The most powerful item in video game history.

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kek they’re heads are exploding so much!!!

Trump is so based

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>Reddit tier meme gentleman
you have to go back

I think it was the change on the prota design what really started the whole drama

It's too late for this warning. It has been since 2016.



they are still donating to charity, who gives a shit.
I don't want support trannies with my money, so I'm pirating.

Liberals owned.

based give her the d mememan

I don't give a fuck about liberals but I'm glad that made you mad you little bitchface
This is also the stupidest shit ever, since devs censored the game themselves and now they are uncensoring it? Fucking retarded

Voltaire said this, not Descartes


>I don't give a fuck about liberals but LIBERAL OWNED

you know what? nobody gives a shit about you, so don't take it too personal, you simply don't deserve it

People are so pissed about that? A bottle that says ogay on it? From the way people are arguing I thought they wrote burn in hell faggots on a wall or something. That is seriously all it is?

There was also discord comments that some found "offensive" as well as a comment a dev left out of map bounds that had "faggot" in it. The devs in question were disciplined, the studio is getting sensitivity training, and they're donating $10k to the Trevor Foundation. Naturally since the most irrelevant action they took is being reversed Yea Forums is taking it as a win because culture wars make everyone a fucking retard.

>"nobody gives a shit about you"
He says while giving him attention

well someone was probably being a faggot and needed to be told

do you even enjoy doing this or are you just really fucking depressed?

>The devs in question were disciplined
No they weren't.
>the studio is getting sensitivity training,
No they aren't, they even made a joke of it.

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That fuckin' tranny needs to be put through a god damn meat grinder alive and fed to his fuckin' faggot father raw.

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>still removing fagbag
I am confused. Are they not censoring or are they? They seem to be half halfing everything and flipflopping hard.

We should pass a law that prevents people who type things like this from ever speaking.

t. totally not mentally ill human being

Im bi and mad the removed ogay

But censorship is bad

being a tranny is a mental illness, faggot. off yourself.

>No they aren't, they even made a joke of it.

>We at 3D Realms spoke with Voidpoint today and they reaffirmed their commitment to honoring their original statement, including the donation to The Trevor Project and sensitivity training.

Their official statement.

That's pretty irrelevant user. Wanting people to be murdered and force fed to their parents is fucking psychotic and you probably shouldn't pretend to be the pinnacle of mental health while acting crazier than a tranny.

Nobody cares. Wanting to suck cock doesn't make your opinion any more valued than somebody else's.

I don’t get it, what is the joke or problem?

Nope. Censoring the enemies of our culture and our people is good. That goes double for the ones who get this butthurt about an item in a video game having the word GAY on it, because they're not only our enemies, but stupid and petty ones.

You're an idiot
This means you cannot say "I am a gamer and..." When non gamers talk shit about video games. It is the same thing. Trumpet.

All it took was a bottle with a word that something a couple teenagers would make up in a passing moment to chuckle at

What a retarded analogy. That would imply being a faggot who gets fucked up the ass takes some kind of skill, or gives you knowledge a random person wouldn't possess. You don't gain some secret knowledge or insight into a topic for wanting to suck nigger dick, retard.

Imagine: people now talk like this outside of Yea Forums. Anons used to hide their powerlevel, but not anymore.

>the enemies of our culture and our people
Retarded ideas like this are what creates faggots like that in the first place.

imagine replying to yourself

just an edgy teenager

Sometimes the good guys win.

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>not hot coffee

what are you talking about you schizo

Your father passed you through his ball sack and into your mother's filthy fuckin' shitskin cunt, and soon he's going to pass you out his fuckin' stretched out come-stained anus and straight into the toilet where you belong, loser.

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2010-11 wasn't bad, with the whole dinosaurs debate between call of duty and battlefield

They didn't remove it
They changed their mind and reneged on the censorship before the patch ever went through.

They typed OGAY on a bottle of shampoo instead of OLAY.

It was a silly 90s joke about having "sassy" words in games was fun and edgy, like the cars in Shadow Warrior being manufactured by Titsubishi instead of Mitsubishi.

People went insane that a shampoo bottle with the word OGAY on it was "hate speech". Seriously.

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It's not even from Voltaire, my friend.

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