Filename Thread?

Filename Thread?

Attached: Ragdoll physics.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: speedrun strats.webm (460x250, 841K)

Attached: [Glass him].jpg (512x384, 18K)

People said that he got problems for doing the jump, something about cheating or whatever

Attached: cutscene blends into gameplay.webm (608x448, 2.78M)

I don't know what the rules are, but I don't think it would matter because he fucks up the next obstacle anyway:

Attached: Kept you waiting, huh.jpg (640x399, 45K)

Attached: Railshooters.webm (800x450, 2.84M)

Okay, that's pretty good.

Why would you kill cute little innocent piggies like this?

Those are hogs, and they are from Texas, where they reproduce so much that they are considered pests to the state of Texas.
They shit up farms and ruin crops, while eating actual shit so their meat is basically toxic.


They're a pest species. Things form groups that can ruin acres of farmland.

Attached: tusk act 4.webm (640x480, 2.15M)

Attached: Darksouls2.webm (518x260, 843K)

Attached: YOU STOLE FIZZY LIFTING DRINKS.webm (640x360, 2.39M)

Attached: Deux Ex threads.jpg (640x480, 508K)

Not sure what the official rules are, but you have to do the obstacle at the very least. It's an obstacle course. If there is an obstacle with multiple lacheys, you can skip the last one or two to dismount, but skipping the entire thing is probably gonna be a DQ.


Wild hogs aren't just pests; they're mean. They kill pet dogs and cats on the daily and have killed more than a few children over the years...shit, they've killed full grown adults.

Attached: When you try to obey the law while driving in GTA.webm (640x360, 2.07M)

Oh. I guess I owe some apologies to some games

How can an adult die from a pig?

embarrassingly, but it still happens.

tusks you idiot

Attached: the pyramids have been built in a far off land.gif (400x248, 2M)

By challenging/encountering one completely unarmed. Probably melee weapons wont do a shit anyway, you need a gun

Attached: 4CHAN the movie, the game.webm (960x404, 2.99M)

Do cars just not have brakes in China?

Attached: Moon Guard player joins a non ERPserver.jpg (608x3200, 698K)


Attached: Final Civilization.png (540x376, 244K)

The same way people get killed by a dog ? It could gore your thigh open and you bleed the fuck out in the woods. Their skin is thick and they're strong as fuck, they get pretty big and pretty heavy too. I'm sure there's the rare GIGAHOG who looks like a small buffalo or some shit.

Attached: Batle of the Divide.jpg (959x640, 197K)

>tfw remembering SJWs throwing a shitfit laughing at a guy saying that you need a gun to kill wild hogs
God, why are they so stupid? Boars are fucking mean, man. The only things on this continent I'd rather run into less are a mother grizzly around her cubs or any form of moose.

Attached: ERP.gif (304x228, 1.72M)

Imagine how much fun the actors had while filming that scene, holy fucking shit

Attached: Sony E3 2016 and Up.jpg (704x465, 51K)

I like the other guy, too many people in MMA keep hitting after they've clearly won.

Attached: Sonic and Knuckles Having a Race.png (800x1138, 1.95M)

Needs a name

Attached: Needs a name.webm (984x742, 2.92M)

Fucking moose?
Post proof
Videos if possible
But I believe you anyway, from seeing what deers do, their cousins/friends/similiar animal are the same I suppose

Attached: The last enemy that shall be destroyed.webm (1280x720, 1.48M)


Attached: Nintendo.gif (480x366, 1.98M)

Sometimes i wonder how is even possible to be so dumb.


Last time I posted the video of the moose getting an arrow through the heart and just tanking it for 30 seconds before finally dying, I got banned. Just let it be known that a Moose will end you long after you landed a killing blow just because it's FUCKING PISSED. They're basically the wildlife equivalent of that level 82 enemy that patrols every starting area in a Xenoblade game and exists just to fucking end you for wandering too far off the beaten path.

Attached: p2130679762-4[1].jpg (720x576, 219K)

Pretty sure it was suicide by cop at that point.

Attached: That's it. gettin me mallet.jpg (1920x1080, 673K)

Attached: Installing_Skyrim_mods.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

Attached: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.jpg (663x622, 83K)

Attached: YOU BET KID.jpg (672x896, 289K)

World of Final Fantasy 2 when?


Lol. City people everyone.

Attached: Today I woke and looked outside again but the sky looked the same to me.gif (640x360, 1.55M)

Attached: The Sequel to Colosseum.gif (540x540, 710K)

Attached: BEGONE THOT.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

No idea but I hope it's less of a chore to play than the first one. I liked the game but holy shit did it drag on.

Attached: Irish localization.gif (250x226, 2M)

Attached: Wait a minute that card.webm (1280x720, 1.62M)

gotta cull the numbers

I feel like this is relevant

Attached: MooseAttack.webm (480x360, 1.07M)

Its because he specifically said 30-50 like theyre a swarm of fucking bees.
Does that not sound absurd to you? We live in a first world country and youre worried about literal armies of hogs?

I saw a webm that looked like it was from star citizen or something where a ship went in for a planetary landing but the planet didn't LOD right so the ship just bumped nose first into a planet that was way too small, anyone have it?

Lol, love this movie.

Change it to Todd_Watches_You_Install_Skyrim_Mods

Hogs become giant, feral monstrosities after just two generations. So, they're always in open season in Texas

>moose doesn't give a fuck and starts charging
I hope he simply missed and that's it

Attached: 1566215699007.gif (500x281, 527K)

It's absolutely not absurd, and it really does happen in the untamed hinterlands of the West. They're fucking dangerous, and they do travel in hordes that big. SJWs just wanted to shit on gun owners because they know nothing outside of their city-slicker bubble. They're the same type of yuppies that believe their food comes from Trader Joe's.

Attached: critic reviews vs user reviews.jpg (960x924, 189K)

Nah, they don't go down until well after the point where they're dead. They're satanic hellbeasts and far more deadly than pretty much any other singular animal on this planet, except for humans themselves.

Attached: Hitman 2 Miami.webm (480x360, 1.03M)

Attached: Dale Earnhart Sr..jpg (960x720, 259K)


Would an elephant gun to the head take it down or is that overkill?

>when they don't GG you back and the game's still going

Incredibly thick skulls. A good/direct hit from a .45ACP is the minimum for quickly subduing such a large animal but smaller rounds and less ideal hits can at least daze the creature

Name it

Attached: Ehlers.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)


Damn that's just like a hostile video game npc. Ignoring pain and just trying to kill you until it's dead.

Attached: Ultra instinct.webm (720x1276, 1.07M)

>blue team: failed QTE
>goalie: max guard activated

Attached: level 99 bard.gif (355x277, 1.44M)

str lvl?

Feral Pigs literally weigh up to 400 pounds, eat crops and devastate fields, disrupt livestock, and they breed so fast that their litters can have 20 piggies.
Iowa is the most infested state, but every 1 person theres estimated to be 500 pigs.

>We live in a first world country
What does that have to with an incredibly harmful invasive species?

Attached: EDF!! EDF!!.jpg (1659x800, 877K)

Imagine a horse. A large one, fucking warhorse status. Now imagine it has 80 fucking pounds of bone protruding from it's head whose only purpose is to fuck shit up.

Now remove all empathy and replace it with simple minded, spiteful belligerence.

A moose can run 40mph through chest deep snow (read, snow deeper than you are tall) without slowing down. They are masses of angry muscle, and can take the most innocuous of actions as aggression.

Meese are fucking scary.

Have you ever been outside a coastal city?

If he fucked up the landing or the jump, he would be going head-first into concrete.
They DQed it to prevent people from trying to copy it and break their necks.

Attached: enemies can multiply.png (1479x776, 705K)

They should have let it pass, and then banned it afterwards.

Also their argument barely qualifies, all their safety shit aside, nothing about a inch of padding prevents someone from landing head first

no brakes on the rape chang

user a full grown boar would tear you the fuck up

Attached: 96b638_39be4e7c057e4c6680ec96c129f2a155_mv2.png (466x262, 242K)

>any form of moose

Attached: 1553621267816.jpg (1200x949, 87K)

Attached: enemies have scripted pattern of attacks.jpg (3524x2437, 2.74M)

What a fucking dumbass.

When will dipshits not fall for this bait?

its water under it and I don't it matters because the course was designed to cushion your fall anyway. Otherwise, any contestants that fails/slip would be badly injured from the fall

Attached: chosen unfed.jpg (800x438, 22K)

hey hey people

The Shiras moose, the yukon moose. the dreaded Diremoose.

Good one

Attached: humanity restored.png (553x583, 330K)

Attached: STR vs DEX.webm (640x360, 1.4M)

If you are near a mother moose and it considers you a threat to it's young, God help you.

it has always been

She finally ate the hamburgers.

Your skull is one of the sturdiest bone masses in your body.
Your neck is not. An inch of mild cushion won't stop you from twisting or compacting it beyond a failing point, especially if you took a running jump into the thing.

cot > doge
fite me rite meow i'll ruff you up

Holy shit


Don't forget rutting season where all the males are doped up on cum and get extremely aggressive.

You're forgetting the best fucking part about moose. They will fucking STALK you if they ever feel so inclined to do so.

Don't fuck with a moose.

I love freedom and guns as much as the next guy, but man what a fucking pussy.
Some virtually harmless animal gives you a nudge so you have to pull out a gun and shoot the poor fucker.
He could've easily just took off on his snow mobile and ignored it

Fuck off, moose.

No mooses where I live but they look like real assholes. Are they?

>banned for posting a moose dying
faggot mods


I wonder if anyone keeps track of the high scores.

>virtually harmless

Attached: 14123.jpg (598x600, 68K)

Wait. Seriously?

yea but the drivers have no souls so it doesnt matter

>virtually harmless

Too soon.

Lol pussies

Good for her.

Attached: coop.webm (320x240, 2.86M)

Attached: 1486182974287.jpg (500x388, 89K)

The LiveLeak logo on the top of a video is like how animals that are poisonous and venomous animals are brightly colored so other animals know to avoid them.

I take it you've never seen a moose in real life? No matter how many pictures/videos you see they can never do it justice, they are fucking massive. And they're aggressive too.

Attached: BITES THE DUST.gif (564x295, 2.77M)

Plants are poisonious, animals are venomous

A gentle nudge from an animal that weighs 650 lbs on the average and has 40 pounds of bone on its head.

Attached: 1470262841476.png (449x442, 151K)

>not skeleton key


Holy shit he is like that ritual monster. How strong are these animals? Could they harm a hipo?

Animals can be poisonous too

You ever see a moose in real life? They're tall. Real tall. And they can haul ass through snow and water deeper then you are tall. They're also strong, and they know it. If one sees you and doesn't like you, thats it. You're done. It'll crush you like a damn bug.

I don’t get it

Attached: Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations.webm (720x480, 1.08M)

I'm not referring to all moose you dumb fucks, just the one in the clip. It was fucking tiny.
He pushes it away easily, then decides to shoot it instead of just driving away.

as much fun it was to laugh at her skeletal form, it's nice to see her doing well
now someone post the webm, you know the one

Attached: face3.png (700x700, 239K)

Kinda. They're very stupid and easy to spook. If you're in close proximity with them and they're frightened there's a good chance that they'll just charge you instead of running away.


>virtually harmless
More people have died to moose than sharks. They are not gentle. They will gore you if you piss them off.

return the slab.jpg

That man had his child on the back. He was not going to risk him getting murdered over some asshole animal. Fuck the moose.

Animals can be poisonous, venom just means it needs to get in your bloodstream

Mainer here: they're monsters. They're enormous, unutterably stupid, and take everything to be a challenge or threat. You brake for a deer crossing the road; you throw it in reverse for a moose. The guy in that clip is a huge retard for following it so closely in the first place, and a still bigger retard for not being prepared for that first charge. There wouldn't have been a damn thing he could've done if the moose had continued stomping him.

*Max leveled Terry Hintz

Well in that case, fair enough

good one

They eat literally everything and are known to attack humans and livestock alike.

Attached: 1562727284827.jpg (640x861, 143K)

But why shoot them? Doesnt that ruin the meat? Is free bacon.

Attached: master we're in a tight spot.webm (512x300, 2.76M)

I don't see how Spoiler Image relates to this webm

Read:Their meat isn't good bro.

this, you can drink venom, and you will be perfectly fine, unless you have an ulcer then you are fucked.

Those monsters are satan incarnate. The will stop at nothing to destroy anything in their paths. They're also omnivores and eat what they kill. Most boars in America are a hybrid of a native species and a more aggressive European species. They aren't afraid of you. And to top it all off they're smart. Culling them with rifles is the most efficient way to keep farms and wildlife safe.

Wild hogs are filled with parasites and their meat isn't all that great to eat.

I mean dont you think its interesting that most pigs in videogames are evil?

>just drives away from its corpse
Nigger eat it

Attached: how.jpg (3200x2400, 490K)

Thats poaching. And that's illegal.

an animal weighting more than 100kg with tusks the size of a thumb ramming your ass at high speed is enough to kill a human.

she looks cute now.
but just wait Pierce Brosnan gets to her...

Such as?

Shockwaves will never not be funny.

it's the ref's responsibility to stop the fight.

Out of curiosity, is what that dude did illegal?
He didn't really poach the animal on purpose, it was kinda self defense, but is self defense legal on animals like that?


Will probably have to notify a game warden or something, but it's clearly on camera.

>is self defense legal on animals like that?
its even legal on humans.

Yeah. The self defense is legal. But taking it home and eating it without a tag or license is poaching and a serious no no for hunters.


Sick reference

just imagine a race war....

>will never go helicopter hunting

Attached: img2.jpg (1784x2048, 537K)

This begs the question, is self defense still legal on ENDANGERED animals? Like really rare ass birds or some shit? Mooses aren't endangered (as far as I know)

wow that was a clean elbow

That's an overkill. A weapon is considered an "Elephant gun" if it has the adequate caliber to humanely kill things like elephants, rhinos and lions in a single shot. A moose is huge but unless its already at full speed and very close to you I'd say a bullet from an elephant gun would drop it immediately

No, but you better have that shit on camera

That might be a court case. I don't know enough about endangered animal law to say anything more. You could provoke it and claim self defense afterall.

*No its not illegal
It's unlikely you'd come across an endangered animal anyways.

It's legal, but the game warden would undoubtedly have words with him for provoking the moose by not maintaining a safe following distance.
Yes, but there would doubtlessly be a more rigorous examination of your responsibility for the confrontation.

Attached: sonic chronicles.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

>"don't touch my fucking property! GET OUT OF MY LAWN!!"

based. wild pigs are the niggers of animals

>american school simulator

Attached webmedia file is my favorite example of that. At the very last moment held back seeing his opponent was in the netherrealm

Attached: nofollowup.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)


legend of zelda... Starfox.


Attached: Je Suis Monte.gif (478x360, 2M)

Attached: boar vs gooks.webm (624x360, 2.92M)

What about when you eat a venomous animal and get poisoned?

the correct term is actually invenomated



wtf is that woman doing

Being dead of course.

she looks boared

Human lives > cute endangered animals > cute animals >pets of famous people > endangered animal >>>pets of regular people > regular animals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ugly animals
but mostly we all are hypocrites.

piglets RISE UP

Attached: laws dont apply to pigs.png (500x411, 127K)


Attached: 1566171654452.png (1346x756, 858K)

>Fang over fang!

I don't watch or care for her content but seeing this makes me feel good and happy for her.

goddamn that's a good one

Attached: 1549689103953.png (500x500, 27K)

bun status: pierced

This isn't funny. How can you joke about something like this? This is terrible. How tactless of you

iirc that one was Russia and its your typical drunk there.

That's not a real word.

She's not dead.

its the proper nomenclature, im a veterinarian

They can get to be large.
One half the size of this pic could shred you up easily.

Attached: boar.png (475x268, 351K)

What the fuck why can't they take it down?

It's a fucking pig, fucking kick it it's face, it can't turn that fast just keep strafing it idiots

That's from the mana collection/remake review

how the fuck did he miss so much with a fucking shotgun

>That meme involving gun laws and 30-40 boars, 3-5 mins to kill kids
>People memeing it up
>People don't realize boars are an actual plague and kills shit all the time

Attached: 1518927599440.png (512x512, 102K)

shotguns dont have a spread of several feet in real life you moron

I am surprised that she stock around, and no one pulled her to the side to get her the fuck out of there. A lot of bad decisions rolled into one situation

Attached: 1286853107558.jpg (799x647, 102K)

She is not moving.


If I had a metal bat or a bat I could take down a full grown boar easy

if america hate's china so much why dont they drop a bunch of these things on their continent?
or any where america hates they can infest their land with these wild pigs

>no one pulled her to the side to get her the fuck out of there.
If the file name is anything to go by, then they are Chinese. No one gives a fuck there.

yeah, that joke bombed pretty hard, not funny at all.

Wow what a bad ass.

Jeez, all that time passed, and no one grabbed a knife or a bat or anything actually fucking useful?

There are no boars native to the americas. All of the "wild boars" in the united states are feral pigs that were brought here by european settlers.

I did one of these runs when visiting a friend of mine, it was fun as hell. I went in a helicopter instead.

Is it really surprising that liberals have zero knowledge of agricultural pests?

No you're not. Poison is ingested, venom is injected. Stop lying, google is literally right there

>he went helicopter boar shooting
how was it? Im probably never gonna be able to do something like that in my life because I live nowhere near boars, or have any friends with helicopters.

what's the deal with this fucking video? why the fuck would this guy film his own criminal rampage like that?

>change hair
>strategically hide as much of your body as possible
>"guys i'm like so fa- i mean "healthy" now!

I've seen a pig eat a man.
In fact, I've seen many pigs eat many men. It was a bloodbath.

Dale Earnhardt was a very famous NASCAR racer who died during a race.

Well like I said, it was fun. You rent a helicopter and fly over a hoard with a heavy machine gun.
>it ain't me starts playing

This is the type of person who doesn't know what happens to the human body when it collides with something at 80MPH
This is the type of person who drops heavy rocks off a highway overpass and then is surprised that he killed someone, it was just a prank

It's a pig you guys are being retarded

Attached: Monster Hunter.webm (640x360, 1.53M)


Based. Hogs always deserve worse.

Attached: Lei Wulong vs Hwoarang.webm (960x410, 2.84M)

If you believe that, that's fine. You'll live your sheltered life without ever having to encounter one, so it doesn't matter how dumb you choose to be.

Attached: v.jpg (768x1024, 110K)

Why are chinks so fucking retarded?

Did he just drop a bathroom sink on a pig?

>that lady losing her shit

Attached: 1552337910237.jpg (251x242, 13K)

yes yes yes boar bait the common household item that is in every house globally. Why couldn't they just have used the damn boar bait!

You can clearly see her moving.

Not all of them are stupid, it's just there are so many of them that you're more likely to see a retarded chink than a retarded anything else. Like a dumb bitch who kills 14 people and herself by punching a bus driver

>that part of the fight where they just nibble on each others eyes and the bad guy tries to crush Jackie Chan's eyes with this chin
What were they thinking?


Yeah. What surprises me is that it actually worked. Those fuckers have thick skulls and can normally take a hell of a lot of punishment to the head.

i know what fucking spread they have
the guy has shit aim and he even has teh fucking laser on target
fuck off loser


I mean, I have yet to meet a chink who isn't some form of brain damaged and I live in bloody Australia.

This is bait. But you've never been in a fight, let alone attacked by an animal. That hog is a big boi and would gore and eat your chicken legs before you could lift your tooth picks up to fight it off. Stay inside and keep to your room. Outside world is to harsh for a twig like you.

Why are white people so racist?

why do neither of these characters ever change their expressions

still much to do, much to improve

Attached: 1555687530363.jpg (675x1000, 98K)

guy who drew it was a lazy asshole

Didn't a racism finding internet bot recently uncover that blacks are the biggest racists?

because they are more likely to recognize patterns in behavior and judge correctly foolishness

news flash, everyone is racist
even chinks are among the most racist people on this earth

> dumb bitch takes a breather while a feral man-eating pig is 5 paces away from her

>that part of the fight where jackie has to fall in coals
>he said they had to reshoot it a bunch of times to get it right

the more confusing part is why jackie chan's character seems like he's supposed to be a teenager despite him being 40


This always makes me laugh.

nah, the bot wasn't taught correctly that blacks can't be racist

is he dead or did he stop being lazy


Pigs get really big, easily big enough to kill a man. Boars can get even bigger plus they have tusks that can gut you.

A lot of guys that hunt boars for sport use packs of dogs that wear protective vests and even then dogs will sometimes get killed. Boars are no joke.

just the explosive or was there shrapnel in it?

>asians dont raisin
Look at Donnie Yen for example, guy barely looks like half of his age

he usually draws porn, he doesnt know how to draw normal faces.

Jesus user.
I can feel the burn from here.

Need a better name

Attached: pressed roses.webm (716x406, 1.1M)

>Learn 2 Draw Faces
(Amateurs SCATHED)

I'm a huehue subhuman and I'm also racist too.

they are just more likely to use the terminology rather than be actually racist

Breakdancing is way older than i thought.

Hush nigger. I'm not racist btw.


How the fuck did a jungle catch on fire?

>Fill a board's food with explosives
>The boards still aren't dead
Having been far too close for comfort to a grenade going off, I can say that was probably four times the explosives.
Damn boars, you scary.

Think you're tough on the snowmobile huh? Fight me in the snow motherfucker, and see what happens.

Attached: the moose is loose.webm (800x345, 877K)

that's exactly what a racist would say!

You mean Brazil in general?

Fuck, I'm tired.

Just give me my (You)s of shame and move along.

They'd eat you alive if they had the chance.

The poachers are probably so happy because they were planning on burning the whole thing down anyway

Honestly, fuck BRs

Are you retarded?
Do you have ANY FUCKING IDEA how big and aggressive moose are?

how do you type boards wrong TWICE!

we all make mistakes user
youre a good guy

I don't think moose are that fast, that's a lot of snow

Someone sped up the webm

No you couldn't. A lot of boars tanks bullet shots to the head

Even domesticated pigs eat people if given the chance. As much as the urbanites "XD XD XD!!!" and the boar comment a few weeks ago, Boars are serious business.

Attached: 1566272180342.png (466x486, 136K)

>Someone sped up the webm
Nah, gravity is working normal speed in the web.

Are those two people playing dead or for real dead

I hate you fucking cityfags so much. The worst part is, you see shit like this and try to force all your shitty bureaucrat rules on us because we're "mean". But the truth is you don't know shit outside of your concrete jungle. Try growing a garden or a small plant farm in hog territory. Fuck you.

>almost 300 replies
>only 75 images

Attached: Alright we'll call it a draw.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

China has their own type of boar and also it's considered biological warfare.

and you reply to their ignorance with hatred
surely this is the bridge to understanding

Attached: Gunslinger.webm (800x450, 2.54M)

Moose kill more than grizzlies man they are aggressive as fuck

This is a boar/moose thread

>Pig Boss appears
>"You're really starting to BOAR me!"

Attached: Max camo.webm (638x360, 1.62M)

Orc is supposed to be stoic, Elf learns to be more expressive in subsequent chapters. She's an autistic elven princess.

Attached: Trying to have a conversation with an anime poster.jpg (720x1013, 350K)

By this point I'm certain anyone can be racist. And don't you even dare imply chinese aren't racist, you dumb gwailou. They even hate themselves.

the guy who shot this video is like a literal nigger in the moose neighbourhood

Attached: you are not worthy as my opponent.webm (460x258, 233K)

Observation and pattern recognition mostly.

What did you say IDIOT BOY!?

Attached: RobertBaratheon.jpg (346x563, 128K)


Just explosive.

Calm down hillbilly

what ist this?

Reminder that this was thanks to Pewdiepie


The teamwork of these lads always impresses me.

Carnivores are not good eating.

Because farmers need money. It's not like those trees produce anything necessary to live, right? We can't profit from them so they must be useless.

It says right in the title that its tannerite, which lb for lb is a much weaker explosion compared to tnt or dynamite.

Me on the counter top

It’s a line from Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Plenty of rurals that aren't infested with them because they don't live in the great southern shithole.

b-but it's going to eat you alive!!!
fucking mutt soiboys lmao

If you believe in Allah hard enough it won't hurt, I'm not joking

Attached: this thread.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Three strikes and you're out. Voltaire style.

But what about the virgins?

is this video edited? are they really that big?

Yep, having a great time.

Lb for lb weaker, sure, but that was still a multiple times bigger blast than any grenade I ever threw.

I would have sudokud right there, how embarrassing

They can get to that size. They are big fuckers.


Not edited. That one is an exceptionally large male though.

Holy shit. You have to realize that you're not up to it at some point during practice. How does it get this bad?

>ITT: City people figuring out that animals are big and scary.

Attached: 1465482505319.jpg (1024x768, 133K)

Average shoulder height is 5-6.5 freedom lengths (not including head position or the hump)

Okay say you have a bat, is it possible to take one down?

Say it's about to kill you so you have to fight

>That cute booby jiggle as she runs


>itt self-hating city boys larping as country folk

Attached: farmed PA critting treant protector.webm (640x480, 2.76M)

This is why everyone hates Americans. They do shit like this.

city folk should hate themselves, living in a city isn't something to be proud of

oh, sorry for protecting myself