He said the meme!
He said it!
I liked her clevage in that other game
Isn't this the dude who called a big tiddie anime women a "loli"?
Since liberals did get offended by that isn't he right?
After the fags complained I'd just change OGAY to OYVEY. Get two birds stoned at once
Can't imagine being this much of a dichotomous no-fun-allowed loser. Anyway, moving on to move interesting things now.
Man what a way to start a week, you can feel the seething trough the tweet.
Reminder that this retard thought the big breasted bitches from Dragon's Crown were "lolicon"
So liberals confirmed for being unable to take a joke.
They should replace the ogay
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: the pedophile fantasy.
She is so beautiful and sexy in artwork but her in-game model is kinda ugly.
Don't tell anyone, but I'm not a huge fan of the in-game models or the whole animation style, either.
>sales go back up
>reviews go back up
>twitter on Fire
>resetera journos flailing around
It’s wonderful
Based. Jason is the most significant video game journalist we have.
What a great day
Maybe Jason just has things backwards in his head. he thinks thick busty women are pedo bait and supports a forum full of actual pedos. probably thinks fucking toddlers is acceptable. police should check his computer. he does associate with REEEsetera after all.
Wait so what happened? I thought the dev caved?
Reminder to NEVER even acknowledge these retards if you ever get into this situation. Just ignore them and after a few days and maybe a dozen "lost sales" and refunds everything will be back to normal.
He was pretty clear in his post. He's just fucking stupid. Anime faces = juvenile. Titties = sexy. Big ol' anime titties = sexy juveniles
they double-caved
From the sounds of it, it was all a stunt
>donation went to some suicide hotline
>”sensitivity training” amounted to telling their devs not to talk about that sort of thing online where it could leak
>devs literally telling people to pirate the game and give it a go
>devs telling off journos
how is this even a gay joke? it doesn't even say anything about gay people. it's literally just the word "gay" on an inanimate object. how catastrophically mentally ill do you have to be to get offended by something like that?
based george
ill enough to mutilate their bodies and push it on children.
I guarantee they don't even know what the actual joke was. They just saw their friends tweeting about homophobic content and started spewing the exact same thing.
Why do liberals pretend they don't do things to own the cons? Why do they live in such a bizzaro world like this?
actual article
brought to you by a loli according to jason schreier
The devs are still sell out cucks, and don't fall for Fury fanboy shilling
kek love how my president triggers the tranny sjw libs lol ogay
Considering they aren’t donating to promote trannies and instead it’s to help their mental illness, id say it works out.
did you buy the game tho ?
Too bad, you already told me.
I will agree that the tweening animation is a bit rough at times. But the game overal is just so damned pretty that I kinda overlook that bit. I just wish there was some other content besides just higher difficulties.
I can't imagine spending my life getting upset by shit like this. Working a 9-5 as a cashier sounds more fulfilling. At least he isn't Anthony Burch, I guess.
Daily reminder this is what Jason Schreier looks like and sounds like
i'm fine with this desu
Ion Fury
It looks like he faceswapped onto her. Identical nose.
This is why Jap devs will always be better than modern western devs.
You can actually cite some Jap devs who engage in legit banter and joke, I can't think of a single western dev who EVER jokes about idiots on the internet. Unless said idiots are the people who actually buy their games.
The only cure is suicide
I can hear donkey noises just looking at this picture
Journalists are so fucking subhuman its not even funny.
Is that him with the lisp? Christ, did the braces just break his muscle memory? He sounds like someone overacting a joke.
Who the fuck cares what they do with their money i got my game uncensored and the devs are dabbing on the trannies i'm a happy customer right now. If you wanna keep the drama going i suggest you do it in /pol/
He sounds like a fucking woman holy shit
I'm pretty liberal and think this is one of the dumbest "controversies" I have ever seen.
Sure seems like it's working though, these fuckers are frothing at the mouth over this stupid shit.
is this shopped?
Are they both jewish? They both have that rat-faced kike vermin vibe.
And he's barely 30
i lost all my sides, he is the steriotype of the teenager reading something
Justice has been served.
weren't faggots like him trying to own the "Nazis" by changing OGAY to begin with?
Holy shit does this controversy make me tired.
Literally nobody is in the right here. You're all ridiculous and Ion Maiden doesn't deserve to be attached to such a ridiculous controversy.
The only thing they did wrong was try to appease two groups that can never be appeased.
Green skeleton must be fucking cumming right now to have gotten such an explosive outrage burning over this, and all because he was somehow obsessed with '90s shelly and they changed his waifu.
He unironically sounds like a tranny
>backpedal after realizing the fake outrage was just that and the real outrage was from you actual fans
>somehow this fixes things and fans lap it up because it's giving the finger to the fake outragefags
To me this doesn't redeem them at all, they bent the knee and somehow undoing that doesn't magically change the fact that they did it in the first place. Fuck them and fuck the retards who suddenly forgive them.
inb4 dilate, nah nigga I'm just pointing out how spineless the devs are.
On one hand they should have avoided this controversy in the first place by just ignoring whiny faggots.
But on the other hand now I get to see resetera trannies seething hard and going out of their fucking minds so it works out for me.
Protip - you aren’t “pretty liberal” and more. You’re a nazi, you didn’t ask for this...
I think these faggots are going to make it cool to pander to people who actually play video games again. Just imagine, we’ll go back to a glorious time where instead of being pussy bitches devs will insult you for not being gud enough at their game and laugh at people who are offended.
This lispy sounding faggot is the one calling you a neo nazi for simply disagreeing with him. Let that sink in.
What's wrong with liking sexy characters?
Yes, I did actually.
>I'm pretty liberal
You are officially a Nazi now for holding that opinion. Welcome to the club.
No shit they are both jewish. Jews promote multiculturalism and race mixing only to the goyim.
>that voice
>that face
jesus christ
needs bigger breasts
>First they get sued by Iron Maiden, then get involved in this absolutely trivial controversy
Life is pain for these devs
not the jews fault you cant have sex
go back to pol you neonazi
>we live in an era where only boomer game devs making build engine games argue against SJWs
Weird but i'll take it
what happened? Did /pol/ trick the internet into believing "I'm pretty liberal" is code word for nazi.
How did they get featured in the NY Times like this?
Eh, it's getting better. The game's overall score on steam is back to being mostly positive since the people who actually play these games are buying it again. It'll probably succeed now and all they have to do is keep ignoring the stupid outrage faggots until they lose steam and move onto the next thing to be pretend mad about.
I'll make you eat those words.
Eat shit, Prism
>tfw genuine classical liberal, all focus on workers and economy
>always lumped in with the loonies
I imagine conservatives feel the same way when likened to fundies.
you can be attractive and have a good design, gamer
shelly looked like hot garbage in the 90s.
>16bit shampoo bottle sprite
Imagine what a problem-less paradise of a life you need to have to have something like this keep you up at night.
This isn't even a micro aggression, it's like a sub-atomic micro aggression you need an expensive microscope to see.
Best thing is, if they continue to ignore the hit pieces it’ll just go on to show how impotent that entire group of people are. Really, the more you go against the grain the better success you’ll have, like that one dev that recently turned down exclusivity with epic.
I can think of some ways where it potentially could be.
If they open a countries borders to non-whites and change up the demographics and you are someone that is only attracted to people of your race, they've effectively shrunken your dating pool because now only 60% of women are dateable/fuckable. This is one way I could think it's jews' fault that someone isn't getting laid.
we are showing that we are better than trannyera, remember the "still not gonna buy it lol" comments that we mocked off? now it is time to prove that the horseshoe theory is wrong!
Games journalism is a rapidly dying outlet and the obnoxious "progressive" cunts are losing their stranglehold on the industry. It's a good day.
it's actually not helping their illness. "don't kill yourself you're beautiful" doesn't fix their illness at all. they need real psychiatric help to fix their delusions.
I’m planning on getting a copy if I like the “””demo”””. Gonna try it tomorrow.
the people rallying to get it removed were clearly in the wrong
the people overreacting in response and calling it censorship were "wrong" in that the response far outweighed the actual "offense" but then if you don't overreact nothing ever happens
the ends justify the means; if you want people to listen, you have to screech like a retard and pretend it's the worst thing in the world, as demonstrated by the initial removal
they are big i just tend to post pics that hide that fact to a degree because i like subtlety
It would be sweet if a Build engine game drew first blood and others followed
As long as Era sees it as an L.
he sounds like he gigglesquees
Growing pains. Give them a few years and they'll straighten out.
>>shelly looked like hot garbage in the 90s.
blame social media, where you can turn those hurt feelings into a crusade
He sounds effeminate like his balls never dropped
It's a mystery for the ages.
I was so worried that this stupid fucking controversy was going to kill this beautiful retro-fps renaissance we got going on since Wrath is also being published by 3D Realms, but looks like everything is going to be okay. I'm pretty happy.
You're literally talking about a video game character.
By being kikes
wtf he looks at least 46
gamer is censored to "gamer"
>triggering the nazis by making them censor their own game and then not buying it
I don't know what these people were expecting
>it's another /pol/ waggles thier small white penis in a Yea Forums thread
i lost it
this game always looked interesting because I was a fan of old Build Engine games and now I'm actually gonna buy it lmao
you get it
>gamer is censored to "gamer"
>George bush center for intelligence
You see, this is what happens when developers and publishers cater to their audience.
Is that fucking real? Tell me it’s real
Okay but how do those panties stay on and what do they smell like?
Ah so thats why Jason's twitter picture is at a distance and from like 7 years ago.
I don't know if this is supposed to be funny but right now i just feel incredibly disappointed on the human race.
exactly. sjws throw their shit over a fucking soap sprite and get it censored. they need their heads checked
Wow, that flip flopping is sure working out good huh
I’m really hoping it sets a trend. If one game can make twitter, resetera, and every vidya site go this nuts, just imagine two or three devs doing it at one time. What would even happen?
>how come her tits don't flop out(all the time)?
>how are her breasts so perky
>how does her panties stay on
i have yet to see any gameplay of this game in any of these Yea Forums threads
>those loud sharp breaths between every other word
>that fucking lisp
Good fucking lord
Realistically: good customer reviews and sales to back that up
Ideally: a return to late-80s, early-90s game design and advertising
90s shooter kino is saved.
Sorry bro, in this age you are either a full blown communist or a horrible fascist Nazi. You being pretty liberal just means you aren’t liberal enough. That makes you a nazi.
Fuck You!
What's wrong with Schreier? He's one of the best game journos out there, and I mean it. His article about the development of Anthem is one of the best pieces of investigative journalism this industry has ever seen. On the other hand, he's a petty asshole who autistically screeches over the most inane of shit, and acts like a child, like during and after his "debate" with YongYea, and actively shares and participates in ludicrous clickbaity articles. Sometimes I think he's too good for Kotaku but at the same time they're made for eachother.
Friendly reminder that pic related are the trash that are trying to destroy our hobby. Do the right thing and vote with your wallet, support devs who shit on (((trash))).
This is already more than absurd enough, but it would really be funny if it started a trend and fucking OGAY became an Austrian archduke.
Of course it's not real. All of his posts on that date are nonstop bitching about guns.
What the FUCK? I'm an Adonis compared to Jason.
wtf? I love Ion Fury now!
(((small))) (((white))) (((penis)))
>trannies ree at dev to do what they say
>dev realizes all they did was piss off the people actually willing to buy their game
>changes their mind about listening to trannies
holy shit i can't stop laughing ahahahahahhahahahaaahhh
Any time I see any Hollywood fag or famous person talk about how much they love pizza it sends a cold shiver down my spine now.
>not even a new IP
Fuck off, Schreier. The only reason anyone knows your name is your stupid "titties are a pedophile fantasy" post. You're a joke. That's all you are. That's all you'll ever be.
Wait, you're saying that this fucking game is surrounded in controversy just because they changed a shampoo product from OLAY to OGAY.
I have lost all fucking faith. That's it, I am done
>that voice
>that face
The blue check mark on Twitter is practically a pedo endorsement sticker.
>boing boing
Might wanna get to learn what a suicide prevention hotline does before running your mouth like a retard
>I don't get it, how is that anti semi-
given that he was still posting yesterday and has been going at ion maiden for over a year I'm willing to bet that the claim that greenskeleton fanned the flames of the outrage is accurate.
In any case, all that happened was that a bottle of soap and some shit that was out of bounds would possibly get censored. The outrage was ridiculous and out of line, but the people fucking buying the game just to leave a negative political review and then refunding it just to fuck with the game's review score on the actual storefront was easily worse in my book.
This outrage was over NOTHING. The sensitivity training was made up. It's the kind of thing that developers use to justify going to the EGS.
You can't claim "i just want to keep politics out of videogames" and then dredge up a massive stink over a shampoo bottle getting cut out of a videogame that anyone who actually cares about the gameplay wouldn't give two shits about.
Why did you have to remind me
It's more than that. It's about the willingness of a developer to cater to their audience rather than a minority of loud-mouthed internet bullies.
Going to on my next paycheck.
God I haven't watched wrestling in 15 years is this what its like now?
Imagine getting triggered by a paperclip.
"enticement of a minor" who the fuck wrote this?
this fat disgusting ginger fuck was literally raping a young girl and forcing her not to tell anyone.
game journos.