Game has politics

>game has politics
i sleep

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Other urls found in this thread:

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The irony of course is that these type of comic creators are often filled with political and social (read: political) commentary

>left takes on diferent currents of philosofy and sociology
>right push the current trend agenda marking the age the game was made

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I feel like a dumbass made this picture trying to make anti-sjws look stupid.

the full comic has Byleth begging to go back in time because boring their tea date is a big mistake

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>what are your opinions on not taking a different dick each night
>dorothea looks bored


except there are better examples for the right like any ubisoft game.

Apex has politics?

I feel like people try to lump politics with societal commentary to back their autistic arguments.

>metal gear
>no politics

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OP must be able to shitpost in his sleep, given just about every game makes a political statement.

>bait image
>replying to it

Daily reminder "women exist" is not politics.

Are you really so retarded that you don't understand the point of that image?

AwkwardZombie is not one of those people.

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this but unironically

politics today only applies if you disagree.

Happy to hear that

Half Life 2 has political commentary?

The irony is that insecure incels and stormtards do believe there's a political statement being made.
In their eyes adding women and minorities as characters equates to "((they)) are invading your hobby and social sphere!"

>good politics
-makes sure both sides are heard
-just batshit enough to be entertaining
>bad politics

Dorothea fucking sucks. Boring as hell to talk to

She's never commented on anything social or political, just comics and rocket ships since she works at nasa

>deus ex
>no politic
So you never played it

>Deus Ex
>no politics

>game has a McDonald's sponsorship

it has a black character in it

Remember when kojima did all those interviews around the time MGS2 was released and started saying stuff about how anyone who disagrees with him is a nazi? Remember how Warren Spector complained that deus ex didn't sell well at launch because people were racist?

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Katie is before your time little redditor.

This, same with white men being in your game.
SJWs and cucks think its the end of the world if the character's skin color isn't a shade of brown.

>Game has katie tiedrich comics
i sleep

Remember back then when people refusing to buy a game because it had a woman or black person actually happened with every single game announcement?

Its a sarcastic image you dumbass.

Did that really happen?

I don't go on reddit

>that shit quality gif reaction image
go back to twitter, retard.

Happy to hear that

This is more of a linguistic argument than a political one. Classical politics vs minority/gender/tranny/LGBT pandering.


Not really, but I remember when games with female leads flopped horribly and developers learned that girls won't play their games.

Does that point apply outside of Overwatch? In that fanbase it's outright cartoony how much they want a black woman and nothing else.

lol metal gear is based as fuck and is about cool shit like war and nanomachines. politics have nothing to do with it sjw libtard

>have indefensible opinions
>be upset when people rightfully condemn them

Do you have the brain capacity of a fly? Does the joke need to be spelled out so obviously even a retard like you can understand? Literally every single game on the left is heavily political. How do you look at Bioshock, Metal Gear Solid, and MW2 and then say to yourself... yes... all those games have no politics in them, Deus Ex is the only exception here!

>Never heard of review bombings and steam reviews being 90% women/browns/gays shit and 10% game

Social justice is political.
Very naked marketing decisions are not.

Remember the campaign against white short haired men?

Didn't know people were still losing their shit over white characters being added to overwatch though.

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>she works at nasa
TurboSJW confirmed

more like
>good politics
>confronts an aspect of society or life tastefully and fully integrates it into the message of the game world
>doesnt come off as blatant ORANGE MAN BAD levels of garbage
>gets its message across while letting the player discuss and decide their own opinion

>bad politics
>main antagonist is Blorzald Flumpf who is orange colored, wants to build a wall and kills innocent minorities
>doesnt even attempt to be deeper than a puddle or even parody something tastefully
>devs will tell people not to buy their game if they disagree with the devs viewpoints

>dev makes comment against children having their genitals mutilated on a private discord server
>forced to issue an apology

How this "politics in videogames" thing reached the normalfags?
I remember it being a common shitpost here on Yea Forums since 2014 or something like it...but I'm seeing it being used even on youtube now

Yikes, not a good look, Katie. Politics are more important now than ever before. If someone tries to avoid political discussion, the chance of them being a bigoted chud increases tenfold. We need to stamp out the people who hold out political system back, we're done tolerating these losers. Enough is enough.

You do realize you're on the same website where people complained so hard that a character was too white, so the devs changed it right? You're a fucking ideologue with a sports team mentality who sees what they want to see. Go ingest swill from whatever your favorite narrative machine spills out for you to slop up.

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I don't even think your second one is political, I think its just them strawmanning.

>misinterpret everything that happens so that you can make posts like this

Politics are the best part of a nuanced story

To be fair the gruff white man with short brown hair FPS protagonist is stale as fuck, especially when half the characters aren't even military.
It's just as bad as the black afro lady, or the girl with the half-shaven haircut.

because "political" nowadays is either rewriting history ala assassins creed or just horrible SNL-tier "parodies"

>because "political" nowadays is either rewriting history ala assassins creed or just horrible SNL-tier "parodies"
the first one isn't political.
Its just re-writing history.

Do you know what hes referring to? because the layers of irony with this comment is hilarious.


There, summarized right wing politics in 2 lines can I get my medal from the local UC now and actually be allowed to speak at the podium instead of having a sentence read out by someone?

The joke is the character is bored of faggots like you who are entirely defined by their politics.

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>those serious replies to this
>durr that game has politics
Is Yea Forums filled with preteens or are some of you literally retarded?

They made a reply with an anime reaction picture. They lack reading comprehension

the politics of forcing niggers thots and kikes down the throats of right thinking patriotic white incels

Oddworld is a series that often hypercritically expresses opinions I disagree with. I also love the franchise because those games are absolutely great nonetheless. Most modern political games are hot garbage regardless of their stance on whatever issue gives you more social media points today.

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Politics is a gamer's dog whistle against the corporatist feminist agenda ruining the video game industry with micro transaction loot boxes to make little girls gamble their daddy's v Bucks away.

That's a yes on both counts chief

To be completely fair in the 00s it was a good idea to give your main character a short haircut or a cap to wear because then you don't have to animate their hair. If you look at the games with longer-haired leads from that era, even when it's tied up in a ponytail it just looks like a possesed snake as it wildly twirls and ragdolls on every jump or change in momentum. Tomb Raider Legend and Anniversary are good examples.
And if you try to rein that in it ends up looking way too static and like it's plastic.

Of course nowadays we have tech that solves the problem with TressFX which is open source now or Hairworks which is part of gameworks.

>MK counts because of a non canon ending of jax

>Do you know what hes referring to?
It doesn't matter, it's faux outrage

Overwatches politics are REALLY retarded.
Same with Mortal Kombat, but you're not supposed to take that seriously I guess.

This will be the worst gen videogames will ever had people will look back to this gen and will say how did that happen how much shit and shovelware was made to please lolbertards and metally ill retards burning to the ground, good franchises getting everything cumstained with propaganda and entertainment terrorism of liberal nonsense, entire devs and videogames studios spiting in the face of loyal costumers to please these freaks who in the end never buy any videogames at all

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Great anime

hyperbolicaly, I swear I'm not a phone poster.

have sex

>yfw you realized at least 70% of people on Yea Forums don't even play video games and come here from /pol/, Yea Forums, and /r9k/ purely to talk about politics and e-celebs

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>It doesn't matter, it's faux outrage

I really can't tell if this is a joke lol.

Joel and Snake look pretty unique all things considered.


I miss Hark! A Vagrant! None of the other female webcomic artists comes close to her.

Politics in video games = trying to shove an uninspired and objectively ungrounded message down your throat.
War is bad is not politics because it's an objective human truth. This includes broken soldiers and such like Metal Gear. They can literally be fighting America and it still wouldn't be bad politics, because the message is war fucked everyone in the game up.
Transgender people are oppressed or one of the sides of the political spectrum is evil = a subjective message unbound to humanity as it's not a universal truth and changes by generation. The point is old games had messages that have been true since Rome. New games have messages that have never once been repeated in history.

Take a step back and try reading your own post out loud. Then realise it's one huge run-on sentence with no flow or reason.
Then stop posting.

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It counts because oneangryincel won't stop seething about the game.

Did you think "Yea Forums 2.0" was a joke?

What? You can have politics in a videogame without alluding to real life politics. In any kind of setting, politics (power dynamics) is a must have to develop a compelling story. Who is in charge and why are the most basic question to create a setting.

webcomic are a fucking scam

>come into a thread you don't like
>wow Yea Forums is so shit

>game points out the biased political views of both sides of a debate

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this is me

room temp IQ

>not political

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MGS isn't "war is bad" though.

>yeah bro let's just ignore the SJWs while they destroy society just put your head in the sand lmao retard
>WTF dude ignore the off-topic shitposting if you don't like it retard why even bother complaining and posting?
kill yourself, pal

>purely fictional religious debate for comedic effect versus real world political agenda hammering

>user mixing up religion and politics again
/pol/ is over there with reddit, please go back to either one of them.

"Politics" is a dog whistle for liberal corporatist box checking.

Like, Rey isn't a bad character because WOMAN PROTAGONIST BAD, but because they don't let her be a character with any real sense of agency or arc. People say it's a mary sue problem, but it isn't. It's more that she wasn't really allowed to be a character much at all. Hell there's feminist critics of Last Jedi that agree on this.

The corporate image of women in hollywood feminism creates yet another perfectionist standard most girls can never actually live up to. Rey annoys me especially since she comes off as someone who initially had a character, but that was rid of. Some of that may be why she was fine at the start of Force Awakens for many and even was fine to most people until Last Jedi confirmed the worst fears some fans had about her.

Similar can be seen with female and minority representation in a lot of these games. They're not allowed to be characters within the meta and context of the fiction. Black Panther at the very least did that, as much scorn as the BROWN MAN BAD folk give that movie for being a bit over rated by the liberal media. Same with why Wonder Woman was seen as okay, though being okay within an ocean of shit helps.

I fucking love this

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>Implying there are women on his board
And no, trannies are degenerate animals, not women.

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It counts because they upped the level of violence and (arguably) turned down the sex. Even still, politicians have been arguing about MK for forever.

What I mean is that "politics" as used by gamers means the liberal corporatist agenda to get little girls to spend their daddy's vBucks on online gambling/

>replaced the original swapped text with ms paint arial
user what the fuck
delete this from your hard drive

Left: real politics
Right: political correctness and pandering to the "woke" crowd

>New games have messages that have never once been repeated in history.

That's literally the opposite of current reality. The bog standard modern political game is only discussing topics that are chic to discuss. These aren't games brought about by true inspiration. Imagine being a band in the early 60's, looking like this, and honestly thinking that you are breaking new ground.

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That's the point.

>they is a female pronoun


How are they different?

Thats more hypocricy on your part.
You apparently want to ignore any SJW influence in games, but you don't want to any negative discussion on them.

You want to be politically neutral, likely to "avoid all the bullshit", but then you seak the bullshit by coming in this thread.
You want to be a whiney bitch and eat your cake.

Big Boss/Snake is half japanese why is he on there?

The crazy part is how they are check box ticking and not even allowing these characters to exist as part of the setting context with story arcs and such. Like, please have them actually have arcs. I don't think that many people really give a shit who the main character is as long as they got some story going on that people can follow.

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it can be chalked up to the creator being retarded and doesn't play video games, or they're just trolling.

>You do realize you're on the same website where people complained so hard that a character was too white, so the devs changed it

Identity “politics”


I want non-vidya discussion and off-topic bait threads made purely to discuss "DA KULTURE WAR" off of Yea Forums. I want all you fucking faggots to fuck back off to whatever boards you came from. The only time I see SJW shit is when you faggots are ramming it into my face.

Get new material you hack.

Tell me, do you got a helicopter joke up that tight ass of yours?

>One discusses and uses politics to build up compelling narratives with good gameplay
>The other are openly admitted attempts to push propaganda in the weird belief that people are drones who are programmed by whatever they play.


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Politics and religion are deeply related

I'm not sure what you mean but I'm ESL so don't bother, user

Apex/OW/MK11 don't have much politics. Their developers are outspoken about their political opinions, which is different.

I mean, in India you can get away with either skin color. Being white or tan puts her in a different caste.

Yep, but she keeps it out the comic.

Nobody believes that

I think societal commentary was the wrong word, I should say personal things in society that have nothing to do with government.

Like legislating gay rights is political.
Having a gay in your game is not political.
Commenting on government influence to start proxy wars yadda yadda is political.
War is bad is not political.

And they try to add validity or brownie points to their point by saying its a moral political stance or something.

like "we have black people in our game, that's why politics in games is important"

I believe it, because she doesn't.

Then you're blind.

She doesn't keep it out? I said that

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And yet you bump this thread and stoke the fire about a topic you want to avoid.

Take your own advice and ignore the problem.

>That book

Man, it's been a minute since I've thought about it.

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Left = political
Right = propaganda

She does keep it out. Gimme an example of her being political in the comic.

Not dening that, but the point is that Yea Forums complained because she was white. If the "Yea Forums is raycis" crowd were to be believed Yea Forums would have rather she be a blond haired blue eyed aryan who was only in the middle east to purge it.

>Remember back then when people refusing to buy a game because it had a woman or black person actually happened with every single game announcement?

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>She doesn't keep it out

>they is a female pronoun
since when

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Post an example. I'm openly willing to admit I'm wrong if you give me an example.

Oh fuck that's right middle east not Indian.

I think similar deals apply. The west in the 21st century is hardly the only place that has multiethnic societies.

i don't even like brown girls but right just looks shit

its female and male.

It's literally impossible to be apolitical without being a comatose vegetable. Even "you should not murder" is a political belief.

propaganda is a form of politics

Since gender became subjective, shitlord.

Don you DARE erase female identity.


>left = stuff i agree with
>right = stuff I don't

You can't be this stupid, goddamn.

I think you'll find outside of certain port cities, most places that were 'multi-cultural' were due to that region being conquered and populations being slowly culled and replaced or ruled over.

>Even "you should not murder" is a political belief.

Its not and you thinking it is is the problem with "politics" in video games.

Wait what is political about HL2? The closest I can think of is that the combine take some ideas from 1984 with newspeak on the announcements, which is such a minor part of the game. The game is a-political for the most part.

How? it's a great example. The character was made whiter and it was annoying because the original shades were better.

No, it's common human decency.

Gonna give a reason, sweetheart?

Right has nothing to "agree with".
There is no arguement being made.

>Even "you should not murder" is a political belief.

No that's a moral belief.

>thing with contemporary politics was released before I was born
based and basedpilled
>thing with contemporary politics was released after I was born

lol not realizing that Mario is literally the proletariat and the goombas are the bourgeoisie

Its not, its added with the other games to add to the bait.

If you believe that, then you believe that there should be some way to ensure that the belief is enforced. Like a law. And who makes the law?

Didn't Jim Sterling just make a video about this?
What a coincidence

Silly anons, Japanese are honorary Aryans, remember?

Well lets see. Left side we have...
>Fictional politics that dont address current twitter trends
>Fictional politics that also dont talk about current twitter trends
>Fictional politics about a dystopian world in a scenario that would never happen
>Fictional politics although much more grounded to reality. The politics are also actually politics and not just a rebranded word that means "lets put trannies and homos in our game for brownie points"
>Fictional politics
>Fictional politics
>The closest game to real world politics on the list. But makes the entire game about said politics.
And the right
>Trannies for no reason that add nothing to the setting of the game
>Trannies for no reason that add nothing to the setting of the game
>Lesbian relationships for no reason that add nothing to the setting of the game
>All characters are gay or genderqueer for some reason despite it being an arena fps game that should have no story to begin with

The jews.

Deus ex lets you choose between being the perfect transhumanist being ruling over humanity in your perfection, joining the illuminati because you think that people need to be led, or crashing the whole system because said greater powers are inherently evil and in every single dialogue in the game from start to end you can argue whatever case you want. There is no implicit point to agree with, you are free to form whatever opinions you want.

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based and kierkepilled

>If you believe that, then you believe that there should be some way to ensure that the belief is enforced.

the belief that the idea should be ENFORCED is politics. The belief in the idea is NOT politics.

Undertale is not a political game because it teaches pacifism.
Some game about the pros or cons of a government enforced pacifism destroying the country is political.

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How, which and by whom morals should be enforced is a question of politics. What is or is not moral is separate question altogether.

what about the belief that something should not be enforced? Not politics, right?

because the majority of people who buy and play console games and pc games are white short haired men

I don't think the belief should be enforced. If people don't believe in it, that's fine. They're allowed to believe what they want. If they act on it then they're a threat and they're to be removed. Simple.

I would say that's politics because it involves government influence.

the difference is Japanese games don't use politics as propaganda, the politics is just part of the story

>I don't think the belief should be enforced. If people don't believe in it, that's fine.

>They're allowed to believe what they want. If they act on it then they're a threat and they're to be removed

user these two statements contradict eachother. You basically say you want consequences to murder, but don't want to enforce it as a law, but use a roundabout way of enforcing your belief that can be essentially deemed a law.

I think its more the politics are brought to light and actually make you think.

Saying "government killing people randomly is bad" is politics, but that's not really a noggin scratcher.
Saying "the government kills people discretely to save the lives of more individuals, but that's wrong and stamps on the rights of all living beings" is politics and can actually be questioned.

>Hibiki poster
>room temp IQ
Checks out.

actual politics and problems.
>Women and LGBT people are special ^_^

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>trannies are degenerate animals, not women
So where do they differ from women then?

There's a difference between politics and propaganda.
Also what the fuck is up with Apex? Its just a BR. And if you ask me its the only fun one.

>left selling point isn't the politics of the fictional world that seemingly mirrors our own
>right selling point/marketing is the cutting edge political commentary of conservative bad/trannies normal/stronk womyn
It's a meme image obviously, but there's truth in good comedy.

>It has to be a law and mandated by a state
>Not people going 'Holy fuck, this guy's killing us' and doing something.

What an idiot.

>tfw the people who say "left = I agree with" and "right = I don't agree with"
I don't agree with Bioshock's "politics", I just enjoy how an over the top strawman of Randian politics makes for a awesome setting for a video game.
Also Deus Ex is pretty open ended as well.

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So you want a community based response to murder, like some neighbor stopping the murderer. Or do you want everyone to defend themselves, and then forcibly kidnap and imprison them?

I never really got what Bioshock was trying to say with its setting. Everything was fine and dandy before adam came along and fucked everything up.

>they is a female pronoun
'They' can refer to both male and female. Since there are no females in here, using they is fucking stupid. The only valid pronoun to use in this case is "he".
Now go dilate, you fucking niggers.

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>left: tries to explore politics within the game
>right: tries to satisfy politics of those outside the game

Trannies are unable to procreate and they don't have pussies. They're a total and utter waste.

Thank you, I'm glad people get this. There's a real difference between encouraging thought or just telling a story with political ideas and philosophy versus propaganda to tell people what is right and wrong.

Not that MK11, Apex Legends, or Overwatch say much about that (maybe Jax's idealistic "Africa is now wonderful" ending). MK11 ditched the skimpy outfit sex appeal, and Apex & Overwatch have racial and sexual diversity.

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>I just enjoy how an over the top strawman of Randian politics makes for a awesome setting for a video game.

I dunno I think the game is pretty spot on with its message. Scientists do not make good authorities for morality, and assuming your intelligence makes you wise is foolish.

>trannies are unable to procreate

Neither are you

There's a big difference between a game being political and having politics in it.

Metal Gear doesn't have a coherent political statement. It changes dramatically depending how how the little autist feels today and what he watched on TV. With the advent of the prequel series, it suddenly became “Nationalism good, globalism bad” so IF you want to play the political game, that would make it right wing, so lets agree that it's NOT political.

>I dunno I think the game is pretty spot on with its message. Scientists do not make good authorities for morality, and assuming your intelligence makes you wise is foolish.
I'm not so sure. The part about scientists not being all wise or even moral is true, but very heavy focus was on how Rapture was to be the objectivist utopia that Andrew Ryan imagined.

One does it well the other doesnt

>but very heavy focus was on how Rapture was to be the objectivist utopia that Andrew Ryan imagined.

but you don't really see anything in favor of the utopia. the few scientific advancements are all focussed around destroying the utopia and dealing with those trying to get a leg up on the others.

in retrospect I'm having a hard time figuring out what this game was trying to say outside "lol humans will be evil". It almost feels pro facist.

>no, don't use the only plural pronoun "they" to refer to multiple people
>you HAVE to use the singular pronoun "he" to refer to multiple people!

I basically saw it as something that worked, Fontaine was just an asshole who was jealous of Andrew Ryan and his success

>I basically saw it as something that worked,

wait really?
What about all the horrible face mutilation, the little sister enslavement, and the fact that no matter what someone would have undermined Andrew Ryan because he left his back open?

It is. It's also awful.

>game has politics
>game has shitty identity """politics""" that amounts to nothing more than hamfistedly force-feeding players alternative lifestyles/sexual orientations, or whatever hot-button irl political/social issue people are screeching about at the time

Are you so assblasted right now that you forgot how to read? Read again the whole thing and think again about what you just replied.

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It's being played for comedy and is very obviously not going out of its way to actually attack anyone. I can understand you not catching that considering how much the current political climates made everyone on all sides a blithering fucking retard.

based, keep triggering retards
like 90% of the replies to this are the same regurgitated bullshit answer

In 10 years games all over will probably be full of agendas that I agree with, and you know what? I'm going to hate it then too. Injecting politics of the day is just as annoying as being the 5000th shooter to put iron sights in it just because everyone else is.

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>only example is from a fetish character

not looking great for you, bub

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Post a god damn example or shut up you fucknuggets.

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Haven't played this but I'm assuming there were different options. I would also argue anything about the retarded party system is political. Its just name calling identity politics.

Wasn't it something like:
>convince all these brillant people to come with me where the government won't hold them back and tax them
>just like in Atlas shrugged
>a bunch of brilliant people agree and build this incredible place and at first it's great
>it turns out that they need help from less brilliant people who are still great at their jobs
>'well ok, he's a genius at building and plumbing, we value hard work of course'
>then it turns out they have too many brilliant people who end up having to take on crappier jobs
>they get disgruntled by the reality of working crappy jobs
>but it turns out there is no real safety net and their society values the best and the rich
>bunch of scientists get more nasty and unethical in their competition
>some criminal guy starts appealing to the unhappy masses and employing unethical scientists desperate for money
>creation and usage of super science stuff makes a whole new level of haves and have nots, including unethical genetic slaves
>andrew ryan sees this criminal guy gaining too much power and breaking the law
>but taking the criminal boss down is too hard since he's supported by the masses and ryan's followers are too busy trying to make money than to help enforce the law
>shit goes down, I'm not too clear here
>ryan is losing control, of himself and of this war situation
>ryan plays his doomsday gambit and uses super science to take away people's free wills, showing his final desperate fall from viewing human freedom and personal responsibility as sacrosant
Anyway, sorry, probably made a bunch of mistakes in that.

Politics in games = Good
Politics surrounding game = Bad.

its been a while but that sounds a lot more fleshed out than I remembered. Thanks for the summary I think I missed a lot of this.

The fuck is up with the guy on the left behind the paddler?

Right is neoliberal cancer.

Why do anons keep calling MK11 and Apex political? What's political about them?

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It was pretty much shitting on Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged. Rapture was supposed to be an example of why that retarded mentality doesn't work. Although now that seems silly since it's been proven to be a disastrous mindset even for its sole focus (making money) as demonstrated by companies run based on his ideals running themselves into the ground like Sears

How is MK and Apex liberal?

No idea but from what I gathered mk11 went full retard and pulled a "Wakanda" route with a formally pro U.S. character.

It is retarded but not really political and more pro-black than anything

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I dunno the guy believed in the american dream, and then treats it like america was holding his people back.

Is this pic implying that everytime someone said nigger that it wasn't ironic and each poster actually hated/hates blacks?

It wasn't America but alot of people living in America. The American dream wasn't available to people of his color till fairly recently and I mean like 50 years ago.

The issue is Politics surrounding the games. Nobody bats an eye at MGS and it's copious amounts of political messages in game.
But if there is a Political movement surrounding the game from an outside force than people get pissy.

Like MK11 isn't political in games. Besides Jax' ending of undoing slavery. But surround the the development of the game there was shit like "Woman made to wear more clothes in game because it is viewed as misogynistic if they continued to wear their revealing clothes."
Shit like that.

Fill your game with politics. Nobody cares.
Tie politics around your game and everyone goes nuts.

It's like the view of gayness on people. If something has gay overtones it's not gay. It's flamboyant. Like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. If something has gay undertones though it is most certainly gay. Like Top Gun

>The American dream wasn't available to people of his color till fairly recently and I mean like 50 years ago.

So like a quarter of its life span? In the grand scheme of things that's a pretty good record, especially when it was the leading example for these movements.
I mean even without america, those enslaved would have remained slaves to different africans.

One sentence shouldn't make a game like MK political especially since they're adding those costumes in anyway. I mean the dev for The Witcher talked about how he wouldn't put a black guy in his game, that doesn't make him or the game anti-black or racist at all. Games shouldn't be called names due to what someone on twitter says

That's why Jax says "it took a couple of tries" but it is 50 years out of 250 years it is quick by other countries standards I suppose though

how do you feel about them selling out to epic games? personally the hypocrisy tickles me in a way that only pirating their game on release will rival.

>"it took a couple of tries"
So did he shoot up the slave traders and realise that didn't change it? that's actually kind of funny.
Did he just give them future technology, and give them a massive head start? Then that didn't work?
If I didn't know better I would almost think this is satire

do you honestly think games like metal gear arent influenced by current trends?

next time read the thread so you dont make yourself look retarded

A lot of Yea Forums is racist though, the ironic racists/sexists/right wing grifters/etc and the anonymous nature of the site means the real ones slip in and it's worse than ever the last few years.

>ALL games are political guys, you just need to get over it manbabies
>*game portrays right leaning opinions in a positive light*
It's fucking retarded how games can't even explore themes like racism/sexism without whiny "journalists" who claim to that games are meant to be political freaking the fuck out calling the devs racist/sexist

It was more than one sentence though.
They made the girls less attractive. Made them cover up. Left the men shirtless. got Ronda Rousey to voice Sonya Blade. There was a whole lot of Social Politics bullshit going on around MK11 but in the MK11 there was pretty much nothing political going on.

In other words people get pissed off if a game is held up as some sort of SJW/LGTBQ+ movement piece by said movements but don't give a fuck if the game itself has any particular political message.
If a game about rabbits actually has story about Hilter and the nazi's being presented in game. Nobody cares.
If that same game is being hailed by people outside of the game as a symbol of transsexual Pride then people riot.

nazis dindu nuffin

I was gonna call you out and say it’s always been a place for ppl to get shit out of their system but the new layer of sjws politics is making it worse

>Unironically posting the GTA with the biggest modding community, most of it dedicated to "fixing the protagonist"
>Sold way less than GTAIV and V

1.21 NiggaWhat?

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>its true
what the fuck

>next time read the thread so you dont make yourself look retarded
Retarded threads deserve retarded responses, now go back, tourist.

>You're a fucking ideologue with a sports team mentality who sees what they want to see. Go ingest swill from whatever your favorite narrative machine spills out for you to slop up.
the irony is palpable

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>Sold way less than GTAIV and V

How much was it compared to the budget an marketing put into it? Sales compared to AAA games isn't a good metric for success.

The only time I hear anything /pol/ related its contrarians reacting to Anti-SJW push back.

See this before talking shit

Oddworld games have amazing gameplay and atmosphere, so much so that it almost hides the fact that the political commentary it makes is about on par with this webm.

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>NO U!

You're a fucking ideologue with a sports team mentality who sees what they want to see. Go ingest swill from whatever your favorite narrative machine spills out for you to slop up

Based /pol/ living in your head rent free

which one is it when the politics is all pandering

>should have no story
Believe me there isn't a story, just backdrops they like to pretend have cohesion

It's not that I even care about politics, I just hate how EVERYTHING nowadays takes a political stance so that they can deflect criticism for free.

>MK11, Overwatch, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Battlefield V, etc.
If you hate ANY of these, it's because you're "a neckbeard alt-right trump supporter", not because you have any legitimate criticisms regarding it. That's why everything is fucking political nowadays.
Nobody cares about the political messages in Half-Life 2, because Valve and the mass media aren't going to meet your "I don't like the in-engine cutscenes that stop gameplay" criticism with "OH THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE A LEFTIST/OH THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE A TRUMP SUPPORTER"
People need to stop bringing up their criticisms with the content, and instead start calling out these fuckers for pulling the same act all the time.

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Yes. Kojimbo is a movie buff so all of his political viewings in MGS are outsider looking in on an Action movie.

>Not dening that, but the point is that Yea Forums complained because she was white.
Because shantae appeals to their fucking brown anime fetish
Are you seriously trying to imply they were championing for minorities as some sort of paragon of virtue? They just wanted to jackoff to their fantasies properly.

I say this in the least mean way I can muster: Those are some basic bitch opinions. They are so very common that they can be considered pedantic.

If you want to act like a retarded sperg then you should go to Yea Forums
And im pretty sure i`ve been here longer than you think fagboy

i'll pedantic you, you fucking egghead

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>If you hate ANY of these, it's because you're "a neckbeard alt-right trump supporter",

I hate the identity politics guilt by association that says any of this is morally wrong.

>I mean the dev for The Witcher talked about how he wouldn't put a black guy in his game

Funny that they did exactly this though, through the guys based on Moorish culture that sell you better weapons. I hate tranny pandering and was ok with this, because it fit into the setting. Now contrast that with SJW Netflix witcher and their retarded casting to satisfy wokequotas and you find why I'm contemplating living w/o Netflix.

Are you from an alternative universe

No just nintendo

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>newfags triggered by katie

It counts because you niggers shat up all our threads

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>super princess peach 2 never ever

>Games about war don't have politics
>But a battle royale with no real story does



>Forcibly kidnap.

You're overthinking things.

Because the girls in MK11 don't have the same copy/paste bimbo body as in MK9

Well I mean how do you remove someone from society with only one person?

No, I see it fairly often both in real life and across media. Yea Forums is ironically where it's less prevalent.

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That was Kingdom Come dev, not Witcher dev.

>nothing cringe about this, absolutely reasonable opinions
>the only way it would be cringe is if MK11 was a success
>pull up steam review
>Mortal Kombat, a game that absolutely dominated video game culture in its prime, and has had a maximum investment reboot, with maximally invested tech and marketing, has a shitty tepid review score.

Even the franchises that enjoy temporary success injecting propaganda into their products only do so because they are able to burn out all the large store of goodwill they built up with the consumer over the years. See: Bioware, Gillette, Burger King, etc.

>Someone tries to kill me.
>How do I stop it.

You're not as smart as you think you are, champ.

>nothing cringe about this, absolutely reasonable opinions
lol okay bro

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death isn't exile

The real comic btw.

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>scientism-addled euphoric STEMlord who can't draw is clueless about politics
Color me surprised


Every single one of those persons are fat and short
No one can care that much about fictional characters and Also have a healthy life

>you cant save and reload before dates in real life

>not using the console commands

except side with UNATCO

>childhood is thinking Metal Gear is a political drama about globalism and Nationalism
>adulthood is realizing that Metal Gears core statement is, whatever you do, someone somewhere will find a way to fuck you over and the only thing you can do is, try to see the bright side in it.

>clueless about politics
>would rather avoid it then say some shitty opinion

>Yea Forums tranny as usual demonstrating it doesn't actually play the games it comments on, pic very related

MK is littered with SJW corporate culture propaganda standards, that's why it puts people off. Why do you even post here? Who are you trying to fool?

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Outside being against anti-abortion laws i see nothing wrong with katie.

Just because you can derive political meaning from someone else's work is not a confirmation of intent on behalf of the creator. You just managed to think circles around yourself until you got dizzy.

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t. achmed

The Witcher devs never said anything about not having niggers, it was Kingdom Come's dev.

You are fucking dumb

Egyptians are the schrodinigger cat of races

They are black when:
>built pyramids
>extensive history and relatively advanced ancient civilization

They are not black when:
>they owned slaves
>the take the spot of the token black character
>dick washers

I remember when Yea Forums agreed with short haired white men being bland protags.


That implies that the anti sjw camp aren't a merry band of retarded culture warriors

Just because something is a popular opinion doesn't automatically make it invalid.

Quote from , which I was responding to.

> I mean the dev for The Witcher talked about how he wouldn't put a black guy in his game,
>Quick deflect to something not actually mentioned about KC dev.

You're apparently an inbred nigger that can't actually follow a thread for more than one post.

You are fucking dumb

I didn't imply that, sorry if you got that impression. My point is that it's something that p much everyone agrees upon, and at this point we're better off deliberating future ideas and decisions based off of it.

>Yea Forums is contrarian to popular opinions
Wow, what a shocker.

So either way the earlier poster is wrong.

I mean, at least from Yea Forums's perspective, she's a full on tumblr sjw, when in reality she's just your typical moderate democrat. An honorable stance to take nowadays.

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i must have more of them

it's almost like Yea Forums literally exists to futilely flail at the status quo, whatever that may be

They were their own thing,but their rulers were really racially diverse
Also "black" and "white' ARE NOT FUCKING RACES

Doubt it she is full tumblr tier since she uses this site.
Norrin does too.

Does she? I never heard that. Wluldn't doubt it, but sauce is always nice with claims like that.

She doesn't admit it anymore since she got a promotion in her job.
I guess its to be expected since this days anyone will do their best to get you fired if you have your real name linked in any way possible to this site.

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>Deus Ex
>Metal Gear Solid
>Final Fantasy anything
>Elder Scrolls anything
>Fire Emblem
...and on and on. Sounds like you really don't belong on Yea Forums

>Shows proof that you're talking bs
>"I-I dont agree, so i will call you buzzwords because I butthurt."
Fuck off, go back.

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Why is his Marth always such a dick? He is so out of character.

here hav slep

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it true tho


So if the main character isn't a straight white man it's political?

Headcanon formed due to Marth having no English vidya until Smash. Possibly based somewhat on Marth mains being cunts for the most part.

Started from her (and a lot of people) not actually knowing about him because he didn't have games out in the west.
Stayed for the sake of it

>black character thinks slavery was bad
>wtf bros why are the SJWs ruining this game series (that I never played anyway) with their politic

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>bringing up something as irrelevant as slavery
It's over, get over it and move on already. Clinging to this is pathetic.

Do normalfags ever have to deal with this shit or do they not use the internet enough to see it?
It must be so peaceful not having to know every minute drama surrounding a piece of media.

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it's almost like outrage culture revolves around finding a reason to bitch about absolutely everything, and that it is what unifies all shit people together

>Sold less than the most profitable game the company has ever made


It's fairly clearly political though I don't know why you would deny it. In fact post a time when the game actually conflicts its own politics and not just a moment where two characters have different politics.

>Deus Ex
>No politic
It has high politics. Not bottom of the dumpster politics.

>game series argues that "war never changes"
>this is because humanity doesn't change
>we were assholes before and we'll always have the potential to be assholes
>modern governments act like ancient savage ones just in different ways
>when push comes to shove they fight for resources
>US government does the same to others
>the US invaded and brutalized their ally Canada in opening
>US government turns out to be bad guys later in game
>but Republicans, surely Republicans aren't bad guys too
>no, they're bad too
>even your own overseer in the first game is an asshole
>even the people you saved are kindof assholes who sent you out because you drew the short straw
>even Tandi, sweet innocent Tandi, who you save from raiders makes herself president for life and carries out an expansionist and imperialist policy of absorption

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>game goes under the assumption everyone is a dick
>Communism destroys everything


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Jesus how does one get this obssessed about a game that has never done that well. When you start pulling Tekken level sales maybe then you can be worth this effort.

>I'm assuming there were different options
There aren't


Deus Ex challenges the government, the illuminati and the systems they use to control us. Modern "politics" are all just outrage bait to blindside people and distract them from the REAL problems. Remember when Operation Wallstreet was dismantled by glowniggers complaining about "representation" until the smart people backed out? Remember when the Panama Papers leaked and NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED? No? But you DO remember that time they put 4 females in Ghostbusters because that was such an important screaming contest online, right?

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>game goes under the assumption everyone is a dick
>Communism destroys everything
I mean, I didn't mention it. But that's just because who could believe the Chinese or communists could ever be bad, even in a very cynical game world like Fallout?

I am shocked. Shocked at the very implication that this is a likely outcome. China? Communists? Attacking or invading anyone? Like attacking their own commie brothers Vietnam one time? Or Russia! Or India! Or taking over a mountainous place that starts with T and ends with bet. Don't tell me they'd oppress and kill protesters, I just, I just wouldn't be able to believe such a thing could happen in Tienanmen Square (or in Hong Kong). I bet you'd say they've been denying sovereignty to their own fellows on a certain island name Taiwan too.

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Guys don't tell him, this is funny.

>pink flamingos on Yea Forums
i hope you've at least seen it, user

that's ironic since its SJWs who never buy the media they criticism and is why companies get woke and go broke. Not surprising though considering all you people ever do is project.

Should be
>IRL politics (bad)
>immersive world/story (good)

>let's gather around my shining beacon of friendship everyone!
God, Marth's quotes in FEH are so fucking cringy I don't want to see him at all anymore. Can Lucina please just replace him already?

There's a difference between a game having politics in its world and a game having politics artificially shoved inside it for pandering and virtue signaling. The BFV marketing was a disaster because of this. The devs acting like pretentious assholes acting like they're above everyone really killed interest in the game.

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You mean there is a difference between a game has politics in and someone using a game to push their politics?

Ugh, every game on the left has some sort of uprising in it against the legitimate government. Why are we supposed to like this leftie crap?

>What the left understands as politics

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An example? Oddworld has a lot of weird shit in it.

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this is a joke image. anyone who tries to rationalize it is an idiot.
also, unironically, higurashi when they cry is the most left wing politically charged game ever to be made. if you can call it that.

no shit Sherlock

The combine are some kind of dictatorship/empire thing

you're amazingly stupid

This is why Tiedrich has survived for so long. She just keeps her head down on political issues and makes genuinely funny video game comics. Keeps everyone on side.
Why do other people not do this? Or can only IQ 130 rocket scientists like Tiedrich understand this simple fact?

I don't know if that's an actual quote, but even if so, Cain has stated multiple times that he had always been more interested in creating and exploring worlds and the societies within them than in creating the next cool gun.

That's not to say that you could ever lump Fallout in with the on-the-nose, zeitgeist-of-the-month bullshit we see in so many modern releases. That's really my main issues with them. It's not that they're "political", it's that they've lost all sense of subtlety, wit, universality, and even relatability for people who are not Trump and petty identity politics obsessed American college kids/graduates.

The AVGN does this too. Even his "I'm not gonna watch Fembusters" video had nothing to do with politics.

we have threads full of people advocating pedophilia, rape and fascism every single day, multiple times a day

There's a difference between social commentary and a literal propaganda piece




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Thank you, you worded it much better. Basically, that's the gist of what I'm saying.

She is

Because Apex has other character designs besides "buzzcut military guy in his 30s"

cope with rope, tranny

Did a transgender kid bully you in school user?

They were unheard of back then. Like lepers you had some idea they existed but you never saw any because they would have been segregated from the healthy community.

>I don't know if that's an actual quote

It's the very first part of the Vision Statement:

You can read through it, it boils down to them wanting to make a Cool game about the Wasteland that's Fun for everyone with a lot of Violence:
>TEAM GURPS MISSION STATEMENT: Our goal is to work together to make a fun role-playing game, and do it in a reasonable amount of time.

You will find nothing about Muh Marxist Worldview, "American Exceptionalism", Consumerism or even "War Is Bad" in there and you will find no reference to party politics. Which is why in the end it came out as a Fun Cool game about the Wasteland, because that's what they wanted to do.

I bet it was the same for BioShock btw., "WOW!! UNDERWATER CITY!!!" is likely a lot closer to the Original Vision for the game than whatever Modern Leftoids want to read into it to justify their Mental Illness and Political Opinions.

>Art (lets include videogames ) that does politics good:
Universal message that can be implemented and interpret in different timeperiods.

>Bad examples
Lets reference a president or an online movement that will be forgotten in a few years.
Or lets take an universal message that is decades old and implement modern day social studies into it

>Universal message that can be implemented and interpret in different timeperiods.
>Or lets take an universal message that is decades old and implement modern day social studies into it
these are the same dumbass

>It's literally impossible to be apolitical without being a comatose vegetable.
"Everything Is Political" is literally the calling card of Totalitarians that Want To Politicize Everything. Both Nazis and Communists believed that "Everything Is Political", which made them censor and engineer their own art trying to reach their "perfect society" which only contained party-approved opinions and every bit of everyone's personal life from birth to death was controlled to make sure it contains the "right" politics.

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UAB was pretty funny though.

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At least the indies still handle it with subtlety and grace.

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>Remember when the Panama Papers leaked
No. Have absolutely no idea what this even is. I don't give a shit about politics or world events though.

Oh fuck, I hate some kind of dictatorship/empire thing!

Boy, do I.

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No, the coincidentally shit ones. They're being unfairly avoided. You're not meeting your quota.

Yeah, I remember when Tomb Raider and San Andreas failed spectacularly.

>And yet you bump
Wow. You are dumb.

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Ten years ago this kind of "The blue curtains represent the author's daddy issues" analysis was considered eye-rollingly stupid. What happened?

both sides are just as retarded as each other

90% of the population of Yea Forums right now are recent posters that started this decade, mostly electionfags or goobergate, thats the only reason why Yea Forums is so shit nowadays, there arent much of us oldfags left

>I never really got what Bioshock was trying to say
art deco is cool

>What happened?

There was no reason to kill off Snake after 1.

2012 newfag here. Do I count as an oldfag yet? At least I'm not a goober or electionfag. I came to Yea Forums back in 2010 for le ebin anonymouse.

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I agreed with you until
objectively wrong, right wingers have higher testosterone on average

put me in the screencap

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you will never be an oldfag, you have to have been posting since atleast 2006 at the latest to be an oldfag
>came for le ebin anonymouse.
so you're one of them that killed this site, its nice to finally meet one of you

Based and filthpilled

Hey, at least I wasn't pro gamergate and saw it for the chanology 2.0 it was.

Ten years ago you didn't have a generation raised on smartphones and social media, and the internet being serious business was still an absurdist joke and not a mantra.

It doesnt matter what you think, you killed the site.

Sorry. But I feel like coming here made me into less of a faggot. So thank you for that.

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>made me less of a faggot
what were you like before you came here? shitting up myspace and SA?

Naw. But I was a massive SJW faggot who shat up a popular German forum back in the day.

I mean her dad is infamous on Twitter for being a huge crybaby but Katie herself seems like an OK person to hang out with

Not really vidya tho

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>popular german forum
name it faggot

Oh look, one of those insults ... auci what a burn?

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God I miss 90s devs

It's basically documents revealing that the rich have avoided paying taxes since the 1970's via off-shore accounts, which is directly responsible for the constant growth between rich and poor in the world. Wonder why you can't afford anything or buy your own property? That's because the richest people in the world never had had to pay as much as you do for anything.

Wrong. It was

Also when I was a 12/13 year old faggot back in 2007 I shat up the forums and everyone hated me.

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Dorothea wants to smash clams together. Not talking about politics.

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You sound like you have autism.

>Imagine thinking that Fallout isn't political.
Just more proof that the right doesn't understand basic storytelling.

>game explores political themes as part of its overall story or world building
>its characters and stories are built within the context of that


>game is a reflection of our modern socio-political climate
>journalists lose their minds and write puff piece blogs about how "ALL GAMES ARE POLITICAL"


>protesters' banners not shopped to be about pokemon creatures

Dude, she's like slightly tan. Racists here would only target her if she was overtly ethnically Indian or Middle Eastern (definitely not, literally a fantasy world), or black. She also gets brownie points in this regard for being anime stylized.

All games are political. Everything is political. Grow up, and accept that already.

His entire character

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>thing i like good
>thing i dont like bad

They're not. You're a busybody and nobody likes you. Grow up, and accept that already.

>They're not.
Give me a example of a games without politics.

>a games

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Pacman is political insofar that it uses ghosts as obstacles. It's not much, and it doesn't really have anything to say about ghosts as a concept. But it is still something. A game like Pacman would come across as scandalous in a culture that views ghosts as pure and noble creatures.

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You know any ghosts?

This game has a good political view
>niggers are bad and we must send them to their world (usually via shooting at them)

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I can't imagine how it would feel to be that fat.

this, the core idea behind any videogame is usually a setting, of which all the mechanics and situations then directly sprout from. along with the justification for why the player should play that game. both mechanics, gameplay, and the world itself all revolve around this core idea, and for open ended rpgs you need to organically justify why the player should do anything. thats when writing and such takes over.

No. Some people claim they do, some people claim they do not. The existence of supernatural phenomenon is, in it self, a political issue.

Entire game is a political allegory.
>Combine are communist/socialist regime (propaganda, secret police, relocation, political violence, regime based on oppression and fear with minimal govt. handouts on which people rely)
>Resistance is Western ideals of freedom, democracy, rationalism/scientific thought, seek economic and political freedom via rebellion
>G-Man is capitalism (probably): portrayed with businessman attire, relationship with resistance is contractual and businesslike, uses terms like "employers" and "investments", utilizes illusion of choice and money to manipulate, has a presiding omnipresence that is a subtle commentary on capitalism's pervasiveness in Western society

>I never really got what Bioshock was trying to say with its setting
Pretty simple, really.
A society based on Objectivism is just as unlikely to work as a society built underwater.

Do you know anyone who knows any ghosts?

>The existence of supernatural phenomenon is, in it self, a political issue.
Literally how?

shut up, HL2 isnt political

>You will find nothing about Muh Marxist Worldview, "American Exceptionalism", Consumerism or even "War Is Bad" in there and you will find no reference to party politics.
Because you don't need to point out the blindingly obvious. In any case, wanting to make a cool game about a wasteland that is fun doesn't somehow preclude the entire game from being a massive left wing fuck you towards America, consumerism, and capitalism.

Thanks for the (You). Here.

No, I don't hang out with nutjobs. But I know of people that claim they have met ghosts.

Because the existence of supernatural phenomenon can and will have a effect on the politics and worldview of certain people.

V also had a black protag you fool

rabbids are chinese

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I guess I agree, but only because "supernatural" is one of the biggest umbrella terms of all time and there is no way to disprove their existence. Now go back to /x/ already.

half of those are kino

>Sold way less than GTAIV
SA sold 27.5 million copies by 2011 while GTAIV sold 25 million copies by 2013.

Good. Then you should be able to explain just how those people's relationship with their ghostbuds affects the political sphere, national or regional, and in turn you.

I know she did comment on shirtgate back when that was going on, but I don't think she ever put anything like that in her comics. I also stopped looking for her opinions after that, so there may have been other things.

Jesus fucking Christ, man, stop going along with his retarded premise. He *will* give you a response to this, and it will be one you cannot refute, because his whole deal is that if a political connotation or interpretation can be contrived, regardless of the author's actual intent, then that's the same as something *being* political.

Challenge him on this if you want to waste your time farting at a sophist, you mong.

Because people tend to use the possible existence of supernatural phantom to determine their own political view. Which they then try and push through a variety of possible means.

*25 million by 2019

I'd say niggers
>take everything they see
>steal shit
>cause havoc everywhere they go
>if you stay near them they scream

reminds me of chinese tourists desu

>because his whole deal is that if a political connotation or interpretation can be contrived, regardless of the author's actual intent, then that's the same as something *being* political.
Authorial intent does matter, I won't deny that. But at the same time, a lack of authorial intent can also be political. Everything can be political, because politics is simply a reflection of the beliefs one has as a person.

That's a claim. One you already made. I was asking you to back it up, to elaborate, not repeat it.

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I completely don't understand how this classification was made.

Since actual trannies got a hold of everything supposedly

>the entire game from being a massive left wing fuck you towards America, consumerism, and capitalism.
It's not though, it's a Fun game about the Wasteland (probably after they watched Mad Max and thought it was cool) with lots of violence. The rest comes in when your diseased brain can't abstract between the real world and a fun entertainment setting and needs to inject it with your personal baggage.

They means several people not one person. Trannies need to learn grammar and then go to the gas chamber.

It's not a claim, it's a fact. Just look at literally any religion. All of which rely upon the notion that supernatural phenomenons existing to function. How about the people that used to burn their child alive because they thought he was a changeling? Depending on your believe in the supernatural, such a act could very well be justified.

>these games feature politics, so why aren't you upset about them when you're shitting on all these other games for being preachy turds, you fucking hippocrates
pretty much

>It's not a claim, it's a fact
Great, then you shouldn't have any trouble answering the question.

I'm really not interested in a conversation with you. We hold fundamentally different, even incommensurable positions on text interpretation. I've had these discussions a million times in college and I'm glad that I've outgrown them.

the politics of fallout are its own, nobody complains about this because its good. What people dont like is a wafer thin veneer of game plastered over last month's hot button topic. Its the difference between metal gear solid's speeches about nuclear weapons and borerlands the pre-sequel's epic racist hotdog drumpf quest

It's a fun game about the wasteland with lots of violence whose actual story is incredibly politically charged. You don't even need to look between the lines to notice it, it's the actual text.

I already did.

>Just look at literally any religion. All of which rely upon the notion that supernatural phenomenons existing to function. How about the people that used to burn their child alive because they thought he was a changeling? Depending on your believe in the supernatural, such a act could very well be justified.


captialism is alive and well in the post-nuclear wasteland, though. If anything, fallout displays a pro-unabomber ideology

Stop being deliberetely obtuse. I could say that any game is related to peepee poopoo because, you see, the developers, artists, voice actors and all other people had to go peepee poopoo at least many times during the development of the game

You see, the problem there has nothing to do with politics. It's just shit writing.

>Yea Forums has politics

dude i get it now talking about how trannies are depressed after being swindled into cutting off their own dicks is so much more compelling than the horrors and glories of war, political schemes and games of power, draconian measures, philosophy and ethics in governance and the moral ambiguities therein
nah just make an evil whitey tell the brown trannies that they'll never be real women, now thats fucking interesting

There are two genders
There are two races
There are two sexualities

Did I miss anything anons?

No, you didn't answer the question. HOW, not if.
>Then you should be able to explain just how those people's relationship with their ghostbuds affects the political sphere, national or regional, and in turn you.
Answer the question and give me an example. You're the one saying pacman ghosts have political significance. You should be able to think of something.

It has a gay man

>captialism is alive and well in the post-nuclear wasteland, though
And it's pretty much responsible for almost everything wrong in the wasteland. Mutually beneficial trade, peaceful cooperation, and the importance of goals outside the pure accumulation of capital are time and time again shown to be superior towards simple greed.

Its politics, in the sense that its political in a context that exist outside of the game
If we consider a hypothetical game about a dictator, the kind of poltiics people find objectionable in games would be if the antagonist dictator was an orange man with a stupid accent who wore a straw wig, whereas a good political game would have its own original story, not just putting blonald blumpf up as the villain of the piece.
I know that this is a hypothetical, and also an exaggeration but I think it demonstrates the point

I didn't put it there, don't ask me to defend someone else's troll image. Maybe the combine have an accent.

>it's the actual text
>How to recognize when someone has had too many Sociology courses about "Critical Analysis" and they think they're super smart now.

That's absolutely not how the choice&consequence mechanics of the original Fallout are implemented at all, though.

No, I know, I just had a "mouth hits the floor moment" I wanted share.

Shooting aliens invading Earth in the face is political! Everything is political!

There's some retards ITT pretending to think "political" means "takes any moral stance on anything at all".
Half-Life 2 has a dystopian setting, so these faggots are pretending that makes it political.

When did political become a gender/race/sexuality?

Sounds about right
Idenitty politics really is just another name for racism against white men

When liberal arts majors graduated in the last decade

>Since there are no females in here
This isn't pre-gamergate / fappening / election Yea Forums anymore retard, this is a normie website nowdays of course there are women in here, on this very board there are otome/fujo threads

it contains politics, but it isnt politically charged for the current time, either now or at the time of making

It affects the political sphere of a country because a believe in the supernatural might affect their voting habits or what kind of a leader they support. Pacman might play in a role in the way those people perceive ghosts and the possibility that they are real. That's all there is to it.

It actually is. Being a greedy dick pretty much always results in a worse ending for the settlement.

>city 17 uses concrete
>the soviets used concrete
ugh, tell me you're just playing stupid, it's literally undeniable

You don't need to have done any courses on sociology to understand the themes of Fallout. It's only slightly more complicated than the Legend of Zelda.

kys tranny
>game has nigger in it
>devs circlejerk about how woke they are and that its all thanks of its woke new staff
>dont buy our games you silly nazis
>kotaku articles about how stunning and brave it is to have a nigger in videogames
>e-celebs shilling ensues
>normal people complain
>retards like you say more retarded shit
thats how it works now neck yourself bitchboi

>FFVII - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Tales of Vesperia - pro-environmentalism, anti wealthy elite
>SMT Strange Journey - pro-environmentalism
>SMT in general - anti-organized religion
>FFVI - pro-environmentalism, anti-industrialization
>FFX - anti-organized religion
>MGQ - intolerance is caused by organized religion
>Tales of Symphonia - anti-racism
>Tales series in general - anti-discrimination
>Sonic the Hedgehog in general - anti-industrialism/pro-environment (save the animals from the evil machines)
>BOF II - anti-organized religion
>Grandia II - anti-organized religion
>FFT - anti-organized religion
>Valkyria Chronicles - anti-racism against Jews, anti-imperialism
>Spec Ops - anti-American interventionism/exceptionalism, anti-war
>Mass Effect -pro- (genetic)diversity, LGBT
>Fallout -anti-American jingoism/ultranationalism, anti-nuke
>Fallout 2 -explicitly anti-Scientology, anti-American jingoism, anti-Republican
>Civilization (in general) - anti-Republican
>Oddworld in general -anti-corporation, anti-industrialization, pro-environment
>Doom - anti-corporation
>Ratchet and Clank - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Mind Forever Voyaging - anti-Reagan
>Alter Ego - anti-conservative
>Bioshock - libertarianism and Randian utopianism ultimately fails and turns into a dystopia
>Halo (in general) - basically an allegory for post 9-11 fundamentalism
>MGS1 - your genes don't actually matter/define you
>VtMB - anti-Bush, anti-Republican, anti-elite
>Lunar Eternal Blue: anti-organized religion
>Assassin's Creed (in general): anti-organized religion (Templars are evil), religion is also a lie
>Arc the Lad- anti-organized religion
>GTA (in general) - le both sides are bad
>SMTIV - individualism bad, collectivism good
>RDR - pro-feminism, anti-racism
>Fire Emblem - anti-ultranationalism, anti-racism
>MOTHER 3 - pro-environment, anti-industrialization, anti-capitalist
>Catherine - pro-LGBT
>Fear Effect - pro-LGBT
>MGS3- pic related

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It doesn't.

Mother 3 had one of the most blatant, hamfisted anti-capitalist messages in a video game yet gets universally praised here and no one bitches about it. But a game features a brown gay guy? Oh shit, now THAT'S too political!

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But not for your and the people the protagonist is presumed to care about. That's exactly what I meant. Presenting a bad ending for Faction A in favor of a good ending for Faction B doesn't show that a mutually beneficial solution would have been superior. It's what you personally choose to be the ideal outcome, and this can very well be a greedy, corrupted, violent and exploitative one, since the only thing we can actual measure "good" and "bad" by in the context of this game is whether or not the main goal is achieved by whatever means necessary.

>It affects
HOW, you stupid nigger, how? I'm not asking if. I didn't ask if when I repeated myself last time. I didn't ask if to begin with. -HOW- have people's ghostpals affected you through the political sphere?

Again, I'm not asking if it has happened. I'm not asking if it could happen. You said ghosts are politically relevant, so -HOW- have they affected you?

>>SMTIV - individualism bad, collectivism good
It's honestly "Extremism bad". Both Chaos and Law are pretty irredeemable, always have been.,

>devs circlejerk about how woke they are and that its all thanks of its woke new staff
This almost never happens, it's usually just you projecting

>dont buy our games you silly nazis
see above

>kotaku articles about how stunning and brave it is to have a nigger in videogames
see above

Refusing to play a game because it contains black people is not normal. Not everyone has to be the exact same playermodel. Maybe you're actually the cringe tard that should neck himself.

Imagine actually believing this holy shit
Grow the fuck up you pathetic incel

Ghosts have politically affected me insofar that they have affected the political decisions of people in both the past, present, and future. Be it through democratic or autocratic means.

Ironically the people who bitch about identity politics end up participating in it
>game has a brown character in it

>the witcher 3
>no politics

>insofar that they have affected the political decisions
What decision?

>It's only slightly more complicated than the Legend of Zelda.
Yes, and as we know according to Libtard Soothsayers Zelda is Classist, Sexist and Racist.

It's truly a greater skill to interpret anything you want to push in anything else, only the highly educated Sociological Majors can manage.

Attached: Zelda-Political.jpg (1140x1389, 771K)

Not him but I refuse to play games as black characters because I'm not an American soiboy

Re. Black Panther it's funny to point out to people that the conflict in wakanda was between one side that wanted to conquer the world and another that wanted to keep refugees out.

I always find it hilarious how people like you make out the entirety of the Civilization franchise be anti Republican because of that one easter egg no one gives a shit about.

mother 3 showed the development of a rural village with no currency inhabited by 20 people like the utopia that it is into a soulless, urban, corporate jungle like most liberal big cities
retarded resetera commies like you think that the kind of utopia that works for 20 people would work for the whole world though, which is literally impossible
it also helps that mother 3 had a good story with its moments of self awareness, characters that did not pander to woke garbage despite on the outset checking all the boxes
and if you seriously consider that the magypsies are somehow a praise of tranny garbage you havent played the game as they simply serve as a subversion of the fairy/nymph/muse archetype and they are constantly made fun of for how disgusting and hideous they are

That's just how stupid and racist people are here.

Man oh man, don't ya just remember when games never had POLITICS in them? Like, references to MODERN POLITICS? I miss those days. Us gamers, right? Us gamers

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Fuck you jellybrain


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Games were never political before the SJW menace fucked with gamers and game journalists, trust me

You pretty much always get a bad ending for faction A and faction B by being a selfish prick obsessed with money. While aiming for the mutually beneficial solution pretty much always ends happily.

Also, the game literally has a measurement for how good or bad your actions are in the context of the game.

was the entire game geared towards pissing on republicans, though?

>this almost never happens
>mass effect
>naughty dog
thats just off the top of my head
btw lmfao at you fags pretending it's a one sided thing as if you didnt go ballistic over kingdom come and mordhau because they had no niggers in them

I don't care if my protagonist is some short brown haired white dude. Nathan Drake, Frank West, Chris Redfield and the like are fine. Just don't give me absolute shmucks like the lead for Lost Planet 3.

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how is having lgbt characters being pro lgbt? if anything Catherine doesn't portray Erica being a man in a positive light

Who to vote on. Which issues are important. If you should support a dictator or not. What your policies should be if you are in power.

Are you deliberately acting retarded or does it come naturally?

So, one of the other 4 same jokes you make, almost fell asleep reading that post. Your memetic assault methods are increasingly weak.

Oh, a boomer. That explains it. Boomers love making the same jokes a lot, I had a grandpa like that. Well, had a grandpa. He died.

There are virtually no modern games that are geared towards pissing on Republicans. In fact there are virtually no games that explicitly namedrop Republicans or Trump, or have explicit references to Trump. The closest you can get is maybe Wolfenstein having Nazis mocking the idea of building a giant wall in an optional entry you can pick up.

>Yes, and as we know according to Libtard Soothsayers Zelda is Classist, Sexist and Racist.
I mean, that's not exactly the themes of the Legend of Zelda. Anybody that would make such a claim is being stupid. But that doesn't mean that Zelda doesn't have themes.

>Again, I'm not asking if it has happened. I'm not asking if it could happen. You said ghosts are politically relevant, so -HOW- have they affected you?
Stop playing stupid and give me an example.

How is having brown people in a game political? How is having gay people in a game political? Why is it when black people, women, or gays, or trans show up in a game that suddenly makes the game "too political" but a game like Mother 3 that is basically socialist propaganda gets ignored?

Right-SJWs are a real thing. Like SJWs they see dog whistling and messaging from things they believe persecute them.

To be fair, you don't need to put any effort into pissing off republicans. You'll find some way to offend at least some of them, no matter what you do.



It’s just like ORANGE MAN BAD but worse since ORANGE MAN BAD just is unfair to one rich dude they hate while BROWN MAN BAD shits on whole races.

Somebody believes in ghost. Political candidate also believes in Ghosts. Because of that, the first person votes on that political candidate.

Life is Strange 2 literally has Trump's wall in it. The Mexican MC gets assaulted by racists at lest five times. I hope you can appreciate the fact that a reference can be more hamfisted even if it's not explicit.
>There are virtually no modern games
Whether or not it's true, it's irrelevant. You posted one game from 20 years ago.

For the third time, I'm not asking how it could affect you. You said it was politically relevant, so I asked you how it HAS affected you. Stop pretending to be a retard and answer the question. Give an example. How have ghosts affected you politically? It's not a complicated question. There is no way you're too dumb to understand it, so get some self-respect and stop deflecting.
Answer the question.

Feminism Derangement Syndrome probably is a thing more than people realize.

What the hell is that?

Literally every fucking game has politics in it you dumbfuck. Even Mario has politics in it. Do some fucking research incel.

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t. Racist