t. Tranny
That server list gets bigger every time I log in
it's actually emma
LOL these comments are especially funny personally knowing tranners that chose these names.
source? I might pull a fast one
So you people actually pay a monthly recurring fee for this shit? If it were a one time payment then maybe but come the fuck on
My laptop broke. I played legion with him.
>not playing a pally
Well you get >retail with it.
Pretty based
Are the rumors that Druids cant tank really that true or are they exaggerated?
Prozac (fluoxetine)
>waited hours to get through a 12k queue
>down to 150
>my fucking internet goes out because spectrum is 3rd world fucking garbage
I swear to christ
>80,000 people are watching this
shoutout to yurodumbs that stayed the night
I just wish I could use this hair
i want to die please fix eu
omw home!
If you care that much about what your character looks like then vanilla isn't the game for you.
i was just about to do call of fire eu pls
mining + leatherworking for money or mining + blacksmithing for gear?
Okay bros it was fun but I think its time we need some Classic+ style adjustments.
>Free/cheap respec
>Built in quest tracking
mang0 has been waiting in queue literally all day
>log into retail to kill time while in queue
>get bumped off Classic
What the fuck?
Dude literally can't even care enough to spell. Thousands of quality streamers on twitch and some balding manlet with a whore girlfriend is breaking the rules and twitch is turning an eye to it.
God twitch is a shit show. Can we just reset the fucking internet I want to go back.
because Blizzard is retarded and doesn't want you passing the time how you like.
Has WOW changed that much for people to consider "classic" as a different game from today?
>mfw all the tourists leave for good in a month and servers balance out
is that a fucking hobo
eu back dummies
Logged in 10 minutes before launch. I'm 63 in queue now. I'll probably get disconnected too.
Fucking kek
And the changes made the game worse? Or do people just want to play for nostalgia and in 3 months the classic servers will be shut down?
Why are you niggers joining full servers and then complaining they're full?
The EU server I picked, I ran my character to Org and it lookedlike I was the only person there. Maybe the sub shit going down might explain it, or the fact it was 4 am
I'm really scared I picked one of the servers that will die because of this.
most changes to WoW have been a bad thing in the grand scheme of things. There are a few that are totally good, but the vast majority slowly made the game worse as more and more changes piled up
>light leather for 5 silver
that is an absolute steal
Meanwhile on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Orgrimmar:
I don't know about you guys, but this was maximum comfy for me.
>made char on new pvp realm, medium/high population, but no queue
>first hour, absolute chaos, 4 people camping every mob spawn, 20 people standing on the rarer mob spawns
>then half an hour "world offline"
>then got in, rerolled in another starting zone, not too crowded, but still a lot of people, just enough to still be able to get shit done
>find a group for every quest, socialize, make friends
Too bad the realm will probably be low population in about a week
Do I roll a Undead Warlock?
>try to report asmon for sleeping on stream
>Sorry, a network error occurred when submitting your report. Please try again later.
human warlock is best
>542 in queue
>6 mins left
>line forming for quest
>just stroll past and ninja the loot
>spit on people as I walk back
There are two servers for all of oceania and asia.
A billion niggers are trying to get on two servers. The queues are in the 30-40000 range
fucking ridiculous.
Alright lads, I gave my $16.50(AUD) to blizzard. I've never played WoW outside of a trial to 20 in Cata and my friends are all on horde.
Sell me on a race/class before I just pick preist and roll a dice for race.
Fuck off back to retail then.
I gave up
Goodnight Yea Forums
pick priest, almost no one is rollnig priest as far as I could see in undead starting area anyways
You didn’t. Eventually all of the people waiting to get into Herod will learn the server cap is 2,500 people and they literally have to wait for every single person on the server to log off 10 times before they can play, people will migrate to other servers
These clown shoes motherfuckers are probably the worst ISP I've ever had
Fuck those guys
Druid tank memes aside, should I drop Feral Aggression for Furor? I feel like FA would be more wanted/useful >if I get into raids, but Furor in dungeons between packs.
>cap of 2500
pulling a number out of your arse because you don't want to admit you started on a dead server.
That's generous. They've been claiming to be too poor to upgrade their infrastructure to 3rd world standards for 20 years. I'm beginning to suspect that they're lying.
That was the population cap in vanilla, look it up. Blizzard did say they increased it, but they mentioned not wanting to increase it too much because they’re worried of servers being too big to fit on a single layer, which it needs to be when phase 2 launches
I bet some asshole is already level 60.
>he chose to play on the streamer server with the 80,000 other zoomer retards
>having to wait in a queue for 10 hours only to log in and compete with thousands of others for the same mobs and same quests and same drops
>all the while his zoomer streamer and his orbiters go further and further away
This is what you get. You deserve this for picking the maximum population servers.
>literally said they were gonna have a lot of crazy sharding on the first day
>private server fags still are surprised
jesus christ you fuckers are dense
Yea Forums was right
Thalnos is HUEHUE city man the monkeys took it over
>buy for a product
>not able to use it
Remember when the XIVtards were bragging about their queues?
horde faggot deserved it
it was announced day blizzard released server names, its fitting you play paladin
What were they at?
you know it bitch
They fucked up by releasing only 2 PVP servers in Europe. By the time they released new ones, it was already late. Now most of´em sit on "Low" with people sticking to the original ones in panic of having an empty server in 3 months
>10 hour queue for whitemane
alright fuck this server
There's a server that isn't full but I'm afraid if I start on it it'll be a ghost town in a few months and there are no server transfers.
>you think you do but you don-
Anyone else roll on Gehennas?
yeah it will be. no one is dumb enough to fall for the emergency server meme.
Bless you, user.
You are a good man
What people don't realize is that a relative ghost town is still enough to fill an entire server when the layers are gone.
>log 10 minutes early, and get in with no queues at all
I logged in 10 minutes early and got hit with 20k people...
I don't know if I should main undead or human warlock...
Undead makes more sense and is aesthetically great, but I really dislike the rest of the horde.
>switch to low pop server
>no more wait time
Wow, that was hard.
2 weeks later can't find 5 people to run sfk and can't transfer
>Excited to play with friends
>All secluded themselves in a discord and none of them will respond to me for some reason
Welp, now i'm all alone, what do i do
Meanwhile on reddit
You'll be so loved on the ally side since there's half the number of warlocks to go around.
Check if your mic is actually working.
I waited in line too Yea Forums. Until some nigger jumped the line. Then I Jumped in with muh boys and stole the tag from some other group.
>level to 16
>get d/ced for 0 reason along with all my friends
>server doesnt go down
>log back in but theres no grace period like there is on pservers
>12k in queue
git efficient
I'd be surprised if this interest lasted. Lots of people simply don't know how bad classic was, they will drop this faster than the fist of the north stare once the honeymoon phase is over in a week or so and realize how garbage it is.
holy shit it worked
imagine this launch without layering
Top kek anti-layer fags btfo
wouldn't need if if they have enough servers pre launch
layer is a lazy solution to a problem blizzard themselves artificially created
Any of you guys get booted from Whitemane while playing?
>did he expect the servers to run flawlessly?
They are, it's just the wait times.
yes but luckily my queue was only 30 minutes so i got to log in pretty much right after nutting
I've come around to it. Merging 40 servers down to 10 in two months would suck ass.
>tfw playing Dota 2 while in queue after dcing cause of the server.
>tfw prelogged 30 min to release and had no que on whitemane
Suck my dick nerds, already lvl 12 with 5 greens and 60 smithing.
Hope you get disconnected fag.
God damn living the dream.
>Stuck at work for the next 6 hours
It's because everyone is playing on whichever server they can log into if their favorite is full. This shit will even out in couple of days.
>what is he so assblasted about?
I'm pretty sure he expected privileged guaranteed access to servers because he's a big shot.
i was level 17 when i was dced 10 mins ago
>mfw this is entirely authentic
People are quick to forget Blizzard actually STOPPED SELLING THE GAME for a while back then because they couldn't match the population with what few servers they had. No one expected WoW to be such a runaway success and infrastructure was not ready.
I'm Australian so playing an oceanic server. It was listed full too, though, and they had to add another one
First few minutes was nuts, they had the northshire wolves set to respawn in like a second or two, people running and yelling and dancing every which way, it was a madhouse
I finished for the night, 10 hour power grind to stay ahead of my m8s.
Rip, I work in 5 hours an it's 10 hour days all week as I took today off so don't feel too bad.
>"get in line bro"
>"sure thing man"
>*mashes Tab and an instant spell like a madman*
He's a whore that sells his fake outrage for views.
>try to play on the most populated server
>complain that it has a queue
You guys aren't very bright are you?
Firemaw was supposed to be an extra server to help unload a bit of players from the original 4. Not become the server with the highest number of players of them all!!
Then play on Mograine or one of the other new servers.
Everyone is still in Durotar, and speedfags are powerleveling in Barrens.
I'm honestly thinking about slowing down a lot for casuals to catch up. The powerlevelers are pretty much retail tier autists who barely manage to say hello.
WoW told me my 20,000 person queue would be 5 min. I should have screen capped it.
I got disconnected for no reason and now the queue is 2 hours haha
Arrogance and Fragile Egos. More of that you think you do but you don’t mindset. They REFUSE to believe people would prefer and come back to classic wow in droves. It would admit that retail is a fuckup, that the last 10 years were a mistake.
That is part of the classic experience tho
Fairbanks only has a 2k queue. Within an hour, I'm in.
What's wrong, isn't this the nostalgic WoW experience?
This is MUCH easier than actual classic launch.
Blizzard certainly hasn't gotten any better at predicting server loads though
Bros I never played WoW before, what profession should I take for my undead wizard? I want to do pvp eventually.
Suffer not the furry to live
So can you wall walk in it?
tfw they can take our wings but they can never take our memory of what it was like to fly...
cant wait to get to BWL so I can do that exploit that lets you join BG's as an invincible teamless agent
Well you see user, millions of loser faggots are paying the billion dollar corporation activision blizzard to play a 15 year old game.
So it's funny to laugh at them.
It's tuesday what the fuck are you doing at home?
I fucking knew it, the line shit is pure reddit.
Uhh, leveling a paladin is kinda boring you guys, why didn't anyone tell me?
Did you know that when one guy gets reported by like 4 people he gets booted off the server?
>wake up few hours before you normally wake up
>login in to queue
>go back to sleep for few hours
>wake up to play
Any power leveling tips?
group up?!
I got in after an hour lockout in the characters select, then got to level 10, got four light points, gathered westfall quests, got staff training now its time to sleep.
Right on schedule.
Suck it nerds.
How is that power leveling tho, u just share exp.
There's no way that can be right!
Dont hit the same mobs DUH less downtime I guess...
>convinced friends who have never played wow to play with me on classic
>spent hours goofing around questing discovering new things meeting new people
>after a few hours we call it a day making sure we are all the same level before we log off
>we all logged of at an inn sleeping in the same room after several hours of questing and having a grand time.
feels good to be home.
Not herod there is a leveling guild called blacked.
I wish I have friends, everyone I grouped with today left before even turning in the single quest we did.
We did a lan party but i was only undead.
desu they were irl friends but still we already had an absolute blast playing.
there is always hope friend. You'll find it soon enough.
Tried to log on shortly after launch. In queue for 5 hours, with an estimated 5 hours before I get on. Have a nap for 3 hours. Disconnected. Queue is even longer than before.
Begone, fag, you are not welcome here
No it wouldn't. It'd be one single command to execute a script written months in advance. Simple copy of records from one database to another. Honestly, shouldn't take more than 5 minutes total to do.
i thought i wanted it but I didn't
Is that Patrick Stuart dressed as Lenin?
Has anyone considered that all the people who have had retail wow subscriptions would likely log into classic wow on release day? They don't have to pay extra and not a whole lot is happening on retail.
>MFW entering the starting area the second the switch was flipped
It was like watching an ant hill explode, so many cows scattering everywhere
Fuck the first 9 levels of being a hunter.
Wtf is this garbage music
Why do people like this garbage game, again?
Queue times are more desirable that low pop servers. A dead server is hell.
We're home™ boys ®
Price you pay for ez mode 10-60. Enjoy solo'ing 5man group quests faggot.
Or they would just make paid server transfers again, just keep the old rule of pvp to pvp only and nobody would complain
you still have time to switch servers bro
>finally login
>now wondering if I should have gone mage instead of lock
Old OG graphics or the new ones?
>It's fun with friends
I used to be pretty heavy into the exploration community in vanilla. I met a guy on Illidan who claimed to be Nogg. He did show me some exploitation spots but he was a dick about it. I remember one day he kept trading me 1000g for an epic mount and cancelling it really quickly as a joke to taunt me. One day I clicked yes before he stopped it and got the 1000 gold. He went apeshit and demanded it back and reported me, but he traded it.
And that's how I got my epic mount.
It's no the physial act of transferring peoplr that would be the pain part.
Would it, though? Easy as piss to announce 'these two servers are dead, all you on Shittown are logging into Poopville starting next maintenance. All done.
>sleeping in the same room
Sounds a bit GAY there m8! But good on you for having actual proper fun.
>Giving money to Blizzard
based and HUHpilled
The only reason retail has this problem is because it's dogshit. Again, blizzard and their retardo fans can't understand why retail fails and they see everything trough the lens of retail.
Apparently it's NORMAL for a game server to become dead after a month. ASSUME all games are like this, because there's NO WAY blizzard could do wrong is there?
>get to level 9 in Brill
>turn in a ton of quests at once
>lots of new quests send you to new questing areas
>other quests dont
fuck, what do I do
Okay I'm biting the bullet I'm really going in, what's the best PVP EU server quick quick QUICK
If the playerbase drops off then I have to get into a high server now so when it falls it will be at least medium. If the playerbase only increases then I need to join a low server so I can enjoy medium population later on. But going the wrong way would be catastrophic.
How do I stop WoW from being in the background even after I tab out? Haven't played retail in a decade, don't have this problem with private server versions.
>queued for 5 hours
>decide to just go on a low pop realm
>stood in scorpion line for 30 minutes
By the time I get in I'm going to be kicked out for taking too long to create my character. Don't even know what I want to be.
every server still has a 300 minute queue, so goodluck getting in there
Just say you need to relog for some reason, as so very often happens (just relog bro that will fix it!), does that mean you're pushed to the back of the queue again for an hour? Or do you get a grace period of staying in if you quickly log out?
Bullshit, I got disconnected from Grobbulus and logged in just fine.
Vanilla pservers have shown half the playerbase drops off by 25 and then half of whats left drops by 40. Vanilla lives and dies by its community so making 40 servers would just mean in a month 37 of them would be dead. Dead dead, not Yea Forums dead.
Blizzard showing zoomers a glimpse of socialism.
Because this happens with every MMO launch.
>People get hyped for months/years
>Hype cannot be contained
>Everyone and their Grandma wants to play
>1000s in queue
>After a week the queues are gone
>Most people have already quit
>Servers stabilize
The alternative is making a bunch of servers and then you have a bunch of dead servers instead of a few highly populated servers.
Why not make double the servers, but make it clear that in two weeks after launch they are going to combine every pair of servers into new servers (based on how best this would equalize out the pop and faction balance)?
Server merges cause a lot of problems which is why they're generally avoided unless a server is really dead. Plus a big selling point of Classic is the server community, assuming you can actually get in then this is the best time probably to actually interact with people and make friends.
because you dont need to queue up again if you relog after disconnecting
t. Hasn't seen a single mythic boss in his entire life. not even the first one
Wrong, Retail won't die but neither will classic, classic will definitely create a community split but you have to be a special kind of retard to believe that people will mass migrate to classic, leaving behind their precious characters and rare collectables they've spent several parts of their years gathering. That aside, classic doesn't even have interesting and complex boss encounters, nor fun and cool combat abilities that have been added to the game over the years, not to mention the wider selection of races and classes, classic will have its fans while retail will have their fans
I believe it defaults to fullscreen windowed mode. switch it to a different mode and it'll do what you want
night elf women have two pairs of eyebrows
Nice one, lad.
>On lunch break now
>Log into 4 hour queue so I can play after work
I'm going fucking home tonight
they're all new servers, how would anyone know.
Noggenfogger it is
You bring your laptop to work or you ran home and logged on your PC and then ran back to work?
no probs, noticed while checking out loads of other nice options that weren't in the old client
Hey guys, what good are professions? Are the things you can make with tailoring actually best in slot?
the latter. Workplace is just 5 minutes from my appartment.
what is the point of layering then?
Thanks senpai.
People still play this boomer tier game ?
Server stability and to bypass everyone in the same area killing mobs.
go play on a low pop realm dumb dumb.