What went wrong with the story, Yea Forums?
What went wrong with the story, Yea Forums?
The devs realized they're old boomers who don't know what zoomers consider fun anymore since zoomers don't like all their old titles like GTA IV, Max Payne, SA, etc. and that's reflected in Michael and Trevor. Franklin was just the token black guy and Rockstar also realized they have no idea how not to offend zoomers so they just tried to copy how CJ acted but dumbed it down immensely so as to be careful not to be racist.
They confused cynicism with good writing. Every character was a walking joke or caricature for some epic rockstar "social commentary". Nothing felt sincere, leaving everything about the story feeling empty.
Zoomers love San Andreas for nostalgia and GTA IV was literally a zoomer era game.
Gen Z began in 96.
There’s literally nothing wrong with the storyline in V. It’s fine. The black characters in V are actually handled pretty well. If it came out the 4th quarter In 2013 and it was written well before hand, young black kids actually talked and acted similar to franklin and Lamar at the end of the 00’s/start of the 10’s. Zoomers don’t recall this because they were 6 years old.
Why was Franklin killing Michael a bad end? Guy betrayed everyone he associated with and was indifferent to Franklin's plight with Devin because muh movies
>Yeah mid aged people are the only ones that are allowed on this site.
Fuck off gramps
He's not wrong
The game stopped trying to take itself seriously, and if your relatively serious game from a series that has always taken itself seriously doesn't take itself seriously, then I don't want to play it.
Too much social commentary and satire, too little missions, memorable side-characters other than Lamar and Lester, no really memorable missions... it's still GTA and it's still good, but it's missing something that every other GTA has had.
>missions are too linear with absolutely no freedom outside of a couple of choices here and there
>Trevor is basically a TV character actor
>Franklin should have been replaced by Lamar as the lead
>Michael was too relatable
>three main characters were a mistake
>GTA is a serious franchise for serious gamers like myself
>my first GTA was IV the post
Come on man. Go back and play the PS2 era GTA games, they are all movie parodies with social commentary sprinkled all over, the only difference is that they were in different eras so it doesn't translate that well. Go and play them.
GTA has always taken itself impressively decently for the type of gameplay its featured.
It's a problem when the game still expects you to give a shit about it's story. Every GTA before it, even when they were literally just copy and pasting movie plots, still gave enough seriousness to it's plot for the player to care about the stakes. V doesn't do this because it treats everything like a joke, but still expects you to care about what happens.
bro san andreas had you stealing a jetpack from area 69
it wasnt that bad. better than what was there before. i swear to god people hate on V so hard and overrated SA so hard. SA's story was fucking dogshit awful with one boring, useless segment after the next. V at least has some touching moments with each character and more natural dialogue.
My first GTA was III on the PS2, like most people here, probably. I've played III dozens of times, VC less because it's worse, VCS, SA (more than I can count), IV and V.
You are simply wrong. The game's writing might be filled with satire, but the characters and game world ALWAYS take themselves seriously. What exactly did you think wasn't serious in Bomb da Base or Beat Down on B-Dup? There were references sure, and obviously there were strings of missions that were obviously to be taken less seriously, but the main storylines tended to be serious enough.
Maybe if ya got rid of that yee yee ass haircut you'd get some bitches on ya dick
And? There are still plenty of cutscenes at the actual core of the story that take themselves entirely seriously.
To be fair the game looked like SHIT when it came out.
literally nothing
it came out during a time where it was popular to hate every newly released sequel of a game series
While I agree with you, IV was still the best GTA by a country mile so what's the point being like the older games when IV was way better?
the dialogue in V is outrageously better written than any of the games before. they at least attempt to give the characters motivations and not just "yeah, lets do this mission now". you also have a lot of good interplay between characters, with mike and trevor, mike and dave norton, franklin and lamar, trevor and wade. almost every character was distinctive and had interesting things to say. i like how steve haines was a dick but dave norton was more of a realist
Okay I'll give you that but still I think San Andreas is where it started going downhill in terms of the wackiness, then in LCS the whole game is about Tony being a mommas boy then GTA IV went full drama, kids didn't like it because they've never seen a gangster movie and then we got GTA V.
Replaying it again really the only problem it has is they abandoned the SP DLC for online entirely. But the story as we got it is actually pretty replayable with how open ended it all is. There's a lot of stuff designed around the main missions as well and there's plenty of variation in all the heist permutations. But the casino sits in SP, unused and you see all of your crew members gain experience in the game's final heist (???). Still a pretty game though
Agreed with everything except for having 3 protagonists and Michael
The way the lighting reflects on his face and his eyes and the shading on his teeth always really annoys me. Looks like a completely different character.
You're pretty nutty my man, if anything V's final assassination mission makes much more sense than SA's final act.
It was more satirical than cynical, satire being the staple of the entire GTA franchise
Am I the only one that hated Lamar? He was lazy, useless and very annoying and proud of being a nigger. Franklin was based instead, I love when they have an argument after he saves his ass and Franklin basically tells him everything that is wrong with him.
I liked how he got along with Trevor though
It's also much worse, completely forgettable and works with much less interesting/likeable/charismatic characters. Tenpenny alone is a better antagonist than anyone GTA V threw at you.
>the characters and game world ALWAYS take themselves seriously
That isn't true though. And if it is, V's took themselves 'seriously' in the same way as their predecessors protagonists did.
Two words: Weak villains
not really, SA pretty much drops everything interesting and acts like the rest of the game didn't exist.
>satire being the staple of the entire GTA franchise
I'm not saying it wasn't, but it started eating into the main characters too much. It's hard to give a shit about anyone when they're either walking mouthpieces or punching bags for the writer.
having to switch POVs got me less invested in the story
I don't think you understood it
>story is replayable
There are a few replayable missions with different scenarios. Everything else is always the same - same car, same sequence, same cutscene at the same point. Compared to the older games even comparing to GTA IV there is almost no variation in how the missions play out. There used to be like 1 or 2 sections in the older games where you shouldn't be able to catch someone for story purposes but you could still outsmart the game and end missions early, now you can't do shit but drive and listen to the dialogue while playing a mission where it's basically impossible to fail unless you stop going by the preset rules.
I didn't feel that way about V's characters, no more than I felt about the characters in Vice City or San Andreas.
IV is okay. It took itself way too seriously. The entire premise of GTA is ridiculous and it tried to be a like a life simulator. Going to a cafe to check emails and taking girls on dates and dropping them off afterwards felt off for a GTA game. I liked it, don't get me wrong. But it is by far the most out of place 'GTA' and I can never really say I had fun with it. Not to mention it had the weakest protagonist of the entire series
>the part where trevor trips and yells at franklin
>part where trevor looks out over los santos and says "so this is where dead men come back to life...i grieved for you!"
>the part where trevor says to michael "no one gives a shit about me!"
>the part where michael was driving back to north yankton and playing the memories in his head
>the part where michael was driving back the director for solomon and said "everyone wants a better deal! you got the best deal there is!"
V has the most emotionally powerful moments in the series.
> Going to a cafe to check emails and taking girls on dates and dropping them off afterwards felt off for a GTA game
Really? Coming straight off GTA SA, where you worked out and then took girls on dates?
I will admit the game had one very good moment: Brad's grave.
not really, yes there are scripted setpieces, but they're generally breather missions that aren't hard to get through and give a break from the overworld gameplay and a large bulk of the SP mission content is just wandering around looking for things. And when you get to a bang shooty mission you have a large selection of tools to play with.
and yes, the driving game has a lot of driving in it, one of the things V does better than SA hands down.
See, I thought Nico was the best protagonist in the series. He was the must unusual for the series, I agree, but by the end of the game I cared about him way more than I've cared about any of the other MCs.
This is precisely it, the game's main drama is the falling out between Michael and Trevor, but this doesn't get resolved conclusively because of muh multiple endings, so they just tried to cram in an actual antagonist without putting any thought into it. Rockstar has pulled this 'evil government agent forcing you to do his dirty work' card so many times that it's just pathetic to see them still dragging it out for every game. I'm pretty sure they even brought it back for Red Dead Redemption 2 with the Pinkerton guy lol.
Sure you can pick out a weapon you're gonna use that's fun sure but can you steal a military jet and carpet bomb everyone waiting for you? Can you steal the fastest car, upgrade it and literally destroy everyone in a car chase? Can you find a secluded spot where you can snipe a guy and get out unnoticed? You could do all of thi and more in every other GTA sure there are some missions where you have some of these options like the Franklin assassinatiom missions but there are only five and either way you do it you get cops on you and the scenario always plays out the same. It's just not the same, not saying it's not fun but there was literally no reason to take away the sandbox aspect from missions.
This.I thought Trevor was gonna be fun when he was first introduced, but he's fucking obnoxious.
What social commentary is in san andreas other than guns r bad.It is IMPOSSIBLE to go a single moment in gta 5 without some south park type ego.
> playing capped at 30 FPS
>multiple endings
Deathwish is canon.
It's also the complete cop-out "everything is OK in the end" ending. With three characters I really thought they'd have the balls to actually kill one off, hopefully Trevor.
Which brings me back to my point about the game having a shitty resolution of its main conflict. They basically go:
> 'sorry I betrayed you, T'
> 'that's okay, bro'
The fuck is that trash? It's sitcom tier writing.
There is 0 satire in GTA V
That’s a pc on low retard
ps3 looks way better
Just because there are constraints doesn't mean it's bad, and yes there is literally a mission that lets you take any random four door and upgrade it if you want to make it easier for your heist.
> you get cops on you and the scenario always plays out the same.
And one of the reasons why V is fun to play is how the cop AI works and what you can do to drive around it.
worth it for grass
does it though?
Its forced as fuck, every other mission is "uh oh, our scumbag heroes are being held over a barrel by the villains and are powerless to fight back" which is never believable since every other mission is the protagonists mowing down dozens tons of enemies and getting away with it scott free. Which just begs the question as to why they don't just kill them, and in the end we're presented with a "dilemma" the third choice of which is just kill them.
Granted that can be said of pretty much every GTA game
Too many FIB lackey missions.
that's not what begging the question means
Brad was a dick anyway
Amen brother
All the characters in the game were shitty except Lamar. Even Trevor was compromised by Rockstar making him a bisexual faggot. He's still the only character I like to play as though.
Having to write three mediocre protagonists rather than one good protagonist for starters
It helps give the game more flavor.
>>>>No really memorable missions
What the fuck. GTA V is literally the GTA with most of the best missions in the franchise
>Replaying game on new PC
>Fucking grass of all things is what killed the frame rate.
Jacked up everything to highest settings what for a port of a 7th gen game my PC better be able to run and it dropped to like 30. Had to cut grass and shadows to very high to normal for 60.
The game rushed to be released on current gen since Rockstar knew they have to spend another year or two making everything compatible with next gen otherwise. The final mission was so abrupt
I wonder if anything got cut to squeze it into 7th gen? Anything from online from after they cut support for 7th gen feel like it wouldn't have been possible?
This would have been more impactful if Michael didn't spoil the big fucking twist earlier in By The Book
OP here. Honestly puzzles me how they refuse to do to a single player dlc. Yes, the game is old, but let’s not pretend that a single player dlc for this game wouldn’t sell like fucking hot cakes.
I know they won’t do it, although I do think we’ll be getting some RDR2 dlc. It’s just a shame we couldn’t get a fun spin on the GTA5 single player, such as a zombie dlc etc
As far as I know there were around three or so story missions that got cut found by data miners.
Honestly I don't know why they were cut but gta5 was talking a long ass time to be made , shareholders were probably getting pissed. The missions seemed like they would've fit well into the game ,so it's kinda suspicious.
In regards to online content , I don't think anything got cut. I don't think rockstar expected GTA online to be successful as it did. If I remember correctly it had a massive player drop off pretty early on until heists were added. Now they're just milking it for all it's worth.
GTAO content makes 1000x the money for the same amount of effort is why.
>What went wrong with the story, Yea Forums?
The part where they didn't add San Fierro and Las Venturas.