People are latching onto an incredibly vague leak with no proof because of a bag

>people are latching onto an incredibly vague leak with no proof because of a bag
Smashfags need to be gassed.

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Yea Forums logic: if it's disappointing it must be true

t. seething doomlet

She's in.

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t. retard who’s gonna get BTFOd september 12th


This is one of the most extreme cases of confirmation bias I've seen lately. I can't fucking wait for this direct to pass, it's going to be like a kidney stone, the next couple of weeks will be absolutely insufferable.

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It's her time.

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>Yfw is Tracer from overcuck.

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You're not wrong. With that official Nintendo case, that's all it can be.

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This should be the only Smash thread up right now. I love Smash but the constant retardation regarding the game on Yea Forums is draining to say the least.

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I hope I'm wrong as fuck, user.

Blame rosterfags, they don't even play the game 99% of the time.

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It's only this bad during the DLC cycle. Come March next year, there won't be nearly as much discussion about it.

Absolutely beautiful comparison.

I like roster speculation as much as the next guy but these fags go too far

>unironically thinking Doomcuck has a chance

My dad works at Nintendo. He told me there's going to be a second Fighter Pass, but they're going to hammer out an "Echo Fighters" pack in-between. Four "new" fighters, going to cost 9.99 USD.

>Malos (Shulk echo, heavily Kenfied, unique Monado Artes and animations)
>Byleth (Robin echo, uses Sword of Creator for smashes. FS is a Gambit using the Jeralt Mercenaries)
>Black Shadow (Falcon echo, plays very similar to Melee Ganondorf)
>Dr Luigi (Dr. Mario, but also uses some properties from Luigi. L-shaped pills have unpredictable trajectory)

Blanc>Neptune despite that the first is a secondary character.

>Muh Doomfags!
Rent free

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Fuck that. They don't even play the games these characters are from just like a majority of the Smash fanbase. I'll never understood having this much of an obsession with Smash when you can't even appreciate all the fanservice that comes with each character. I don't get these people at all.

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>not demanded(by who? if by Yea Forums then the answer is harder, if by general consensus...)
>Will disappoint and confuse a lot of people
Reimu fits the bill if not demanded means the general public
>is female
>not demanded
>will disappoint - Japs don't want her in
>confuse - The west don't know what a Reimu is
She fits every criteria

Not a fan of Touhou but holy shit this needs to happen just keep the Overtrannies far from Smash Bros

Well that worked for Joker and Hero for many people but doesn’t work for people who like those characters. The theory is “pulling out of my ass” like a frozen turd

Regardless of whether murder miko is in Overwatch is definitely not getting a spot. It's a literal FotM game and even Minecraft has a better chance.

seething doomjoke

rosterfags have had nothing to post about for months, now that there is the tiniest tangible thing to speculate on they are swarming it like locusts

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