You didn't forget about me, right Yea Forums?

You didn't forget about me, right Yea Forums?

Attached: ghost waifu.jpg (565x349, 45K)

Who? Is this from sonic or someshit

Remember that Ghost Girl belongs to Yea Forums.


Come on, how could you guys forget the best character design in the series?

Attached: 150999.jpg (640x360, 40K)

I literally didn't know you existed


Attached: 1525200185842.jpg (810x1080, 758K)

You had one really good rule34 image that I jerked to and it was great, but that was it. That’s all it ever was. Nothing more.

you can't fuck a ghost

is this from that one animation short for sonic daynight thing?

>tfw the two ghosts from NotW show up in Unleashed but she doesn't

Of course not, you're best girl. Not especially relevant, though.

Attached: 4-02-16 SandopolisZone.png (666x554, 155K)

I only know you from a Project known as X that was abandoned a long time ago. Are you in Luigi's mansion?

>this ghost chick
>maybe even elise if you don't find her really generic
Fucking late 2000s sonic had some cute human girl designs

Attached: 1559955441976.jpg (700x800, 148K)

Thats where you're wrong kiddo.

Attached: 1378516461260.jpg (675x1155, 180K)


What seems to be the problem? I don't see anything wrong with this picture.

de ghost nipple

what was it?

I don't see any nipples, it looks the same as the rest of the tiddy

it is a light shade of pink

Couldn’t find it. Might have been from a drawthread years ago and now it’s lost forever. This image comes close

Attached: C9C2FD0B-FFEE-4316-8C50-313897711E02.jpg (750x956, 262K)

she has those 90s anime nipples where they'd just draw the bumps rather than the areola.

the best kind

I've never seen a character desperately need the cum from my black penis on their face

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They are quite cute.

surprised i still have pics of her after 11 years

Attached: 1227377691962.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

Attached: an_origin_story_by_niban_destikim-d6ns310.jpg (737x5236, 908K)

Yea Forums didn't even know her name for eight years.

She's a ghost. It will just fall through.

Attached: d7f.jpg (600x661, 91K)

If you don't recognize ghost girl and Yea Forums's waifu for a week you will always be a newfag and are living proof eternal summer exists.

I'm actually surprised that she wasn't ever named even after all these years. Finding lewds of her back then was impossible.

>sonic unleashed is 10 (ten) years old

Attached: sad rat.jfif.jpg (547x471, 24K)

She was named since day 1. No one bothered to pay attention to her character sheet.

She's called Ra.

Attached: img-01.png (521x326, 117K)

the executive producer?