I don't think I've played such a boring level in my life
ITT: What the fuck were they thinking
calm down zoomer
>character development is boring
so this is what it's like being an retard
bruh boomers be on their death bed like
breathe in through your anus
how did this scene develop any character at all?
I don't mind the interactions between all the characters. I just don't want a game like Grand Theft Auto to make me do boring shit like yoga. San Andreas had boring missions too like the low rider one but at least you were doing something cool with hydraulics.
>an retard
unironically almost dropped this game cus of this shit and I pirated the damn game
whats it like being a idiot?
the silly man forgets to breathe
basedboys complained that all you ever did in IV was kill people and steal cars
bruh look at this dood
The story and dialogues are very good
Don't lie. Every mission in GTA games you do with a certain character just reiterates your relationship
>Boy I sure don't like Vlad, you should be treated better Roman
>That Vlad is bad news, we should do something
>Vlad's a real asshole and he slept with Mallorie
>Well we killed Vlad
>that religious sidemission
>that retarded set of shitty missions like leaving Michael in the desert to walk in circles for awhile
There are moments in GTA5 that felt I wasnt playing a GTA but some weird sandbox game with soap opera latin story. I mean, it's Michael with life issues, annoying wife and kids and therapy sessions. Trevor is annoying and cringe character. Franklin was meh with a lot of annoying characters around him like that girlfriend
The heists were the best part of the game, but there were very few of them.
ya because the missions are about the gameplay of driving around which is great because R* has technical chops
No they didn't.
This looks awful
god i want to rape amanda and tracey
You need to work on your anger, brother; it's killing you.
Amanda wouldn't appreciate it and Tracey isn't good at receiving
Yoga or RC Helicopter?
Which is worse? RC. Yoga is just boring.
>debonaire cigarettes
what did lester mean by this
>less than 3 minutes of a mini game
>everyone rages about it
Why is Yea Forums so determined to have V? It was a rather painless segment. The previous games had a lot of bullshit moments: I would argue that having to get your swimming skill up to do Amphibious Assault in SA was far more egregious than this