This is Jesse. She is the main playable character in Control.
What are other games that have Ugly main playable characters to the point where it killed the game's potential sales?
This is Jesse. She is the main playable character in Control.
What are other games that have Ugly main playable characters to the point where it killed the game's potential sales?
Oh my God, she looks like shit.
Is that the girl the projared banged?
she looks great guys
>how do we make the mc look as unnappealing as possible?
She has a manlier jaw and face than I do.
It's not out yet but...
Is that you, Rhonda Pearlman?
She looks like she just got off a bender of booze and cocaine
No the actress and face model is Courtney Hope. LOL
I wouldn't call that ugly, just bland. Ugly people make me wonder if there's some Lovecraftian genetic contamination going on.
Was wondering why sjws were raving about this.
It's like someone tried to recreate her face in Morrowind but forgot to set gender to female
never heard of this fucking game until 2 days ago.
horizon zero dawn
ugly people can become models now?
Ladies and gentlemen, the average SNOYstation protagonist
>brooding bald man
She looks like Sam Lake
>Born: August 15, 1989 (age 30 years)
I'm not the only one who looked at her cheekbones and saw this right
she looks alright, honestly
that looks like holly
Just couldn't get past his awful facial hair.
>caring about the looks of game character
This is how you spot incel boys.
How does she look with the bodysuit?
not caring about your appearance or the appearance of others.
Raise your standards
I'd rather have the thick tit-cow.
This is just the most perfect example of how out of touch some of these SJW developers are.
In a memo, Ubisoft saw that they needed Watch Dogs 2 to have a black character.
And what do they do?
>We must avoid stereotypical depictions of black men in order to make our character a positive image
Then they end up with this. The least thuggish, athletic, smart or even fashionable looking lead in gaming. Seriously, this guy looks like some average dude you'd find waiting in line at Whole Foods to pay for his organic cilantro and onions lattes.
that game aint great but thats just a normal black people goatee, you see it on a lot of the blacks so it makes sense it'd be on a virtual black
Would you watch a movie if 3/10s starred in it? People enjoy entertainment best when it has good-looking characters. This is the fundamental difference between Western and Japanese game design, the former wants everything to mirror reality while the latter focuses on fantasy.
Reddit please stop, this is never funny. Now have a double nigger and fuck off to your safe space to cry about mean people like me.
Cant you seriously not sculpt the face after scanning it? Just reduce the jaw a bit and remove the resting bitch face.
>seething over any character that doesn't look like your chinese toon
lmao, don't shoot anyone
Sorry I hurt your feelings, hope your mom can make it better and show you how to dilate properly
have to respect the original models face even if she is a butterface. maybe some modder will do it
Well that's EGS exclusives for you
have sex
Oh boy, what word is being filtered to cilantro?
Can you give her a mask?
I bet its cilantro
I don't even have to play this game to tell you the truth, this game could probably be 10 times better if you replace that ugly goblina with a cute red haired anime girl
Cute anime girls with guns is the cringiest thing in existence.
90% of women in my area aren't even this attractive and I'm guessing your area isn't much better.
and realistic looking girls with guns are not? they're both shit my man, but at least the anime girls with guns are bearable to look at
The absolute state of wh*te w*men
Nah anime girls are cringier, might as well blast some nightcore with it too
>wh*Te ""women""
you need to go back
I mean, they could at least made her look average, but no
Been here longer than you, cringecore
lol if that was true you wouldn't bring it up
>red hair
>green eyes
>pale white skin
>soulless expression on her face
Nice trips
also kys weeb
horizon zero dawn
cilantro and onion
It only affects porn games, most of people that play games don't want to fuck everything in sight
>I prefer ugly females, m'lady
look at her fucking face, she looks like she's about to give me a lecture on toxic masculinity and women's rights
>unga bunga me buy games with dick
>this is doing shit
>ancestors is getting 5/10's everywhere
Gee thanks for the free money Timmy. Now we can go make even more shovelware trash
Have sex, incel.
worst VA i've heard all year
oh well. hopefully blenderfags can make her more attractive and put her model to better use
Anime girls make everything better.
thrust in me, I'm trying
Well she does look really fucking bad it comes from a western dev they never fail at delivering ugly female characters anyway is the game good ?
Is that an offer?
>he doesn't buy games exclusively with his dick
except gay sex
b-but I thought finngolians were based game devs
Looks like Kaniehtiio Horn from Letterkenny
Jesus Christ, this is how Jessica Jones should look after so much alcohol
Dead Rising has a lot of deliberately ugly characters, including Frank West himself. Even Jesse, with her giant tits and fat ass, has a relatively homely face.
Definitely took the bog-pill.
underrated post
lmfao dude how do you think the porn you watch is some kinda flex? Cringe
she looks okay, like some chick from procedurals
but her voice is shit
What the hell happened to Remedy? Weren't they a big deal once upon a time?
you will never be a real woman.
Quantum Break flopped
So they decided to make quantum break reskin with female character instead. Good idea.
I'd do her from behind
and they started production on their next title without knowing why
WOOF, I thought were going for some kind of plain Jane western look. This is some pre-op surgery shit right there.
Right unironically looks better until you get up to the neck
That meme is so old that I honestly wouldn't be surprised is most people here now don't know about it
Frank west isn't ugly, not in the first game at least.
Looks like they used sam lake's face for the protagonist again.
Is Quantum Break worth playing? I recently got an XB1 and it's "free" on Game Pass.
alan wake was indefensible
What is it with all these ugly-ass women in games these days?
If its free why ask? Just try it out.
>inb4 i dont jave gamepass
Isnt that shit like 1 peso?
Because it's almost 180GB and I ain't got time to wait on that if it's shit
What's with you and only playing western games?
that hair is not doing her any favors
>180 GB
shut up thats not real
The only new releases I play are Jap games now, since western developers (outside of some indies) haven't made anything I've been interested in in a while. I'm on the outside looking in here.
>Because it's almost 180GB and I ain't got time to wait on that if it's shit
Cant tell if joking or serious
>tfw even Yea Forumstards have better looking gfs
It's like they go out of their way to make them ugly, and call it representation
Top kek good hunter of the church...
this was my first thought