Western devs be like

>Yeah, she's attractive.

Attached: control uggo.jpg (523x793, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>those hands

Attached: 1560982863476.jpg (1200x799, 166K)

western devs moved on from thinking with their penii

I think you might be falling into the trap. Make a mid tier looking woman, body and face, and get people to complain. If the game bombs you can call out sexist people.

weebs be like
>she's so cute!!!

Attached: 1237912837213.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

Attached: ahhhhh.jpg (203x172, 18K)

sorta looks like fetch from infamous

I'd buy this game if it had a Slutty outfit.

not a good thing

To be fair, she's probably more attractive than the females they're pandering to.

wouldn't you fuck her if she approached to you?

Looked better in the trailer wtf

In a fantasy scenario, I'd prefer Morrigan from Darkstalkers to walk up to me.

certainly looks good from behind in the astral dive suit

No one said she's attractive tho


I think it's the same voice

Mods it is then.

but this is supposed to be a "realistic" scenario
since you would fuck that girl irl, it works in the game


*burns out cigar on this games grave*

So why does the promotional material look so much better

Attached: (ycysfu.jpg (1000x840, 132K)

I dunno if it's just the perspective but her head looks fucking gigantic

>tfw I like playing Remedy games but prefer male characters

Easiest game skip of my life.

Someone at Remedy probably said she was

What about the women?

To sucker people in. It's funny, devs know sex sells yet they're too cucked by twitter mobs to just accept it.

Max Payne went trans?

wew lad here we go again

they made two good games and this is the 2nd one
did you also skip Nier:A or Bayonetta?


>and this is the 2nd one

Control shill kys

so retards are going to start spamming her now

>implying this game was even on my radar until it turned out not to be a linear cinematic QTEfest but is actually fun

she looks like the bitch who fucked that projared goblin


might as well make all character in games fat, disgusting and ugly cause I fuck anything then.

looks so fucking shitty, why would I want to ever play as ugly female in ugly clothes?

>attractive in real life, ugly in-game
every time

>ugh me peepee no hard, game no good

don't give them ideas

oooga buga, pp not hard, game bad!

SFM WHEN??!?!?!?!?!???!?!

What's the point of hiring a model if you're just going to potato the fuck out of their face for ideological purposes?

she's a faggot so she will always be ugly on the inside.

>make a shit game nobody buys so that you can complain about it afterward on twitter
Now this is next level marketing strategy

This but unironically

I'll only play this game when modders create a mod with big breasts (with physics) and a better face for her. Who's with me?

Fucking gamers can't handle a game that doesn't make their dick hard.

Hey, she looks kind of fin-
God, I can't unsee those hands now dude
what the fuck is wrong with that shit

Attached: smolkyoko.png (2300x2260, 609K)

I prefer if it was as good as the girls from spiderman PS4

Attached: Sable.png (772x933, 1.17M)

if u put qt girls in your game instead of nasty hags I will gladly buy it

Attached: 1566724786729.png (1433x2053, 2.43M)

For as much as Yea Forums claims to hate gacha shit that trash is perfect for ~90% of this board.

Fuck, what were they thinking?
Imagine the handjobs, though.

Attached: 1559601736219.png (715x718, 404K)

nigger I'd fuck a 1/10

>nothing but a bunch of penis envy bulldyke outfits
Imagine being this joyless about a fantasy video game featuring psychic powers.

I thought Yea Forums cares more about gameplay than visuals hmmm

Yeah the women in that game looked gre-

Attached: c9b5badf-9ba9-4400-a574-7b1fd7fbc115..jpg (4100x2876, 845K)

It's Quantum Break again so the less said about that the better.

Am I the only one who thinks she's okay? Never played the game nor owned a Playstation, before the Snoy accusations fly my way.

she looks like every other girl on tinder

Attached: 008.gif (390x300, 1.86M)

>blaming the character designer for shitty animators
neck yourself

Game protags should either be for self-insert purposes or fapbait, everything else is extraneous. I feel like game devs drank their own kool-aid over the years and have legitimately forgotten that young males are the primary audience for games (barring mobileshit)

fuck off little shit

>Game protags should either be for self-insert purposes or fapbait
>self-insert purposes
This is the gayest post in this thread. Well fucking done.


Attached: 1537105606913.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)

Are you retarded and don't understand that means?

>self-insert purposes
>This is the gayest post in this thread. Well fucking done.

I think he means white males, like Max in Max Payne or Frank West in Dead Rising

Only faggoty homo queer semen guzzler only play games to self-insert. Literally brainlet tier.

>muh fapbait vidya characters
>muh boner culture

Attached: 408.jpg (952x717, 118K)

why TF do you think games like WItcher 3, RDR, GTA sell like hotcakes?

Better not play Pokemon games or New Vegas where it's clear you insert over a blank slate

As opposed to playing as intentionally uglified women, which is..masculine and empowering?

that model would be fine as a generic, non romantic side quest NPC. as the primary love interest, it's fucking abysmal. doesn't help that she's also full "proud womyn hear me roar"

the worst part is all the trannies and niggers who nonstop flooded threads saying she was "hot because she's real", because these pathetic faggots can't believe attractive women exist in the real world. even the most attractive women in the game (black cat, silver sable) have deliberately unattractive features (manjaw, no tits, moonface) because heaven forbid women look like women and offend some fat slob

Have mercy on the poor bastards

>miranda voice actor cosplaying as miranda
Why can't western devs do faces right? They literally have the face right there.

Attached: 1566525900084.jpg (1920x1200, 277K)

Yea, western devs are known for preferring ugly to pretty.

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i would

fucking kek

Apart from the teeth, looks fine.
Fine is as far as it goes though, and no main character should just look "fine".

Because it's a 2D drawing you fucking idiot.

They have stripped the sex appeal from Jesse's model and voice actress (Courtney Hope) quite effectively.

Attached: dsc01392.jpg (550x823, 51K)

Does it fucking matter?
>Hey if you were starving you might eat poop so we don't need anything else but poop on the menu in this restaurant.
This is what you sound like. You poopy head.

Die you fucking contrarian retard.If everything looked perfect you'd be forgiving shitty gameplay

Imagine being a woman.
You gotta have sympathy though. I can't imagine what it must feel like to hate your own gender 24/7

Western consumers be like...
>I disagree
Western cryholes be like...
>Where is the trans representation?! where are the PoC? I'm not buying this (lol j/k i was never gonna buy it)! I'm gonna try to get the devs fired.

I honestly can't believe you can get this mad over a game not emphasizing a character's tits or ass

Spidey:uuhhuhhrreeeerrrrrrrrmm heh haha like uh mj yoooooooooooourrrrrr not still mad then *winky emoji*

Attached: 700full-mona-sax.jpg (700x700, 20K)

Nigga, her face looks like a block

Female main characters should be attractive

Male main characters should be attractive or interesting.

Honestly been having sex dreams about Mona Sax from Max Payne 2 recently

(Reminder has a completed nude model in the game)

I'm not mad tho, just want TnA

Keep up dude we're talking about her cynderblock head, stay on topic.

Go back to whatever ecelebs discord/reddit you came from

I wanted to tear off those orange leggings with my teeth and eat her ass.

>every other medium uses photoshop, makeup, lighting, camera angles, and as many parlor tricks as possible to make people more attractive
>video games, which have even more control over a persons figure, manages to make them uglier
It's like they try to make them worse.

I legit have no idea what you're talking about.
More importantly... I'm here to stay—and there is nothing you can do about it, you punk ass bitch.

Attached: smug anime cunt face.png (500x500, 10K)

I'm thinking back to how uncanny the hands were for Valkryia Chronicles.

maybe they just put their faces as is because they think doing touch ups is sexist or some shit

>real life

Poor naive user

they made that black chick a lot more attractive than she is

So they put out sexy promotional art that apparently no one but us 4channers will see?

>The white bitch is the ugliest one
Absolutely based.

Welcome to Yea Forums

Shit taste

damn, american women look like THAT?

Attached: upgr.jpg (2618x1258, 841K)

So what's the actual game li-
Horseshoe theory has never been more accurate than right now

Attached: uiu9oioi.png (1025x764, 12K)

no one wants your smelly mutt ass. stop embarrassing yourself.

People are just upset her in-game model doesn't look like the real life version, who is good looking. It upsets me that it's the best they could do.

Jacqui is the only one in the game that's even passably cute in shots not cherrypicked to be as unattractive as possible so I don't know why you'd bother cherrypicking to begin with.


Attached: 1565617937295.jpg (3200x1600, 707K)

>Female characters have to be perfect 10/10 blemishless animu waifus or they're ugly
I hate this meme. You're probably one of those faggots that use those Skyrim mods that turns everyone into anime super models. Believe it or not there's a vast middle ground between that and disgusting tumblr troglodytes.

She looks decent enough, far more so than a lot of other western characters of late.

Jesus fucking christ lol, you are a horrible guy

That's not real life user, that is professionally shot, makeup covering her, perfect lighting and then Photoshop on top.


I don't know what you mean by "cherrypicked", those are static expressions they have in customizing menu

>things that could easily be done on her 3d model


Have sex

Attached: black incel 3.jpg (918x1032, 93K)

There's a war. A war on GAMERS. GAMERS RISE UP!

Yep that's a female western videogame character.
At this point they don't even make characters anymore they just go "find the ugliest or blandest professional model out there".
Scan and then done, creativity be damned, just scan and import assets, scan and import, scan and import.

Besides photoshop, that's still real life

wtf you can't say gamers anymore?

>black incel
But I thought all niggers can easily pick up white women with their bbc

Yeah but white women a trash so he still went mad.

No it's not, you don't seem to get that what is in that picture is a work of fiction.

>game comes out
>female protag
>Yea Forums ignores the game completely and talks about her looks instead

Attached: 2016E251677341058E19ADE5246091DB.gif (256x320, 2.36M)

Honestly Fetch looked "better".

Makeup and lighting are real life things, she's not in the matrix you retard

Video games suck.

Control actually looks fun though with actual gameplay.

have sex

You are very uniformed of how much touchup is done for professionally shot "photos".

Attached: Katy-Perry-Before-After-Photoshop.jpg (500x375, 69K)

its literally a game you queer

>Besides photoshop

we're talking about a real life photo you dumb tranny

A majority of blacks do not look like Tyrone Thunder Nigger Dick and thus some of them actually end up with self esteem issues trying to live up to those stereotypes.

name 1 game with uggo unatractive female protag that's good

Even without photoshop, the amount of makeup they use and the lighting to wash out the visibility pores, wrinkles and other imperfections creates an obfuscated mask not a person.
It's another way to create an illusion just physically.
Pic related, just with a simple soft light, you can see how it affects the look, now amplify that with professional gear and you get what I'm trying to point out.
Besides professional photographers never not use imaging software.

Attached: img_7979-1-768x768.jpg (768x768, 108K)

It looks like a low quality AA title with telekinesis gameplay that will be fun for about 20 minutes

oh no, el ogro de suecia

it's not just about that man
I don't really care if a character is sexualized or not, I'm not going to fap to a fucking videogame...
I just want a character who isn't ugly or makes my eyes bleed. I don't play vidya to see ugly people. They're off-putting

Attached: 1566338494061.jpg (379x408, 23K)

Portal. She got prettier in 2, though. Hundreds of years of beauty sleep, I guess.

Attached: Untitled.png (1600x900, 2.72M)

bailey lookin-ass

Attached: bayley_ct.png (562x408, 223K)

made before the character model had a 'realistic beauty standards' pass done to it.


They just think with their estrogen now

ugly as dog's piss

Puppy piss is cuter than some western female characters

>go outside
>cuties in short skirts and dresses are everywhere
>come home, open up videogaem
>ugly manly bitches in tasteless outfits
I guess you did name one game after all, never played Portal so can't comment if it's good

Attached: 121341.gif (240x266, 3.86M)

just like how you like see old nigga characters owning so too do ho's like seeing old ho characters owning shit
and seeing fucking teenagers getting anything over on older and experienced people is just stupid to watch in media

holy fuck learn to type you fucking mongoloid

>freedom to make whatever you want
>decide to make things ugly on purpose
it's westshit alright

Implying you actually believe that yourself.

Attached: vladderpfÀhler.jpg (640x505, 162K)

This. There's something off about how westacucks need to make everything a "post-ironic, satiric teardown of the [insert something] power structure", and not just tell a good story like Japan does.

It's not my fault you eat poop, you Rajesh