DQXI thread

DQXI thread to celebrate the new release in a month. Switch owners and PS4/PC owners hop in here and celebrate with us.
Be civil and kind and spoiler anything that is spoiler worthy.
Don't bait people and accept a modicum of high impact sexual ribbing.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>high impact sexual rimming
Sylvando is my favorite character, how did you know?

The game looks like shit

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Friendly reminder

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Not great looking but I'm glad more people get to enjoy an amazing game.

Of the characters that switch people have access to how would you rank your party in terms of, well, anything?

Is this some sort of bad joke?

the only joke is the intentional shitposting. I'm one of the guys who got the PS4 version and I'm OP and even I want the pettiness toned down so we can just talk about the game.


It's honestly more horrible than you guys can imagine


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Erik is cool and his accent is annoyingly unique.
Usually I hate the cool guy trope when its done up so much but he seems to make it work.


This is gonna be hell. The male endings were confirmed to not be romantic in nature. Get ready for outrage.

I played it on PS4 last year and am probably gonna get it for switch again. One thing I really didn’t like is that spell and skill descriptions really don’t give you an idea of their power level. Like what the fuck is the difference between frizz, kafrizz, swoosh, kaswoosh, bang, etc, I wish they at least gave some kind of power ranking or something

Just downloaded the demo. Characters look happy, I love the english voices and the game looks great in handheld. Might even look better than botw were it slightly sharper. I'm loving it so far.

Any way you choose to enjoy the game is valid and even the PS4 version is worth playing, without the orchestrated soundtrack.

Any way is valid, except for, of course, if you choose to play with japanese voices on your first time and miss out on Veronica and Serena's 11/10 english voice acting. Imagine.

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should I just play in 2d if I prefer handheld mode

I head a bad case of migraine after 2 hours with how blurry it is undocked. Haven't tried docked yet but I suggest you make use of that 2D mode for the entire game if you're playing handheld. It's hard to stomach it any other way.

>all the exact same posts from the end of last thread
It's almost like it's the same few idiots spamming the same stuff. So basically, like every Dragon Quest thread.

>no one knows or cares about Dragon Quest in the west! It's a dead series!
Says the contrarians, bashing the series because it's broken the popularity barrier.

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Is handheld really that bad? I find it hard to believe they’d release a game this big with blur issues, because that’s pretty fucked up

play any way you want user. This is a positive thread where we encourage everyone to be the best they can be.
It will be interesting to play thru a zone in 3d then go see it in 2d.

I'm saddened. I made the thread hoping we could all be friends in arms.
I want to talk about the game to spur discussion but I don't want to spoil it for my bros.

Daily Reminder
you can marry your waifu, go to other DQ worlds and play in 2d mode in the switch version

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bad game

I played the game on PS4 and muted the voices. Specifically because of the forced British crap. The Japanese voices are just proving that the original game doesn't use regional dialects and characters express themselves through other means. So the western version is inaccurate to the creators original vision.

In before legion of people defending the localization. Which would still be better to argue over than graphics.

Is it weird that the hands in this game are almost erotic to me?
I'm no footfag and it disgusts me but all the women in this game look so meaty where they should be.
All the puff puff girls are toned and spergy.

You just can't experience it like it should hehe

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cool I played on ps4 already so that'll be a way to keep things fresh

It’s not he’s being a shitposting retard.
T. Guy who played for 4 hours straight with no issues

Can I marry Jade? If so, I don’t give a fuck, I’ll buy a switch and DQXI S right the fuck now

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I actually can't marry my waifu in this game. She is in the game but I can't marry her.

Marriage though? Marriage?! Not even; it's just a wedding. Where's the excitement coming from?

which loli do you want to marry?

Yes you can user!
she won't be wearing white though

I'm guessing Erik's sister, since you're so coy about it.

Walk around the monsters but don't fight them in every zone you pass thru. Every monster has cute idle animations and some will even interact with each other in adorable ways.

Marrying Jade is enough for me.

Of course not. In fact, I doubt she’ll even be wearing anything at all!

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Its a legit spoiler, it is Serenica

Easier said than done when the enemies, along with the landscape and NPCs, appear all of a sudden 2 meters in front of you

why do people keep posting this pic as if it's supposed to look bad? this looks better than 99% of Switch games lmao

Snoycucks are seething

>the face of disgust on Yuusha
>the face of [visible confusion] on Eight
>the glow and smug on Rab
absolutely perfect.

I know exactly what you mean, the modelers did an incredible job on the women on this game. Every part of them is nice to look at. Their hair, their faces, their hands and feet. They are just very pretty in every way.

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because its a shitposter posting the PC version.

How are the written accents in this game?
I don't want too much of the
>'ey wot are you's doin' ova there govna

>more bullshit
Enemies appear exactly the same as the PS4. Actually play the demo and see for yourself.

Serenica is cute! CUTE!

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Nigger that is PC

I went through the entire game on PS4 and I don’t remember it being a problem at all. And I hate that cockney shit just as much as you

am I seeing things, or does the Switch port have Super Mario 64 trees?

They are present, but no where near as bad as DQ4.

the way the Hero does the thumbs up on level up reminds me of pic related.
I laugh every time he does it.

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Oh god, oh fuck.

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I loved it personally but a couple of the early sections have english accents, another area has people speaking with Italian accents, another has a few Aussie ones which cracked me up and there's a place with people with Hawaiian accents/parts of dialogue

Spoken accents I don't care about. They're only a pain in the ass when expressed through text.

Like Dragon Quest VIII. About 40% have no accent at all, 40% have a mild dialect, then about 20% really lay it on thick with endless apostrophes and made up words.

the written accents are heavily toned down, to the point of almost not being there. There's still some but with actual voice acting accompanying most if not every line really makes it a non problem.
I actually love the accents in DQ games (if voiced). Meena and Maya in DQH2 made my dick absolutely diamonds.

A man of absolute culture as well

Even Dragon Quest spin off games tend to be of a higher quality than most games' numbered entries.
I love this series to death lads and enjoy that only a particular mindset tends to gravitate to it. You are all my brothers and I love every one of you.

It’s just comfy. I put 124 hours into DQXI and am gonna do it again because it’s so good.

I'm gonna replay it when it releases on switch, but on ps4. I've been having the itch anyway.
I just finished up Heroes 2 and it was really fun.

it doesn't seem like the switch has the hardware to be able to handle trees

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I hear people say greatsword is best overall but it just feels so wrong.

Wonder how janky it will look when the Treevil enemies start showing up.
They actually blended in well on the PS4.

I only use the short sword with the hero, it just feels right

yea, shit like this stands absolute no chance
it'll be a funny month next month seeing all this mess unfold

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I'm still in awe that they managed to transition things like the green dragon into HD 3D without it losing any of its charm.

all the particle effects coming off the flowers is going to be gone on switch isn't it?

They were obvious on the PS4. Precisely because the definition is so clear, you could tell the difference in textures. And you can see that difference on the Switch as well. The demo has hiding enemies.

The drum enemy will march around banging his drum and all the enemies follow him like he is a pied piper.
This game doesn't deserve to be as charming as it is.

Remember to always upgrade your equipment to +3 anons!

if they keep the flowers at all you should be grateful

stop giving spoilers stupid shit
some of us like to explore everything blindly and learn with our mistakes and experiences instead of reading some dum-dum tell it to us like an uncalled for internet guide

>first thing I ever try to craft is a scale shield
>Perfection! +3
O-okay...guess I'm good at this.

You retarded son?
You want a spoiler?
The Game

Hendrick joins you

I'm quoting you just so people will know what happens.

That’s not even close to a spoiler, wtf

Spoiler, this game has crafting. Just like every DQ game since VIII. It's also got magic, cute girls and a Yuusha.

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Jannies probably aren't deleting or banning the actual spoiler a few posts down just because the idiot was a shitposter and deserves it.

>Autists screeching over muh trees
Don’t mind me just playing definitive version with the long list of gameplay additions and QOL improvements

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Can you really have a gay cohabitation with one of the guys instead of marrying one of the girls?

Based as fuck jannies not giving a shit about spoilers

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Yes, and you should because he is a bro for lyfe.
Seriously, you save the world but it was just a slow week for him and he had nothing better planned.

I mean in terms of characters themselves. As party members, Erik seems to be the best one for early game, and if it's like the previous "first person to join your party" people, I bet he keeps being one of the better party members.

Huge spoiler incoming. This game has a bunch of Dragon Quest tropes.

Keifer fulfilled this in DQ7 and then he didn't and I raged.

I didn't wait 2 years for bullshit like this to happen.

Do we know about the new character endings from the Japanese version? There were supposed to be new endings where you ditch Crikey for one of your party members.

>I bet he keeps being one of the better party members.
Spoiler for combat mid-late game. He becomes an absolute monster later on. Can literally one shot bosses with a few turns setup and good RNG. Without good RNG, he can still do insane damage with the same setup.

>tfw just finished Builders 2 last week

I heard some people use Dual Swords for him and some use Dual Daggers, which would be better late-game? Also, is it good to give Luminary some magic? I bet the instakill spells would be useful for high-HP enemies, and I remember Zap being great in the older games.

Did you play the "post game"?
they come back :)

Dual swords with his knives in his inventory. Switch to knives for boss fights. Doesn't even use your turn to do so.

maybe now they'll bring DQ X to the west.
Please play it I have no EN friends.

How do I git gud at this game? I beat it on ops4, but never really felt confident in battles. It was my first dragon quest game ever

Dual Swords for random encounters and Dual Daggers for bosses. Luminary gets some abilities mid-late game, but I never really used his spells all that much. I had others do the spell casting.

Lmao no one care faggot

Use debuffs more. Try going for harder monsters. It will teach you to use debuffs as soon as you get access to them.

Look fine to me, why are shitposters and consolewarfags popped up so much in DQthread now?

I've only done about 1/3rd of the Builders Tablet stuff so it will still be a while before I unlock the post-game.

Because they get replies

Use buffs and debuffs alot and experiment with different weapons/skills. There are a good handful of skills that will hit groups or all enemies and their cost will be low enough that you can just spam them during every random encounter for easy wins.
On bosses make sure buffs/debuffs are always up and enter into them with as many people already pepped as possible.
Always +3 your gear.

Did they add more to the storyline or anything that add play time?

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The people in the Japanese flavoured town can only speak in haiku, what's that tell ya?

Another town can't decide whether it's Australia or China but I think that might be an actual stab at the Chinese invasion of Aussie and if so well played.

Character spotlight arcs and bonus dungeon. And the visit past worlds thing (this won't increase actual playtime as its just a tourist style look at things but its neat)
The character spotlight arcs are significant though.

it's too pretty on the ps4. going to play in retro mode on switch then switch to normal to see the jade scenes.

It isn't the only japanese flavored town in the game but the translation completely borked the second location.

>Character spotlight arcs
The hell is that? Their own storyline?

absolutely, simply based.

Yeah it seems to be a little mini arc for them

Mini stories I guess. No one knows. 1 character in particular gets his own spotlight in the game late game and its obvious that the spotlight is solely on them for that duration. If you've played the game you probably know who I'm talking about.
Other characters probably get something similar.

Doesn't the switch version also have the transfer save from ps4 thingy?

>tfw Jade got shafted after being rescued
I feel like the plot almost forgot she existed. Also you are talking about Erik and his sister or Slyvando when he visits his dad in part 2 or post game?

No, I think you’re thinking of the demo to full game save transfer on switch

Erik when he loses his memory. The Hendrick/Sylvando quest is the best quest in the game because of how much it develops both of their characters though

I've seen janitors banning DQ threads though. At least two of them. And I didn't see any lewds in them.

No it's the same thing that they used to transfer saves from 3DS to PS4. Not sure if it's a Japanese thing only.

Jade still got more than Jessica in DQVIII. She's literally Jessica, sex appeal and all, but with an actual plot connection to the hero.

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Well yeah she did, but after thinking about it, after you rescue her, I feel like she could taken out of the party and nothing would change.

She only exists from that point on to give Hendrick a case of the not gays 40 hours later
Multikick alone makes her worth it even with what I mentioned above.

>giving the definitive versions with the most content to dogshit platforms like 3ds and Switch instead of based PC

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That's why I say she's basically Jessica. Because after you defeat Dhoulmagus she has nothing in the story. Except being mind controlled for one event. Which is...the exact same thing that happens to Jade. No subverting expectations this time, Horii san.

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Well yeah she was a mainstay in my party since I love crits and Jade with Claws has a really high crit chance. When I multifeet using while wearing claws I get 2 or sometimes 3 crits. Very fun.

Ah I see. Makes sense now.

The slight nuance is that Jessica had her future robbed from her, Jade had her past robbed from her.
They are both severely underdeveloped compared to everyone else in their respective games though.

>They are both severely underdeveloped compared to everyone else in their respective games though.
Yeah, which is super weird. Because usually the women get the most focus in Dragon Quest games. But I guess Horii wanted to put all his focus into his loli waifu. I approve of his decision.

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I never used anything but spears with her and didn't even think about that added crit on those multihit moves...
I feel really dumb now. I played like a luddite honestly, I'm going to go hard on replay next month and do the draconian stuff.
I just spammed the fuck out of Pearly Gates and the Luminary's almighty move constantly. Sylvando I just spammed the ball drop move, Erik was permabenched because I didn't figure out his boss potential once. Veronica is supposed to nuke spam but I did it with everyone.

He did an amazing job in that regard and having her be a twin but different and Serena being a perfect foil to her was amazing, even before you learn why.
when the party is wondering what to do and Serena literally goes with her gut, and her being the most psyched to check out the strongman competition is when I knew she was my waifu
the unexpected comic relief was so perfectly timed every time.

I wish we could use adult veronica in the party, she’s so FUCKING cute

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>tfw will never play DQXI through for the first time ever again

Honestly you guys are so lucky. Just thought I'd throw in a couple non spoiler hints for the game

1. Make sure you play on harder battles draconian mode (absolutely essential)
2. Don't get set on who you have in your main party. They all go through power spikes at different points in the game
3. Put points in guile for Erik. I didn't until the final battle of act 2 and realised I'd missed out on one of the best abilities in the game
4. Always buy more perfection pearls than you think you'll need (there's a shop for them halfway through act 1)
5. Manglegrove way station is the best place to grind in act 2 and 3
6. Don't spend too much time looking for the bullseye targets. If you find em fun go for it but the rewards ain't worth the time if you're struggling finding the last one or two
7. Explore every nook and cranny of every town/village before doing quests/story stuff. Smash everything you can and read every book to make sure you max out your mini medal and recipe count

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>tfw will never play DQXI through for the first time ever again
That's why you go play the other DQ games. Dragon Quest III and VIII are the ones I wish I could play for the first time.

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Honest question: Why the fuck are you using the tarot card accessories?

That’s just an image I found to show adult veronica

Everyone I know (all on Yea Forums really since people I know irl don't play DQ) used spears on Jade. Spears have a higher base damage than Claws and come with a crit or miss move, which is useful for hunting metals, but they have lower crit chance overall when compared to Claws. Since all her fisticuffs moves scale off weapon damage, they take the crit rate too. I always love seeing crits so having take Claws as soon as I got her was a no brainer for me. I had Luminary spam strong sword abilities, Jade self buff and use multifeet (I had 2 of her ribbons in post game so she basically had infinite MP), Erik either do decent damage with Dual Swords or setup for Victimizer if I want to go for huge damage, and then have Serena heal. If I got a little bored then I switched out everyone for the remaining party and just fucked around with them. I didn't play on harder monsters, just no running and no buying items, so the game was really easy for me. Plus I just know DQ pretty well.

4 and 5 for me I wish I could do for the first time again.
I've never played the Chunsoft Torneko games so those are the closest I'll get to reliving 4 for the first time again. Torneko was my man, I love the family man saving reality for his wife and kids trope.

He never left the party in Heroes 2.

Posting Medea means you are a man of culture as well.

I legit wish I could play DQ7 again. Some of the town stories there blew me away. Some in 11 got to me too. This pic was fucking brutal. Like I know DQ can get dark, but god damn.

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I actually have VIII on ps2 but only played maybe 3-4 hours a few years ago and couldn't get into it. It's back in my hometown (loving in a different country atm) but I'm big hyped to play it when I go back

I also have a 3DS so should I get the DQ games I can on there or is PC the better way to go? I saw a couple old DQ games on amazon but they're fairly expensive

Just a month more and I'll be able to marry Veronica!

Hero with both of Gemma's charms and Jade with both her ribbons is the only objective correct way to equip them, accessory wise
I knew DQ inside and out also, that is why I knew to get spears on someone for the inevitable Lightning Thrust. I legit fucked up though and didn't do draconian. I'm remedying that though.

I haven’t played any other DQ game besides XI, what’s the best one to try next? I value an interesting story and good characters a lot, if that changes anything

I actually dropped 7, the only version I have is DW7 on PS1. I really tried, I really did. I got to Melvin and recruited him then just stopped.
The only vignette I even remotely remember is the island with the robot and it is the most heartwrenching thing I've seen in a game.

Your spoiler image is up there too but honestly, his mom being so fucking hot sort of kept taking me out of it.

Why don't you just download the demo inatead of listening to shitposters? If you have ever played any 3D game on handheld mode on Switch, you can handle this one, it looks better than most 3D games I own

8 is the closest in tone to 11. But after playing 11 all of 8's strengths seem gimped. It has half the party and a great story though.
Try that for something closest to 11
5 is also a great place to start.
1 is good but its almost a puzzle game at this point the way it plays
7 is insanely long like 11 and has strong characters. Play the 3DS version but always remember one of the characters is named Gabo, not Ruff.
3 and 9 are great games but they do the build your own party thing so you won't like them much if you are into a strong story focus with good characters.

Every spinoff, literally every single one, is worth playing as well. Even being spinoffs they are better than 99% of other games.
Heroes if you like musou
Builders if you like minecraft/harvest moon
Monsters/Joker if you like pokemon
Swords if you like looking like an aspie while having fun.

No one ever remembers Swords :(

>Hero with both of Gemma's charms and Jade with both her ribbons is the only objective correct way to equip them, accessory wise
Absolutely correct and I'm glad to see someone else who did this. Pic is my dude at the end of the game. I never took them off when I got them.

His mom was really hot, but it didn't ruin anything for me. And yeah DW7 on PS1 is a fucking slog. I was playing it when DQ73D was announced in Japan. I then stopped and patiently waited for it's release in the West. God how long ago was that? Fuck it was 2012. How time flies. Anyway that island with ELLIE is what I first think about when I think about DQ7.

>not mentioning Rocket Slime

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Basically, with all DQ games, default to their remakes. The only questionable one is IV, which has something f>tfw will never play DQXI through for the first time ever again
they fucked up every western release in some way.

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Oh wait none of that shit actually happened anymore and all the events and sacrifices you made where rendered moot because LOL TIME TRAVEL!

fookin' 'ell m8 wut aer ye doin' tae mae?

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I really really enjoy DQ1 in its original form. I'm the user that sees it as a puzzle game though. Play DQ1 as a puzzle game and the entire risk/reward nature of the series stays in the forefront of your mind when playing all other titles.
It is the only reason I reeeeeee about the campsites in 11. Every campsite blogpost you've seen has been me.

I don't recommend going that deep and meta about the series until you've tried a few and decide you really REALLY like the series though.

Literally the worst part of the game. I've been saying it since last year and I will say it again. The party in Act 3 is not the party that I suffered and bonded with. Hendrik also get's no closure when it comes to Jasper and him joining you is way less impactful. Man that was handled so poorly.

Are you the user that was in a thread a few days ago saying DQ1 was the most mechanically interesting DQ to you?

I did forget Rocket Slime and it is also 10/10. I miss platypunks being goofy not-enemies that roll around with slimes like a little gang.
I've kept my DS solely because it has some game called "Slime Wars" on it. Its essentially tic-tac-toe with slimes. I couldn't ever find it on the eshop again and decided I had to keep the DS because of it.

The add-on will be announced to be released for jp this tgs for ps4.
Screencap this

No, I rarely get to autism out on the merits of it. If you've seen a blogpost post months (maybe a year ago at this point) about all of DQ being an excuse for an old japanese man to ask you "would you like to rimit your risk?" though, that was me.

All of Jasper's shit seemed severely underutilized, especially after he transforms. I'd love if Hendrick's mini arc involved a way for him to save Jasper and him become a party member though

Act 3 is great in that it solidifies the original trilogy arc all in 1 game. You leave your party in a great shape to live great lives and you go on to become the Yuusha of Yuushas by saving all timelines selflessly. Your friends would be proud of you. Veronica was always on borrowed time anyway.

There isn't a single unattractive woman in this goddamn game?!
How the fuck are there so many girls and women and not a single one is not 10/10 cutiepies?

I've tried user, I really did. I looked high and low and didn't find a single one.

Thanks for the recommendations user, I think I’ll try 7 or 8 next

A lot of the promotional art for DQXI S has Jasper in it, so maybe they will become a ninth party member.

Even the random NPC girls are hot as fuck, I don’t know what magic the character designers have, but holy SHIT

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>tfw want to play DQ V and FF V for the first time again

Wrong thread? Wrong board?

>tfw tried to get into FF5 when I was a teenager, but felt the need to turbo grind for jobs
I have no idea if I was playing it wrong or if the game required a grind if you want to max out good jobs, but it felt like it was taking forever.

Her hair is so floofy

I saw Veronica had a cute boar suit in the switch version, does she have anything like that in the PS4 version?

kitty cat suit.

She's got a cat/kitten one

Just the cat suit

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Rocket Slime is one of my favorite games ever and I'm still butthurt that the first and third games were never localizaed.

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>made up words.

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That's good enough for me, thanks anons.

you were playing it wrong

The third game's fan translation recently got a public beta.

Dumb follow up question, how do I play it right? I haven't touched the game in like a decade.

I grinded hard in DW7 and it literally borks you lategame and you will never max all jobs if you even grind a slight bit.

>Finland has a 50/50 chance of not even existing
>but for Scotts
Still no proof it is real words.

Pretty sure DQ73D changes all that. Hybrid skills were taking out just put into the advanced classes. Basic classes allow you to learn spells and skills that you keep forever, but the intermediate/advanced skills are only there while you are that class.

Yea man honestly there is nothing wrong with getting the PS4 version. There's a couple things that are getting added but in a game like this with so much content you're not gonna feel like you're missing out

Also having played the switch demo the ps4 version definitely has noticeably better graphics and draw distance (not hating just being honest)

don't grind
it's that simple, the game is on the easy side to begin with, if you grind the last bit of difficulty is erased
if you want to see the mastery abilities of each job you can get loads of abp in the final dungeon or better, start a new run

Black pe>tfw will never play DQXI through for the first time ever again
Black people also write things incorrectly on purpose on twitter, to act like they have their own unique "culture." Doesn't mean that's actual English. It's just them trying to stand out for attention.

>Playing DQ for the graphics
Content is king, game still looks great.

You didn't need to grind until the end in FF5, and by that point you could master a class or two in about ten minutes just fighting random enemies in the last area. You really only needed to focus on two or three jobs for each character, while making sure you have access to white and time magics.

>writes out the English quote in straight English
>plays up the Scottish crap everywhere else
>makes it obvious it's all an act
At least in the DQ games, they would have the character quote someone in their own gibberish.

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I don't think anybody plays DQ for the graphics but the environments are fucking cool especially the forests at night. The draw distance is what pissed me off playing the switch version. Honestly just ruins the inmersion when you have fire torches appearing mere metres in front of you

I'd absolutely get the switch version if I had known how much I was gonna love the game but let's not act like there are some pros to playing on PC/PS4 version

The only real thing I would miss is JP voices, I've never really been one for all the different english accents. I'm about 8 hours into the PS4 version and was debating on the Switch version but I think I'll stick with PS4.

You haven't played XI I take it. Other user is right, XI is so long and full of content that adding more is almost a waste.
I'm glad you guys are getting the game with new content but its not like VDS not having the party chat and it being added, this game is like ahving a full party chat but them just adding a few more lines.
The mini-story arcs are the only actual new content that is really "content." You get a point on the board for that, I'll admit. But that list in jap about all the additions are just infinite entries of "added [???]" and "added party chat (to a game with a sickening amount of party chat already)"

I'll accept that the mini-arcs are real content, you guys need to accept that the downgrade in fidelity is not a non-issue.

This. We need to centralize and just accept some of the new content IS worthwhile but you ARE losing out on the grand scale the game offers, for no gain on that front.

It will naturally happen when the game comes out and switchbros realize PS4/PCbros are there to celebrate and help them all the same.

Good stuff man enjoy it. You're playing on harder battles draconian mode right?

>Are you the user that was in a thread a few days ago saying DQ1 was the most mechanically interesting DQ to you?
No, that wasn't him. That was me.

>Nobody plays DQ for the graphics, but I play it for the graphics
>Too much content, please cut down on content!
Nobody except a full console war faggot would want less content.

But some extra draw distance is the real selling point for a Dragon Quest game, right...

I don't play DQ for graphics. But DQVIII and XI had some of the best looking games of their generation. And it's because of the art style, not how powerful the game is. Which is why I don't think the Switch version looks bad.

The pop in is the only problem. And it's pretty much the same as it was on Dragon Quest VIII. It's a video game and I'm used to that. It would only be a problem if the game was trying to go for the realistic look.

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I didn't mess with any of that stuff, this is my first real DQ game so I wasn't sure what I was getting into.

Are there any rare items from the monsters around Hotto that are worth getting since i'm trapped here for a month?

Half of me wonders if there really is a completely separate version of English just for the Scotts and if they're taught that way, or maybe all of them are illiterate and just type the way they hear.

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Your pettiness is unbecoming of our community, brother. Our posts were even constructed to be as non-hostile as possible. We've been having a great thread, please don't ruin it.

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I like Dragon Quest 1 on NES as well. But that's because it's the first DQ game I played and I'm legit nostalgia bound to it. But it also doesn't have sailing or a huge map. It's just perfect for the NES. Unlike Dragon Quest 2, where you absolutely have to play the super famicom remake.

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8 hours is a commitment to undo but it really is "meant" to be played with some of them on. You can always turn them back off if you don't like them.

Thanks for showing me this.

I'm just getting it for 2D mode, Japanese VA, visiting past DQs, and the new mini arcs. I already played and beat it on PC and I'm OK with buying it again for portability and all the features I just mentioned. The Japanese VA is something I'm excited to listen to since I enjoyed the English VA and wish to compare them a bit. I also plan on playing with harder monsters this time. I realize that I'm loosing out on the "grand scale" by playing it on Switch, but ever since the game was announced I wanted to play the game in 2D mode.

Oh ok. I appreciate your view on DQ1. It's a refreshing take on it that I had not seen before that thread.

Scottish brogue is the white man's ebonics. Insular and written as they speak it. Kind of like how modern text has things like "um and like" in them when there is no grammatical reason to include it in text most of the time.

No problem user.

It's them just signaling that they're a special people group who isn't "English." Again, like the example I made of black people in America speaking in their wanna be thug ebonics, to virtue signal to everyone else how different and not white they are.

>Oh ok. I appreciate your view on DQ1. It's a refreshing take on it that I had not seen before that thread.
I appreciate your candor.

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"Never attribute to malice what can equally be attributed to stupidity"
-Alice Cooper, shortly before he landed on the moon

Yea man. I've been idort since the late 00s (always gamed on PlayStation and PC but since the Wii I've been getting Nintendo consoles too) and there are bonuses to every platform. Obviously gaming in bed on a Wii U/Switch is great but also having better performance and kicking back on the sofa playing on a big screen tv is nice too. PC I only do for Civ games, RTS and cheap steam indie gems

I feel bad for people missing out on great exclusives by sticking to one console/platform. Honestly not trying to derail the thread but when splatoon first released for Wii U that was some of the most fun I've had playing vidya since I was a kid

It really isn't (unless you're both studying and working full time) I would restart with harder battles desu

This game has 200 hours of content and the fighting and boss battles are a huge part of the fun challenge of the game. Up to you but I'd highly recommend restarting if you like being challenged by games (im big into Hitman, puzzle games, Civ etc) but if you just want a comfy JRPG with a nice story or you don't have much free time keep going

Overall I agree, but I also disagree that you're losing on some "grand scale" by playing on the Switch.

If it looked like the 3DS version sure but it's very similar just a bit worse draw distance, some effects and so on, but it's the same game.

Did PS4 players lost on the grand scale too?, how about 1080p only PC players? It's 4K with uncapped framerate the only one with the grand scale?, I grew up with the nes, games have looked fine no matter what for me since like 2 gens ago, this just smells of console war.

>barely under the 4mb limit

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Its all personal preference I guess.
If you are a giga nerd this might make sense:
>PC version is the Trees of Valinor
>PS4 version is the Silmarils
>Switch version is the Sun

Not at all. My original comment was just that the PS4 version has slightly better graphics and draw distance so of that's important to some people than they could get that version rather than the Switch version which has the bonus content and portability and would still be getting a great game

I personally got DQXI for PS4 for $36 AUD second hand and loved it but I would have happily waited a few months and paid the $79 AUD launch price for the switch version had I known how great the game was

My favorite unspoken aspect of DQ is that every item in the game has a hand drawn sprite for what it is.
Every weapon, every shield, every piece of gear, every healing item, every alchemy item, everything.
The amount of detail and care in these games oozes from every corner and it rewards the ultrafan by never having a chip in its facade, ever. The deeper you look the more perfection you find.
Its like when a scientist says science re-affirmed their belief in the divine.

You should be able to find an imperfection the longer you look, but the longer you look the more your realize the lack of imperfection is what is really perplexing.

I love dq7. The way every island is like a small fairy tale worked so good for that game.

>My favorite unspoken aspect of DQ is that every item in the game has a hand drawn sprite for what it is.
I love this too, I like to collect every single item because of it.

I just got to the part where "eight" joins and I have 2 questions:

1. Given that my hero is a dual wield swords what build should eight have? I have heard that shield and Axe?

2. How the fuck anyone says that DQVIII is better than this, the only aspect that VIII kicks XI's ass is on OST and osananajimi everything else is outright superior?

Iirc thy only do that on the western versions, Japan uses an awful NES style menu with no images

>DQ8 requires 2 Sun Crowns to finish the item list
>only get one
I had to peel the band-aid and just do it. that second timbrel of tension was so worth it for the postgame.

The Japanese games come with a physical guide though, which has all those pictures. To save cost, they just put all that in the game in the international release.

Timbrel of tension is broken.

>2. How the fuck anyone says that DQVIII is better than this, the only aspect that VIII kicks XI's ass is on OST and osananajimi everything else is outright superior?
I'd say VIII has plenty of better aspects. The story, the music, the exploration of the world, the item crafting, etc. But it's all subjective. I also like XI plenty. I like every DQ game.

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Go with Shield and Axe. He gets INSANE skills when you max his tree out and having another person with a crit or miss move is good for metal slime hunting.
I think most people see 8 as 11-lite now. Everything it does 11 does but literally double.
>double the party
>double the character progression ability
>double the variety
>double the waifus

I give 11 mad props for having the post game boss constantly show up in the regular game but the game just never explaining shit to you, it was the only game where the post game seemed required

Axe and shield definitely. 8 doesn't hit hard until you get better gear and do a certain quest in act 3 but after that they become a serious fucking force

>unlock skill that hits 2 times: awesome
>unlock skill that hits 4 times for the same fucking cost literally right after: insanity
I liked him as a party member for the "I'm the outsider" vibe but he became bro-tier after his late game quest with another party member.

The history ain't better bro, hell the MC's background is where we can start, DQVIII MC's background is the weakest you could have whereas in XI you have suffering.

I had never played a game where the protag having chosen one status was actually so perfectly married to gameplay and story before so I like DQ8's MC.
>12 year old me realizing on my own that all curses miss the protag
Half of his character ends up being his grandfather though so that is weird.

But yeah, 11 had a hard life.

Eight's backstory and the whole post game is the major reason I say the story in VIII is better. It's both a subversion of the typical hero story, yet at the same time, it circles back. You're technically a prince, but not actually in line for the throne. And you win your royal sature by your own deeds, because you learn your heritage after marrying Medea. You also fulfill the love story of your great grandparents, but before knowing about it. In other words, the hero gets the girl and becomes a prince through his own merit, not because he was born a prince like in V or XI.

You also go 90% of the game thinking the hero is just some random joe blow. Which is great when every other hero in the series is some destined child. The exceptions being VII and VIII.

9 is the one game in the franchise I just don't like and it is for an insanely petty reason that I can't get over: everything is puke shade. The grass is sickly looking instead of vibrant and everyone is wearing shades of earth tones.

He's the only character who can use Axes I believe. And like Yangus in VIII, Axes are mad powerful and high in crits.

Don't forget that he was like a jesus christ. Yangus tried so hard to destroy their friendship in the beginning and the Hero was just cluelessly not letting him do it. He turned that dude's heart of stone to a heart of gold.
He brought out the best in everyone from just continually being self sacrificing and looking perplexed when people told him that isn't how everyone else acts.

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>those fucking flat trees in the switch screen

Why does Nintendo still bothers with third party games when they just emphasize how shitty their hardware is.

Best girl dies

I gave him two handers. The health leech skill + the one that hurts you for a percentage of the damage you do with the best two hander is really strong

DQ11 has a worse turn system where you select a characters move and they go.
DQ8 has you select the entire parties action and then the round plays out. Like every other DQ game game. Including the 3DS version of 11.
11 is a worse, too easy, less tactical game because of it.

I'm wondering, does the battle mode of 2D on switch handle turns the same way?

I've just finished the demo.
All encounters feel braindead. Does it get any better?

Yeah, basic enemies will start using debuffs on you and buffs on themselves later and if you don't counter it it will make fights harder. Also they will come in combos were the tankier enemy will constantly be healed by someone else so you have to actually prioritize targets.

If you weren't playing the draconian settings then none of what I just said applies and it stays braindead except for 2, maybe 3 bosses.

Veronica dies
You turn back in time before the last act of the game

Back when VIII first came out I enjoyed it but it still felt weak as fuck.
And that was before I played DQV, the objectively best in the series.
Now, after playing XI this year I can safely say that as weak as VIII was it still shits all over XI.
Only real aspect XI was the best at was the visuals. It is easily one of the best looking anime jrpgs, and while I hated XI I'm hopeful that the next game is better and looks just as good.

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How much grinding do i actually have to do for the post game boss? i played it up till the post game and pretty much just stopped altogether because of other games

I think XI's strongest suit is the game world has a level of interconnectivity with its inhabitants that no other game had. the people in it are connected in interesting but realistic ways and each character has more than 1 thing happen to them.
So much happens to each character that it almost doesn't feel like a DQ game except for the charm.
You know how much shit happens to the protag in DQV? Well every character in XI goes thru MORE.

At the most minute levels it mechanically didn't feel like DQ though, so many minor changes that all compound onto each other. Mechanically felt like someone trying to make a DQ game instead of just making it, if that makes sense. Like a fangame.

None. Look up the ElectroLight + Hallelujah combo.

Even in this innocuous screenshot you can see how clueless and dumb Serena is.
Rab and Sylvando are on dat dro tho

No. It mostly gets easier.
The game gives you too many ways to easily restore MP so you will just end up blowing through everything with your biggest moves at no penalty.
If you run a lot and keep your level low, boss fights will still be okay.

you only notice it with comparisons, honestly its the artstyle of the game that carries and hides how worse it looks. playing the demo with no prior knowledge, I didn't see a single thing that looked off for me.

Switch 2D is just like 3DS 2D.

Then that alone makes this the best version of the game to me. Fuck every graphics comparison.

Turn on hard enemies next time. Game goes from mind-numbingly easy to "shit, a healslime is going to kill me." Even worse if you turn on shypox.

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this its so much more fun. I have
no shopping
less xp from weak enemies
harder monsters
towns folk talk tripe
I had fun without them, but Im having a fucking blast with em

I'm enjoying it more too, except I'm probably going to turn off shypox. It's just annoying and makes me lose 2 turns. Which with harder monsters means you die in situations you shouldn't die in. I'm going to see how Veronica reacts with shypox, then turn it off.

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Is the game cleverly designed enough that I can still obtain all the gear without shopping? My autism compels me to get everything.

I'm definitely doing harder monsters and reduced exp next run but I'm wary about the goofier ones.

yea i tried the setup I have now but with both shypox and kept diying to slimes. losing 2 or 3 turns with strong enemies is just too much for me. I'll just get the other quests on a second playthrough. I like strong enemies and less xp because you cant just grind your problems away anymore. You have to "git gud" and with no shoping Im making all my equips

as far as I know yea. You can make many equips and enemies drop equips though they are usually rare drops.

I dont have a switch, I just wish the new content comes to pc.

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PC master race huh?

What wrong with you? I dont care about any of that. I just want to enjoy the game.

I think there's a few items you can only get through shopping like a poison needle or certain area specific weapons. But they're never anything that's as good as the stuff you can forge or unique gear that changes your appearance. The store bought stuff is just a placeholder for people if they don't have the materials yet to forge (or don't bother with forging at all).

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I could see some content being modded in eventually, but yeah just get a switch.

The modifiers were added later, in localization, because the game is too easy. They weren't there in the original release. So, maybe. Maybe not.
But, you get credit for the modifier well before the game is truly finished and you can turn it off and go shopping then.

>got through Dragon Quest V for Android
>story was good but gameplay was a bit dated but didn't mind too much
>felt really grindy since I was level 37 when I beat Nimzo
Already finished paying my preorder for Dragon Quest XI and it looks leagues better so can't wait

Barbara is underrated. One of the best girls in the series.

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Is dragon quest VIII any good on 3ds?

Really enjoying the demo for XI.

Yes, but get the restored version with decensored outfits and the orchestrated soundtrack.

It has voice acting

Yes. Prepare for a redux of this thread when it comes to which is the definitive version though.

That sounds like a hassle.


I didn't like it on PC but on the Switch demo had the ability to speed up battles so I might give it a second try.

Don't listen to that fag he's in every thread. The 3DS port is great and just fine on its own. Best version of it.

I’ll give it a try then

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Only things censored is that an outfit Jessica has gets a skirt and some kills happen offscreen, other than that it's a great port. Only the turbo autists go that out of their way to patch in the music or whine about how the 3DS port has slightly worse graphics than the PS2 version as if that matters at all when the 3DS game has the most content, two new party members and the convenience of being on a modern handheld

How hard would it be to get back into the game? I played it when it came out on PS4 but somehow never finished it. I played for a while though and did everything, didn't rush etc. I was already in the post world-tree collapse world and recently met Sylvando and his troupe of artists. I think I still have a lot of game to go through

>post tree-collapse

You've got like 40 hours left. At least the other half of them game.

not hard at all. When you boot the game up it has a "last time on dragonball z" intro each time and that fucker updates meticulously.
Every rpg should have it.

The game gives you a recap when it loads and you can ask your party members for more advice. Plus it's linear, so there's only a few places you can go.

>fighting the griffons with all draconian settings
>Hero gets shypox
>waste two turns healing Hero with Erik
>Erik gets shypox
>waste two turns healing Erik with Hero
>Hero gets shypox
I'm about ready to turn this feature off. This boss isn't hard. I'm just getting RNG shit.

>convenience of being on a modern handheld
Tiny screens and terrible controllers are inconvenient as fuck.

Sorry your arthritis isn't letting you hold up a handheld while you're comfy on your couch or laying in bed. I never said it was better than using a controller but it's convenient to pop it into your 3DS and just be ready to go.

So... PS4 bros.. we're gonna get the S features too, right? Like as a patch or small DLC? I mean, Squeenix won't be so dumb as to burn their fanbase by showing them: "Oh, it's actually better NOT to buy our new games on release, we might release a superiour version years later ;)"
They cannot be this dumb, right?

>Squeenix won't be so dumb
You haven't been following the last 30 years of Dragon Quest in the west, have you?

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>He doesn't own a switch amd a ps4

>DQ 7, 8, and 11 all started on a Sony console only to get ported as a better Definitive version on another console

You tell me user

I know, I'm getting one eventually. Now that Rune Factory 5 is a thing and Etrian Odyssey will probably continue on the Switch... I'll just HAVE to.

Hope you get it soon then sorry for being an asshole having a rough night

you've not been an asshole. I don't take offense from greentexting, no worries. Hope it gets better

Thanks user

I have to sleep but first

Debora is best girl!

You are wrong!

I remember when Pokemon tried that.
It was terrible, as expected of Game Freak.

The best part about Dragon Quest games is how every new village or town that you visit during you travels has its own situation and plot that you gotta help solve.
Those small situations are always the best part and are usually really well written.
But in DQXI the only part that made me feel anything was the mermaid part. Those last scenes where Michelle finds out her lover is dead, and then she pretty much kills herself, and later you finding the painting in the guys shack, that was really well done. The rest of the game just didnt feel as good, and even when I thought it was getting better after Veronica's death and the world got fucked up and characters were sacrificing themselves to help the hero, they fucking cop out and pull the time travel excuse.
Also a lot of things felt really weird after the time travel, like that part was rushed or something. Whatever, I don't even care anymore.

>That dude's grandson didn't do anything to show the mermaid his grandfather was still thinking about her even before he died

Fuck that guy what a fucking dickhead

Horii okays localization decisions.

What you describe is how I felt about Dragon Quest 9. Nothing really impacted me. Even though it had a few sad storylines, I didn't feel impacted by them. It also had some really happy stuff, but I didn't care much about those either.

Looks like she's about use a final flash

How was the PC port of it? May pick it up sometime if the Switch crap gets back-ported into it, since I have an interest in the 2d mode. Shame that 3DS release never got localized.

>hey Horii san, we have all these great chang- err, I mean totally respectful nods to your original vision! Please sign off on them
>*he signs off, because he doesn't know English and can't tell when things have been altered*
>*then there's 6 other languages Horii doesn't know which all get their own name and dialect changes*
Yeah, uh huh. I totally believe that.

DQ11 was my first DQ game and I liked it a lot. I especially liked how they managed to keep the aesthetics from Toriyama's artstyle so well in a 3D environment. The way battles are laid out also remind me of 2D jrpgs, it's pretty soulful. That's why I never used the option to be able to move during battles btw. Static is best.
My only gripe with the game is the music which I personally find lacking and weak. There wasn't much variety either. As I said I never played a DQ game before but I was expecting more from a Square title, as they do have good composers usually.
However this didn't stop me from having a grand time in DQ11 and now I'm wondering where else to go from here? I own a 3DS, I heard VIII was a good one to play? Are they all independent of each other? After playing and udnerstanding 11 just fine I'd think so, similiar to final fantasy series

It's been like this for years, did you fucking play DQIII or IV? The world represented real places and regions in the real world and people's accents were changed to match to region they lived in.

I read some faggots on trannyera reeeing that this series inspires “toxic nationalism” and reinforces gender roles and stereotypes.

They’re probably trying to discourage anons from trying it out.

I'll help you out cuz you're kinda like me, though 9 was my first but I never beat it, this was like 7 years ago. But I beat DQXI last year and lately I've been going through all of DQ. You can play 8 right away if you want. If you don't feel like emulating, you can play Dragon Quests 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 8 on your phone through your app store and those ports are all great, I can't speak for 6 or 8s port because I didn't play those on my phone. If you play 4, make sure you play it with the version that has party chat, so not the DS port, but the phone port does have it. DQ 1 2 and 3 are a Trilogy as are 4 5 and 6. They're aren't relaly that connected to each other other than taking place in the same world and referencing each other every now and then. 7, 8, and 9 are pretty much independent with maybe some references here and there but they can be played whenever. DONT play 7 though, save that for last. That's one that a lot of people have issues with because it's got the slowest start of any DQ game and it's also the longest one. If you ever do play 7, play the 3DS port, it's fixed up and is about 20 hours shorter (that's a good thing in this case. 7 is basically dragon quest for people who've played all other dragon quests but still want more of it.

Did you play those games? Because nothing in those games represent real world locations. Lol, Alena is Russian because she had a pointy hat! Wow, real amazing logic there. Meanwhile, in the original Japanese, she has no Russian accent and there's no mention of Russia anywhere.

These changes are made by the localization team. Horii has nothing to do with it. It's painfully obvious when you spend five minutes actually researching it.

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what are the best party members and which way should I level them? Ideally I want to use a harem because the girls in this game are hot, but I'm honestly not sure how to best utilize jade for example. I also don't understand how her skills scale with equipment if they do at all. like her kicks for example aren't really making use of her spear etc

thanks friend. saved your input, it's a great help

Can i marry loli Veronica? If not shit game

>toxic nationalism

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Look at the fucking maps in the game, they're literally malformed continents of the world you retard. Each region had specific accents
Great, glad to help.

>toxic nationalism
What the fuck?

Yup. Silly, isn’t it?

Literally based off of Earth faggot

>reinforces gender roles and stereotypes.
>DQ women are pretty and do womanly things
>DQ men are handsome and do manly things
How truly terrible. What an awful, evil franchise.

Is there a camera distance thing or is the FoV way lower on Switch?

The only game which has a map that resembled the "real world" is III. And still, that's a huge stretch. And this doesn't carry over to any of the other DQ games.

DQXI has tons of architecture that is obviously suppose to resemble Venice, Portugal, Arabia, Indonesia, Tibet and so on. But the creator isn't saying those place literally ARE Earth. Nor did he write cheesy accents for all those areas. Those were added by the western localization. And they're not even consistent. The Tibet and Indonesia areas don't have accents. A lot of places don't. Why doesn't Rab and Hero speak with some stereotypical German accent like all the peasants in their country? Why doesn't Sylvando speak with the cheesy Portuguese lisp like everyone from his town? Why do the people who live in an isolated village with no contact to the outside world speak the same as the royalty in Heliodor? I can tell you why. Because the localization team was spit balling changes and didn't care about consistency.

Sylvando -- get to Hustle dance immediately
MC -- ignore weapons and get Zap first

>B-but the map looks like Earth in DQIII!
And not in IV. Or any other game in the series. But you'll still try to find some excuse that the accents fit, I'm sure.

Ran does have a european accent and the hero never fucking speaks, have you ever played one of these games?

The only thing that bothers me about Hero are those green boots. Otherwise his design is pretty good and he’ surprisingly expressive for a silent protagonist. Greatswords are awesome.
Erik is interesting for a rogue character in that he’s pretty chill. Him not trying to make a joke out of everything is refreshing for the archetype. I see the wombo combo he has with his dagger tree but I don’t have enough skill points for it yet. I have not seen his steal ability be useful so far but I already know about the amazing ability he gets from his Guile tree.
I love Veronica. She’s snarky and playful without coming across as immature. She’s also cute as a button. Ability wise nothing much to say as I go down her staff tree for that sweet MP regen. Bang is a fun little spell though.
I don’t really have an opinion on Serena, as you spend by far the least time with he in the demo. A lot of people ITT seem to really like her so I’m curious to see where her character goes. I do like pure support characters gameplay wise that go beyond being a healbot, so her tons of buffs in her skill tree has me interested on that front.

Not really a ranking but just my thoughts on the party thus far. This game is 100% a day-1 buy.

What does that even mean?

I don't care if the accents were an originally intended thing by the Japanese developers I'm just arguing that the accents in different regions makes sense and is a nice detail the localization team added if it wasn't horiis idea

>somehow I knew Japs were going to try and cuck the PC audience again with this shit
So glad I pirated the game. I refuse to pay a dime for a game when I know they were going to jew me from extra content.

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This is why they don't give a fuck about you though. They know you'll just pirate.

>Japanese release game on PC
>Gets pirated
>Sales effected
>New jap game comes out
>Doesn't out out on PC because pirates
>"What the fuck did I do to deserve this?"

Also most japs don't play on PC. It'd be a waste of effort to port for mainly your country when most of it don't use PC and then ship it to America just to get pirated

Anyone else have problems crashing after you exit out the inventory menu? Luckily there's auto save or I'd have been fucked big time.

>But after playing 11 all of 8's strengths seem gimped. It has half the party and a great story though.
8's story goes to shit the moment you kick Dhoulmagus' ass though

>Ran does have a european accent
Learn to read. Ran's accent doesn't fit his "region." He's speaking in a bad Scottish accent, when he's the ex monarch of a "region" that has German architecture. And then it makes even less sense because he wears East Asian clothing and trains under a Shaolin monk style teacher wearing Japanese clothing...who in turn is speaking in a bad British accent. Wow, this all makes SO MUCH SENSE!

You know what makes more sense? Horii just throws a bunch of architecture and clothing designs he likes together and doesn't care about real world accuracy. Like most Japanese anime/games do. Then the western localizers throw random accents on top of those characters. Based on superficial features and backwards logic. "Lol Martina has a perfectly western name already, but let's call her Jade because she's wearing green and fights with a Shaolin style! Lol Chinese stereotypes are funny! But then we'll make it even more hilarious and give her a posh British accent! Lol random!"

>you just never played the game!
Such a shit argument. I pointed out a dozen different examples from the game.

>I'm just arguing that the accents in different regions makes sense
But they don't because of the inconsistencies I explained above. You're also contradicting your previous claim where you said it was a fact that Horii signed off on them.

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Is there anything I need to know when starting dq 7 on a 3ds?

Don't play it all at once, it's like an 80 hour game and the prologue alone is over 10 hours. It's a slow burn.

Not really. It's the PS1 version that you need a guide for. The 3DS one is straight forward if you just follow the story. The only advice you need is the same advice as any DQ game. Use party chat as much as possible and buy a bunch of medicinal herbs in the early game. Classes don't come until 20-30 hours into the game.

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Can someone explain to me what the heck Erik's accent is? It sounds so familiar.

The best parts of the story are after Dhoulmagus.

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I wasn't the user who said anything about horii signing off on anything. This is why making fun of namefags is stupid, you never know who you're talking to

>Tfw dhoulmagus was actually a challenge and memorable villain
>Tfw final actual boss is a forgettable pushover piece of shit who's easily beatable once you have the shit you need

Why do they do this

Thanks, I've played it before but stopped due to trying to play it in japanese and something going wrong with my saves. I think I only got to like the village after the volcano one.

That bothered me but the part that bothers me the most is how the guy's excuse to not meet his mermaid waifu is that he had to care for a baby he found.
I mean thats nice of him and all, but he could have just left the baby with a friend for a day to go back to where she was waiting and tell her to come live with him or something. Or if he had no one to leave the baby with just take it along, the mermaid wasnt that far away.
It was a big flaw in that story but I can excuses it cuz it gave me some feels.

DQ9 to me had some but I cant remember any.
Theres one about a little girl in a fishing village that was sad but cant remember at all what it was about.

Did you look up a guide and get max gear before fighting him? Because if so, that's the reason. Playing him without having automatic heals and tension every turn, all metal gear and all the best skills, he's at least somewhat difficult. Though DQVIII is one of the easier DQ games.

But there's also a post game boss which is much harder. You can consider that to be the final boss.

I mean I used a guide but I wouldn't say I had all the best equipment the first time I fought him.

I'll be honest I never even got to estark because I didn't feel like grinding to level 99, that boss rush was bullshit and at that point in the game I just wanted to be done

>you must stop the sages from dying lest Rhapthorne come back
>entire party proceed fuck that up everytime
Useless fucks couldn't even save Ramia's baby

The PS4 version is only valid for poor people

No, it's pretty good. Better than OG XC2, worse than modded XC2.

>Learn to read. Ran's accent doesn't fit his "region." He's speaking in a bad Scottish accent, when he's the ex monarch of a "region" that has German architecture. And then it makes even less sense because he wears East Asian clothing and trains under a Shaolin monk style teacher wearing Japanese clothing...who in turn is speaking in a bad British accent. Wow, this all makes SO MUCH SENSE!
Well sure, when you spell it out like that, it does sound stupid. But somehow it works. Probably would work better if everyone in the game just stuck to one accent though. Or just variations of British. Which they obviously stuck British into every area they couldn't find another accent for.

>have no accent at all
You're a bright one, aren't ya?

But they were failing to save the sages before Dhoulmagus died. That didn't just start after he died. In fact, it got worse because the more power the staff got, the stronger the staff bearer got. Until you had a flying dog that could nuke people and a crazed Templar with actual skill in swords and magic.

Yeah, you play as them in their own little arc. No idea how big it is though

Thats cause the hero in dq8 was the chosen one of another completely different story. He was full outsider to the battle with raphthorne

The PS4 version looks like shit compared to PC and misses a ton of content from the Switch version.

Only insanely poor people play the PS4 version.

At least prior to beating Dhoulmagus those sages were already dead before we even got to encounter him, or didn't know about the whole resurrecting an ancient evil goal yet, as opposed to after he's beaten were the party are on a quest to protect the remaining sages and then mess up horribly every time

>Only insanely poor people play the PS4 version.
Or people like me who bought a PS4 when it was announced for the system, only to be told 6 months later that "surprise, there's a PC version coming!" If PS4 didn't have the Builders games, I'd be pissed.

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Well, one sage they didn't even know was the sage. Because another asshole tells them he's the sage. Another sage dies before you can get to them. Another sage sacrifices herself even when you're trying to help her. And the final sage dies because they won't let you get to him on a floating continent.

It's really not the teams fault in any case. It's not even their fault when Ramia's egg dies, because the asshole boss blows himself up. It's basically like fate is intervening in every case, to make sure they all die. Which ends up being necessary, because they need to be dead in the final battle.

pc version looks so fucking good
fuck the switch version

>more people get to enjoy an amazing game.
>Yea Forums is full of basedment dwellers who can afford one plattform only

why did her face become wider when she become a kid?

>wears spats

If you're playing this series for the looks you're doing it wrong, you can like it more but the QoL improvements are very substantial.

Same like the DQVIII versions, even without the orchestrated patch the 3DS version is the superior in my eyes.

You know, after spending 12 hours on a demo, trying to do as much as I can, I'm uncertain if I should finish the game in current 3D mode or instantly switch to 2D when it comes out. I already beat it on PC so I know how better it looks on it, but for some reason I am not bothered with Switch version.
But then, again, 2D is... I don't know, I guess I'm just afraid how good or bad it will be to ride horsie in 2D mode and run over all those enemies on the world map.

>>writes out the English quote in straight English
It's not. It's exaggerated Americanese. You don't really speak so retarded that you think that's what passes for normal English even in your filthy country?
'Hey now whoa now buddy x2', come the fuck on m8.

>every pcfag says they pirated DQXIS or "were going to buy it" but won't now because of S
>surprised they're treated like second class citizens and miss out on Builders and will probably miss out on XII when that comes out in 2020+


>Friend recommends farming some bunny tails now even if I don't plan to finish the demo, to save myself time in the full game
>Already level 10 from bunicorns alone
>Not a single tail

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