Games with animal companions?

Games with animal companions?

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Other urls found in this thread:

dragon's dogma

Holy shit, did that guy steal my cat?

Attached: 20190802_005209.jpg (4032x3024, 3.91M)

What breed?

Did YOU steal MY cat?

Attached: 20190612_101740.jpg (4032x3024, 1.99M)

Holy shit, we're all cat stealers bros

Lynx point siamese, aka tabby/siamese mutt

Did you guys steal my cat?

Attached: 25105671_10156258966440139_1134666671_n[1].xx&oh=9caee707988562e23ec09aa08672adeb&oe=5D66F5B (450x800, 64K)

Did the cat really that big or he just close it up to the camera ?

All I want to know is who's currently in possession of the cat?

Cats all look the same (i.e. shit)

Did you?

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this HAVE to be edited picture. I refuse to believe that this is real

>manlytears picks up his kitten

take your racism back to Yea Forums why don't you

it looks like hes holding it at arms length towards the camera

You wish you were LGR you black skinned faggot.

OP is

It's forced perspective, he's holding the cat out closer to the camera.

You guys didn't steal my cat, I just want to post him.

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>used to love CGR
>good info, quick rundowns, no extraneous bullshit
>now every video is a meandering vlog of him rubbing one out to how he set up some new peripheral or him buying trash from goodwill
It hurts, man. Reposting a video he did of a game that gets no rep but is fucking great.

You have a nice cat. I do not have any cats. This is my dog, he is a good boy and is chill with cats.

Attached: Dog .jpg (844x1234, 589K)

animal companion and life companion to play vidya with

Attached: dog and gf kisses.webm (310x360, 2.21M)

obvious shoop da woop is obvious >_>

was this really Yea Forums culture in 2007

No one can steal my cat

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This is too goddamn cute.

Does Ghost Trick count?
Do cats break shit and eat cables if you leave them alone for a while? I kind of want a cat but I work an 8-5 and worry all my stuff's going to get scratched up or something.

Depends on the cat. In my experience, yeah, you can leave them alone for the day with no issues.

Post cat

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I only tune in for his Sims 4 DLC reviews
Note: I dont play The Sims 4 nor do i have any interest in ever doing so

Yeah his video topics are pretty shit these days. I personally enjoyed tech tales and oddware, but now every other video is some retro camera or I BUILT A THING!

Yeah I can. I removed the DRM and I'm scanning myself a copy RIGHT NOW.

Attached: grand theft catto.jpg (1037x775, 285K)

Why are kots so fat bellied?

And why do I always have the urge to rub em


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I miss you bro, please take long naps in Heaven.

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That's nice.

Attached: cheetah-dog1.gif (245x200, 990K)


Pathfinder. Druids get the best ones, but Ranger pets can be pretty nice too.


Attached: t340.gif (250x250, 2.13M)

Don't pee in my printer again motherfucker

>this thread

Attached: aaaaaaaaaa.jpg (640x1000, 345K)

Cheetahs are best big cats. They should be trained to be domestic pets. I would totally own a cheetah.

Attached: thump.webm (976x550, 2.73M)

Stray cats make the best pets

toxoplasmosis chads rise up

Did you guys steal my fucking cat?

Attached: cat4.png (540x960, 724K)

you got cute nails for being a fucking homo

what kind of gidya does my kot play?

Attached: gusic1.png (1431x1719, 2.6M)

please don't breed

Is that your fetish, user

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Big F for him, lad.

i think your cat has autism

My kitty is tsundere.

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Cheetahs are technically not big cats.

maybe not technically but they are larger than most house cats so thus they are "big cats" ya know?

rate my dog

Attached: Dog eating bagel.jpg (1992x1121, 427K)


Wait you mean Classic Game Room right?

Attached: CGR.jpg (1600x1200, 121K)

I'll give laptop cat an F

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Other breed. Cute puppies.

Attached: Crane dog.png (480x800, 604K)

They're just big little cats.


Your cat likes Exile 3.

A cat often visits my backyard. Thinking of feeding it.

Attached: Nigbull.webm (320x426, 2.95M)

awww they're playing together, thats so cute

That's a fucking croc

Attached: dog gator.jpg (1536x2048, 934K)

Delete this

>game has a cat you can't pet

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F for the cute kitty

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There's a cutie.

She was a stray we took off the streets and is currently 18 years old now.

are dog pics ok?

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So long as they're cute.

>why yes, I maul the family dog for no reason. how could you tell?

Attached: Giga Cat.webm (540x960, 2M)

today was a good day, thank you Yea Forums

Attached: 1 (31).gif (210x1000, 127K)

More like
>why yes, I maul the trashcan by mc donald for a reason, how could you tell?

Attached: Longcat IRL Omar the 4 foot long Australian behemoth.jpg (660x493, 36K)

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Hope tomorrow's even better for you, user.

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She's looking good for an older kitty. Make sure you're giving her lots of love - she probably doesn't have a lot of time left.


Attached: Daisy.webm (1280x720, 1.03M)

My cats been doing a lot of thinking lately

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I don't fucking like this

why yes, I'm fed Save cat food. how could you tell?

Attached: Buff Cat.jpg (612x800, 108K)

I wonder if he is still alive

someone in a thread earlier today said he still is, no source tho


Peep my puss

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yes, this is taken from months ago

Attached: Remaster.jpg (615x587, 76K)

Try like 4 years.

>always wanted a cat
>tfw allergic to cats

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That puss got some cute peepers.

amazing cats, would love and protect them forever

get the Norwegian or the Siberian cat.
they're hypoallergenic

>Cat threads panned on this Nepalese crochet forum
I'm glad you faggots weren't around to ruin Caturday or Miko Mondays.

Attached: longcat.jpg (600x389, 81K)


Get one of those spooky bald cats

kill me, pete

girls fuck dogs
guys fuck big cats

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>thread where people are posting their cats and dogs
>actual civilized adults that aren’t erupting into a pathetic cat vs dog war
>just nice cat and dog pics
Leave it to Yea Forums to be the board where people don’t act like faggots about their pets for once.


If you provide them an outlet like a scratching post and PUT IT WHERE THE CAT SCRATCHES NOT WHERE IT IS CONVENIENT TO YOU then you will have no issues with a cat. If the cat ever does anything wrong it is 100% your fault.
>brothers cat starts pissing everywhere but its new litter box when moved into a new home
>tell him to take off the hood
>2 months later cat is restricted to a landing with its litter box and it still wont stop pissing right in front of the litter box
>tell him to take off the hood
>he finally does
>month later happy cat and happy family

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you never seen enough cat threads

Attached: comfyboye.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

Attached: Cat2.webm (720x1280, 1.74M)

He's a big cat.

Attached: Big.png (900x926, 443K)


Cute cats

Attached: dd.webm (400x224, 1.37M)


I'm not watching this

far cry primal

Rate my Oddish.

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It is pretty silly the way some people refuse to think about why their cat does things and just assume they can't do anything about it because LOL U CAN'T TRAIN CATS.

lord beerus

Attached: Z4BuFIG.jpg (960x960, 76K)

Good lord user that's a lot of figurines

bad post
that .gif is Shovel Dog
I can tell by the thumbnail

It's not shovel dog. Watch more than two seconds.

Felt like I was witnessing another birth of a meme and this time it's own evolution in the same thread, but then it devolved into just pet posting.

Hey guys this is my cat. I'm leaving her here for a few minutes so you guys will need to watch over her for a little bit. Just don't give her any catnip okay? Bye

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Did you steal my face?!

Oh god user watch out that Meowth is gonna eat that Oddish

Attached: 652.jpg (250x250, 14K)

They can be, technically. Ancient Egyptians trained them as hunting animals

dude it's literally a gif of a dog hitting a guy in the nuts with a rake lol

What Meowth? Anyway here's my Oddish again.

Attached: d7lu172-8347c53c-7895-4574-9d26-c5bdb4f13923.png (831x820, 695K)

We posting cats?

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Indians as well.

Attached: cheetah-with-two-indian-servants-and-a-deer.jpg (2560x1689, 326K)

My cats are cute!

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There it is again, it's stalking the poor little guy!

Fool. He doesn't suspect that I'm going to give his cat something even MORE potent than catnip! I'm going to give her scritches!

I miss my cat. I also miss my expensive video game. But mostly cat.

Attached: cat.png (1469x878, 2.97M)

How old is shiro now?

Did you sell your copy? Was it worth it?

What a couple of silly snoozy sweeties.

Its that and then shows the thumbnail to shovel dog for like 2 frames. Really weird desu.

I have been taken hostage. Please send help!

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When you really start missing your cat and it has been long enough for you to mourn, getting another helps. You just gotta get past the fact that they are a different cat.

i sold it at a time i needed the money, just don't want to drop the cash on it again

guys I think I fed my cat too much and now look how fat he is

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Don't be a weenie, user.

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You look like a real specimen of a man, user

It's all ogre now user, you'll be turned into seafood flavored pate soon enough

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God I wish that was me

I know. They're funny too

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He just needs a bit of playtime is all.

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Your cat appear to be Australian in nature

The dishwasher is Muffin's favorite spot, her name is muffin because when she was a stray we saw her eating muffins in a bag.

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Hey you're the gross user that posted his hairline the other day.

Holy fuck a Ever17 copy

its what they call bait, not every board has spoiler tags

Thats me. Doll is still in her coffin btw.

user, I think your cat is trying to seduce me.

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that is a great name for a cat


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God I wish that were me

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You just know

she looks floofy

That big cats are cute?

Attached: Lying_around.webm (720x404, 2.86M)

dog breed?

>Hey user what's in that bag, I certainly hope it isn't ground up bits of my own species

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Cats are onions deterrent? Who would have guessed. I love dogs, but I may need a little cat for this feature.

Guess that’s why they knock over pussy shit like anime figures and bottled water.

I don't know if my toxoplasm is kicking in right now, but I would totally trade all my vidya if I could be with the only fur friend I had for at least one day. I miss you so much Billy.

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It's all coming together.

You’re such a miserable fuckin loser lmao

>tfw my cat is about 17 and probably won't be around much longer
I'm not gonna be able to handle it when it happens, fuck

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my cat just died

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When you're strong enough, you should rescue another cat. It's the only thing that helped me. I couldnt even walk in a shelter at first, but eventually I made it in and I have saved two now. The hole in your heart doesn't ever go away completely, but you there are good animals out there in need of love and home.

>Dog died back in June
He was practically walking furniture in his later years but goddamn, do I miss him

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i crie evertim

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>getting another cat just so you can suffer again when it dies
>doing anything when any desire you satisfy will just lead to new desires and new suffering
life just ain't fair I tell ya

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he's still lovingly watching you from a couch in heaven user

When you learn that you're doing it for them and not yourself itll make more sense. The pain you feel is good because that's the feeling of love you shared for that animal. You should feel good that the animal you saved could have a much shittier life and you changed that.

I dont know about you but the bad hurt turned into a good hurt when I rescued my second cat after my first one died of sudden heart failure (he was already pretty sick, doctors told me he could only live a few months but he made it 2 years and was playing and purring right up until he died in my arms) My second cat still brings me joy but I'll never forget my first.

it sucks but you're helping out kitties who need homes, i always encourage my friends to get cats lol