Opinions on the original Gears of War trilogy?
Opinions on the original Gears of War trilogy?
Kinda dated by today's standards but still decent.
pretty good imo
Best versus console shooter series. The nu games ruined it though. Even then they're still the best 3rd person versus shooter available in general.
Shame 5 is casualizing it even more for rifle babies.
I wish they had stuck with the gritty horror vibe more. Act III in Gears 1 and Tai's torture+Maria in 2 was flawless.
kino as fuck. dated though, especially 1 and 2. 3 perfected it.
its like the original halo trilogy. fucking god tier saga that has the decency to know when to bow and step off the stage.
Decent, couldn't compete with Halo
Sad its gone pic related tho
2>3>1 just like Halo
3>2>1 halo just got better as it went. reach was good too it was a prequel tho.
I like to pretend 4 and 5 don't exist. most of the rest of the world does as well.
>I like to pretend 4 and 5 don't exist
We can at least agree on that.
For the multiplayer, it really just got better with each release.
But can't say the same for the story.
3 had the only multiplayer that worked
>inb4 2
after about 9 title updates sure
playing euthanasia
Getting mind broken by the BB(OOMER)C
>act III in gears 1
Pitch Black (2000) was the act before that
>halo got better as it went
should have stopped there
2 had the best story
3's multiplayer is just as good as halo
1 was kinda meh imo
Retard nigger bullshit for faggots who want to play as the most generic characters ever designed shooting at bullet sponges until you've staggered them for the execution. Basically the epitome of console trash.
>1 has the best impact and made the most out of its core mechanics, but looks the ugliest and aged terribly
>2 looks the nicest, has the smoothest feeling and kept to the core gameplay without being too crazy, and added a great amount of variety, but shat itself towards the end, plus it also expanded nicely on everything players wanted without going overboard - multiplayer modes, different executions with weapons, more characters, etc
>3 was the most fun and streamlined (casualised) but it came at the cost of fucking with the entire core game style and changing a lot of stuff, including the addition of pointless XP and grindy challenges hiding all of the cool shit, microtransactions and gay weapon skins, and mindless multiplayer modes, it also had a fairly mediocre and predictable "end" to the trilogy, to be honest. it felt like the one with the least replayability, but it's still a great game, even with the predictable lambent and lack of really mixing things up like 2 did to 1...think like saints row games getting more and more pointlessly crazy just to stand out
it's a very good trilogy, though, and everyone should play it at some point in their lives
>anything that came after 3 is just a waste of time though
SP = Who cares
MP = 10/10
2 > 1 > 3
>i can't wallbounce
If you hard aim you're trash as well
What do you think of 1's Ultimate Edition on the 'ugly and aged' part?
here are the things i remember from 1 and 2:
>dom's wife part was pretty sad and dark
>going inside a giant worm
>the boss battle guy
>the giant beasts with guns on their backs
>the minigun was called a "troika" which i always thought sounded like an Aussie saying "Triker"
>horde mode
overall good games
They're good. The only one I enjoy revisiting is the first though. I prefer the darker aesthetic, and appreciate that it didn't try too hard to be dramatic like the other two. MP-wise I liked 3 the most, though I was never that much into any of them.
>2 has the smoothest feeling
Absolutely fuckin trippin
>3 was the most casualized
Spoken like someone who couldn't hang in Gears 3 Gnasher duels. Movement and bouncing in Gears was dumb fast not to mention back then we didn't have the advanced controllers to make it easier like we do now.
The OT and Judgment were great. Judgment was the weakest but it was great to play as Baird in the campaign
They were cool but a lot of characters smoked which is decidedly uncool
Cool as shit, in my opinion. They basically had a monopoly on the gruff big boy shooters, even if others tried to jump on the trend. I even got into the lore for a little while. New games aren't very good.
Who even smoked? The only character I remember smoking was that one dude from the RAAM DLC for 3. And that's only because his multiplayer skin had a cigar.
Literally only him.
fun co-op with friends