Just stop complaining it doesn't wo-

>just stop complaining it doesn't wo-

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Other urls found in this thread:



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The devs are still sell out cucks, and don't fall for Fury fanboy shilling

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Also samefag

Never denied it

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No shit, Sherlock.

if it was a regular suicide prevention hot line, sure.

Yea i dont fucking beleive this
Remember how Agony said they werent going to censor after all their controversy, but it still was


why do fags need a special fag hotline?


Attached: 1566863938381.png (588x514, 62K)

Because the normal hotlines were telling them to just kill themselves already.


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artificial controversy used as advertising


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*Cucks out

Jesus fuck how could anybody actually write all that with a straight face holy shit.

The review bomb over this unimportant garbage issue will be one of the issues finally driving Valve to take away consumer input and impact on developers for shoveling them shit.

If it were a bigger publisher I would suspect this was done on purpose.

>argument is a bunch of non-arguments and bullshit spewing



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giving in to mob pressure is bad... if it's not my mob!

Because 41% of trannies kill themselves?

Despite being a developer, he gets a lot of his clout from being a public figure and running dev talks. Gotta keep himself in the public eye.

Progress is progress. They fucked up pandering, but hopefully they inspire more people to not fuck with these child rapists.

Probably because of guermos like you.

Attached: Babies.jpg (1910x1000, 279K)

Actually kinda based.

41% attempt suicide, vast majority faking it for attention

you know what groups also kill themselves at a really high rate?

straight white men

Fuck I'm glad gamers finally rised up. Now its time for them to rise up, for real, and teach the blue checkmarks a lesson, in minecraft.

>Valorar positivamente

Don't muslims hate gays.

post a leftist girl cuter than this

protip, you cant

leftist roastie hags on suicide watch

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There's no way to make backing out of a charity donation look good, don't be retarded.

That's Spanish, you dumb mutt.

I think he's an Indian.

I haven't been keeping track of this; wtf did they do!? Is there a mission where you beat gays to death and throw them off roofs or something? Because that's what I'm getting from the anger I see.

It was an innocuous little joke, wasn't it?

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not when it comes to undermining infidel societies

what was the homophobic joke or whatever that got people anal about this?

This is the killing blow reeera needed, keep em coming.


Muslims hate everybody.

Mob: a large group or crowd of people who are angry or violent or difficult to control
Mobs are violent. Not all input is violent.


>No content cut from the game
>Told to ONLY talk about the game in their official dev discord like they absolutely should have been
>No official "sensitivity training"
>Tax write off donation to a suicide hotline and not some tranny dick lopping cult like Yea Forums keeps saying
>Told anyone who questioned this on twitter to fuck off

So we're in agreement that they did literally everything right as of this point in time, right? Only a contrarian shit disturber would think they're still in the wrong now.

>patricia hernandez

I have yet to see a tweetstorm worth reading.

dumb ameriburger

it's just the sprite of a shampoo bottle

Attached: ogay.jpg (1920x1077, 99K)


ogay instead of olay

Attached: 1559623813420.png (840x854, 434K)

Wtf went wrong Resetbros? Have we lost our influence over devs? Are the nazis seriously winning after everything we've done?

Face down, ass up.

>not all input is violent
until you stop listening to those who give input


Attached: B750EC54-A8D5-4601-A2E6-64C1BF9D42AF.jpg (785x731, 101K)

>put bad pun on bottle of soap
>"we must TRANSCEND the base commonality of games of the past, and approach divinity through acknowledgement of our social gaffes! the EVIL masses will try to steer you wrong, but we, as BROTHERS and SISTERS with a common goal, can rise up against hatred and intolerance. do not succumb to that temptation within you to stagnate. ALWAYS strive to be better. the mob will try to steer you wrong, try to turn you into a monster, but you must stand up! you must fight for what I believe in! so I say to you, my bretheren... rise up! RISE UP, GAMERS, RISE UP!"

now i will buy your game

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 81K)

honestly if your cutting content because a bunch of twitter posts said so, you shouldnt be a game dev anyways

White supremacists are not cute. Fear of any kind is Uggggly.

Do you seriously want them to back out of donating to charity? Do you know how bad that looks?

Is this the Apu street shitter?

>no more public statements on """""controversies"""""
based, more companies need to learn this lesson

Who cares about the bottle? I want to see them apologize for the "sensitivity training" bullshit, that's straight Orwellian villainy right there

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>it's bad to cave to pressure from the masses, unless it's pressure from the masses on my side, of course lol

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Fear is a normal reaction you spastic.


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>sea of gamers
what do they not play games too?

The little squeeze bottles of soap you can find in bathrooms in this game say Ogay, a pun on the brand Olay.
This is the giant issue that trannies are shitting their pants in fury over not being removed.
That's it.

Attached: 1534829788703.jpg (640x640, 261K)

That's because they're mentally ill. Suicidal tendencies are a symptom of gender dysphoria. Trannies need to be cured.

Theres a bottle in game that says "Ogay" mocking a brand of skin care called olay. Theres another where you have to noclip to see it. Its a word that says something like "Retardfag" or something. Also some people dug up one of the devs discord chat mentioning something about parents being stupid as fuck for imposing transgender ideals on their childeren.

People flipped their shit. They apologized and decided to donate money and put the team on a seminar. People got more upset they bent the knee. They realized people got pissed at stupid shit and decided not to remove the "Ogay" joke. Now people are calling them homophobes for some reason cause that somehow makes you one for some reason.

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>they wait until people have bought the game again and can't refund it to reveal it was a TRIPLE CAVE IN and they removed the shampoo bottle after all
The twist.

A bottle said 'ogay' instead of 'olay'. And they're keeping it in the game, those monsters!

Only if they're violent already. Believe it or not, most people are not scared and angry like (You).

The gamers WON

Trannies WRONG

>yeah just let random strangers with a history of being violent and subversive into your home
>wtf why am I being decapitated how could anyone have foreseen this?
what is it like to know your political philosophy is the result of literal brain damage that prevents you from being able to properly identify threats?

Why are people who are hurt by a bottle saying "ogay" even playing video games? How do they even function in society? Probably better off sticking those people in insane asylums.

>How could they decide to make a decision that benefits their target audience that actually bought the game instead of our whiny board? It's not fair.



yeah nah fuck this

im going to go back to playing hell let loose


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lol wow you people are fucken 100% conditioned. Thank fuck you people are so stupid. You make me richer every day

The reason twitter is absolutely buttfuckingly nuclear solar storm mad is that this is the first time in recent memory where they championed a cause and rallied all the little blue checkmarks to do something for the sake of "positive social change" and then had the target of their social justice crusade say "nope, we're not doing it".

they love me

*dabs on resetera*

No amount of dilation will save them now.

Only for cowards, milk-drinker.

Attached: giphy.gif (500x350, 467K)

Who are you quoting?

>most people are not scared and angry
KEK More like they're mostly selfish and materialistic

*ting* *ting* *ting* Ahhh-hem...

Attached: 1564230463294.png (738x669, 186K)


j-just ignore them fellow V bros...
dont be the just as bad as them same side of...
the opposite c-coin...
just as bad...

*dilation dildo pops out from the tension*

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The Sony shill takes the LGBT side

Attached: Screenshot_20190827-025654.jpg (1080x1920, 718K)

It's funny how boycotts are only okay when the left does it, but (((they))) squeal like stuck pigs when actual consumers with actual money vote with their wallets.

No, for people who aren't going for the Darwin Award Speed run.
Also, milk is pretty good.

>women expressing fear (a feminine trait) is ugly

patently false, you're either a butthurt nigger or a fag who is attracted to masculinity

t. Afraid of non-whites

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at least they're not cowardly enough to pussy out of it, just like they weren't afraid to kick the shit out of the entire planet for several thousands of years

Is this game supposed to be funny? Cause Ogay isn’t, and sounds like some shitty euro idea of comedy.

Time to update the list of games Yea Forums cannot discuss


That's it? That's fucking it?
"ogay" and now you have to censor your game, donate thousands of dollars for reparations, and mandatory "sensitivty" brainwashing?
Clown world is not a meme, holy fuck the world is doomed.

It worked in this case because Ion Fury is a niche PC game and, believe it or not, trannies don't play 90s throwback PC shooters.
Consoleniggers are the ones who bow down and take it when a publisher does something they don't like, so that shit only works with console games and multiplats.

I don't get how people can insult gamers while pretending to be them. Do they not realise they're either admitting they aren't gamers or that they're also disgusting sub humans?

>he worries about eating all kinds of fancy foods
>he doesnt just lift weights and drink milk all day


>holy fuck the world is doomed
Welcome to reality Neo.

unironically dilate

I still won't buy your game because I don't play video games

Because homosexual teens who are getting shit because they don't fit in might be more inclined to talk to someone whom they know won't judge them for being gay. That's basic empathy.

I wonder how "straight white" is defined.
Even so, luckly whites are nicer when contemplating suicide. Maybe whites should start going the muslim route and ramming trucks through busy streets.

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Thinking keeps one alive. Fear keeps one FROM thinking.

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People were mad over stuff the devs said in their discord.
The OGAY stuff is just people digging further to find more shit to throw at the devs. Collateral damage basically.

>the outrage in response to the outrage won
this is actually hilarious, hopefully the cycle keeps going

Attached: 1426798196897.gif (290x189, 1.24M)

so you're saying you hate all european people.

le pol redditor fits in on Yea Forums

Fuck off retard.

>that's all people got upset over
fucking wew

the same way that jews insult whites while pretending to be white

they dont believe any of the shit that comes out of their mouths and just hope everyone else is as stupid and susceptible to groupthink as they are

and the cure is suicide

There was also a dev message accidentally left in the game in an out-of-bounds area that had the word "fagbag". I believe that one actually is being removed, but many believe it is staying in.


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Fear is the result of thinking dummy. It's a reaction of the body to put you in a state of readiness because something dangerous to you in around.

Can anyone point me to where the Ogay bottles actually are in the game?

It's being used in the "I'm not talking about those gamers, I'm talking about THOSE gamers" way.

The irony is lost on them.

Trannies will return to the roots they were intended to have, in the back room kneeling and ready to take cock, they will only speak when spoken to and serve their superiors.

>Ion Fury went from being on page 9 of the US top sellers to page 1
Remember this whenever someone tries to tell you that trannies buy games.
They don't.

Whites are already leading every race in terrorism.

Twitter mobs deserve to be mocked and not taken seriously. String enough tweets together and you can justify getting outraged over anything, maybe even earn a blue check while you're at it.

>Dev figures how out to get maximum exposure for their game by pandering to both sides


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You need to delete system 32 for them to show up

Didn't the Snopes article argue this picture was fake because the blacks are in gangs therefore its classified as gang violence so this is wrong?

>attempt suicide
The answer you're looking for is women. Men commit suicide more, women attempt it more.

See Fight or Flight. Fearing dangerous things like sharks while you your period or Chinese escalators is reasonable.

People are STILL mad at the ghostbusters reference? or is there some other gay joke they're pretending to care about in a game they'll never play?

Very based.
am sorry

Plants aren't fancy. Milk is a carcinogen. Milk-drinker is an insult from Skyrim. Git Gud already

Ok, I read through the discord thing. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with what he said AND it's not even offensive.
Don't care user, whatever floats your boat.

Alright, now what?


In a room you can't enter without noclip.

My gf (male) is very excited about this news, "she's" sucking me off rn and I've cum 6 times already.

Fear hones the mind and increases strength and agility. Real life isn't Dragon Ball.
People report time dilation during high stress events. As in, their fear makes time feel longer, giving them MORE TIME TO THINK.

Attached: read-a-book.jpg (566x480, 35K)

this is truly the new Skub

No one cares about them donating to a charity you fucking faggot

You've got a point.

Attached: Democrats.jpg (964x1348, 163K)

>Sonyshill hates people who play video games
Is anyone actually surprised by this?
Sonyfags don't even like video games.

Can you reply the link to the discord or a screenshot of it?

I was going to say there is nobody that stupid, then I remember it's current year and I would not be surprised they said that. Still going to give Snopes the benefit of the doubt and not look it up. Plus I don't give them a click.

Could this be one of the posts spoken about in legend, a post that is both based AND redpilled?

Attached: 1536200924339.jpg (422x768, 98K)

Typical terrified confederate post. Are (You) a Russian bot?

Attached: russia-just-banned-this-picture-depicting-putin-as-a-gay-19667968.png (500x552, 71K)

I think you're in the wrong place, most user's call others faggots, faggot.

Attached: you-are-a-fggt.jpg (500x375, 35K)

I thought that was to get to wherever the "fagbag" comment was written.

Delete all lib files

On a throwaway twitter I commented something like "I will now buy Ion Fury" 12 hours ago and I'm still getting notifications. I like to mouse over the bios in my mentions, they're always satire levels of funny

Attached: Untitled.png (285x285, 18K)


>There was also a dev message accidentally left in the game in an out-of-bounds area that had the word "fagbag".
But it's a deep statement about the outsider position of homosexuals in today's society.

Pretty much, they've redeemed themselves in my eye.

I'm hurt every day watching my hometown turn into some spic taco truck hangout. Where's my twitter hug caravan?

You forgot the part where apparantly the dev team is multinational and the guy who added "fagbag" likely didn't know the weight that word carried overseas.

It's mixed because "mass shooting" is poorly defined. Some gang shootout can count as one if 3+ people were shot.

Actually it started over one of the devs saying he didnt like parents deciding that their infants/toddlers were trans. After they got blowback for attacking the devs over that(normies still don't like the tranny kid stuff) they pivoted to complaining about the ogay soap bottle

I used to troll cucks on twitter, it's too easy.
I honestly started getting depressed with how easy it was, and how many there are.


Still a "guuuurll powurr" protag. Yoir viral shilling wont work.

Indians hate gays too.

It's ok if blacks and browns commit the murders. But you white people better watch out with your language.

>Soap bottle
>called Ogay
Are we sure it's not a bottle of lube?

That's not fear, it's focus. Fear looks like panic and fear gets people killed. And cowards kill people.

Attached: 21aqbc.jpg (620x349, 59K)

This is true. The one near death experience I had'; felt as if the duration between event and me was elongated. My trauma afterwards was magnified. My ex, at the time gf, held me for hours while I shook uncontrollably. The amount of psychological trauma I endured from this nigger running a red light far exceeded what I expected.


Attached: 1412393005826.gif (245x184, 996K)

Honk honk user. Honk honk.

>In one screencap, Ion Fury lead developer Terminx writes, “Yeah if you’re trying to decide your child is trans at birth you have mental problems and probably shouldn’t be a parent [in my opinion].” In another screencap a different Ion Fury developer, Daedolon, asks, “[B]ut mutilating a perfectly healthy body WHILE you have depression and other big mental issues won’t [cause suicides]?”

That's it, and they're 100% right.

according to an article by Sophia narwitz the sensitivity training thing was supposed a tongue in cheek joke, I don't necessarily buy that that was the original intent but them saying that now tells me it was scrapped at the very least.

Fear kills reason. What you describe is REASON.

...How soon after that event did your gf leave you?

Delete this right now infidel

the people i know who use the word faggot the most are blatantly homosexual, in the literal sense. these people are fucking retarded and gay people make the most gay jokes

Ahhhhhh. Reality is stranger than fiction and we have no idea what to do.

It's a purely intellectual response. Importing large numbers of poorly educated, low skilled people from regions of the world known for high levels of violence will not improve a place and in fact will drag everything down worse aside from improving a basic rate of consumption.

Why the FUCK are trannies allowed to live?

I, on the opposite, did more digging around and found an official statement from the developers explaining that the publishers reinforced the mandatory sensitivity training and stated that future games will have to be minority friendly.
In short, what they did now is just a pr move to save the game's steam reviews

More like "O-give me a break", am I right?

Attached: 1558445063993.jpg (666x622, 90K)

a tranny

Fair enough. Nice.

So what's this about "homophobic" content in the game? Is it some sort of joke that a few uptight SJWs cried about or is it actually legit?

Attached: thumbs up master.jpg (330x287, 15K)

Ahaha faggots are so fucking mad holy shit
\Eat shit and die you fucking shitslurping buttchugging fags

ok but is the game any good?

>So we're in agreement that they did literally everything right as of this point in time, right?
Apart from everything up to this point, sure? I'm still not supporting them for being dumb enough to listen to retard era at all.

It makes, the mob is resetera.

I'll tell you. Because we're friends. About 3 years. 4 tops.

You gonna post it or just be a faggot?

Not as bad as the unironic "hitler did nothing" tier Ted Bundy fanbase that magically spawned recently that believe "electric chair" is a slur.

Attached: 1550865238970.png (1072x714, 142K)

I could see how someone somewhere could be offended by some of the discord stuff. I'm indifferent to trans people but I get being bothered by stuff like the "mutilating" comments.
I don't think said person needs to change their opinion or whatever, but it could be hurtful to see someone say that.
I'm also sure someone on 99% of product teams for anything ever made hold similar opinions, so it's a waste to get up in arms like this.

The main "thinking their infant is trans" thing I can't imagine being mad over though. Literally no problem with trans people or even parents talking with their kids about it, but projecting a trans identity onto an infant is actually insane.

If it makes you feel any better, a lot of them are probably bots.

Looking through bios and comments I do find it creepy how they all talk almost the exact same to be honest.

>the review agregate has shot back up to mostly positive
holy shit

>take old cringe comp pic from 2005
>slap "le alt right" in impact font on it

You did it! The societal issues that have lead to the "alt right" are gone!!

The clown world is that you have enough people so butthurt by people being butthurt that they do insane shit like dredge a discord in order to find stuff they can false flag with on places like resetera, creating an endless cascade of butthurt as both groups get progressively more and more upset not even with each other, but with people who were previously outside their culture war.

This whole thing started because some anti-SJW guy wanted to start shit and decided to use Ion Maiden to do it with. Supposedly it was because he didn't like that they made the main character's design less overtly sexy. That's your fucking clown world.

>Damsel in distress isn't a thing

Attached: diagnosis-butthurt.gif (400x288, 1.9M)

Was it really review bombs tho?

>vast majority of interracial violent crime in the entire world is perpetrated by nonwhites against whites
>oy vey i wonder why a handful of whites are finally actually chimping out


Attached: av-foxnewsalert_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23K)

That's never been proven true has it? Might just be some user fucking with you.

Seems pretty clearly defined, it's 3+ people. What is hard to understand about that?
I guess you think 3 people is no big deal and isn't "massive" enough to be a mass shooting?

Attached: oof.jpg (319x252, 20K)

They are 100% right, but a bunch of globalist kikes who run the whole psychology industry says that trannies are perfectly normal, so now he's 0% right

The worse thing we have done as a species was give soft sciences enough legitimacy to be treated as absolute fact

>but projecting a trans identity onto an infant is actually insane.
Uhm, why are you assuming the parent is "projecting trans identity" and not that the infant is deciding theirself what gender they are?

Triggered much, little snowflake?

a bottle of lotion that said ogay and text you had to noclip to find that said fagbag

It's the same shit retard. It's a release of hormones in response to fear.
Yeah, some people are shitty, it's not because of fear, it's because they have poor character.

Attached: fear0.png (757x390, 200K)

> Niggers shooting niggers over crack is the same as a white incel playing pumped up kicks in a wallmart

Attached: 1522111875715.gif (978x478, 427K)

yes tell me more about how fear of nonwhites is illogical when nonwhite men are far more violent than us

tell me more about how emotions are only logical when you arbitrarily decide they are

did he just attack GAMERS?

A soap bottle that says "OGAY". That's fucking it?! That's the homophobia?! What in the fuck? It's not even saying it's bad or expressing any hate. It's a childish joke. Only someone looking to take offense should be upset at that. Holy fucking shit.

more like bitching and moaning lmao

It's an outdated trope like everything else (You) believe.

fox news is garbage cuckservative bullshit. next you're going to tell me trump is hitler when he spends literally all day sucking off blacks, hispanics, women and jews on twitter

You're trying too hard.

>but I get being bothered by stuff like the "mutilating" comments.
Calling it like it is, mutilation is the right term.

lol thats españole

Kind of. But even that breaks down when they discuss it in the more limited "mass shootings = random violence with large bodycounts" and 2/6 cases are nonwhite and 1 is not reported.

I won't pretend you have any game, but that's being a little harsh on yourself.


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Even if you're a muzzie, half of them still hate you

Fear is the mind killer no matter what color your skin is or what's happening around you. Give in to fear and you've lost your mind.

Attached: Jurgen_Windcaller.png (600x1080, 905K)

>something stupid in game
>those who doesn't buy the game complain
>publishers and devs bend the knee
>paying customers gets buttmad
I don't get why publishers and devs throws their paying customers under the bus when twitterfags get mad over nothing.

Those who complain don't even buy their games, why kowtow to them and lose money from those who buy from you?

I hate Fox News; which by the way, is in support of more immigration due to it being a neocon outfit.

Please be fucking joking

Attached: 1528878101733.png (874x705, 1.33M)

No, pretty sure the clown world is the world that's been created by SJWs and letting them hold everyone else hostage.
It's utterly ridiculous to even say "it's both sides", When there's one side controlling the public rhetoric.
Big brother's watching out for those "nazis".

Cowards love their fear.

I'm not afraid though. Annoyed and saddened at the massive social, economic and political devastation wrought by the disastrous experiment of mass immigration over the last twenty years, but not afraid.

Yes, you're correct. The more stringent definitions, such as the FBI's, exclude gang activity, terrorism, or shootings committed during "the commission of other crimes (such as robbery)." Their reason is that gang violence or terrorism has its own causes and solutions, while mass shootings need to be considered as a separate type of crime. The problem, though, as pointed out at the bottom of Snope's article, is that if you exclude mass shootings that are predominately non-white, ie. gang violence, you've only got 6 US mass shootings this year, with only 3 of the perpetrators being white.
The hypocrisy, and reason for the initial infographic, is that the gun control groups are counting every instance of 3/4 or more victims as a mass shootings to get hundreds of mass shootings per year, while simultaneously saying it's white men that are committing them. So, that picture is an accurate counterpoint to the false claim that white people are the biggest culprits behind the 240+ mass-shootings this year.

Attached: SnopesMassShootingFaces2019.png (897x821, 72K)

The fact that somebody actually typed this post unironically is madness.

Attached: 1539841373557.jpg (616x1042, 103K)

>muh fear, its so gross!

she stuck her neck out, put herself in harms way, just to show support for an idea that literally billions of nonwhite men would rape and kill her for having

you're just a pedantic petulant little bitch


"Calling it like it is" doesn't preclude someone being offended by it. I'm not, but I can understand why someone would be.

congratulations, you've discovered the origins of the npc meme

Gun control is also silly as almost all mass shooters of the type that comes to mind when the term is said, ie someone going into a public place and shooting many people for a poorly defined or irrational reason, would actually pass even strict gun control measures. Almost all of them would have been able to get an FAC in the UK for instance.

Not one twentieth as hard as these confederates desperately defending their irrationality.

>It's an outdated trope
Nature isn't an outdated trope.
Women love to be rescued by the strongest specimen, it's a result of our evolution.

Having standards and forcing devs to keep them is good.

I know a lot of shit posters will pretend its whining, but this is honestly a good thing. It doesn't matter how small or unimportant the message was, you should not censor art no matter what.

I will equally defend "Ogay" and retards PMSing on canvases (as long as its not in public cause that's indecent exposure).

Attached: nichijuice.jpg (196x257, 11K)

You reek of fear.

Good lord

Guess I'll buy it then

leftists are afraid of being racist

im simply afraid of the future of the children of my race, and not doing anything to stop their future from being destroyed, before i die. when confronted with things that used to make me afraid, i now experience nothing but a searing rage

Interesting shit. Thanks dude.

They're trying to make it so that gang related things don't count because it's a different catagory.

I don't have a twatter but I'm glad they went back on it, the game is pretty great and it would be a shame if people sullied it because of such a dumb thing

>nonwhite men are far more violent than us
You ARE afraid. Hate is born from fear and (You) are a hater.

wait, does that shit really exist? i tought it was some bullshit from drawn togheter

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God i hate Rami. He condemns Voidpoint for capitulating to a mob then in a 2nd tweet resents them for not capitulating to his mob. He's such a worm. How many mobs has he been a part of? Remember the Nolan Bushnell drama where he was all "lets stop talking about it" once it came out the whole thing was bullshit. I'm so fucking sick of all these unprincipled hyper partisan people.

The lesson isn't to not censor it's that people who complain about arbitrary shit don't buy it in the first place. Listen to your actual consumers instead of trying to placate social media.

The irony levels of this whole situation are fucking astronomical

Attached: screen-shot-2014-07-24-at-3-35-28-pm.png (1280x538, 209K)

You're scared. And that's pathetic. I'm fine.

Leftist are the most racist though. They see the minorities need saving and illegals are working underclass who must suck their dicks or they'll get booted.

>leftists are afraid of being racist
No they aren't. They're the most racist ones around.
They are however afraid of being called out on it, so they go on the attack/witch hunt first. Divert attention etc.

Yes. Things are improving little by little.

Is Zhuge still hiding pedophiles?

No, just women.

They exist, and they do serve a good purpose as being a last ditch resource for those in dire straights and need someone to talk to.
I had to opportunity to volunteer at one once and as much as I'd like to help, that just sounds like a really depressing way to spend a day.

This for fucks sake.

Just did this too.

nigger i dont even feel fear when i nearly die in a car accident

i feel nothing but rage at whoever puts my quality of life in danger

How many other western devs do you think will stand up for themselves now that has happened?

Well that's the lesson to the developer and hopefully others.

>n-no you

Honk honk!
And these are the people Trump, no, everyone sane is against in 2020

based if tru

It's astounding to me that a lot of petty, simple images and joke comics accurately predicted the state of the world.
It's as if we've lost all sense and self-awareness in the last two decades.

Attached: skub.jpg (600x832, 96K)

Wew lad.

>Whites are already leading every race in terrorism.
When did islam become the most popular religion amongst whites?

Yeah, and I'm preemptively pointing out that it's bullshit: They say black lives matter, but not those 3 black lives that got shot in the "not actually a mass shooting".

i voted trump the first time and im not even going to the second time

he'd have all white people lined up and shot by sunrise if his kike handlers told him to

An incel shooting his bully is terrorism now

Apparently the dev didn't even want to censor, the PR guy from the publishers just butted in and said they would.

I'm not sure to be honest.
On the one hand this might go back to the publishers, and they will realise its a bad idea. Or they will keep placating moral authorities because censorship is the path of least resistance to them.

but I think more indie devs will stand against it.

Yea I know, where does that leave us incels ughhhh

gaymerz rise up!!!!

Not even a fucking bottle, a fucking LETTER on a bottle

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BANNED for not condemning racism

I have the impression that indies feed into it for sales.

>getting offended by ogay
lets make it an insult

it really do be like that on that site

This can't be happening bros... I thought Voidpoint are /ourchucks/...

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I thought girls under 18+ weren't allowed to post on Yea Forums


I do not lie on the Internet because I could not make up some of the things I find here even if I tried.

I would think they're better off standing up to it for publicity. How many indie games do you remember caving to this? How many do you remember standing against it?

Based buying two copies now

No. Your entire theory is nonsensical. You can hate without fear and you can fear without hate. Regardless, my opposition to mass immigration from the third world has nothing to do with fear or hate. It's to do with the fact that it does absolutely nothing to benefit society, other than slightly swell GDP, which in itself means nothing.

It is closer to each other then you think

All this over a joke, jesus these people need to get some perspective.

>lets make it an insult

This is not Ogay

I commented directly on someone's post "reporting" about it, so if no one bites maybe go do that and see what happens. This was also just before it became the new shitstorm of the day though

Attached: Untitled.png (551x919, 92K)

Glad to see devs that don't curtail their game just because Twitter checkmarks make a fuss.

It's okay to be ogay.

I can accurately predict you're from the South. With a capital S.

And you wonder why they get so mad at the NPC meme

and did they make you dress like Clara?

Twitter mobs are one thing. The hit pieces from journalists are another thing. If they're standing this time next week, then we'll talk.

But you do REEK of fear.

Isn't that the guy actively sheltering pedophiles?

I'm Canadian actually.
A fucking leaf with a capital L.


Fear? Are you face blind?


do they think censorship helps their own free speech? Do they think they need to censor because they'll be censored themselves?
I'm so confused, this is so fucking retarded.


FEAR. (You) should be ashamed.


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leftists dont care about nonwhite countries

i argued with one about this, and he literally resorted to saying "OF COURSE SANDNIGGERS ARE THE TERRORISTS IN SANDNIGGERVILLE" (and i never say anything outrageously racist like this to him)

then he called me a racist and threatened me with violence

>we've reached the point where there is outrage over unused/cut/out of bounds content
what is the world coming to

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Ever wonder why racists always seem to be a bigger problem in diverse southern states and not lily white ones like Maine? I'll give you a hint, it starts with an N.

I also knew you would lie badly afterwards.


you reek of being a dumb nigger who thinks he's smart as fuck

Attached: notsofast.jpg (317x366, 37K)

Ding dong diddly SEETHING (still won't buy this cucked game)

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The internet is serious business, ;_;

I can see much more than (You)

Honestly I still kinda doubt they actually donated. Who could know?

Fuck off. Nobody cares.

So glad gilette got fucked for this stupid ad.
The fuck were they thinking?
"Men, don't talk to women."

They do the same for suicides and overdose.

"No class."

It must be weird when your stereotype doesn't match reality huh.
It's ok user, you'll live to see another day.

>thought it was funny and not homophobic
It was a great callback to late 90s/early 00s internet humor, like Irrational Exuberance editing "YATTA" onto a bunch of products or AYBABTU.
But these people would just dismiss my nostalgia as "internalized homophobia" because it's not useful for their cult propaganda.

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At least we're not lispy faggots

Trannies hate the free market because their ideas cannot survive in it.
>listen to me!
>this guy over here is gonna pay me to NOT listen to you
>don't listen to him, he's a bigot!
>are you gonna pay me to not listen to him instead?

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I watched this ad but I have no social awareness whatsoever. What was it about? Bullying of kids?

Why are you so insistent that your understanding of the issue is the sole one? Sounds fearful to me.

>dumb nigger

>just a joke
>it's equivalent to killing lgbtbrapps
Rev up them jokes, it's time to genocide them

>it's a dumb joke that hurt people
>dumb joke
>hurt people
Nobody is hurt by a dumb joke. These people have to steamroll everyone else until they capitulate to their feelings while being the most thin skinned pussies on earth. That or they know nobody is hurt by it and are just being manipulative.

It's not confusing when you learn the basics about communist Russia, maoist China, and the third Reich.

That's why they always try and push this into the biggest things instead of understanding they're a niche.


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Hahaha I fucking love it
Just LOOK how hard they're absolutely BOILING

Pronoun having 15 year olds on Twitter think this is comedy gold but will cry about how OGAY is literally killing gay people.

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Exactly. Seeing it put a smile on my face and made me sure that they've made a great game because they had that right air of irreverence.

>skyrim "comeback"
well, at least you made it easy to completely disregard your opinion and discard any human rights you once had

they are pros at milking this shit. I cant even be mad this is pretty impressive.

>your stereotype

Attached: 2nni.gif (400x358, 754K)

>mfw I'm bi and I find things like "Ogay" hilarious
Get fucked, virtue trolls.

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Sometimes the good guys win.

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>all this over a fucking pun
Man /pol/ is right, no way to unfuck this mess peacefully.

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They're still removing faghag and making the donation.

Just telling men not to be men in a general sense - no single thing. It was basically a recruitment campaign for nu-males.
The scene in that picture in particular annoyed me the most.
Does anyone know if Schick stocks went up in response to gilette losing 8 billion?

yup faggotry off the charts confirmed

user, every tranny or people posting on resecancer is a fucking insane piece of walking shit, what did you expect?

Honestly I've done this. It's using pity to manipulate and get your way knowing if someone calls you out you're shielded. They don't actually believe it. Like I've said I have done this, I had skin cancer and use it as a way to get out of certain things like outside work. I am fully aware of what I'm doing and so are these people only they haven't actually been through anything

>calls himself gay
>is actually bi
literally why?

How original. Is this the power of Fox News brain?

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what a fag all this proves twitter should increase word count

>15% of the population commits 60% of the murder (niggers)
>haha whypepo so afraid, cowardly little pussy white bois

Attached: 1550969820912.png (657x705, 316K)

Fox News isn't even broadcast in my country.

>tfw user
>can't find the button to unsub from your blog

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Fuckn based

Fuck, kinda based

That's easy for a shitter like (You) though.

Why don't they just eat healthy?

Based. Buying 4 copies.

>none of the commies can aim

Attached: 1523494602668.gif (500x500, 800K)

>don't even tweet
>have twice as many followers as this bumbling buffoon
I'm confused

large swaths of gunfire

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It's war. Faggots and women want all straight white men to suffer.


Based, same boat here.
I don't even identify with it anymore, only because how nauseatingly bad the people associated are.

>salad costs $5
>burger costs $1

>hour and a half

wonder what happened in that timeframe.

who's the gear guy next to ancap?
and why is socdem fighting alongside tankie?

Right here.

Attached: 4eE9crD.gif (540x397, 2.03M)

the ability to delay gratification is inherently related to intelligence

niggers eat trash food for the same reason why kids left to their own will eat ca

It's actually closer to 7-8% committing 60% of the murders since (black)men are significantly more likely to be able to kill someone

That didn't hurt. Keep trying.

Attached: tumblr_mhq2hgLCmg1s332cmo1_500.gif (480x347, 377K)

yeah okay retard.

Heh, pretty good. Honestly I think they're better off not interacting with people trying to trap them with leading questions so they can feel justified in calling them homophobes, but they're actually defending themselves here in a way that isn't just "oops we're sorry" and that's honestly pretty refreshing.

>It's using pity to manipulate and get your way knowing if someone calls you out you're shielded
Anyone who's been withing 15 feet of a woman knows that much. It's their entire rhetoric. Be a dumb cunt until you've infuriated someone enough they say something you can jump on. Like you're being an infuriating, dumb cunt.

>Not just preparing your own food.

Minus the 1% already in jail, minus the infants and elderly and it's actually 4~5%


Gays and Lesbians look down on bi people, they're the straight white males of the lgbt. And thus they're of lower rank in the oppresion pyramid.
He's trying to get the extra oppression points, like a shamless whore.

*eat candy all day. they are stupid, cant delay gratification.

good salad takes more effort to make than a good burger, and has a potentially much wider range of nutrients

>Just telling men not to be men in a general sense - no single thing. It was basically a recruitment campaign for nu-males.
That's so stupid. It's one thing to say "don't rape, don't beat your kids, don't be a dickwad", but it's another to say "don't flirt with girls."

that avatar fits the post so well

sonicfox will most likely commit suicide within 5 years because he is getting older and this looks more pathetic the older he gets

>buy a bag of lettus for 5 bucks
>6 meals
>buy some hamburger meat for 8 bucks
>like maybe 3-4 meals

also that "1$ burger" is pretty minuscule compared to a full salad.

>punpun faggot talking about feelings


i tested in the top 1% in math. the 160 IQ range. literal genius tier. i was 1 of only 2 students to even pass my physics class (the teacher was based)

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Read this Patriots AI's speech from Metal Gear Solid 2. We're currently in a real apocalyptic scenario, but unlike that game, we have no AI filtering our content for the sake of society.

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As a Real Gay I am much more offended by all those straight people and trannies being offended in my place so they can play the victim while ruining the general reputation of all gays everywhere than I am by a harmless joke that nobody in their right mind would consider homophobic.
Fuck those cunts. SJWs are trying to undo decades of trying to get homos accepted. People fucking died so I me being alive isn't a fucking crime in the civilized world, and they're shitting all over it so they can play the victim, it's fucking disgusting.

People's Veto on YouTube is basically a one stop resource for race arguments, think you guys would like him.

>I won't buy a game before its released ;_;

I'm 100% willing to bet he supported the game because "strong female women" and let his moral dick stroking guide him.

Why the fuck do Bis and prison gays love to spam "I'm gay"? Go onto any general community on this site and you'll see that shit all the time.


It's that but a bit different. They use their perceived oppressed status and exploit it. They want to continue to be seen as oppressed. The moment they aren't they lose all power.

but how am i finna sustain a 5000 caloric surplus and diabetes if i blow all my money on salad

I hate generals so much.

If you think about it, he's not wrong. SJWs are saying "hey, don't be a dickhead, be a decent person instead" and alt right assholes response to that is basically "no." Mock all you want, the left has the moral high ground.

>Whoa nigga, I saw her first!

You have to be PC and not piss off the niggers, spics, kikes, sand niggers, mussies, fags, or gooks.

this kid in pic related literally offends the entire gay community, think about that.

Attached: innapropro.png (1356x706, 1.4M)

>SJW Devs don't bend to being grilled by fans for playing against them
>"What Brave People, fuck entitled gamers!"
>Devs get bashed for something said in private and leaked out by seething SJW drones
>Proceed to abuse reviews to forced them into bending to your whim
>They don't

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-17-16h00m56s140.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)

And still retarded. Git Gud

thats why you sell crack cocaine so you can eat 5 salads at a time.

nah, he'll just grow out of it once saying 'i'm gay' elicits tepid responses at best.

Reminder that’s the Lerner of Era and if you tweet him asking why he takes part in a discord sever that harbor pedophiles hell instantly block you. Please try it. Or report him for fun.

Lettuce has fuck all calories. Even eating an entire head a day wouldn't sustain you. The rest of the ingredients you need for a balanced meal are way more expensive.

>my mob is right, your mob is wrong


Drop the "assholes" and it becomes decent bait, you're almost there user!

>see girl you know walk by
>go to talk to her
>some random negro jumps in front of you and gropes your pecs, calling you a rapist

free market wins again

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>it's game
I thought the preferred pronoun was "they"?
Also, somewhere, an English teacher is wincing

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I still find it hilarious how fucking squeeky clean the fucking H-doom devs are.

All they can find is something normies agree with, and a "ogay" bottle.

>That's so stupid.
Sure is.

spinach nibba

and I thought this was to lose weight, not sustain an athlete.

if more fags were bullied into being straight, less of them would become trannies who mutilate their genitals then kill themselves

make that money my capitalist friend, seize the day

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Christ this board is finished. Look at all the disgusting tranny SJW resetera tourists in this thread. Fucking cringe.

>Confirmed to still be doing sensitivity training
>confirmed still making the donation
>confirmed that the game WILL still be censored as fagbag room is gone

Resetera made 4 changes. You reversed one.

Quality post

I went to a really small k-12 school up north, we had like one openly gay kid and he was exactly like that but even more annoying. I remember in gym it was raining so we were inside doing some sorta disc golf thing but with these hula hoops on poles that you'd throw them into, when the hoops were pulled out gay kid goes "oh that looks like my asshole". He and his Native friend (who belonged to a tribe that just gives millions of their casino $ to members of their tribe) would bitch about white privilege and straight people all fucking day. it was worse in art class though.

If you think about it, they're not wrong. Gamers are saying "Hey don't be a moral busy body and force developers to self censor by doxing" and Alt Left assholes response to that is basically "oh my god you guys are censoring us, I thought you were against censorship!" Mock all you want, the gamers have the moral high ground.

Because they all agree that (you) need to die either way.

>that one GDQ tranny who got so triggered he had to keep tweeting the words boobs to get him feeling better
anyone know who it was, i cant remember.

Attached: hBh0Ufs.png (821x619, 872K)

that's classist


>salads from fast food joints are healthy
Just make your own damn food faggot, and no, salads arent THE healthy dish, a good piece of lean meat or fish is much better

Where is your god now?

>oooooh what are you going to do, cry to your mom about it?

Oh, my bad, I didn't read the entire chain. True then. Still, you gotta at least take a daily vitamin or something, greens don't have everything you need and your body can't generate it all from stored fat.

I'm an egoist. Both the ancaps and the ancoms dislike but tolerate me.

i've heard that gay is becoming more of a blanket term of LGBT people, like that one bi girl who's dating a top smash player but she calls herself gay.

>Still, you gotta at least take a daily vitamin or something

luckilly we live in that dystopian future where you can easilly get cheap vitamins to cover all your daily needs.

you're straight up lying about the sensitivity training though.

>play retro shooter
>complain that it is has antiquated humor

bwhahaha, nice pic.
Summer is almost over.
Red nigger was probably drunk.

Yea Forums might not want to admit it but this person is totally right.

Can confirm. I know a gay guy that has said that he refuses to date bi guys.

>giving his money to the LGBTQ Tranny charity
Lmao cúckold

Can I get a non meme explanation of what exactly people wanted removed?

That's retarded.
I'm bi. I enjoy both cock and pussy.

I just fucking hate the fact that you can not even make your own game without being haunted by SJW who wasn't even going to buy the game in first place. They just want to "take action" on something they believe can control

>From experience, it's super hard to be in a situation in which you were wrong.

Much like he is right now.

Literally a bottle of soap saying ogay. this isn't a meme

And lying about the training aside the fagbag thing is entirely irrelevant. They pushed back and trannys are seething. that's really all that matters.

Doesn't matter who's wrong or right, all that matters is that sweet sweet free market.

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They believe that you want to do to them what they want to do to you.

They still donated 10,000 to the dicksnip factory. They are just trying to appease both sides like that booger1488 fat fuck.

Let's force them to make the character's hair pink.

A bottle of hand soap with a gay pun.

And some random gibberish test placeholder text with "fag bag" written in it by a non-native English speaker that's out of bounds in a map

Attached: 1566267213025m.jpg (1024x575, 47K)

The publisher donated to a hotline . If they even did

Don't care. They straightened up.

They should just take it back and say they don't want people to think they're doing this for brownie points. And then say they'll donate anonymously to a different charity.

Rami is literally wanted along with his family in Egypt and he has the tenacity to say this. Top kek

It's never been about ediquette. Do you think these Christian bakers are cursing out the fags when they take moral objection to baking a fag cake?

It's always been about submission. You don't submit, you are evil to the left

LGBT is literally just (gay) (gay) (gay) and (gayer)

just snowflake shit for gays

There is no way that they could pull that donation without getting crucified

I love the hypocrisy of the game's journalists on this one. They tried to bully this company into censoring what they wanted, actual consumers didn't like it and now they're bitching about the consumers bullying the company.

Attached: Feminist Frequency.jpg (514x960, 93K)

Dear god I hope they continue to shit on "journalists" like this, maybe other companies will notice and start following suit. "Journalists" deserve their place at the bottom of the trash heap, and people need to start reminding them of this.

maybe, but it would be really funny.
They should do a poll or something, and claim their hands are tied.

Saying you're going to donate to something and then going "whoop nevermind" is just a bad look though.


They were never fucking bent to begin with. It WAS ALWAYS 3D REALMS THAT STARTED ALL THIS

fucking hell. The Voidpoint Devs are cool guys I've been saying this since day 1. It's the PR department of 3Drealsm that are fucking FAGGOTS

>LGBT is literally just scissor-gay, swordfight-gay, half-gay, and faggotry

>they'll donate anonymously to a different charity
lol imaging calling up a charity on the phone and asking for your money back.

There's no actual proof they actually donated. Could be a lie like the training

>He still thinks the Trevor Abuse House is a "suicide hotline".

Jesus Christ...

>dev complains that forcing transexual ideas on kids will fuck them up
>donates to a dick snip suicide hotline to help those affected

this is some 3D chess.

It's face wash, you lying fascist prick. Not soap. And it's in capital letters.

Ah yea, I know the type. I don't associate with those queens, and never have dated any.
You expect too much from card-carrying lgbt gays.

They're driven by hatred and resentment. It's utterly selfish and, if their goal is gay or trans or whatever acceptance in the normie space, then they're fucking themselves over so fast it's like watching someone not notice the gaping hole they're about to step into.

Everyone's sick of it.

>Most members of the “exhausted majority,” and then some, dislike political correctness. Among the general population, a full 80 percent believe that “political correctness is a problem in our country.” Even young people are uncomfortable with it, including 74 percent ages 24 to 29, and 79 percent under age 24. On this particular issue, the woke are in a clear minority acrossallages.

Just cancel the transaction

>Giving away money to Tranny Charity is good
Wew lad



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>sexual omnivore
>mental illness

oh I'm sure, another one from the same tribe got arrested recently and his house condemned, he was like a star athlete in high school, two years out of it he's a drunken mess and gained 300 pounds.

It's not really that funny but it's also not homophobic. Last I checked, "gay" wasn't even a slur. It's literally just the word "gay" appearing on a product. It could mean anything. It's no more offensive than if they'd called the product Black brand shampoo. It's literally just a descriptive word, there's no slur connotation at all.

Daily reminder that Daniel is literally a saudinigger pretending to be Chinese so people don't realize that his dad got him into the job he's in from that white basic soccer who owns the company. Just let the Saudi authorities know that a Saudi Arabian citizen is defending gays and he will be singing a different tune

>sexual omnivore
Based, I approve.

It wasn't the bottle they got mad about, it was the dev saying we should not be diagnosing people with gender dysmorphia at birth.

its okay to be gay, but its not okay to be ogay because then its a slur.

are the gays tryi g to claim the word gay? will they eventually make it a hate crime if someone who's not gay uses the word gay?
am i going to be calling it the G word in 2020?

Why does this read like the nazis are the good guys.

when are devs going to wise up and realize that listening to jew journalists and sjw's that don't even play games is pushing away people who actually buy their shit

Attached: gamer mode.jpg (718x959, 121K)

all of it was listed as a mental illness to the DSM, the definitive rulebook on what is and isnt considered mental illness, until recent decades

but now the DSM lists "homophobia"

so it went from saying "being gay is an illness", to saying "not liking people who are gay" is in illness, within a few decades

Holy shit Voidpoints

Attached: 1553158620113.png (425x425, 71K)

It's literally just straight white tumblrinas who deep down know they're ultraprivileges and want to keep everyone else from figuring out

Donating to a suicide hotline for people that are getting fucked over by tranny acceptance is good no matter what side you're on.

Didnt he cover for pedos?

This guy runs a video game message board where people make threads about not knowing how to wipe their asses or talk to people irl

All they do is make more enemies for themselves. Moderates see how fucking insane they act and overreact over literal nonsense and it pushes them away. SJWism is inherently unsustainable and it'll probably nearly completely die out in the next few years. They're treated as more of a joke as time moves on.

reminds me of the 1 drop rule.

>Kojima makes fun of gays
>it's ok
>West dev does a pun on olay
>literally worse than hitler

>Why does this read like the nazis are the good guys.
a-user, I...

Attached: 1434140381392-4.png (900x900, 175K)

SJWs vehemently hate Japanese people

What is the pun exactly? I'm still unclear on the joke.

So do we hate 3D realms now or what? Is it time to RISE UP GAYMERZ?


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Fucking finally someone is demostrating that you can be a not drooling brainlet snowflake.
Respect for those guys.

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>Kojima makes fun of gays
>>it's ok
Foreign cultures are beautiful things that need to be respected! Doesn't matter if they hate gays and trannies!


They are worse for this industry than any "toxic gamer" could ever be. I'm just glad they've been put in their place for once.

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Most gay and trans people HATE the movement at this point. It's gone from "please let us marry like straight people" to "if you don't have your son turn into a girl you're hitler" in 5 years

>and then for no reason at all germans elected hitler into power


New thread

I know its wrong, but holy shit they frame it like hitler was the bottle cap on western degeneracy.

The only thing offensive about this whole thing is how offensively lame “Ogay” is

>sea of gamers

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They found that animals in the wild have homosexual encounters and continue functioning normally. They found it was possible for homosexuals to contribute to society. They deconfirmed it as a mental illness and the pride bullshit started, and Hollywood gay became the stereotypical gay, people believed that they had to be lisping flamers that gave it up to anyone in the street. This is what gay rights people looked like in the 1950s. Suits, ties, dresses, proper hygiene.

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It says 'gay' on it. Olay? More like Ogay huehuehuehue

They're still donating to tranny charity tho

What is actually homophobic about the word "gay" simply existing in the game?
It's just printed on the side of a bottle.

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They really think constantly fearing for the next petty thing that will get you ostracized from your own community is paradise. Progressives are strange.

If only niggers are allowed to say nigger do you really think this is so far fetched?

Based Hidden Tribes poster

>A play on "Olay" a shampoo company causes this much butthurt from the left.

Jesus fucking christ.

/pol/ is a-always r-right. Why lads.

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but we're all faggots
no homo

New thread

If every gay dude was like Gachimuchi, fuck I'd be one for them, but instead it's flamboyant pedopredators.

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>i know its wrong

do you think the thousands of books they burned didnt include the ones written by the jewish doctor here named herschfeld about how fag mental illness is ok and how to "treat" it by giving men estrogen and cutting up their junk randomly?

They basically made a choice.
>Appease people who don't play video games and lose sales.
>Don't appease them and sell game.
Either way, all they have to do now is sit on their hands for a bit and let the LGBT crowed scream and cry harder than the anti-censorship people screamed and cried.

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I care about non if this shit. Like, seriously, a soap bottle named, Ogay? So tragic.

Fucking americans.

Weird to put stickers spelling child porn on the back of your monitor.

i don't like modern marketing...

Wow that's incredibly surface-level. Wait a minute! You're not allowed to joke and mention gays at the same time!!

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He probably found out that he (Tyrone Everynig) got cucked by John Whitman. Promiscuous sluttiness knows no race.

>people believed that they had to be lisping flamers that gave it up to anyone in the street
This is what infuriates me more than anything else. Now when I tell someone I'm bi they either assume I'm a flamer and hate me for it, or assume that means I want to hear all about how their sex went last night and invite me to some retarded pride shit.

That acronym just gets longer and longer.

New thread

It's almost as if rather than being an accurate depiction of medical health, the DSM merely reflects the political establishment's view on things.

This is actually real. Jesus Christ.........

This. Either way they should have removed Fagbag and kept Ogay then NOONE could complain. Not like the former was even in the game proper, they just forgot to scrub it

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>They deconfirmed it as a mental illness
I mean, it's a dysfunction regardless. Animals aren't free of dysfunction so I'm not sure how that means anything. It's just not a life threatening one. People can do what they want but we don't have to pretend it's on the same level as a biological function like heterosexuality. Going beyond that is just so gays can boost their ego a bit.

But "Gay" isnt a slur, nigger is.
now if they had used "Aids infested assburglar" then yeah..

The journos hate nips though
They just play interference for the homophobia of the middle east and africa

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Eww, all 3 are fat and ugly.
See, the nazis wern't all bad.
Savages, they should stay in their teepees on the reservation drinking firewater and smok-um peacepipe.
6 million my ass.
Because they were.
They elected him because he was their destined leader, just too bad he didn't finish the job.

New thread

Must be nice being Muslim and getting to chuck faggots off buildings with the boys

Why *do* retarded *faggots* who *use* twitter *insist* on inserting *random* punctuation mid-sentence where it *doesn't* belong and makes *no* sense whatsoever?

million times better than conforming to random angry people who dont even care about your product.

No beers or bacon though, and all the women in kunoichi outfits which I'm into


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A tranny likely killed themselves (or put them one step closer towards killing themselves) because of this. Are you all proud of that?

Yeah, the no beer or bacon things a big deal breaker
God, but it'd be a pretty sweet religion if it didn't have those retarded rules. Women in their place, emphasis on family cohesion, faggot killing not only legal but openly encouraged. All it needs is a little reformation to iron out some of its kinks and I'd be on board.

Nothing impressive about making a tranny kill itself, so no. Just flip a coin instead.

that kid is not happy, why do parents do this?


I'm disappointed that only ONE tranny MAYBE killed themselves.

Over "Ogay?" Yeah sorry champ, not buying it.

>This. Either way they should have removed Fagbag and kept Ogay

nah, devs should be allowed to keep in childish humor even if in retrospect it was a bad idea.

this is what many single moms do after deciding not to kill the kid before giving birth to him

>ill just mentally and physically castrate him instead so he can never find another woman to provide for instead of me :^)

i think its actually a mechanism of them trying to keep the only male who hasnt left them to stay in their life and provide for them forever, but its going on overdrive to such an extent it doesnt even work anymore

Yeah but Islam tolerates trannies which are way worse than faggots.

If a tranny spends a moment evaluating its life it's a step closer to killing itself

>degenerates take discord posts out of context and start a shitstorm
>devs apologize and donate 10k to fag suicide prevention hotline
>degenerates cheer and applaud themselves for making devs see the error of their ways. They still won't buy the game though because they don't support the nazis
>degenerates demand random string of text removed(which can only be found by clipping through a wall)
>devs says they will do that
>degenerates still not buying game because of the nazis
>gamers review bomb telling devs to stop being fucked retarded
>devs stop being retarded and decide not to remove random string of text
>degenerates bitch and moan
Ion Fury just keeps getting better and better.

>No u

Yeah, its far from perfect. Hence why a reformations needed. They're on the right track in some places and hilariously off base in others