what can be done to curb incel review bombing on Steam ?
it is seriously getting out of hand
what can be done to curb incel review bombing on Steam ?
it is seriously getting out of hand
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> What can be done to stop consumers from expressing their dislikes on or about any given product.
Nothing, communist. Suck it up.
>gameplay is good in a game
>still leaves a negative review
I'm surprised bombing actually did something
As long as theyre complaining about something that I dont have a problem with, their complaints should be ignored.
Not letting people with 6 minutes of playtime review the game would be a start.
We just need to CANCEL incels.
Doesn't steam not include review bombs in the score by default?
Its funny how both sides are bitching at each other for doing the same thing. And literally went back and forth. Loke seriously ehty LSD things Lok.thdk haonfkng all time shdbsjsbxkdjsk
Who gives a shit?
Then ignore them, faggot.
users should only be allowed to review a game 1 week after purchase,that way you filter all the retards who don't play videogames and the ones who refund games after 2 hours.
That way the only reviews will be by people invested in the game.
1 week after purchase with minimal playtime unless the review is specifically tagged with software or hardware issues.
Well the first step would be shutting down their hugbox echo chambers like resetera, tumblr, and reddit.
If you somehow managed to accomplish that, you'd then have to get them all admitted to mental health institutions and have an army of psychiatrists on hand to lead them back to a healthy mindset, and undo the last 50 years of Marxist brainwashing.
All in all it would take a tremendous amount of money and effort and you'd never get the general public to go along with it anyway. Just let go and embrace the clownworld.
Why contain it?
All those are gone but Yea Forums goes too. Worth?
At least Yea Forums doesn't incubate trannies
Write another article about it on kotaku.
Join them!
but leftists actually make devs pander to them unlike alt-right, last example I can think of being mordhau
The devs are still sell out cucks, and don't fall for Fury fanboy shilling
Uh bro?
kek. The reviews are already out of mixed and back to mostly positive
Except I don't even feel like gloating. It makes me unironically sad to see people so mentally damaged to the point of shilling cockslurping to that degree.
I mean, this thread involve steam afterall
Those are smart decisions.
>gives money to tranies therefore they are a National socialist from wwII
No, you Redditors are what's out of hand. Kill yourself
Honestly I wonder if this is a marketing ploy at this point.
Cucking, then uncucking will undoubtedly earn them more sales then if they had never cucked at all.
>right (sigh) choice
Nazis haven't existed for years
You can only pray that either side in this retarded shitflinging contest never target your game. Outrage culture is a cesspool of people who just want to be shitty at each other using videogames as an excuse.
The people who participate in this shit don't actually care about the game or the developers, they just want to "beat" people of opposing political beliefs.
Voidpoint made the right decision to reverse course. No amount of ironic lefty shitposting will ever change that fact.
>the "right"(sigh)choice
damn, the user score literally reversed .
but is it because steam rolled back before the trans drama, or where gamers just really happy with the devs for not backing down?
They're still cucky ass devs
gameplay is secondary to enjoyment. what is the greater priority: A) the food tastes good, B) the food has no poison in it.
It's B everytime.
it's not like it makes a difference if they had an organised reeview bomb of it, the game is on the first page of the top sellers and it'\s probably only going to rise higher. It's easy to see where the market is at.
>my enjoyment was compromised by four letters on a video game texture
Best part is this works for both sides.
Pubes yay or nay Yea Forums?
Yay, always. Managed but not wild bush is best.
Eh, you filter out people who didn't like the game then though, do you really only want to read positive reviews?
In that system no one would take negative reviews seriously cause if you hated it so much why the fuck did you keep playing?
We're the audience.
You're the pathetic leeches who decided you deserve what we've made for ourselves.
Fuck off.
One week after purchase doesn't mean you kept playing for a week. Also playing through an entire game you dislike in order to review it in full means you have a fucking informed opinion you ADHD zoomer idiot.
you dont belong here, plebbitfag
can't wait to see the end of the epic have sex incel regurgitating.
although knowing the kind of bottom feeder who posts these phrases 20 times a day, they'll just move on to something worse.
fair enough but
>Play this 80 hour RPG with tedious grind content for 80 hours or your review is invalid you ADHD zoomer idiot
ok retard
>do something to piss off incels
>"rectify" it to piss off cucks and feminist simps
>It's free marketing!!!!
enact intersectional social justice withing the straight white male community
I guess you haven't heard that every couple of conservative is a nazi.
Long live the Alt-Right
Hail Trump
Hail Our People
Hail Victory