Tracer Hate Thread.
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Finally.. a common enemy. Let us no longer bicker as enemies.. But fight together as brothers.
Why it Otis there
Shut up Hat Goomba
We’re in the endgame now bros
Alright fellow homosuck trash, what is Tracer's?
sure thing, bro
Yes.. fight togeher as.. smash brothers
I don't what's happening right now. Why is Tracer getting crucified all of a sudden?
Wait what the fuck? You gotta be fucking joking
Just earlier today Yea Forums convinced me Reimu and Sanae were in by making several threads of them. What is this shit about motherfucking Tracer?
At this fucking point I think literally everyone under the sun would prefer Goku, SpongeBob, another FE rep, Hat Goomba, fucking anybody
Hat goomba? I haven't heard that name in years.
There was some leak from I think Amazon that showed a Tracer intro for Smash. "Tracer blinks into battle!" or something.
You have my support.
Anime bros...
It's time.
Three things
>Official Overwatch case for Switch got leaked
>Nintendo Direct might be coming judging by sudden SKUs
>Yesterday someone warned up that on September 15th, a female character in Smash will disappoint a vas majority of people
Dude fuck Tracer or anything Overwatch
What? It literally just showed a console case lmao
A new evil has befallen the state of Yea Forums, in the rich country of Yea Forums...
It seemed Steve was the biggest threat to our equilibrium. Steve had threatened to usurp Banjo's rightful throne in the nearby Kingdom of Smash, and showed no signs of mercy.
But a new villain has emerged. A female bully who unlike Reimu, can't turn people into clones of her so she has no redeeming factors.
Only one person can put an end to this new evil...
"sorry, tracer. rules are rules. i've got a bone-afide invite to Smash and you're not getting in, sucker."
still better than Reimu
No it was a leak for an Overwatch themed Switch case
You goo-t my support
>Hero is zoomer shit
Why is Incineroar here?
Luminary specifically is
To think we’d all finally get together in peace, only for the end to be near....
Wish you all luck, we need it
I'm not talking about Hero the character. This user was trying to push the narrative that Sans is the current hero of rosterfagging.
That's how desperate sanscucks are.
Now there's a character that will never get into Smash.
>Reimupedos and Shitaefags
Yikes and honestly still worse than Tracer
He's a symbol of rational thinking
Blizzard shit shall not pass
Has Sakurai played Overwatch?
Fuck you, I still have hope.
If Tracer gets in I'm selling my fucking Switch. I'm so sick of all the new characters being these weak "INDUSTRY ICON" shits instead of some fun niche stuff.
eSports can die and stay dead.
I don't think he's ever been on a nintendo console outside of like one or two massive crossover games where he's not even near the main focus.
Here’s some music to set the mood
Muse of Rage. I can't picture a worse addition, so she fits.
>no chosen undead
Im In.
Why are you fags entertaining this absolutely bonkers idea in the first place?
What so an Overwatch port suddenly makes Tracer likely enough that you all actually see her as a possibility?
Am I missing something or is Yea Forums retarded?
i missed a lot of shitposting earlier i guess. i know its all in good fun, but by the off chance people actually believe tracer will be revealed, dont worry, kiryu will get in and smash everyones hopes in the process.
cry harder
DMC1 was ported over to Switch last June. It's not the HD collection, but it's still something.
Do you guys ever stop to think about how weird this is?
Boomer girls will prevail.
I thought about Muse of Rage. But I think I'll wait until we see how tracerposters behave. If they inspire the concept of impossibility like Steve was ruling over it, Muse of Rage will fit like a glove.
>all it took was one bag for tracer to become the new steve
Why would they port only one game instead of the complete HD collection?
smashfags have somehow managed to outcringe the wowfags on classic wow's launch day.
>rational thinking
I'm in, let's get this bitch.
Keep my nigga Leon out of this shit. Fuck you all.
honestly, this whole anti tracer posting is a better story arc than the actual fucking plot of world of light
i'd even rather have junkrat than fucking tracer
Shantaefags can get fucked
I like how everyone immediately went against tracer. Not even a single word from the opposing party, everyone just collectively said fuck off
Blizzard pays to keep overwatch relevant, it got a fucking Lego line this year of all things, I could see them sending some big $$$ Nintendo's way to continue to try to force the popularity of their dead game.
That being said Sakurai actually plays fucking games and knows what is and isnt a good pick. The DLC was decided late last year, and even in the west where overwatch was really popular for a while nobody cared about it at all by even the start of last year, let alone japan.
Tracer would be lame but she'd still be better than all the other waifufag choices. Honestly gunning for Reimu or Shantae is worse than someone gunning for Tracer.
>her stage is King’s Row
>Final smash is a pulse bomb
Don't worry, if this leak ends up being true, you'll be able to pinpoint the exact moment the blizzard shill force is told to get in action.
Hell if I know. Isn't too shabby a port though.
Don't embarrass me like this.
>Am I missing something or is Yea Forums retarded?
Do you really need to ask that question?
>The "Reimu is a waifufag pick" meme
Because she would literally just be rammed into the game, probably lubricated with millions of blizzard dollars. There's like 1000 other characters from nintedo's history or even other third party characters that people would want rather than fucking some ugly, short haired dyke.
Reimu isn't a purely waifufag choice, though. Most people want her for the music or gameplay potential. Like me, though she's not my most wanted.
It isn't a smash thread without the based Otis poster showing up
Shantae yes, Reimu less so since she's an actual character in an actually popular video game series with actual history. Tracer is probably the worst possible remotely realistic pick simply because Overwatch is the embodiment of zoomer games and forced popularity in general, literally the only choice worse than Sans and Steve.
Imagine the second last character revealed for the "Ultimate" Smash Bros. Game was from the game that fucking popularized loot boxes.
Yes, it is
>actual canon lesbian
>FPS character
>would be a shill pick
>from a horrible game
>from dead game
Legit everything no one wants, also if she got in only rule for smash would be “has to be vidya”
my fucking nigger
You're not fooling me
I agree, Reimu being a waifufag pick is a retarded meme that needs to die
>only rule for smash would be “has to be vidya”
that's already been the case since pic related.
t. faggot
I made the Bub moveset inage, user. I think Reimu would be cool.
I don't have a waifu, anyways, and my favorite 2hu is Suwako.
Fuck tracer
>Posts are less than a minute apart
Junk rat would at least have a set of abilities that could be turned into a decent Smash character. What does Tracer have? Up B is her rewind because that's like her recovery? And her side b is her blink? Her neutral is "shoot the guns"? I can't even imagine what down B would be, because it can't be the time bomb because that has to be her final smash.
Banjo at the very least has history with Nintendo and vidya, name one impactful thing Tracer did user I can wait
I will cut tracer’s ass in half
I rather take Fornite Guy than Tracer of all things considered.
>>actual canon lesbian
FUCK. This means people on Twitter won't shut their ass up about "OMG SMASH HAS LGBT REP!"
BASED plantposter
Whether Tracer gets in or not, it ain't my place to judge. I've been outta the race the very day we've gotten first Smash Ultimate footage. Power to people who get their most wanted in, but it's just been a bittersweet ride for me.
Hope you fellas actually main the characters you wanted if they actually do get in, though.
I'd rather have Tracer than Shantae
Junk rat is already in the game his name is snake
I agree, Reimu is a retarded meme that needs to die
I wasn't implying it was samefagging
No, gunning for Tracer would unequivocally and literally be 1000 times worse than someone like Reimu or even Shantae. It would only go to further develop smash as a marketing ploy rather than a celebration of video game history. At least those said characters have had history dating back to the 90's and early 2000's. Tracer was from a flavor of the month game who's only accomplishment was making good porn. Overwatch is the laughing stock of the fps genre at this point for a reason, putting her into smash would literally be worse than Piranha Plant. Also the Reimu being a waifufag choice needs to die. I can see the reasoning for Shantae but most Reimufags that aren't falseflaggers I've seen want her in because it would be the most realistic choice as a Touhou rep.
Then you sentence us to death
Its no worth fighting it, the people who complain about Reimu complain about literally every anime artstyle game character because they don't play "weebshit" and assume nobody cares about the games as games either.
Right behind you brother
>Implying it wasn't the case since Snake, Cloud, Bayonetta and Joker
bomberman didn't deserve any of this
Why Tracer? I thought Soldier 76 and Genji were more popular.
based, fuck "leakers"
There is now way she is in
nintendo doesnt like faggots, prove me wrong
Battleborn should come to switch.
Who would be in smash??
>name one impactful thing Tracer did user I can wait
star in a vastly more successful game than banjo ever has
star in a game from the current decade, unlike banjo
Ok so basically for you waifufag pick means "character I don't like". Not, like, an actual waifufag pick. Gotcha.
Why the fuck are people trying so hard to be the next Steve nowdays?
Tracer is a failed mascot, D.Va is more popular. Expect your first female heavy.
Leave Tracer to me.
>Ok so basically for you waifufag pick means "character I don't like"
No. I don't like the idea of Lara Croft (completely illogical given the fact that nobody gave a shit about her last two games) but she's not a waifufag pick.
Stop screencapping your own posts faggot
>Samus' brawl final smash but given to
>game remembered fondly by millions of children across the globe
>annoying lesbian who talks in a vague cockney accent
>90% of the time the biggest faggot on your team, will do nothing of value but tickle Road Hog's ass until they have enough ultimate good boy points to whiff a time bomb and kill nobody
>canon rug muncher
>game is dying and blizzard will port it to a fucking graphing calculator if you tell them there's an audience willing to give them a stick of gum and a penny for it
Fuck off.
Based Captain King poster
That's not the shooty girl I wanted.
I had a feeling Blizzard would get a rep, but I thought it would be Diablo not fucking Overwatch!? Damn I haven't heard from Overwatch ever since the S76 being gay shitstorm happened.
Anti-Reimu faggots should be gassed. They've been making Smash threads even worse than they originally were for months now with their discord raids, shitposting, falseflagging etc. Wouldn't even surprise me if you fucks were actually unironically backing Transer.
Overwatch was a huge deal, bigger than any Touhou game or Shantae's ever been. I don't like Overwatch but I'm just seeing it for what it is.
good pornography
Nobody likes Reimu over other Touhou characters, almost anyone that actually wants her in wants her in for the music.
>Reimu faggots should be gassed